C183 To Lose to a Melee(part I)

However, after walking for only a minute, Arthur started to have a bad premonition.

"Too simple, now that I think about it." Arthur said, "I keep having the feeling that it shouldn't be this simple." "

"It's all thanks to Eavan. "Without him, how could we have bypassed so many guards and arrive at the freezer without any warning?" "

Eavan groaned.

"There are a lot of guards, and the security at the institute is really tight." "Arthur thought about it," But... He had a nagging feeling that something was wrong. Something was not right. "

"Arthur, relax. You don't have to think about everything so complicated. "Bedivere said," The enemy's guards are already so tightly guarded that there's nothing to say. It's just that we did a little better. "

"No, that's not right!" "Arthur suddenly thought it through," No, this is a trap! The fox people have been checking our numbers all this while, they should be clear about Eavan's ability! There was no reason not to take precautions against this ability! "

"Eavan hasn't been staying with us lately, remember?" Tristan retorted.

"Eavan stayed with us for a while! That group of foxes had all seen it! Arthur said, "That's right, this is the loophole!" Why didn't I think of it before? — — There's no other way, Tristan, call your ice mole over. We'll open another tunnel from the other direction and escape. The exit of this tunnel was already heavily guarded and could no longer be used. "

"Are you crazy?" He was just a few steps away from the door, yet he had to take a detour?! "Unless you can come up with real evidence to prove that there's a trap waiting for us." Otherwise, I wouldn't have wasted my time on your neurotic speculation! "

"That's my hunch!" Do it quickly, or you'll regret it! Arthur shouted angrily.

"If you want me to listen to you, then take out the evidence first!" Tristan retorted.

"Stop it!" Bedivere said, "Very good, one relies on inspiration while the other insists on reason. If the argument went on like this, there would be no end to it. Let's leave it to fate. "

He took out a gold coin.

"Front." Arthur said.

"The other way around." Tristan said at the same time.

Bedivere threw out a coin, but the result was … The other side.

"Looks like your inspiration won't be able to help you this time!" Tristan laughed coldly.

Arthur stomped his feet in anger, "Fine, since that's the case, let's continue running towards the exit! Drink the antidote and get ready to break through! "

A minute later they were at the exit. The result proved that Arthur's premonition was right.

Over a hundred Orc Warriors were waiting at the tunnel's exit, completely surrounded.

"Lianyin, begin your teleportation immediately! Arthur shouted.

"They've expanded the range of the barrier. They're still in it, so they can't teleport." "We have to find a way to get to the other side of the mountain." "

"I knew it would." Arthur coldly glared at Tristan. Tristan frowned, and did not say a word.

"Hehe, isn't this the Duke Hall? Long time no see. One of the Leopard Man leading the way said.

"Un, isn't this Patriarch Hackett? Long time no see. Hall said as he whispered to Arthur, "That guy is the Patriarch of Glick Race." Remember, don't get too close to him! I'll deal with him. You guys concentrate on escaping to the top of the mountain. "

There were still a large number of Soldier s. Tristan said.

"Toville, follow closely behind me! Everyone else should behave themselves! "Arthur drank the antidote for the antidote.

"Charge!" "

With the order given, everyone dashed out like arrows that had left the bowstring. While they were fighting everywhere, they were also looking for an opportunity to get closer to the mountain top.

The Duke Hall and the Hackett Family Patriarch were fighting to the point where they were unable to comprehend each other. Initially, Arthur was very curious, he wanted to see the situation between the two of them. However, Toville had to go behind his back to protect him, so he did not have time to split his energy to watch the battle.

Slash! Arthur cut a Tiger Man that was rushing over to stop him in half!

Again! Another fox at the side had its arm cut off! He was in so much pain that he fell to the ground!

Continue chopping! Arthur cut open the head of another Tiger Man!

Arthur smashed his sword on the waist of the other life Tiger Man and at the same time, raised his small cross bow and shot through the other fox's head. He grabbed Toville and with a leap, Arthur landed on top of the mountain.

At the same time, Lianyin also arrived. Once she steadied herself, she immediately set up a defensive magic shield, shooting all kinds of fireballs and Ice Arrow around as she used her repelling magic to send the beastmen who were rushing over flying. Arthur then raised his crossbow in the temporary position and continued to shoot, helping Lianyin to defend.

