C230 Departure to Pure Land(part I)

Twelve o'clock, Storm Island.

Passing through the dark and dense forests of Storm Island, they finally arrived in front of an ancient ruin. If Spark did not lead the way, it would have been difficult to find this ruin.

"There it is." Spark pointed to a pile of rocks. If one did not observe carefully, no one would be able to tell that this was the entrance to the ruins.

"Thank you for your help, Spark." "Arthur handed over a small bottle to Spark. Of course, the bottle was filled to the brim with Moonlight Worms." Go eat it and replenish your energy. "

Spark remained indifferent: "I'm not your pet. "

"Oh, yes." "Arthur handed the bottle over to Eavan," Eavan, you are his master, you should feed him. "

With Bedivere's help, Eavan took the bottle. His eyes were still blind from the excessive consumption.

"Hmm, how …"

"It's not a plug. It's screwed." Arthur replied.

"Alright …" Eavan clumsily opened the bottle, but his hands slipped and the bottle fell to the ground, breaking into pieces. The Noctilucent Insect flew out.

"Uh, sorry …" "

Spark flew over and caught a few Noctilucent Insect to eat. Most of the bugs were scattered and couldn't be caught.

"I have indeed received the payment." The Purple Electric Dragon dropped a Dragon Scale and flew away.

"That guy really does what he wants." "Jade Green Wind Dragon Havel picked up the Dragon Scale," Don't mind it, Eavan. "

"Uh, oh …" Eavan said absent-mindedly. He could not help but feel a surge of fear.

He, who could see everything before, was now surrounded by darkness. The world where he could not see anything had once been so terrifying!

If his eyes had not recovered, if this was his fate, what should he do?

"We're going in. I don't know if there are any traps, so be careful." Arthur reminded. He couldn't help but think of the Warrior's Tomb, which was filled with killing traps.

Right now, without the help of Eavan's Hawk Eye Arts, the risk of walking in this kind of dangerous relic was extremely high.

If it were not for the promise to Malefic to investigate this matter to the end, Arthur would never risk his life.

Bedivere walked in front, carefully listening to the sounds produced by any mechanisms while also carefully smelling any signs of danger from the blood. He knew that everything he was doing now was related to the life of the entire team, so he didn't dare to be negligent in the slightest.

However, the ruins were very clean. There were no traces of traps or the smell of blood. The difference between this relic and the Warrior's Tomb was huge. It was peaceful and quiet, like an old man who used calmness to welcome his guest.

The building reflects the builder's heart: this relic does not refuse visitors. The structure of the ruins showed that it had the same purpose as the elves: peace and hospitality.

Even though it was already a thousand-year-old relic, it had a beauty that was one with nature. This beauty was not the rough and cruel sadness of Warrior's Tomb, but a kind of lively beauty.

Just a ruin was already so beautiful. Bedivere couldn't help but look forward to see, how beautiful could the true pure land Eliason of the elves be?

They quickly arrived at the center of the relic, where the pillar of light was.

"This is!" Jade Green Wind Dragon Havel looked at the skeleton in the room in shock.

It was the dragon's skeleton.

The remains of Jade Green Wind Dragon Havel and the mother of the Purple Electric Dragon.

"It was buried here." "I've finally found you, Mother." "

"You didn't know your mother's remains were buried here?" Arthur asked in surprise.

"I don't know." "I only know that my mother died in Storm Island." There was a hint of her mother's scent. "

He flew to the remains of his mother. "Long time no see, Mother!" "

When he touched the dragon bone, some kind of memory magic was activated.

The memories flowed into Havel's mind. After a moment, he turned around and said to Eavan, "Eavan, come over quickly. You need to know this. "

"Uh, me?" "

With Arthur's help, Eavan walked in front of the dragon bone with a skeptical expression and reached out his hand to caress the dragon bone.

The memories flowed into Eavan's mind.

That dragon, she had turned into a human, and for some reason, she had approached the Knights. That knight was very strong, very strong indeed. This was the only reason why the woman was so close to him.

She wanted the knights to be loyal to her and help her complete her mission.

However, the knights were chasing after fame and fortune, giving her up for fame and fortune.

She was not completely disappointed. She placed her hopes on the next generation.

She stole some genetic material from her man. Originally, humans and Dragon could not be combined. But by magic, she blended the genetic material with the empty dragon's egg.

The child that is born is a human being — or something infinitely close to a human being.

Something infinitely weak.

This accident was beyond her imagination. She had thought that she would be able to create the power of that Knight, the body of a dragon, the warrior who would be able to fulfill her mission, [Order Defender].

The flustered and exasperated her, she should have abandoned this defeated work, looked for a stronger knight, and continued her mission.

But motherhood bound her. No matter how weak, no matter how useless, this child was still her child. While she searched for other ways, she took care of the child as she grew up.

Until the moment her life was targeted.

The woman, surrounded by darkness, was approaching.

Helpless, she created a fake memory of death, instilled that memory into the child's memory and sent the child away.

When the enemy came, she fought with the woman who was surrounded by endless darkness and lost. She had escaped with great difficulty after bearing such heavy injuries, but in the end, she had died in this hiding place.

She had placed her hopes on the next generation. She only hoped that her good-for-nothing son would one day become strong and return here.

In order to save the Eliason's pure land.

All of this was originally just a series of vague memories, probably recorded before the dragon died in a state of unconsciousness.

Even though it was a blurry memory, to Eavan, it was incomparably shocking!

The youth let go and kneeled in front of the dragon bone, his blind eyes streaming with blood!


The owner of this dragon bone was none other than Eavan's mother, "Alice".

Eavan was not even considered a half-elf. He was created by Alice by magic, half human, half dragon.

A failure.

He was such a loser, yet he was still loved by his mother.

"So …" This kid is my younger brother? Havel muttered.

Arthur thought, Dragon Race were all discordant between close relatives. Havel, Spark, and even Eavan, didn't they just hit each other as soon as they met each other?

Eavan finally knew everything. Ever since he was young, he had always been on top of the light tower, watching the fierce battle between Jade Green Wind Dragon and the Purple Electric Dragon from afar.

What he saw was dragons flying freely in the sky. The blood of the dragon that flowed in his body was envious and eager to fly.

The reason why this originally weak child could continuously become stronger was not because of his bloodline, nor was it because of his half dragon body. It was because of the [Heart] that he wanted to fly.

The youth was still that weak youth. But, once the heart transforms into a dragon … He was already a dragon.

"Arthur …." Eavan asked softly. "Who is the woman who killed our mother?" "

Arthur, who was supporting Eavan, had also seen the memory left behind by Alice. He knew that woman, and he also knew that he wouldn't be able to explain it to her: It was because Eavan had once met someone who looked similar to that woman.

That woman looked very similar to Vivian and Morgs. Of course, they were three sisters!

"That woman is called Morgan. Morgan. le. Phew. Conville. "Arthur said without emotion," She is … My half-sister. "

"Arthur …." Eavan's heart was burning with the blazing fire of hatred. He asked coldly, "If I want to kill her, will you stop me? "

Arthur did not answer. Morgan had always been an evil person, she hated everything in the world.

Arthur didn't know whether to love this big sister or hate her. Arthur didn't have this kind of relationship [Love] in the first place, and a person who wouldn't love, wouldn't hate him either.

"Well …." We'll talk about it later. "Arthur's words were vague, and he urged Eavan," Let's think of a way to enter the Fairy Realm first. The sun-moon necklace in your hand might be some kind of clue. "

"I can't see." "Here." Eavan handed the necklace over to Arthur. "