C149 Western Heaven Chapter Beginning

The next day, when Arthur woke up, he found that it was already noon.

"Why didn't you call me?!" Arthur hurriedly ran out of the bedroom.

It was a sunny day outside. Arthur saw Bedivere and Tristan were practicing their sword techniques outside the house.

"But Arthur was so tired yesterday, so he decided to let you rest a bit longer. Bedivere stopped and said. At the same time, Tristan's wooden sword struck onto Bei Di's head.

"Bastard!" Didn't I tell you that you all are going to go to the Camilo ruins as soon as possible?! Arthur said angrily, "What if we delay our departure and end up in the night?" "

"Then..." Why not go? "Take a good rest for the day, and leave it for tomorrow."

Bedivere had not finished speaking, when he received a heavy punch from Arthur on top of his head.

"Ahhh!" Don't knock. Knocking so much will make you stupid. Werewolf Boy protested.

"You're an idiot. Maybe knocking a few more times will make you smarter." "After changing his clothes and eating lunch, we will leave immediately." "

"Arthur, you haven't eaten anything yet."

"My share is long gone." Arthur pointed to the table of lunch that had been emptied out.

"Come to think of it," Bedivere asked while munching on the bread, "Arthur, after you drank the dragon's blood, aren't you afraid that there will be more problems? "Thinking about Arthur who turned into a stone statue, his heart couldn't help but shiver.

He had already asked for Guinevere's opinion. She also said that my body would be able to handle the proper amount of dragon blood before I drank it. "Arthur said, then he suddenly thought about his engagement with Guinevere, and a subtle look flashed across his face.

"Huh?" "Tristan caught the expression on Arthur's face, he suddenly thought that he understood something, and laughed sinisterly.

"Okay, I'm done eating." Bedivere wolfed down the entire meal, then picked up his equipment and stood up.

"Don't waste your food. Eat the carrot in your bowl." Arthur said coldly.

"Aren't you in a hurry?" Bedivere didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"That's why I told you to hurry." Arthur replied.

"Betty, you can't always be picky about food. You'll never grow up that way." Tristan sneered.

"You pretended to teach me a lesson, but you kept putting green beans in my bowl. What's going on?!" The Werewolf Boy shouted in anger.

"So noisy. I'm allergic to green beans. I have no choice." The Merman Prince said.

"Such a lousy lie!" Bedivere shouted angrily.

Then, Arthur gave the two youths a punch.

"If you don't eat soon, I'll put these radishes and green beans in your noses!" he snapped, making a throat-slitting gesture.

Two in the afternoon.

"Oh, it's finally here." Patrick the White Golden Griffin was waiting at the entrance to the library. "Smelly boy, yesterday's bite still hurt my arm." I will settle this debt with you later. "

"Later." Can I go in now? Arthur said indifferently.

"Go in." Leo Dickens is waiting for you. The White Golden Griffin stepped aside.

When Arthur and the rest walked over, Arthur suddenly opened his mouth like a prank towards the White Golden Griffin, and bit down. The Griffin was so scared that it jumped back. Behind Arthur, Baimei and Tristan couldn't help but laugh out loud.

After a long walk through the dank, musty tunnel, they entered deep into the earth, and the surrounding space became dry and comfortable. The Grand Duke Lyons was currently waiting in front of a huge door.

Heavenly Stage Knight looked to be in good spirits. Other than his right hand being bandaged which he temporarily could not use, it did not look like the time when he had just gone through a life-and-death battle yesterday.

"Grand Duke Lyons, did you catch his hand?" Arthur asked.

"After taking care of it, Guinevere said that it would heal in a month or so after recuperating, so there's no need to worry. "Heavenly Stage Knight Leo Dickens laughed." Now, come in. "

Just like inviting guests into his house, Leo Dickens used his left hand to gently push open the ancient gate. Facing the crowd, there was the smell of old books and wood.

This huge underground building already seemed to have a very long history. The destruction of the First Imperial Capital's Camilo had hastened its decline. But the library was protected by some kind of magic, and although it was old, it was not damp or musty.

"In there …" There weren't any demons living there, were there? Tristan hid behind Bedivere and asked.

"The library is protected by a barrier. Monsters can't get in." The Heavenly Stage Knight said.

"So …" Grand Duke, you were once the manager of the First King's Black History Library? Arthur asked tentatively.

