C224 Quest in Wonderland(part Ii)

Arthur jumped down from the back of the White Frost Dragon Immortal Via, and saw that there were already dozens of Southermost Knight Organization Knights surrounding the Mechanical Warehouse.

"Who are you?" Quickly state your name! The knights raised their weapons.

"It's me," Arthur took off his helmet. He knew that if he were to visit this place late at night, it would definitely cause a commotion.

"Arthur, temporary. Kelton wanted to see the Duke of Yoens. Arthur replied.

The Knights recognized Arthur the moment he took off his helmet, but he was after all, someone outside of the Westernmost Knight Organization. Furthermore, he had come in a hurry at night, so the Knights couldn't help but be suspicious.

"Arthur!" "Eavan rushed over and said to Arthur," What are you guys doing in Southermost Knight Organization so late? "

"I have something to discuss with you, of course." Arthur replied. Behind him, the White Frost Dragon Immortals were also anxiously driving away Bedivere and the others from his back. Then, they all flew onto Arthur's shoulders and squatted there.

The strange scene of a red and white dragon squatting on Arthur's shoulder made all of the Knights of Southermost Knight Organization unable to help but discuss. At this time, Oyun also arrived, he made a few hand signals to the surrounding Knights to chase them away, then came over to Arthur and said: "Lord Arthur, looks like you have something important to discuss with them. I'll bring you guys to see the Duke Yoens. "

"Alright, Eavan and I will talk while we walk. Arthur replied.

At the same time, Arthur asked Eavan, "That necklace that your mother left for you, can you lend it to Malefic and the others to have a look at? "

"Mm …" Last time, Malefic Red Fire Dragon had lost control of himself over the necklace, causing him to become wary of the two dragons.

He looked at the Red Dragon on Arthur's shoulder.

"Mr. Malefic, Mr. Xian Wei, I can show you the necklace." "But this is my mother's memento, so please be careful when you look at it. If it breaks, I won't even have the keepsake to remember my mother."

"I know, I'll be careful." "Malefic took the necklace in one hand, then jumped onto the top of Arthur's head and started whispering to him. Only they could understand the dragon language.

Malefic finally had the chance to look at this necklace carefully. It was a very beautiful silver necklace, and when the Fire Dragon held it in its hand, it felt like it was being protected by a strong protection magic. It was probably unbreakable (Eavan's worries were unnecessary). The necklace is made of a silver base inlaid with obsidian and a black crescent moon.

In this beautiful and elegant black crescent moon, a familiar power faintly came over.

The two dragons couldn't figure out if this had anything to do with the Pure Land. They only had deeper doubts and uneasiness.

"Hey!" "Arthur was obviously unhappy that his head was stepped on by a dragon, but Malefic did not hear any protest from Arthur at all. He and his brother continued their discussion until they arrived in front of the Duke Yoens's office.

"Knock." Owen knocked on the door, cleared his throat, and said, "Duke Yoens, Heavenly Stage Knight Arthur requests to see you." "

"Let them in." Heavenly Stage Knight Yoens's voice came from inside.

Owen gently pushed the door open.

Duke Yoens was busy looking through the mountainous pile of documents in his office.

"Oh, Arthur!" "I'm sorry, I've been busy these past few days. There are a lot of documents that I haven't had the time to examine and approve, and I'm busy right now. "

"Uh, okay." Arthur replied perfunctorily. He never thought that Yoens would also be busy with official business. If it was Grand Duke Lyons … ~ Is that Greenville busy with the examination and approval? He couldn't help but be worried.

"What is it? Do you have something to say to me?" Yoens said impatiently.

Arthur pulled Malefic's tail.

"Well, okay, wait a minute." "Duke Yoens, this humble one is Malefic Red Fire Dragon, and would like to ask you something about your ex-wife." "

"What ex-wife?" Yoens was startled for a moment.

"Cough, cough." "Eavan coughed dryly and whispered to the Malefic," "Duke Yoens has never been married to my mother."

