C78 Contract for Compulsory Submission Extreme

"Still failed?" Eavan put down his weapon and sighed.

There was a moment of silence.

"No." "Clothes can also be considered a part of the body." I lost this time. According to the agreement, you can leave. "

"What?" You … Let me go? "

"I'll deal with the Knights." Of course, you have to return the stolen cavalry. "But you are free." If you want to leave the order, then leave. I was wrong about you. You are not a useless fellow. With this skill, you won't have any problems wherever you go. You can be a mercenary or a hunter. You can make a fortune and eat and drink. Maybe you'll be happier. Better than staying in the Order and dying every day. "

Eavan looked at Arthur, then looked at the spear in his hand.

"Then why did you stay in the Order?" He couldn't help but ask Arthur, "With your abilities, you can still live a good life without being in the Knights." Why? "

"Because the order is dangerous. Because there are battles every day." I need more fighting, I need to get stronger. I had to get stronger to get back what I had lost. Arthur said emotionlessly.

"Why?" You already have a lot! "

"I've had nothing since then, until now." Arthur said, "I have always been that empty shell, with nothing in my heart other than anger." Every day I live is empty, and I can't even feel what it is like to be alive. If this goes on, I'll go crazy sooner or later. So I had to get stronger, to get back what I had lost, to feel happy and sad again before I died. "

"Is that why you're strong?" Could a man become stronger by giving his all? "

"Yes," said Arthur. "All I know is that if you don't even want to try, you won't get any stronger." Although your mouth says that you don't want to change, but I know that in your heart, you actually yearn to become stronger. Otherwise, you wouldn't be standing here fighting with me on the same level. If you want to escape, you have plenty of opportunities. "

Eavan quietly picked up his weapon.

"Again." "Don't go easy on me, I'm going to beat you fair and square this time." "

"Good." "If you think you can win with that little trick, you'll regret it." "

"You'd be dead if you didn't wear armor." Eavan warned.

"If it doesn't, it's okay." Arthur said as if nothing had happened. He removed the armor on his whole body, leaving only the Leg Armour behind.

"Very well, you asked for it!" "Eavan threw out his two spears simultaneously. The two Photobullet s continued to fly in different directions, one fast and the other slow.

"Trying to hit me with a refraction?" Could it be so smooth this time? Arthur said.

The other two Photobullet had already been shot out, clashing against the previous Photobullet, causing a complicated reaction.

Arthur dodged to the side with ease.

"Your method of refraction can only attack a stationary target. Once the target begins to move, you will not be able to hit it." Can you handle complicated ballistic calculations, since you have to calculate the time of the collision and the angle of the refraction? "

"Speak!" Eavan fired a few times, the slow bullets were like a net that surrounded Arthur, the fast bullets were like a net that was smaller, not only was every bullet a threat, every bullet was also restricting Arthur's movements.

"Humph." Arthur sneered, and rushed forward to deflect the incoming bullets, shattering the bullet screen at a rapid pace, and at the same time disintegrating the slow fire screen into pieces with the help of the bullet screen.

But Eavan immediately shot at the bullets that flew out. When the new bullets collided with the old bullets, they immediately changed their trajectory and flew towards Arthur. At the same time, Eavan was not idle either, he continued to shoot at Arthur, and another round of bullets flew at Arthur.

"Even if you deflect the bullet, you use it. It becomes an infinite chain." "Arthur said," Then - "Arthur continued to shoot his light sword, but this time he changed his angle, and the bullet flew towards Eavan!

"Whoosh!" "The Photobullet passed by Eavan's face, leaving a small burn mark.

"If you don't move, you'll die." Arthur shouted.

"You don't need to remind me!" Eavan shouted angrily, as he continued to run and shoot. The trajectory of the bullet turned into arcs. Although it was harder to hit, the trajectory was also more complicated.

"Well, the kid's finally getting the hang of it." Arthur muttered to himself, "Since the conditions are equal, don't blame me for not showing mercy!" "

He jumped up and stepped on one of the Photobullet. The Photon Reflector at the bottom of his boots provided a strong reaction force, allowing him to jump even higher when stepping on the Photobullet. The originally 2D battle on the ground immediately turned 3D. Arthur who was nimbly jumping amidst the rain of bullets made it almost impossible for Eavan's eyes to catch a glimpse of him.

"Are you still going to say that the conditions are equal? This is clearly cheating, alright?" Eavan said helplessly as he continued to run, making the rhythm of his attacks unpredictable.

