C109 Evenin for Phoenix Flames(part Iii)

The next morning at two in the morning.

"The cells in his body were severely damaged." Sorry, kid... I've done my best. Merlin said.

Papalov who was immersed in the Glass Container was on the verge of death, barely surviving by machine. His entire body was already scorched black by the flames until it was in a festering state. It was inconceivable that his tattered body could still maintain its vitality.

"No, no, no!" You will cure your brother, won't you, wizard? — you are so powerful that you will always be able to cure your brother! Bedivere asked doubtfully.

"I'm sorry …." He had been brain-dead for a long time. The mage shook his head. "I can manage to keep his body from dying..." However, all that was left was this broken body, without any remaining consciousness. "

"You're kidding, right?" Are you joking with me? Bedivere still couldn't believe it.

"Betty, that's enough." Merlin was not omnipotent, those who were already dead could not be saved. The priority now is your arm. "If you don't mind," Arthur said.

"I'm fine, no pain, no itch!" Bedivere put on a nonchalant look. "What do you think?" The arm was gone in an instant, and then it was gone. Did I really lose an arm? Or was this just a dream?

— — Oh right, this is a dream, my brother didn't die at all! When I wake up tomorrow, everything will return to its original state. My brother will once again appear in front of me! I'll be the same as before, happy to bully my brother. Ha, hahahaha! "

— — Pow!

Arthur mercilessly slapped Bedivere's face, who was laughing foolishly.

Bedivere covered his burning face and said, "Ya..." What? "

Immediately after, the Knight held Werewolf Boy's cold body tightly in his arms. Arthur hugged him so tightly that he almost couldn't feel the pain of being hugged like this.

"I know you're in pain." This is what it feels like to lose a family member. You and I both know this better than anyone else. "So, now, don't try to escape, don't try to resist, just cry as much as you want. "

Waah! Bedivere cried as if he was going to explode. His tear ducts were already missing, and his tears poured down like they were trying to wash away the pain in his heart!

"Brother — brother died for me!" Bedivere cried, "I was the one who should have died, I was the one who died!" "

"No, it's me." "Although I don't know the reason, but I can vaguely feel it." You made a deal with the Undead Bird for me. You want to sacrifice yourself to save me, and you end up like this. "Therefore …"

Arthur let go of Bedivere and looked at the youth face to face. "At least let me, accompany you to cry," he said. "

Tears rolled down the knight's face. The knight who had no feelings now felt a wave of sadness, as if thousands of arrows had pierced his heart.

"Even if your brother is gone, you won't be alone." We are your family, crying with you when you are sad, laughing with you when you are happy. — — I can't laugh yet, but I will think of something. Arthur said.

"So promise me not to cry alone in the future, will you?" "

Bedivere did not reply. The tears had long blinded his eyes, and his throat had long ago become hoarse from crying. But he was not in pain. At this moment, a sense of happiness washed away the great sadness in his heart. It was like a small safe haven in a storm, allowing his shattered heart to temporarily find peace.

— — Family.

The next day, at 6 o'clock in the morning, on the observation deck at the top of Great Magister's tower.

"Look, it's sunrise." "Arthur patted Bedivere, and said:" After reading, it's about time to go. "

"Ugh …" "Bedivere was sleepy and snuggled up to him. Because he had lost his left arm, his snuggled close to Arthur. Werewolf Boy opened his eyes slightly and looked at the rising sun. He was not very clear as he said, "Let me sleep a little longer, big brother …" "

Arthur hesitated for a moment, he was cold to death, if it was normal, he would have pushed Bedivere away and started to get angry. But at this time, he had tolerated the Werewolf Boy's coquettish behavior. He said in an almost gentle voice, "So..." Go back to sleep, Bebe. "