"Well, to put it another way - I want to know about the boy's mother." Especially about the fact that she was an elf. "

The Duke of Yoens stopped writing as he looked at Malefic Red Fire Dragon sternly. Then, he spat out a sentence. Alice is a human, I know that well. She doesn't have elven ears, Hawk Eye Arts s, super vision or anything like that. Her eyesight was better than an ordinary person's, but that was all. "

This couldn't explain Eavan's innate eagle-eyes ability. "Even if a human could use the Eagle Eye, they would still need a long period of practice. Furthermore, they would need to use it against the risk of their eyes being petrified and blinded. "

Eavan could basically use it any way he wanted, his hawk eyes were simply superhuman. Eavan was definitely not human.

"I'm confused about that, too." "But I can't answer any of your questions, because I don't know either." "

"Please tell me more about my mother." "Anything is fine. Do you know where this necklace came from?" "

Yoens looked at the necklace on Eavan's hand. He sighed.

"Fifteen years ago, I think, when my wife died and was very disappointed and went to the city to drink." "And then I met your mother, Alice, in the bar." "

"…." And then? Seeing that Yoens did not continue, Eavan could not help but ask.

"And then there was no after." "Alice is a prostitute, of course we did that." Yoens said in embarrassment. I was very fond of that woman at that time. She was always very gentle, always leaning on my chest and talking to me. "

"Cough, cough." "At the side, Owen could not help but cough dryly." Father, please take note of your words … "

"We spent three years together like this." Most of the time it's money, but I like that woman. She was a very free person, and no one felt any pressure when they were with her. "

And then what? Eavan saw that Yoens had started to change the topic and quickly replied.

"And then?" At that time, I also climbed up to the position of the Heavenly Stage Knight. Our statuses became more and more different, and the other Knights also started to gossip more and more. "If Owen had not chased Alice away, I might have chosen to be with Alice instead of Heavenly Stage Knight. "

"However, I did not stop Owen, because I really wanted to be the Heavenly Stage Knight. The Grand Duke was blunt.

"How terrible …." Arthur and Eavan could not help but speak at the same time.

"You're still brats, of course it's so easy!" Yoens couldn't help but defend himself, "I have a lot of responsibilities, how can I give up my responsibilities for a woman?" Besides, I didn't know Alice was pregnant. "

"What would you do if you knew?" Eavan asked with an ice-cold tone.

"Of course, find a place to put Alice in secret and wait for her to give birth."

"Bad!" "Arthur, Eavan, Malefic Red Fire Dragon and White Frost Dragon Xianwei shouted at the same time.

Yoens looked at this group of fellows who were jeering around and couldn't help but find it funny. "There's no need to be so angry. "

Arthur glanced at the Duke of Yoens coldly, "Duke, is that all you know? "

"That's all." Yoens replied without hesitation.

"Really?" Seeing that the other party's answer was so casual, Arthur asked again.

"Really …" What? Thus, Yoens seriously thought about it. Then the old bastard seemed to think of something, and he said, "Oh, I almost forgot, there's one more thing." "

He held out his right middle finger. On it was a ring with a sun carved with gold and amber.

"This is the only gadget Alice gave me." At the time, she only said that it was [a worthless thing], so I didn't pay much attention to it and just kept wearing it. "

The golden sun and the black moon. Arthur had already guessed something, but he maintained his composure.

"..." Can I see it? Eavan asked.

"Well, okay." "The Duke of Yoens wanted to take off his ring. However, he had been wearing it for many years. The ring was extremely tight and he could no longer take it off.

"Well, why is it so tight?" He pulled harder. "Well, no."

"I'll help." "Eavan reached out his hand to pull it. He was pulling on one side and Yoens was pulling on the other, but he was unable to pull the ring out from Yoens's ring finger.

Seeing that it was ineffective, Eavan increased his strength.

Ow!" It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts! The Duke of Yoens shouted.

"I'll get some soapy water." "Oyun looked at his father and brother's helpless and funny expressions and hurriedly walked out.