C172 Disclosure for Day(part I)

The next morning.

Arthur, are you ready? Bedivere worriedly asked as he ate his breakfast. Arthur basically had not been preparing for battle these past few days (He had only mumbled a few things with the dragons that only they could understand), was this really alright?

He had thought of a few countermeasures, but he had no way of knowing how effective they would be until he fought in actual combat. Arthur disagreed, "Anyway, my trump cards have all been grasped by the Duke Yoens, so I can only bite the bullet and go all out." "

As Arthur was speaking, a shadow suddenly shot in from outside the window, straight at the center of Toville's brows!

Pow! Arthur immediately used his blade to block the black shadow. The thing bounced for a few seconds in midair, then fell to the ground, its sharp point sticking into the wooden floor. Only then did everyone clearly see that the black shadow was a pure black arrow. The surface of the arrow was covered with a purple glow.

"It could be poison. Don't touch anyone!" "Arthur immediately thought of something and commanded:" Lianyin, use your magic shield to protect Toville well. Biddy, Tristan, come with me. "

"It's too late. They escaped when the ambush failed." Tristan shouted.

"Not late," Arthur said. "

Merman Boy knew clearly that the enemy had launched an attack outside of the range of Lianyin's magic barrier. In other words, the enemy was at least two hundred feet away from him. That guy was an expert assassin, so a high-speed escape was inevitable. He had probably run far away by now! Arthur still wants to chase after him? Wasn't this just wishful thinking?

Tristan was puzzled as he followed Arthur and Bedivere out of the house. At the same time, Arthur shouted, "Biddy, which direction? He had to be precise! "

"11: 05 in the direction," the Werewolf Boy called out as he tried to distinguish the scent in the air. The smell of the poison arrows formed a line in the world of his sense of smell. On this windless day, the point of the line was clearly visible.

"Tristan, can you help me shoot as much as Eavan can? Arthur asked again.

"Never tried." But shooting Ice Arrow s that could move a person was possible. Shoot you in the back? Don't blame me for hurting you. "Tristan aimed in the direction that Bedivere pointed, preparing to perform his magic.

"Just shoot!" "Arthur ran towards the direction that Bei Di had indicated, while waiting for the right time to attack.

"..." Forget it! "Tristan gathered his strength and released a magic spell. He shot out a huge Ice Arrow, using the orbiting acceleration spell to make the Ice Arrow instantly accelerate to the speed of a bullet, flying straight towards Arthur. Arthur somersaulted in the air, his feet firmly stepping on the Ice Arrow s, he followed the Ice Arrow out.

"It's too convenient. I have to learn it." Tristan said in envy.

The Ice Arrow that was flying at high speed caught up to the assassin very quickly. The assassin was still running with all his might, but he was about to be caught up to.

"Naive!" "Arthur crushed the Ice Arrow that was used as stepping stones. The Ice Arrow fragments were thrown towards the assassin like Shrapnel, not only blocking the assassin's attack, they also raised an ice mist to obstruct his line of sight.

"Got you!" "Arthur had already arrived behind the assassin and hacked off both his legs with his sword. With another slash, he chopped off his left arm. With the final slash, he cut off the bowl in his right hand!

Seeing that he could no longer run away, the fox man assassin opened his mouth, intending to bite his tongue to commit suicide.

"You wish!" Arthur had already stuffed all the rags he prepared into the fox man's mouth.

Roll ." The fox man who was cut into pieces rolled on the ground for a good distance before he stopped. Arthur slowly walked over and grabbed the assassin's hair to hang him up.

"Hey, are you still alive?" Arthur asked coldly.

The Fox Man Assassin had long since lost consciousness from the loss of blood.