C185 To Lose to a Melee(part Iii)

Toville opened his eyes and saw that Arthur had just placed a wet towel on his forehead.

"Ah …" Sigh … Toville said weakly.

"Don't move, you're having a fever." "There's something wrong with that damned rabbit's medicine." Thanks to that Biddy, he was a step too late. "

"Bei …." Biddy... "

"Don't worry, we'll find a way to save him." Arthur said, "You should get some rest now." "

"Arthur …." Sorry... He couldn't … Help Meow … "

"Don't blame yourself. You've already helped us a lot." Arthur said, "Go to sleep." "

At the same time, at Coves's house.

"Eat." "The Leopard Man brought out a bowl of something that looked like wild vegetable porridge. Bedivere was dumbstruck when he saw the various unnatural colors floating on the surface of the bowl.

"You don't want me to eat this, do you?" This is pig food? Leopard Man Race's Bad Cuisine? Bedivere complained.

"It's so noisy. There are only enough ingredients to make this kind of food. If you want to eat it, then eat it. If you don't, then continue to starve." Coves said as he ate the other bowl of wild vegetable porridge. From the way he ate, he could tell that the taste of the porridge was not really pleasing to the ear.

"Incredible! --where's your kitchen?" "Bedivere pushed away the bowl of wild vegetable porridge and walked over to the kitchen to see if there were any ingredients he could use to cook. He saw only wild vegetables, carrots, and flour.

"Like I said, you don't have enough to cook. Do you think this is a high-end hotel?" Coves mocked.

"Arthur used very few ingredients to make very good food. The point is, you didn't try. "

Ten minutes later, the flour was ready. The sesame seed cake that was chopped into wild vegetables and sprinkled with shredded radish was brought to Bedivere on the table. The hot scones smelled of wild vegetables.

"Eat." Bedivere replied.

"Wasn't it just randomly made —" Coves took a bite, and then his voice changed from his usual righteousness to a low mutter. "It's just a sesame seed cake. "

In order to eliminate all the evidence, he even picked up the wild vegetable porridge he made for Bedivere and drank it all in one go. But after drinking it, he realized that the taste of the biscuit he made was too different from the one Biddy made for him.

"Yes, a little." Coves said coldly.

"Hmph, dishonest guy." Bedivere continued to eat until he had eaten all of the biscuit in a few bites. He realized he was still hungry.

"Are you too lazy to go out and buy food, or do you really have no money?" "Not even in the village where I used to live, when the harvest was at its worst." "

"Money?" You mean this? The Leopard Man took out a bag of gold coins. "I'll give you this, if you can really buy food within a radius of ten miles." "

"…." Had the lack of food reached such a stage? Bedivere frowned.

This was the third year of drought in a row. God knows how long it will last. At this rate, all the citizens of Dark Domain would starve to death. Coves said.

Even so, it is not right to invade the world of mankind for our own sake. Bedivere replied.

While we were dying of hunger, humans were savoring their fertile world, wasting food. They obviously have extra food, but they would rather throw it away and even mildew it, but they don't even want to share it with us. I can't forgive such a human. Coavis said.

"Humans don't even have the right to own Glorious Region. One day, I will expel them from the Glorious Region, and let these displaced weaklings taste the taste of cold hunger. "

Bedivere did not answer. He knew in his heart that the conflict between humans and orcs was not something that a child like him could resolve with just a few words.

"Go to sleep when you're full. You still have a long way to go tomorrow." Coves replied.

"A long way?" "

At night.

Rabbit man Ryder endured the suffocating pain. After a long while, he was finally pulled out of the water by Arthur.

"Well, do you want to say something?" Arthur asked coldly.

"Cough, cough, cough …" I've already said it's none of my business! I really don't know anything! Ryder cried.

"Don't know?" You're the one who gave it to me, you know best what its medicinal effects are! We humans will be fine if we eat it, but Bedivere and Toville have been tricked! The purpose of this plan is to prevent Bedivere from escaping at a critical moment and falling into the enemy's hands! "said," It was in vain that I trusted you so much, and Bedivere treated you as a friend! You bastard who betrayed his friends! Tell me, who ordered you to do this!? "

"I didn't!" How many times do you want me to say that I did not betray my friends! I really didn't know that the antidote would be ineffective against Betty! Ryder defended himself.

"You still …"

"Forget it, Arthur." "Hall, who was observing coldly from the side, interrupted Arthur," Since he is unwilling to admit it, he definitely has his own reasons. But, Rabbit, I want to ask you a question. The Leopard Man could not mobilize such a large force to ambush us without making any preparations. When we snuck into the research facility, it was supposed to be the best time for Leopard Man's troops to ambush us. But instead of waiting for us at the institute, they were out searching for us, because the main force would alert us, right? They couldn't know exactly when we were coming, so they couldn't make a good ambush. This means that someone did leak the information, but this informant had the means to tell them the date of our operation, but couldn't tell them the exact time of our operation. "

"So what?!" With so many people coming and going in and out of your order, it's still a question whether your Knights can completely trust you! Why did you put this responsibility on my head?! Ryder argued.

"My Knights are all knights loyal to the Pantolacken. They have no reason to betray the human race." The Knights you met yesterday were all my trusted aides, so no one would leak any information about me. If Arthur suspects you, then you are the only suspect between last night and the start of the operation today.

As for why you can't tell me the exact time of the battle, I have an idea. My conference room is a special room that seals off external interference with magic. Once it is activated, no one can enter or eavesdrop on any activity in the room. In the future, I will send Kaldor to guard you, and you won't have any leeway to spread the news. "

"So you can leak the date of the battle, but not the exact time." This is one of my assumptions. Hall replied.

"It's just a hypothesis!" "What makes you say that? I must be the one to do it."

Before Ryder could finish speaking, his left ear was sliced off by Arthur!

Ahh!" So painful! It hurt so much! "Ryder cried out with all his might.

"I've heard enough," Arthur said, his face growing horrific. "Either tell me all the secrets now, or watch me cut off one of your hands or feet every minute until you're chopped off!" "

"It really wasn't me!" It really wasn't! Ryder held his head and shrunk into a ball from the pain, while crying loudly.

"A minute, then your left hand." Arthur raised his sword and was about to cut down.

Duke Hall grabbed Arthur's hand, stopping him. "Don't be impatient, young man. The rabbit also intended to deny that violence was unfair to him. Let's just lock him up for a few days and watch him for a while. "

"How many days?" What's the use of closing it for a few days! Because of this fellow's betrayal, Bedivere had sacrificed himself! Do you think I can still watch him be locked up here?! "

"It's very possible that Knight Bedivere is still alive." Hall suddenly said.