C132 The Search for Dark History(part Iii)

"Go, go over there?" "Go over there?" Walk under the guard's eyes?! "

"Whose prank is this?" Eavan could not help but ask.

"No, this is —" Bedivere smiled as he bravely walked out from the shadows.

"Are you crazy?" Come back! Kay called in a low voice.

It was too late! There was a guard at the corner in front of them. The guards should have found out by now!

But the guards had no reaction.

It was as if he had completely disregarded Bedivere's existence. Even though Werewolf Boy was pacing back and forth in front of them, head and legs moving around, the guards still did not have any reaction.

"What's going on?" Kaye asked blankly.

"Don't worry, you guys should hurry up and keep up." Bedivere laughed and said, "The guards shouldn't be looking for trouble with us anymore." "

Everyone walked out doubtfully, and then followed Bedivere towards the door.

The five of them swaggered over, opened the door, and entered the underground passage. The guards were like a group of deaf and blind people, ignoring these uninvited guests.

"What's going on?" I don't understand? Eavan became more and more suspicious.

"You'll understand soon." Come on, hurry up. Bedivere said.

The group continued to jog forward. Not long after, another Snow Butterfly flew over, landing on the wall and making an arrow mark, it seemed to be indicating for everyone to go towards the direction of the arrow.

A few steps ahead was a door. The guards looked like they were blind again as they remained indifferent towards Arthur's group.

Just like this, continued to run, and under the guidance of the Snow Butterfly's signpost, it did not take long for them to arrive in front of a room deep underground.

"Please come in." Two large words formed from ice appeared in front of the door.

"Could it be a trap?" Kay said.

"Is there a need to go around in such a big circle to trap us?" Bedivere pushed the door open without hesitation.

There was no one in the dark room.

Biddy took a few puzzled steps forward.

Suddenly, a shadow rushed out and pounced towards Werewolf Boy, "Shocked?!" "

He was not surprised. "The Snow Butterfly had a faint smell of you, so I knew it was you doing it." "

"Long time no see, Tristan. Becky said.

"Heh heh, long time no see, Betty." The Merman Prince giggled as he observed the new faces in the group with hostility.

"What are you doing here?" Arthur asked.

"I can foresee the future." Tristan smiled mysteriously.

"Don't brag. Is it because someone told you?" Kay said.

"Well, fine." You're right. "After I returned the trident to my mother, I planned to return to Pantolacken to look for you all. However, when Mother heard that the internal affairs of your Pantolacken were starting to become unstable, she ordered me to return to the Iceisland. I managed to sneak out of the returning boat.

After that, while I was hiding, I met a strange old man. As long as I wait in this underground library, I'll meet you. "

"Dad was up to something again." Kay said. Sir Actor, this stick is too godly, isn't it?

"Maybe." But he did help. Arthur thought. "Did you hypnotize the guards?" "

"It took me a whole month." "I entered the library from early in the Qing Dynasty and stayed there until the evening, constantly releasing photons to hypnotize people. The guards here accepted a very simple order: [As long as I or anyone with Bedivere passed by, they would take it as if they didn't see anything]. Thank me for coming to this place in such a swagger! "

"Well done." Arthur continued to ask, "But?" "

"You guessed there was." Tristan smacked his lips, "Alright, there are also a few garrison leaders. Their willpower is very strong, so I can't hypnotize them." That's why I want you to take a detour. The biggest problem was that Black History Library required the authentication of at least two of the Guard Captain before they could enter. "

"That's great, so we still can't get into the library." Kaye said.

"Don't worry, I've thought of a way." Tristan pointed to a corner of the wall. "Do you think it's meaningless for me to lure you into this room?" "

"There's not much time, so don't keep us in suspense." Arthur said coldly.

"Well, watch." "Eavan waved his hand, and a hole appeared out of thin air in the wall of the room.

"This is the tunnel I secretly dug two days ago." After that, he would use an ice type modeling technique to seal the body and then recreate the material. This way, no one would find out. "

(Note: High level ice magicians only need to carefully control the surface of the ice. They can refraction light through the extremely fine convex surface of the ice, and reproduce any material they want, including colors and textures.) If an ordinary person did not carefully examine it, they would not be able to see the difference.)

"When did you use all this advanced magic?" Kaye asked.

I spent a month on the upper floor of the library, hypnotizing the guard and reading books to pass the time. I've been studying seriously from morning to night, so of course there's a gap between me and you guys who only know how to fight and kill! Tristan said.

"I know, let's talk about it later." Arthur asked indifferently, "Is it possible for us to reach the bottom just by climbing in from here?" "

"Not exactly. There's a barrier that can't be broken." But I suppose you always do something, don't you? Tristan sarcastically said.

"Lianyin?" "

"If we actually get close to the barrier, we might be able to open a gap in it wide enough for people to pass through." Lianyin answered, "It depends on the strength and regeneration speed of the barrier." "

"Well, you go ahead." "You can decide how to break the barrier." "

"Understood." Lianyin walked in front and entered the tunnel.

"Hmph, you didn't even say thank you?" Tristan said in dissatisfaction.

"If you don't want to follow, leave you alone, thank you." Arthur said as he walked.

