C67 Cheating on Midnight(part Ii)

"Me, me?" After being suddenly summoned, the shock on the face of the teenager, Eavan, had yet to completely disappear. Replacing it was unease and bewilderment: "Why me? "

"Didn't you boast that you had shot down a seagull two miles away with a rifle?" So I thought, if I took you with me, I'd need to go hunting. Arthur lied without batting an eyelid.

"But, the target is a seagull, if the target is a wild animal …" "

The first two shots were for eyes, the third for legs, and the last one for throat or brow. "This is how we hunt," Arthur said, gesturing with his hands as if he had really hunted. Tigers and bears are all the same against lions. "

"But …" Was it that smooth? "Eavan who had never hunted before was fooled by Arthur's flowery words.

"If we fail, it'll just be a melee fight. We'll handle this. It's fine." Kaye joined the liars, and though she kept her face covered, there was still a mischievous, childish smile on her face.

"Okay, okay …" I'll pack up and leave with you tomorrow. He was invited by the Knights to hunt, but he was still flattered. "The hunting rifle hasn't been used for a long time, so I think I'll need some time to adjust it." "

"Oh, don't worry about that. We'll be ready." You just have to bring yourself. Arthur continued to trick others.

"But, if you don't get used to the use of a shotgun..." "

"It's okay, you can even use Dragon Cannon. What's wrong with using a hunting rifle?" A touch and you'll get used to it. Kaye also tried hard to scam people, hoping that the world would not fall into disarray.

Arthur hurriedly nudged Kai with his elbow, afraid that Kai would speak carelessly and say, "Then, see you tomorrow, little demon." "

"All right." See you tomorrow. Eavan saw all of this, but he did not understand the true intentions of the Knights. He thought that the knights were just playing with him, and that perhaps he would forget about hunting the next day.

He watched Arthur and Kai leave the lighthouse.

"Hu hu hu hu, Arthur is a big liar. "Hunting? You didn't tell him you were going to hunt dragons, and you tricked him into going. Trying to kill the boy?" "

"He won't be in danger." If he was told that he was going to hunt for dragons, he would tremble — all night, tomorrow, he would really be sent to his death. "

"What nonsense." Never mind, it's useless to tell you that no one can change your decision. Kaye shrugged. "I just hope you have a good strategy." You aren't afraid of death, but that doesn't mean that everyone else isn't afraid of death like you. A person's heart is much more fragile than you think. "

"I'll be careful." Arthur thought for a while before he replied casually.

Late at night.

Eavan raised his hunting rifle and aimed at a seagull, and shot out a gun. The Photobullet arced in the night and smacked the seagull on the head before it completely weakened. The seagulls were shocked, and their flight movements became chaotic. In a very ridiculous posture, they dove into the water.

"Hehehe." The young man smiled to himself. Only at this moment could he show a relaxed smile.

"It's true. The seagull was a mile away." said a voice behind the boy.

"Wow!" "What?" Eavan was shocked, he turned around, and saw that it was Arthur. Don't scare me. "

"Stop calling me [Knight]," Arthur said with an annoyed look on his face. "Just call me Arthur." "

"How can that be?" How can a lowly person like me call a knight by his name... "

"Well, I won't take you hunting tomorrow, boy." Arthur threatened.

"But …" Okay, Arthur... "— —"

Before Eavan could even finish "master", he received a heavy punch from Arthur on top of his head.

"A boy with no memory." Arthur retracted his fist and said coldly.

"Ugh …" Arthur, big... Arthur, why did you come to find me so late at night? Eavan held his head and asked.

"Previously, I was so focused on inviting you to hunt that I forgot to ask you about another thing — — the Breath of the Sky. "

"Oh, that flower, you say?" "Yes, it was by the lake on a nearby island. "

"Far away?" "

"About five miles from here." Eavan answered without thinking.

"Around?" You've never been there? Arthur questioned.

"Why did I go there?" "I've been working at the Lighthouse ever since I came to the Westernmost Knight Organization. I haven't left it at all." That island is just an occasional one I see. "

Arthur noticed the disagreement in Eavan's words and immediately frowned. "See? Do you know what you're talking about? — From here you can see the flowers by the lake on an island five miles away?! You just saw it and said it was the kind of flower we were looking for? "

Eavan panicked: "Um …. Isn't it just as you described? White petals, the petals near the core are blue, and the core is yellow and green … What else? Sawtooth leaves and prickly stems? "

"We didn't mention the sawtooth leaves or the burr stems." But this brat was right, what he saw was indeed a Breath of the Sky. The Red Dragon Malefic flew down from the top of the lighthouse.

