C74 Contract to Force Submission(part I)

The next morning.

Even before Eavan, who had slept on the table for an entire night, woke up, he felt a heart-wrenching pain from the index finger of his left hand.

Ow!" So painful! Stop! Eavan shouted, as he waved his hand, finally escaping from the fierce bite of the Purple Electric Dragon. But there was a deep bite mark on his thumb.

"Ugh …" What is wrong with you?! Eavan scolded.

"Damn human, using such despicable means to force me to submit, and even turning my body into this!" You just wait and see! "One day I will."

"Stop it, idiot!" Jade Green Wind Dragon Havel swept his tail towards Spark, "Haven't you lost enough face?!" "

"I will not admit such a result!" Absolutely not! "If I had to acknowledge this kid as my master, I would rather die!" "

"You don't need to acknowledge me as your master. You can leave freely now." Eavan said.

"You see, that's why I said humans are inferior …" Wait, what did you just say? "

"You can go," I said. Eavan said.

"You little rascal …" Are you serious? Havel asked.

"Your question is so funny. Are you serious about serving others?" "I didn't even use a chain to tie you guys up, do you guys still need my permission to leave?" "

"You will regret not chaining me," said Spark. "This little wound will be healed in a hundred years, and then you will be dead." "

"He was dead by then, you idiot." "The life of a human is very short. "

"Hmph!" The Purple Electric Dragon did not answer, but raised its wings and took to the air.

"Are you planning to continue competing for Storm Island?" Eavan asked.

"No, just a stupid desert island." After Spark finished speaking, he flew away.

"Bad guy." Havel said, "That is clearly in the direction of the Storm Island." "

"So, goodbye, Havel?" Eavan said.

"No, I don't have anywhere to go. Even if I go to Storm Island, it's just fighting with that brat Spark every day. Boy, you seem to be quite interesting. I'll take a stroll around here for now. "

"But …" "

"Didn't you say that I'm free? You don't care where I go." Havel said.

"The days at the lighthouse are boring. If you don't find it boring, you can have it." Eavan said.

"Why?" Havel suddenly asked, "Yesterday, I gave Spark some blood, but there obviously wasn't enough blood." I thought we were going to die together. Did you do anything, boy? "

"No, nothing." I think you're just lucky. Eavan said.

"Luck and being able to bring back the dead are two different things." Tell me honestly, boy. Havel asked.

"You won't be angry …?" Eavan asked softly.

"Tell me!" Havel urged.

"According to the Malefic, the blood of the elves is a tonic for the dragons. When you can't hold on any longer, we have no other choice but … "

"Oh, damn it!" So now I have the dirty blood of a half-human half-elf in me! "Havel almost flew into a rage," If I had known things would turn out this way, I might as well have died happily! "

"I'm sorry …." Eavan said.

"Ah!" Unbelievable! "I am no longer a dragon of pure blood." If I mix different kinds of blood with dragon blood, no one will know what will happen. In the future, I might even slowly become a half dragon monster! "

"Is it that serious?" Eavan asked.

"It's better than being dead, isn't it?" Jade Green Wind Dragon glared at Eavan fiercely.

"Better than dead." Eavan laughed bitterly.

"I don't see why you should do this for us." Havel asked in confusion. "We were obviously your enemies, we clearly wanted to put you to death." "

"Every summer." "I have been watching you all the days of the typhoon," said Eavan. "

"What?" "

"I saw you flying in the storm." "It's really enviable to be a dragon." To be able to freely fly there without any scruples and without anything to stop him, that kind of life was truly enviable. I'd like to fly as far away as you can, out of this little lighthouse. "

"Kid …" "

"So get well and fly again." "I see you fly, as if you were flying, too." I just want to see it again. So don't think I'm feeling sorry for you. Everything I do is out of my wayward wishful thinking. "

"Idiot." Havel flew to the top of the lighthouse. "Well, I set up my own nest here because of my willful wishful thinking. It's none of your business!" "