"Too slow!" "Arthur slashed his sword down from the air, and at the critical moment, Eavan rolled to the side and dodged. He fired at the same time, but before the bullet could reach Arthur, he had already disappeared without a trace.

"Behind you!" "Arthur thrusted out his sword from Eavan's back, and the moment the tip of the sword pierced into's back, Eavan turned his gun to the side and aimed at the sword, then used the explosive force of the Photobullet to break apart the trajectory of the light sword.

Arthur, who had missed, fell forward and aimed the muzzle of his gun at Arthur's face. But before he could even open fire, Arthur had already turned around and received a flying kick, sending Eavan flying a few metres away.

"Ugh." "Eavan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and crawled up, Arthur had already used his light sword to press against his chest.

"Too slow. It's enough for you to die several times as you slowly climb to your feet." Arthur said.

"I give up." You are not something a human can defeat. Eavan said.

"Without fighting strength surpassing that of a human, it's impossible to gain a foothold in the Knight Pantolakun. Arthur said as he reached out to help Eavan up.

"It's just a Monster Knight Regiment …." "Just as Eavan was about to stand up and grab Arthur's hand, an image flooded into his mind.

"Woo!" The boy let out a faint wail, as if he had no strength left to do so.

"Haven't you had enough, bitch?" The figure of the other youth continued to beat him, ignoring the groans of the scarred youth.

"Don't …." Gunther... So painful … the boy begged.

"You won't die." In less than half a day, your wounds will heal and you will be standing in front of your father as if nothing had happened. Ha! Such a convenient physique! Maybe you really were born to be beaten up? Scoundrel like your whore's mother, not to be pitied but always not to die! "

"You can insult me …" Please Do Not... Insulting my mother! the boy said weakly.

"So what if I insult your mother?" Are you going to hit me? Ha! Come on? Your son of a bitch was born after your mother bewitched your lord father with dirty witchcraft. You and your mother are just as cheap, as dirty, and as damned. May you be tied to the stake and burned to ashes! Ha! "

"You …!" Despite his wounds, the boy got up and raised his thin fist.

"Ha, is he really going to fight back?" The young man's shadow sneered. "Come on?" Waving your fist? Let's give it a try! "

Covered in blood, his small fist landed on the young man's pants leg.

"Oh shit." Did you really fucking make a move?! Startled, the young man immediately kicked the young man to the ground. "No!" Damn you, you son of a bitch! You've soiled my clothes! "

"How are you going to compensate me?!" The young man stepped forward and broke the young man's arm.

A terrible scream echoed in the cellar.

"Wow!" "When Eavan came back to his senses, he was covered in cold sweat.

"What is it?" Arthur asked, puzzled, "Although the last kick was a little heavy, it shouldn't be enough to injure you, right?" How many ribs were broken? "

"No." "Eavan said absent-mindedly," You … A brother? "

"Brother?" No. Arthur replied, "There are only three sisters in the family, and they have never had a brother or a brother." "

"Then who is Gunther?" Eavan asked, puzzled.

"Gunther?" Arthur was startled, as if he had never heard of this name before.

"Just now …" Gunther... "Arthur kneeled on the ground, a headache making him subconsciously cover his forehead," I seem to have heard of this name somewhere … Ah, strange... I can't remember? "

Arthur felt that his nose was sticky and moist, he wiped it away with his hand, which was covered with blood. He frowned and fainted on the ground.

"What?" "What's going on?"

Don't touch him! Just as Eavan was confused, a voice sounded out like thunder. Before his voice could reach his, he was already there. Kai rushed over and threw a punch at Eavan, sending him flying.

"Woo!" "What the hell is wrong with you?" "

"You're the fucking lunatic!" Did you just say something?! Kay roared.

"No, I just asked, 'Who is Gunther', and then … "

"Where did you get that name?" Kaye looked as if she'd been doused in fuel, and the fire was burning. "Listen, boy!" From now on, don't ever say this person's name again! You are not allowed to ask about Arthur's family matters! Say one more word and I'll stab you to death! "

"Uh …." Eavan didn't know what to say. His mind was in a complete mess.

Kai picked up the unconscious Arthur in his arms and ordered, "Get Arthur's armour back, follow me! "

"Why should I listen to you?" Eavan protested.

"Because you know too much." If you don't want me to kill you right away, you'd better do as I tell you. "I promise, if I wanted to kill you, I wouldn't hesitate like Arthur." I will give you a quick slash and you won't even have a chance to breathe! "