"What are you eavesdropping on, impudent fellow?" Arthur rolled his eyes at Little Red Dragon.

"No, I just heard the shot coming and I happened to hear what you were saying." The little red dragon made sense of the situation.

"Oh, that's right." Arthur doubted.

Malefic, who had been exposed, could not help but be enraged. Well, I did care, so I followed. That should be fine, right? "

"I care …." Me? Eavan felt extremely flattered once again.

The Red Dragon narrowed his eyes into two slits as he looked at Eavan. "You brat, you have a few strange innate photons in your body." You may have some kind of Photon Creature bloodline. If it didn't come from your knight father, it came from your whore mother. In short, your mother should be a descendant of the Photon Creature. With this kind of good eyesight, the only possibility was Elves. "

"Elves?" You mean that... pointy of ear,... Elves? Eavan asked.

"The elves are only legends." Arthur waved his hands nonchalantly.

"More than ten thousand years ago, when I was a little boy, the elves did exist." The Malefic sneered at Arthur's foolishness. "When the elves found the door to another dimension, they disappeared from the human world." They were the ancestors of space-time magic, so it wasn't strange that they could do this. It was said that the Elf Country [Elf Village] — Pure Land Ellison, was an ideal place for the body to live. It's energy was endless, food piled up like a mountain, and it was warm like spring all year round. It was a perfect place to live. If there was a paradise in the world, it would be there. "

"Oh, I know the details." Could dragons actually cherish such an immortal paradise? Arthur asked tentatively.

"Me?" No, I don't care. The Malefic wagged his tail. "It's just that, there might be something I've been looking for, so I've been looking for it." "

Arthur stared at Malefic with an ice-cold gaze, as if he was looking at a scum. "Could it be that you … You want to steal the treasures of the elven village? "

"Treasure?" Malefic was stunned.

Then, as if offended, the little red dragon went into a rage. "Idiot!" You don't know anything, so it's useless for me to tell you! "

There seemed to be a sadness in his words, the Malefic flew away unhappily.

"I just feel like …" What did he hear? Eavan whispered as he watched Malefic leave.

"Leave him alone, that guy likes to talk nonsense." "But then again, it looks like your eyesight is real." The bloodline of Elves? Wu … "

"How is that possible? How can a lowly person like me have the noble blood of the elves …" "

"Can't you bring out more confidence?" Arthur shook his head, "The ability is real, it is enough to be of use in a battle." If the Knights don't agree with you, then just show them some of your skills and force them to agree. It's such a simple matter. "

"Arthur speaks easily enough," Eavan said with a gloomy face. "Doing things is a different story. Do I have to fight with an enemy like myself who has nothing left to lose? Just thinking about it was terrifying. "

"Terrible?" Gunners were only capable of killing enemies from a distance. As for melee classes, they could just hand them over to the others. Was it even scary to aim at a target that couldn't fire back from a distance? I don't understand. Arthur said.

"If you fail, you give your comrades trouble." Then they'll complain and hate you. "Such a thing …"

"Not just the enemy. Are you afraid of your comrades?" Arthur was enraged, "Even your own friends are afraid, what should you do?!" "

"Right …" I'm sorry! Eavan subconsciously shrunk his body.

Arthur looked at Eavan in confusion: "What are you doing? "

"Nothing." The teenager, Eavan, said.

"And 'Nothing'?" What was that reflexively shrinking movement? Used to being beaten? How often do other people hit you?! "

"No..." No, it's just … Sometimes, if he said something wrong, Owen would... "The more Eavan spoke, the softer his voice became. What he was about to say was something that only he could hear.

Arthur sighed, "So you are always looked down upon by father, always being bullied by brother, always being treated as a fool by the Knights. Am I right? "

"Probably." "

"How long do you want to live like this?" A lifetime? Arthur asked.

"Big..." I guess. "Yes," the boy stammered.

"Are you satisfied with living such a safe life?" Arthur came closer and asked.

"I don't know." "Yes," the boy replied.

"Answer me!" Are you satisfied?! the knight asked again.

"…." Enough! "The teenager pushed Arthur away and squatted on the ground, his voice changing its tone." Please don't bother with me anymore! "