C143 Subtlety in Daily Life(part Iii)

In the darkness, a Red Haired Boy was crying beside the woman's corpse.

"That woman was made strong by Giant." Violent. The one that did it, right? a villager said from outside.

He seemed to have finally succumbed to the pressure and committed suicide. another villager said.

You guys!

"What about the child?" Did she not kill him? Did she want us to deal with him? another villager said.

"But …"

Shut up!

"It's the evil creature left behind by a giant. If we don't get rid of it now, it will only put the village in danger when it grows up." "

(I've — had enough!)

"Yes, yes." "The so-called dragon gives birth to dragons, the phoenix gives birth to phoenixes, and the son of a rat makes a hole in his heart."

Don't look at me like you're looking at a monster!

A hand pressed onto Red Haired Boy's head.

The youth thought he would be killed just like that. He just waited, silently, for the moment the blade came down and cut off his head.

However, the hand that landed on the youth's head only gently caressed his head.

"Hmm?" Red Haired Boy raised his head. It was a middle-aged man wearing armor.

"Don't cry. Come with me." the man said.

"But, Mother, she …" "

"The dead are gone." There was no point in crying for them here. "If you are still alive, keep looking forward." You can't see the road ahead just by crying with your head down. "

"I have a son about your age, maybe a year or two younger than you." "Will you come with me and be friends with the boy?" "

In the following days, Red Haired Boy found out that this man was called Uther. Pantolacken, the twenty-sixth generation Heavenly Stage Knight of the Pantolacken of the Pantolacken Kingdom.

"Wow!" Kaye, who was sweating profusely, woke up with a start. He turned his head and saw Guinevere beside the bed.

"What are you doing?" Kay asked.

"Saving your life." "I saw you sleeping soundly just now, so I secretly injected you with the serum." It looked like it was about to work. "

Kai felt the wounds on his abdomen throbbing, but he knew it was a good thing. He could clearly feel the Charm Demon's poison dissipating.

"So," Kaye sighed, "it looks like Arthur saved me once again." "

"It's -- me -- and Arthur -- that saved your life, you ungrateful bastard!" Guinevere shouted angrily.

"Oh, yes, and thank you too, Miss Guinevere." Kay said helplessly.

"Hmph!" Since there is nothing wrong with your injury, then this Therapist shall end his duty to you. After that, you can recuperate for two or three days and the wound will completely heal. The recovery ability of Giant Race was truly enviable. "

"I'm not a Giant Race cultivator. I'm human." Kay said coldly.

"Oh, whatever. I have to go." "Do your best in the future, don't get infected by some Charm Demon poison and let me help you run errands for you again." It was enough for once. "

Then, Guinevere left without looking back.

Westernmost Knight Organization Combat Training Room.

"Dreams?" The Sir Actor said disapprovingly, "Don't think too much into it." Uther that fellow always likes to meddle in other people's business, and then he even had to stuff all of you troublesome brats into my care one by one. I always wondered if he was using me as a nursery or something. But I still raised you as my own son. "

"That's not what I want to ask." "I just want to know why I'm still alive." At that time, I clearly remembered that my mother had already killed me once. She had actually stabbed me through the heart with her dagger. — Why am I still alive? "

The Sir Actor smiled mysteriously, took a sip of his wine, and said slowly, "So what?" You are alive, and that is the undisputed result. Knowing the results and going back to the investigation, it's pointless, isn't it? "

"Hey, there!" Focus! The old man turned his attention to Kay, urging the knights to train.

Eavan who was at the side held his light sword in pain, wanting to use his will to create Sacred Enchantment. The light sword seemed to be ridiculing Eavan's stupidity, as it maintained a bright green glow from beginning to end, without even showing any signs of turning white.

"Looks like your training isn't going well?" Kaye asked.

"Don't be noisy, it will distract me!" Eavan said.

Kai frowned and left.

In the evening.

When Eavan returned to his room, he saw Kai packing his luggage.

"Where do you want to go?" Eavan asked.

"There's nothing left for me here. Of course I'm leaving." "You're right, Gunther must die." Just learn to be holy and try to use your own way to kill Gunther. I'll try my own way, too. "

"What are you talking about?" If you don't know how to use Divine, how are you going to kill him? Eavan asked, puzzled.