"Black History Library?" No! Leo Dickens acted as if he had heard a funny joke and immediately laughed out loud, his laughter reverberating in the quiet and empty library.

"This so called Black History Library is just a superficial skill." The really important thing is to be buried deeper in here. I'm not in charge of any library, I'm in charge of [the place]. This is the responsibility and mission my family has passed down from generation to generation. "

Arthur seemed to have heard of this rumor as well. It was precisely because of this "mission" that Leo Dickens's family was able to flourish like this.

"Is that so?" Arthur remained calm and replied casually. From the heavy tone of the other party's voice, it could be seen that this was perhaps a very important mission. Thus, he decided to not pursue the matter any further and pretended to not care about it.

"Huh?" Don't you want to know what it is? Seeing that Arthur did not take the bait, the Grand Duke Lyons asked.

"Don't tell me." I don't want to know. "I just came here to look for a book. When I find one, I'll leave." As for what lies beneath the ground of this place, leave it to the great men of the court who play with it every day to worry about. I, a minor citizen who has no political connections, do not want to touch the darkness of this country. "

"Humph, do you think it's some kind of secret weapon?" "You are wrong." It's not some dirty, ugly killing weapon. That was the greatest legacy left to us by the ancients. "By borrowing that power, you can even change the world in an instant."

"As I said, I don't want to know." Arthur saw that the situation was not good and interrupted her.

"Well, you'll know when you need to." "Leo Dickens saw that the fish didn't want to bite the hook, so he threw out a new fact." Come find me here when you have defeated Pa Linluoer in the end. I'll tell you everything then. The secret of this place, and your father, Uther. Something that the Pantolacken had always been protecting. "

"My father again." Arthur said absentmindedly. He felt that Leo Dickens using his father to keep him in suspense was really despicable, "You make it sound as if he used nuclear melting to blow up the entire imperial city, not to protect the escaping citizens, but to protect the thing buried deep in the ground here." "

Heavenly Stage Knight Leo Dickens sighed and said mysteriously, "Oh Arthur, Arthur, do you really think that Uther self-destructed to protect the fleeing citizens? If you think so... Your way of thinking is too silly and naive! "

Arthur looked like he had been stabbed by a dagger and stared at Leo Dickens in shock.

(This is not true.)

His father had used the fusion technique to cover the crowd that had fled from the city. My father was trying to protect me, and I was running away from the crowd at that time. Arthur insisted.

(No! Don't speak ill of my father!)

"Uther is not as great as you think. As a Heavenly Stage Knight, he carried out his mission. The only reason he had blown up his Camilo was to prevent the [That] underground area from falling into the enemy's hands. "The Grand Duke Lyons snickered.

He had only planned to fight until the very last moment. — I know what kind of person Uther is, he doesn't care about the lives of the escaping citizens! "

"If you don't escape in time, you're probably caught up in a nuclear explosion." At that time, I'm afraid there won't be a son like you who admires his father like a hero.

Come on, this isn't a novel. Do you think that such vulgar plots would appear in reality? "Leo Dickens said coldly," Although it is cruel, but this is the truth. This was the [Black History] that was sealed in the ruins of the imperial city. "

Arthur was silent. He could not refute it, nor could he. There was something in him that was slowly crumbling, and he felt an indescribable sadness.

(Father is not protecting me with his life, but some stupid thing buried deep here.)

Did he really love me?

(Or is it that, like my mother, I was abandoned long ago?)

(Am I just a burden to him?)

"Arthur, Arthur?" Bedivere shook his head and looked at Arthur who was in a daze.

"…." Well, well? What's wrong? Arthur regained his senses and asked.

"Found it!" There's an old, very old book hidden in the darkroom, and I think that's the second volume of the "Profound Mysteries of the War of the Holy Sword" that you were looking for. Bedivere said.

"Yes, I will." "Follow me," Arthur said, and followed Bedivere.

Heavenly Stage Knight Leo Dickens watched Arthur's disappearing figure.

(That's right. Discard your kindness and be cruel, King.) Only like this, the Pantolacken … No, only then would humans be saved.)

Leo Dickens looked at the Orc Teenager's back again.

(You are the one who made the king weak.) There will be a day when I will get rid of you, and it will be the king himself who will get rid of you.)

Only by abandoning the last trace of mercy will the king become a true king. Leo Dickens was completely convinced at the time.