C89 A Decisive Victory over Stratagem(part Iii)

Ten minutes later, after a simple cleaning up, the second battle began.

Arthur walked out, and the opponent he was facing was the Leopard Man.

"Thanks to your plan, I can barely keep my cool." "No," the Leopard Man said coldly, its voice laced with hatred.

"Is that so?" However, it was indeed your men who first broke the rules and intended to attack the opponents who had already surrendered. Arthur replied.

"Well, whatever." In any case, Levi was an impulsive, mindless idiot. the Leopard Man said coldly.

"Before we fight, why don't we take a gamble?" Arthur suddenly said.

"A bet?" Betting on what? "

"Slaves." "It's very simple. If you win against me, I'll give you my little servant." On the contrary, if I win, your White Bear Man slaves will belong to me. "

"Using the werewolves and White Bear Man as stakes?" Interesting, but is that okay? That little servant looks very important to you? "The Leopard Man Coves spied cunningly.

"How could that be? It's just an ordinary beastman. It wouldn't be a pity if he lost it." Arthur said.

"Is that so?" There was a moment before when I really thought that it was our first strategic objective, Silver Wolf Beowulf. The Leopard Man gave a fake smile. "But I don't think you're stupid enough to send such an important strategic objective so close to the Dark Domain." "

"Humph, that's hard to say." "It's possible that this is a battle that will confuse you." It's possible we were stupid. God knows. "

"Human behavior is really untouchable." "Well, I'll take the bet to the end." However, even if it was an exchange, it would have to wait until the duel was completely over. I don't want a chance. "

"Cautious fellow." Arthur laughed coldly.

"Your wishful thinking is wasted, because I won't lose!" Coves laughed arrogantly, holding his Photon Claw, he rushed over at a high speed.


Coves's leg went numb from the explosion. Only now did he realize that the mine that was placed in the arena during the previous duel had not been cleared!

"It's dangerous to see you so impulsive." Arthur sneered, "Two hundred mini induction mines have already filled the entire site." A single person's might is nothing to be proud of, but for someone like you who doesn't have any protection, stepping on a landmine ten or twenty times will result in serious injuries. "

"So that's how it is." Was the last battle planned to use the mines against me? But for a person like you, who uses speed as a weapon, isn't that just as bad? "

"Unfavorable?" Arthur took out the bottle containing the dragon's blood and gulped it down. "Malefic, Xian Wei." "

Two small dragons flew out from the Transfer Port, and instantly attached themselves onto Arthur's hands, fusing together with his fists.

"Summoning the Demonic Envoy …" Become a weapon? Coves muttered, "Do humans know how to do this kind of magic?" "

"Forget it, it's just a magic weapon. Let me test you!" "Coves flew over. The reason for this leap, rather than a direct charge, was obviously to avoid the land mines.

Clang! The Photon Claw and Arthur's right fist collided, and emitted a crisp sound!

"He actually caught up to me?!" Coves was surprised.

"My eyes can see, but my body can't keep up, so I'm upset." "So I came up with this idea." "

"Spitfire Punch!" "

Coves felt a sudden huge force push him back, sending him, who was in a stalemate with Arthur, flying.

So that's how it was. From the back of Arthur's right fist, an intense flame sprayed out. Using that as a propelling force, a flame blast punch that could produce extreme speed in an instant was definitely powerful. The timing of the jet was controlled by brain waves. It was able to bypass the nerves in the body and start directly. Thus, it was possible to launch a high speed punch in the blink of an eye. This was the most effective weapon to fight against the Leopard Man.

However, the experienced Coves immediately realised that the biggest disadvantage of this weapon was that high speed shooting could place a huge burden on the joints of the arms. If the target was hit accurately, the power would be transferred directly to the target, which wouldn't be too big of a problem. However, once the strike missed, the spurting force would not stop immediately and instead cause damage to the pulling arm. The worst case scenario would be for the arm to dislocate and fly out, crippling it.

"What a stupid weapon." Coves calculated in his heart as he flew forward again. The moment he saw Arthur preparing to counterattack, he immediately retreated. That's right, this was a fake move. A fake was enough. They only needed to wait for a good show and see how Arthur's arm would be torn apart by the pushing force of the glove!

"Bang!" Arthur's arm did not break. The instant he threw out the punch, a Giant Large Fireball shot out along with the subsequent explosion. Although it did not hit Coves completely, it had blown him away.

"Oh, you don't think I don't have a strategy for hitting the air with one punch, do you?" Arthur said in disappointment. "Fake moves are useless, the explosion can blast away anyone close to you and the recoil will protect my arm from being torn apart." "

"So thoughtful." Coves got up gloomily, "But how did you get out of the explosion unscathed?" "

When he looked at Arthur again, he knew that his question was useless. Countless fiery red scales grew from Arthur's body, and like a Dragon Scale, protected him from the explosion.

"As I thought, that bottle of dragon blood you drank just now, right?!" "Coves laughed coldly," In order to win against me, you even used such a thing. Are you really not afraid of the price that you will have to pay later? "

"Say it after you win." Arthur replied.

"We'll talk about it after we win!" "With a wave of his left hand, Coves put on the other Photon Claw. He used both claws and all his skills to rush over.

The landmine on the ground exploded, but he did not care about it at all. Instead, he took advantage of the explosive shockwave and flew high into the sky, launching a fatal attack at Arthur!

"Humph." "Arthur raised his left fist and punched the ground. Gigantic ice pillars instantly erupted from the ground, the sharp ice pillars not only became the best protective wall, but also became Coves's death trap that fell from the sky!

It's not good to fall like this!" Being hit by such a sharp ice pillar meant death! In a moment of desperation, Coves waved both his claws together, drawing a sharp wind pressure in the air. On one hand, it was as if a blade was slashing towards Arthur, and on the other hand, it created a strong force of recoil, pushing Coves who should have fallen on the ice pillar backwards.

The wind pressure obviously did not hit Arthur, but only shattered the ice pillar. However, the ice cubes that were scattered were immediately taken advantage of by Arthur. He threw a punch on the ground, shooting it towards Coves like bullets. Coves who had just landed on the ground brandished his claws to block, but the ice that had been split into pieces was still as sharp as knives, slashing Coves's body with countless of cuts!

Without waiting for Coves to catch his breath, Arthur smashed another newly constructed ice pillar with his fist. Without any other choice, Coves could only quickly run and dodge, and then seize the opportunity to rush forward, striking out with both claws!

Bang! With one hand, Arthur used the huge Ice Wall to block and the other hand struck out with a high speed direct punch.

"It's over." Arthur raised his left fist that was covered in frost and smashed it into the ground with all his might.