Didn't I tell you already? Another way to kill the Charm Demon. "Burn it." Even if he had to burn it for ten days or ten nights, he had to get rid of Gunther. That's what I can think of. "

"Impossible!" Do you think he would stand still and let you burn him? "Eavan said," "Don't be silly, let's think of a solution together."

"Of course I have." Just think of a way. If we split up, the chances of success might be higher. "Anyway, I'm not going to work with you." "

Then Kay took her luggage and walked out the door.

"But …"

"You should think about how to defeat Gunther in close combat. "With your current skills, forget about using Divine Damage to Gunther, even getting close to him is a problem." "

After that, Kai left Eavan, who was still troubled, and walked away on his own.

"[Holy] is extremely hard to learn, and even if I can learn, getting close to Gunther's body is a problem. said a voice behind the door. "Is that it?" "

Eavan turned his head and saw Knight Gaia Oyun.

"What are you doing here?" "

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop." I happened to have something to talk to you about, and I happened to hear you quarrelling loudly. Oyun said.

"…." I don't need my brother to worry about me. Eavan said coldly.

"Is that so?" Oyun smiled, "Is it because you have doubts that you might not necessarily learn it? That's why you can't learn [Divine] seriously, right?" I think it's better if you learn another skill before learning Divine. It might actually be useful in close combat. "

"What?!" "Tell me quickly, what skill is it?" "

Knight Gaia smiled slyly, "Come with me." "

Ten minutes later, in the simulation training room.

"Put this on." Oyun handed over an eye patch like apparatus to Eavan.

"This is?" "

"Put it on first, and then I'll attack you with my weapon. Just watch." "

"What?" "Eavan put on the eyepatch doubtfully, and then saw through the eyepatch that Oyun was about to slash on him!

"Wow!" Eavan immediately dodged to the side. "What?" Want to kill me? "

"Watch carefully!" Can't you see anything?! Oyun continued to wave his sword.

Through that strange eyepatch, Eavan saw something that he shouldn't have been able to see. Something was spreading in the air like a wave, forming a unique trajectory.

He dodged Oyun's attack to the side, or it could be said that he followed the warning of the ripples to avoid Oyun's attack's actual trajectory.

"Wait!" What was that just now?! Eavan shouted, "Is this a simulated attack trajectory created by the computer?" Was this eye patch really such a powerful instrument? "

"That's a special kind of eyepatch. It's just used to filter out a certain amount of photons." "What you see is a filtered photon ripple." "

"Bo, Waves?" "

It was a small ripple in the world of the photons created by the intention of my attack, as if a stone had been thrown out and caused a ripple in the water. Oyun said. "Any attack with hostility or killing intent would produce a ripple like this before attacking. Furthermore, the ripple would follow the trajectory of the attack."

Since the photon propagates at a speed close to the speed of light, it is possible to predict the opponent's attack simply by judging the ripples. Of course, that was only in theory. "

"So, as long as I wear this eyepatch, I will be able to predict and dodge all of the opponent's attacks?!" Eavan replied.

"That's right, this is the [Mind's Eye Arts], a special tactic that was originally only passed down to Knight Gaia s and Knights above. "Now, take off that eyepatch." "

"But …"

"The eyepatch is only an auxiliary tool for entry into the Mind's Eye Arts. It cannot display all of its trajectory in the face of complex and varied attacks. "Oyun said," The real Mind's Eye Arts is not a simple technique like using one's eyes to see, but to use your own body to feel the power of each and every wave, and to respond to them accordingly. "

"Inductive photons require a high degree of concentration. Generally speaking, just dodging at full power is the limit." "In short, for the next hour, I will continuously use my sword to attack you. Just try to respond to my ripples to avoid it." Although it's a wooden sword for training, it will hurt a lot if you get hit. "

As Oyun's voice fell, he had already swung out ten times, each strike aimed at Eavan's vitals. Eavan saw that he could not dodge so much, he could only protect his body, but his arms, thighs, waist, ears, shoulders and ankles were all slashed fiercely. The wooden sword was like a fist that fiercely smashed into his body, causing Eavan's entire body to go numb.

"You see that you have no time to dodge, so you use your limbs to protect your body?" This idea is not bad, but if it was a lightsaber, what would you do? Oyun asked. "Do you mean to pierce through all four limbs?" "

"But …"

"Don't be afraid of the pain, just try to get out of the way!" Oyun said as he attacked his younger brother with his sword.