In the pitch black tunnel, there was only the faint light emitted by the illumination magic ball that Lianyin had released.

"How long is this tunnel?" Kaye asked, touching the slippery stone wall of the tunnel.

"I don't know. This was dug out by the Demonic Envoy that I let out. It took me two days and two nights. I think it must have been very long." Tristan said.

"Lower the volume of your conversation." Arthur replied.

"So," Tristan asked, "it looks like you guys have been through a lot." BEDY: What happened to your hand? "

"Burned as part of [the price]. Bedivere whispered. He briefly narrated what had happened after he parted ways with Tristan.

"Oh, really." "I'm sorry, but I don't know anything about your brother."

"It doesn't matter anymore." "My brother told me to guard the last key. He told me to live well." If he continued to stay depressed, there was no other way. He could only brace himself and move forward. "

"You're optimistic." If my mother had died, I would have been depressed for decades. Tristan said, "I can't be as strong as you." "

(Strong? I'm not that strong.)

(Only, there's still one last chance.)

(This time, I will definitely protect it.)

(He had lost his brother.) Already... No more can be lost.)

Lianyin arrived in front of the barrier and pressed her hand on it.

"Will that work?" Arthur asked.

There was no call for the alarm, just a simple defensive barrier. "This is precisely where the photon distribution is weak. As long as you use interference magic, you can open a small gap." "

"Let's do it." Arthur said.

"Leave the weakness in the wall?" He probably didn't expect that someone would dig a hole and sneak in, right? Kay mocked.

"It wouldn't have been easy to dig a hole in the ground from that place." Eavan explained.

"Is that so?" I really am a genius. Tristan laughed.

"Just a little more. Dig it out, genius." Arthur replied.

"Humph." Tristan summoned out a small Demonic Envoy.

"Mole?" Kay asked comically.

"The ice mole." "Small animals that make their nests in the diamond-hard ice walls of eternity. A birthday present from my former mother on my tenth birthday. "

"No need to explain. Hurry up and get to work." Arthur said impatiently.

"There are so many requirements, why don't you dig them out?" Tristan placed the ice mole on the ground and muttered a few words. The little thing's diamond-hard claws were very efficient at digging, and the soil that was dug up was instantly compressed and piled up to the surroundings, forming a hard as a diamond. There was no danger of collapse from the tunnel.

"When's your birthday?" Tristan smiled as he asked, "On your birthday, I'll give you a present that you'll definitely like." "

"Well, birthday?" Bedivere thought for a while, but suddenly felt sad, "Sorry, I can't remember." "

"Can't remember?" Tristan asked in surprise, "How long has it been since your birthday?" Poor Betty. "

"No, not what you think." "Our people aren't in the habit of celebrating their birthdays, haha." "

Arthur shot a glance at Bedivere, but did not say a word.

The tunnel was soon dug up and there was a wall in front of him. Eavan walked over and observed, "There are no guards nearby, so there won't be any problems making some noise. "

"Then —" "I finally got a chance. Kaye smashed the wall with one punch!"

"Long!" Brick was strewn all over the floor, and in front of him was a storage room.

"Are you crazy!?" I call you 'a little noise', not 'a big noise'! Eavan scolded in panic.

"Did the guards react?" "

Eavan observed with rapt attention: "Wu — — I did not. "

"Alright then, what are you nagging about?" Kay said.

The crowd gave Kay a look of disgust.

"Okay, now start searching the library." "Bedivere, Lianyin and Kai are in charge of searching the library on the east side, while I, Tristan and Eavan are in charge of the west side. "

"Wait a minute. Why did you separate me from Betty?" I want to be on the same team as Betty! Tristan protested.

"Because Bedivere is in charge of security." Although it was not as good as Eavan's, only his hearing could be used as a warning to prevent himself from being detected by the guards. "If you stay with him, you will definitely continue to talk nonstop, which will affect his vigilance. "

"Tsk, we haven't seen each other for so long, of course there's a lot to say!" You're a hard nut to crack. Tristan replied.

"Don't be like that, Tristan. Bedivere said.

"This machine can release magic barriers used for security purposes. As long as someone enters the area, they will immediately know." Lianyin said.

"See, that'll be all right." Tristan laughed coldly.

"Tut." Lianyin, don't spare this brat? Kay said.

"Master's mother's order contains' Make Bedivere happy '. And this machine determined that doing so would make Bedivere happy. Lianyin said without emotion.

"Thank you …" Thank you, Lianyin. Bedivere said with a red face.

"Huff … Huff …" Tristan snickered.

"I really can't do anything to you guys, forget it." "Then I, Kai, Eavan, will be in group one." Bety, Tristan, Lianyin, Group One. Meet up here in five hours. Also, you two little fools, don't be a chatterbox! Look for information for me! "

"What should I start with?" Bedivere asked.

"I'm more concerned about what happened in ancient civilization, especially [the lost millennium]." How should he put it … Try to find the oldest books. "

"If you find it, don't open it." Eavan said, "You guys aren't able to see any traces of magic like I did. Some of the books have trap skills, casually flipping through them would injure or even kill you." If he really wanted to see it, he had to first let Lianyin clearly examine it with his probing skills. "

"I know, so long-winded!" "Tristan pulled Bedivere along," Let's go! "