C71 Awakening to Thunder(part I)

The group of people madly ran through the forest. After a few moments, they dispersed.

"Arthur?" Sir Kay? Eavan stopped to catch his breath, then hid in the grass and called out to the others.

No one answered.

"Whoosh!" The trees above him swayed with a gust of wind, and the dragon flew by.

Eavan held his breath, pressed down even lower, and hid himself deep in the grass. At least for now, he thought, but his heart was full of fear and uneasiness. He tightly held onto the only weapon in his hand, that door of Photon Cannon. He couldn't explain why he had subconsciously held this thing when he was running away. However, if one did not even have a decent weapon in their hands, they would be doomed if they were discovered by a colossal dragon. Perhaps it was his survival instinct that prevented him from giving up the weapon.

The colossal dragon landed nearby. Perhaps it had already caught a whiff of his presence. "Damn you, come out!" "Purple Electric Dragon," Spark bellowed.

"Despicable fellow, sneaking around?" On the other side, Jade Green Wind Dragon Havel also landed.

"There's nothing mean about it. I saw it first. What's wrong with leaving early?" Blame it on your slow reaction. Spark said.

"Who's slow?" Havel said angrily, "You bastard, you're already despicable enough to block my line of sight by stirring up clouds and clouds. How dare you speak so boldly and brazenly about me?!" "

"It's a waste of time to tell you that you can blame anything, that you can be called despicable if it's an action against you." You are the true despicable one. Spark retorted.

"Bastard, do you want to fight?!" Havel roared.

"Fight!" Who was afraid of who? "

With that, the two dragons began to fight. They fought each other to death, and the storm and the electric currents that swirled around them caused a sudden change in the environment, as if a miniature typhoon had been created.

Eavan laid on the ground and did not dare make a sound. He watched the battle between the two dragons in the grass, both fearful and fascinated by the spirit of these great creatures.

Jade Green Wind Dragon Havel and Purple Electric Dragon Spark were actually very young in Dragon, and could even be said to be young and full of vigor. Even so, these two dragons were still very powerful creatures.

In the face of a creature like a dragon that possessed absolute power, humans were just too small, insignificant, and laughable.

However, at this time, a figure appeared in Eavan's mind. The back of the knight. Not long ago, that Knight called Arthur had faced a deep sea Giant Demon that was ten times bigger than these two dragons, but he was still fearless, beating down a monster that was as huge as a mountain. Humans were so insignificant, yet they were actually so powerful. What was the difference between him and me that made us so different? Eavan who was cowering in a corner thought.

After fighting for half a day, the two dragons were finally tired. They stopped to catch their breath.

"Well, it's never going to end." In order to compete for Storm Island, we have already fought for over a hundred years. Spark said.

"Is it still as the Knight suggested, to see who will catch the boy first?" Havel said, "If you don't play dirty tricks and fight fair and square, the matter would have been very simple." "

"So noisy, you moron!" "Scram far away after I win, I won't see you again in the future." Spark roared. "

"I'll give it back to you exactly as it was, asshole." Havel roared.

The two dragons stopped talking and quietened down. They looked around, carefully searching for any trace of Eavan.

Eavan knew that if this continued, he would definitely be discovered, and even if he continued to hide, he wouldn't dare to move an inch.

His hand tightly held onto the Photon Cannon. He clearly knew that the probability of being discovered with such a big cannon would be greatly increased, but he just couldn't let go of it.

"It's never death that scares you the most. It's fear of failure. Give up trying." In this way, the weak would always be the weak. Those who had nothing would always have nothing. "Arthur's words from last night echoed in his mind again and again.

Maybe that was why he didn't want to give up his weapon? He himself found this unbelievable.

Although he was hidden by the dense forest, he could clearly see the two dragons. These two terrifying monsters had wounds all over their bodies due to the fight just now. If they were to fight now, they might really be able to harm the dragons with Photon Cannon bullets.

