C180 Permeate into Remote Areas(part Ii)

At three in the morning the next day. Conference Room for the Battle of Southermost Knight Organization.

"Oh, dead tired." Was it necessary to get up so early? Tristan said.

"Don't be noisy. This is a time for every second." Arthur turned and said to Lianyin, "Lianyin, I want to confirm once again, are you really able to use Toville's memories to point the teleportation location and shift the teleportation location by one kilometre? "

"Yes." He had previously tested this in the old imperial city. The original teleportation spot had a radius of one kilometer, so the success rate was 80%. This was the limit. "

"Alright, it's enough to avoid the barriers of the research facility." Try to deflect the space above us so that the failure of the transport won't trap us in the ground. Arthur said.

Duke Hall listened quietly at the side. He had no intention to interrupt and no intention to help.

"After we teleport and land," Arthur explained as he pointed at the blueprint, "we will first move to the surrounding forests to hide, then use Tristan's Demonic Envoy to dig holes in the ground. Tristan, if you want to dig around one kilometre away, is your Demonic Envoy really okay? "

"It's only a kilometer. My ice mole can easily dig a dozen kilometers a day in a diamond like Everlasting Ice Wall, let alone those soft soil!" Tristan bragged.

"Good." "After we successfully entered the research facility through the tunnel, Bade and Eavan were responsible for keeping us on guard. They wanted to find the safest route so that we could have as little contact as possible. Once they were exposed, they had to get rid of the guards quickly and set off the alarm. Once that happened, everything would be over. "

"There's a big mistake in your plan." "Do you think that the Beastmen only use their ears and eyes to search for their enemies?" Their noses are so sensitive that if you walk there, you'll be easily detected. "

"Oh, what can you do?" Arthur asked calmly.

"Hmm, if it were anyone else, I would have no other choice, but for me, this —" The Rabbit pulled out a bottle of green potion. "A secret medicine for the purification of Elephantman Race, the body of the person who drinks it will slowly emit a special kind of photon, neutralizing the odor molecules emitted by the body. All day. Except for the smell of unnatural things like clothes, the smell of your body will disappear in a day. Do you want to try it out? "

"Eavan, try it, hurry up. Arthur said.

"Why …?" Tch, fine! Eavan took the medicine and drank it.

"Hm? No effect?" Bedivere took a whiff and said.

He had to change his clothes. It would be better if he could find something he hadn't worn for a long time. "

"I'll help you prepare this." Can I wear the Knight's uniform for Southermost Knight Organization? There are new sets. Gaia Knight Cardor said. This knight was still acting as Ryder's bodyguard, and could be said to be inseparable from him.

Ten minutes later.

"Hmm, it doesn't smell anymore. Although the new uniform has its own smell, it's too ordinary to be suspicious even if it does." Bedivere said.

"Okay, I'll sell this potion. How much is it?" Arthur asked.

"Wait a minute, let me finish." "This potion has another side effect: It will cause all the pores on the body to close up. This is deadly for you humans who rely on pores to dissipate heat. Even Orcs who rely on the ends of their hair to dissipate heat have a potential risk of overheating. After drinking the potion remember not to engage in strenuous exercise or else their bodies would faint from the heat. If you have to fight, drink this antidote. "

B.Rabbit took out another bottle of purple liquid.

"Considering that you need to fight and drink again, you'd better prepare fourteen bottles of antidotes and seven bottles of antidotes." One bottle would cost 500 Pantolacken gold coins, and one bottle would cost 300 gold coins. A total of 9100 gold coins. You have 9000 gold. The rabbit sneered.

"Oh, so that's how it is. You brat, you really know how to snatch money when you have the chance." Arthur glared at Ryder. "9000 gold coins?" But you give me another bottle of antidote, just in case. "

"…." Okay, that's it. Ryder replied.

"Then — —" Arthur was about to take out his money bag when Duke Hall walked over, "I'll pay for it. "

"Your Grace, that's a lot of money …" Are you sure? "Arthur asked," "This was originally our battle —"

"Stop hesitating, I can still afford to pay for this," Hall said as he handed the money over to Ryder. If this went on, it would soon be daybreak. "

"…." Well, thank the Grand Duke. Arthur said.

After drinking the antidote, they quickly took a shower and put on their new uniforms before gathering together. It was already 4 in the morning.

"Everyone, get ready. We're about to set off." Arthur said, "Lianyin?" "

"Prepare to be transported." Lianyin gestured for them to circle around hand in hand.

"Three, two, one, teleport!" "

Everyone disappeared in an instant, leaving only the human rabbit Ryder and the knight Kaldor in the battle room.

"A really worrying battle." Would such a reckless battle be successful? Ryder said as he put away the money.

"With Duke Hall following them, they should be in danger. Don't worry. Gaia Knight Cardor replied.