C139 Seeking the Path to the Rhinoceros' Light(part Iii)

"Concentrate!" cried the old man, lifting the jug of wine and taking a sip. "Imagine the photons flowing in the barrier, and recycle it over and over!" "

The Knights who were in the process of training were sweating profusely. Holding the light swords used for training, they attempted to attach [Divine] to the light swords. The dozens of light swords constantly flashed with green to white to green to white, but not a single one of them was able to successfully stabilize [Holy] on the blade for long periods of time.

[Holy] Enchantment was actually developed by the ancient Holy Knights to deal with the Charm Demon.

It was a special enchantment that was attached to a weapon. The photons changed by this enchantment could directly decompose the innate photons in the Charm Demon's body. The special photons produced by [Holy], to the Charm Demon, were like a deadly poison. The parts slashed by the [Holy] weapon would cause the Charm Demon to become 'poisoned' and to not be able to regenerate. This allowed humans to use normal methods to kill the Charm Demon.

However, using [Divine] Enchantment required a very high level of concentration and mental strength, something that no ordinary person was able to do. Not to mention the mental strain of using such a technique in a fierce battle. The difficulty of using [Divine] in actual combat was extremely high.

Only when humans used [Divine] could they barely fight to a draw against the Charm Demon. Humans are such weak beings.

As the fatigue among the Knights increased, the situation turned even worse. Some of them had not turned white after the light swords in their hands turned green. They were too tired to even activate [Holy Spirit].

"You useless bastards!" Take a break for half an hour, and concentrate your attention during that time! Sir Actor shouted.

"Hey, Dad, long time no see." Kaye and the others came over.

"Isn't this Kay?" Why is he so virtuous? The old man looked at the large, blood-red patch on his son's abdomen.

"Nothing, just a small wound." "Kai quickly changed the subject." I met a difficult Charm Demon, so I came here to learn Sacred Enchantment from you. "

"Didn't I tell you so many times?" With your concentration, you won't be able to learn it in your entire life. The Sir Actor spoke straightforwardly.

"It's not me." Ka De said, and pointed to Eavan beside him.

"This kid?" The old man moved closer to Eavan, his whole body reeking of alcohol, making Eavan turn his head to vomit.

"Don't get out of the way!" Let me see your eyes. The old man held Eavan's head tightly.

Eavan held his breath for the old man to check. He saw that the old man's pupils had enlarged to an unbelievable size, as if there was something inside. In that instant of illusion, he thought there was an entire universe spinning within the old man's black pupils.

"Well, at least." "However, if you think that you can add the Divine to the Photobullet, you are mistaken." "

"Wha, what?!" Eavan felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and his whole body stiffened. "What did you just say?!" "

"[Divine] is a kind of barrier technique. It is a technique that needs to be used within a certain range." The old man said mockingly, "If you're naive enough to think that the Photobullet who fired the shot could still maintain the barrier, you're dreaming." "

"But …" "

"Do you understand that the Holy Spirit can only be used in close combat?" "The photon bow that the werewolf boy used could maintain the barrier for a short distance." However, this not only required a very high concentration power, but also a very poor range and rate of fire. the old man said again.

"How could this be …" Eavan's thought was shattered. He also knew that with his skills, wanting to defeat Gunther in close combat was indeed a pipe dream. Putting aside winning, he probably wouldn't even be able to injure the other party!

"If I say so, will you continue to learn?" It was very likely that even learning it would be of no use. It was just a waste of time. The Sir Actor said.

Eavan pondered for a moment, then braced himself and said, "Of course I want to learn it. "

Even if it was a waste of time, he would still learn first. This was the only method that could contend against Gunther!

"Well, when the rest of them are done with their breaks, you can come to class with them." The old man glanced at Guinevere lecherously, "Are you coming to learn Northernmost Knight Organization as well, young miss?" "

"No," Guinevere laughed disapprovingly, "I already know how to do it." She raised her delicate hand, and a small white ball of light appeared in the palm of her hand. It was made directly by the photons in the Gathering Space.

"Can he do this with his bare hands?" Indeed, I have nothing more to teach you. The Sir Actor said in disappointment.

Was this disappointment because there was nothing to teach, or because there was no advantage to be had? Kay snickered to herself.