The two bulky dragons were sniffing around, unprepared, and it was easy enough to hit them.

Do you want to make a move?

Was he really going to make a move?!

"Boy!" I know you're here! Havel shouted. "Don't be a turtle, come out!" "

"The Knight said that you are stronger than us?!" "If you are so strong, come out and compete with me!" I will tear you apart and use your death to prove that you humans are nothing more than this! "

"Cowardly humans, don't even dare to come out and face us?" Hahahahahaha! Jade Green Wind Dragon Havel provoked.

Eavan could not help but be angry in his heart. He knew that Arthur had betrayed him. He must have had some sort of dirty deal with the dragon in advance, which was why these two dragons had chased after him.

Why me? Do you really want to kill me just because you hate me?! Eavan's anger was getting more and more intense.

"Come out!" Pu * * y! cried the Purple Electric Dragon.

"Yes, come out, coward!" "If you don't come out soon, I'll flatten the whole forest!" "

"Bam!" Before Eavan could react, his fingers had already clanged against the board, and a Photobullet shot out, accurately striking Jade Green Wind Dragon's left eye.

Ow!" "Ahh!" Jade Green Wind Dragon Havel howled in pain as he fell backwards, and in his panic, he tore off the right wing of the Purple Electric Dragon.

AHH!" What are you doing?! "The Purple Electric Dragon also cried out in pain, and mercilessly clawed at Jade Green Wind Dragon's right cheek.

"Ah!" "Just as Jade Green Wind Dragon fell to the ground, he was caught off guard. With this grab, four terrifying wounds appeared on his right cheek, and his right eye was crippled.

"Bastard, you actually plotted against me!" "The furious Jade Green Wind Dragon turned around and swept his tail across the Purple Electric Dragon's left arm. This merciless attack not only broke its arm, but also sent it flying.


Two severely injured dragons confronted each other. One was completely blind, the other had lost an arm and a pair of wings. Eavan never thought that his accidental shot would cause such great damage. Surprised, he sneaked out from his hiding place in the grass and hid in another place.

"Good boy, is this a sneak attack?" "What a despicable race you humans are! "

"I'm going to scrape the whole forest away so you don't have a place to hide!" Havel flapped his wings, starting to create a typhoon of wind pressure. The forest immediately began to tremble, swaying along with the wind pressure.

Eavan knew that it was not good to continue like this. He did not think too much and subconsciously raised his spear to shoot continuously. A row of Photobullet landed on Jade Green Wind Dragon Havel's wings. To be precise, they fell on the weakest part of the wing film. The wings that were still flapping violently were immediately torn apart by the wind pressure that rose up from their bodies. They broke and were destroyed. Jade Green Wind Dragon fell face first onto the ground.

"Woo woo!" Jade Green Wind Dragon laid on the ground, his entire body covered with wounds.

"You useless fellow!" The Purple Electric Dragon roared. "Watch me burn this forest to ashes!" "

He spat out a mouthful of thunder and lightning, and the powerful thunderous breath instantly scorched the entire row of trees into scorched earth. However, Eavan had long ago moved to another hiding spot.

"Not here?" Damn brat, you can just run around! See how many times you can get away! The Purple Electric Dragon opened its mouth again, intending to use Breath again.

A line of Photobullet s poured into the dragon's mouth like a torrential rain. The explosive breath of lightning that was about to shoot out immediately exploded, blowing the Purple Electric Dragon up.

"Cough, cough!" The Purple Electric Dragon fell to the ground, spitting blood.

Without giving Spark time to catch his breath, a few Photobullet shot out and landed on the Purple Electric Dragon's right eye, shattering it.

AHH!" No! The dragon began to struggle wildly, clawing and tail flailing, destroying the surroundings. But how futile was this? Eavan had already escaped far away.

Aoo …" "Seeing that his attacks were futile, the Purple Electric Dragon stopped to pant. Its mouth was covered in blood from the explosion, and it could not speak for a while. It could only glare around with one eye.