Tristan and Eavan also came over one after another, and when they arrived, they did the same thing as Arthur. Rain of bullets flew everywhere, and magic bombed everywhere.

But the orcs had an absolute number. Being surrounded was only a matter of time!

"Biddy, hurry!" Arthur looked at Bedivere who was running slowly in the distance and shouted loudly.

Bedivere looked tired, his face was red, his running speed was getting weaker and weaker.

"That kid, could it be that the antidote he drank didn't work!?" Tristan shouted.

"Give me the spare!" Arthur stretched out his hand. He no longer had time to care who handed the medicine over to him. "

The medicine bottle was thrown far away, accurately flying in front of Bedivere. Werewolf Boy caught it and gulped it down.

Then, under the cover of everyone's bullets, he began to run, making his final sprint!

At the same time, Duke Hall used a powerful sword skill, lifting up a hundred feet of earth wall, blocking the Patriarch of the Leopard Man Race on the other side. After buying himself this little time, the Duke Hall ran over to meet up with the group.

"Lianyin," Arthur said, seeing that Bedivere was almost there, "let's start the teleportation magic! "

"Prepare for teleportation!" Lianyin shouted.

"Three!" The group began to hold hands.

Bedivere was still fifty feet away from the finish line! He was almost there!

"Two!" "Arthur reached out his hand to Bedivere.

"One!" "Facing the fox man beside him who was obstructing his way, Bedivere pounced towards him. The last five feet! He reached out his hand, preparing to grab Arthur's hand.

"Legend —"

A blue figure flew down from above and pressed Bedivere down to the ground!

Sending off! "

"Bédi--!" Arthur shouted.

The world began to change its shape at a high speed. In the end, what imprinted itself in Arthur's eyes was the scene where Bedivere was pressed down to the ground and reached out his hand in despair.

The blue figure who caught Bedivere was none other than Chetovia. Coavis.

When Arthur came back to his senses, the group had already returned to the Southermost Knight Organization battle conference room.

"Bertie …." I... We left him... Arthur gasped for breath, and muttered.

If he had worked a little harder, he could have obviously grabbed Bedivere's hand.

If he was willing to persevere, he could have avoided being ambushed by the Orcs.

If he had noticed the abnormality in Bedivere's body earlier, he could have let him escape!

If. If. A bunch of things suddenly popped up in Arthur's mind, making him confused.

"Arthur, I'm sorry. "But this is already irreparable, so stop blaming yourself." "

"I didn't try hard enough." I underestimated the wisdom of the orcs. I was the one who got Biddy arrested. Arthur said in a daze.

"Duke Hall!" "Arthur suddenly kneeled on the ground." Please, lend me the Southermost Knight Organization! It's not too late yet! "If I were to teleport back to that place now, it would still be possible …"

"Calm down, son." "Heavenly Stage Knight caressed Arthur's head," You know that is impossible. Even if I could gather all the Knights in the knights, Miss Lianyin can only teleport seven people at a time. "

"They've already retreated." It was too late. Hall continued.

Damn …" Arthur could not help but shed tears of regret. "Abominable … Ahh!"

His wails echoed throughout the base.

At the same time, at the Dark Domain area. Hackett walked over to check the situation.

"Still let them escape?" It was really hard to catch someone with teleportation abilities. "Fortunately, the capture of the Silver Wolf, Bevilov, has been beneficial." "

"Lord Patriarch, what should we do with this kid?" asked the Leopard Man Warrior.

"Is there a need to ask?" Kill him right away, of course, and gouge out his heart. The Hackett Patriarch said coldly.

"This little one has a better plan. Would the clan leader agree to it?" Coves asked.

"Oh?" Tell me about it. "

As Coves left the Bedivere who had already knocked out the Patriarch, he also whispered a few sentences into the Patriarch's ear.

"Oh, is that so?" Hackett pondered for a moment. "It is possible, but such a risky plan..." "

"If we succeed, we'll get all the keys!" The war was going to be won! Coves advised.

Patriarch Hackett considered the pros and cons of the plan for a while, then he compromised, "Alright, you can take responsibility for this plan. Just remember: if you succeed, you advance to the next level. If you fail … Humph … "

Leopard Man Warrior Coves shivered.

He knew in his heart that this plan was extremely risky. But he had to bite the bullet.

Almost in despair, Coves desperately needed a promotion, for someone …