C52 Light Replies to the Covenant

In the evening, the knights were busy in their rooms, packing up their belongings.

"Arthur is really a good person. "Really, thank you for everything you have done for Tristan." "

"What are you laughing about?" Disgusting. "Arthur looked disapproving," Although that little mermaid kid is messing around, he doesn't have a bad personality. "

"That's why Arthur is such a good person. He could actually fight with his life on the line for a stranger. "A good man like you, there's not a second one in the world." "

"Just remembering the past." "Perhaps I did it so that the boy wouldn't have to repeat the same mistake and go my way." Perhaps it was a form of atonement for the past. "

"Arthur …." "

"Don't ask." "I can't tell you anything," Arthur interrupted her with a wave of his hand. That's not something you kids should be able to handle. Cursed things can never hurt anyone again unless they are forever sealed. "

"So, Arthur kept everything in his heart and allowed you to continue getting hurt? Bedivere stared at the Knight, his blue eyes narrowing. "You never trusted me as if I was your friend?" "

"I'm sorry." The knight stroked Orc Teenager's head.

In the palace bathroom, Kai and Tristan happened to be bathing at the same time.

Kai looked at the Merman Boy. Finally, he asked, "Actually, I still don't understand one thing." "

"What is it?" "

"Why do the mermaids want to invade the Pantolacken?" The queen had made it clear that to a place as hot as the mermaids', there was no value in invading. "

"It was all my fault." "When I was a child, I used to be angry and say, 'I don't want to stay in such a cold place. If I don't find a warm place to stay, I'll freeze to death!'" Something like that. Now that I think about it, that was just an excuse for not wanting to stay in the palace. "

"So the Queen decided to invade Pantolacken for your sake?!" Kay laughed. "Ahahahahaha!" So it turns out that you are the mastermind! Just then, what you said was our secret, if Arthur knew about it, he would have taken out his light sword and cut you down! "

The ship returned to Pantolacken after a day of sailing.

"So —" Grand Duke Lyons looked at Arthur and the rest. "It's just that we haven't met for a little more than a week, how much of the [local specialties] did you bring back? "

"Merman Prince?" "Heavenly Stage Knight looked at Tristan, who smiled in embarrassment.

"Two …." Flying lizards? Heavenly Stage Knight looked at the red and white dragon brothers.

"What flying lizards!" I am the Great Malefic Red Fire Dragon. "" Are you blind? cried the two dragons at the same time.

"I'm sorry, but these two fellows have a venomous mouth. Please ignore their words." Arthur said as he held the two dragons by their necks.

"Malefic?" Xivia? Heavenly Stage Knight raised his eyes and looked at the two little dragons. "Hmm, I seem to have heard of them before." Had the name of two fighting dragons been discovered five hundred years ago in the caverns beneath Fort Welsh? Should not... Your parents, little ones? "

"No …" the red dragon said. "Exactly." said the dragon.

"What?!" "Think about it," the Little White Dragon whispered to his brother. "Shouldn't we keep a low profile now that we're like this?" If others were to find out that we were the dragons of legends, wouldn't our reputation be ruined? "

"You're already like this and you still care about your face?" Arthur came closer and ridiculed.

"That's right. Legend has it that the red dragon fought the white dragon. Who won in the end?" Tristan purposely instigated them with a mischievous look on his face.

"The red dragon, of course." The Welsh gang are still claiming to be the descendants of the red dragon, a demonstration of that [dragon's vein]. Their flag also had a large red dragon printed on it. The Grand Duke Lyons said disapprovingly. He only treated this as a folklore.

Malefic revealed a proud look.

"I was in the water," White Dragon grumbled with displeasure.

One hour later.

"So," Arthur looked at the two dragons eating steak in the dorm, "won't eating ordinary food make you accumulate photons?" "

"These ordinary creatures are all Exo-Photon, which dissipates in the air over time and cannot stay in the body for long." It wasn't enough to eat like this, it was just filling his stomach. "The only way to get [the intrinsic photon] is to eat the creature that possesses the intrinsic photon, except by accumulating it over time." — The Epic Tier Level Photon Creature, as you call it. "

A Epic Tier Level Photon Creature like a dragon was able to transform the [free photon] of the environment into [inherent photon] and store it within their body. This was the reason why, over time, it became incomparably strong. They even relied on the accumulation of [intrinsic photon] to obtain that enormous figure which completely went against the laws of physics. It could be seen how important [intrinsic photon] was to these Epic Tier Level creatures.

"Wait a minute, why didn't you guys eat that Charm Demon last time?" Arthur thought again, "This is obviously a good opportunity?" "

"How can we eat such a disgusting thing like Charm Demon!?" "Even if it's [Epic Tier Level], it's still hard to eat!" What if they accidentally eat the poisoned part and die from it?! "

"You sure are picky." Arthur's face was filled with helplessness. "Then what do we do?" To hunt other Epic Tier Level? "

"The best hunting dragon." Dragon's photon composition is just like ours, directly eating the dragon's [innate photon], and then absorbing it. The little red dragon Malefic said.

"Eat …" Same kind? "Arthur made a [you guys are so disgusting] face.

The dragons, on the other hand, looked unimpressed. Little White Dragon laughed coldly: "Is there a problem? Aren't you humans a man-eating society? The upper class used all sorts of methods to extract the life force of the lower classes. If this wasn't eating, then what was it? The form of eating is different, but the essence is completely the same. "

Arthur was unable to refute. But he shook his head. "Anyway, think of something else." Eating others of the same kind was not something to be done. Brothers killing each other was something that shouldn't be done either. "

Even if they thought that it was nothing, this kind of thing made Arthur feel extremely hurt.

"What brothers?" A voice sounded out from behind the Knight, interrupting Arthur's train of thoughts.

"Uh, why are you here?" Arthur turned his head and looked at Guinevere.

"What [er, why are you here]?" — Where's your manners, Knight? The Therapist was furious. "Seeing that you didn't return to the infirmary and instead came looking for you, how can you welcome me like this?!" "

"But now we're talking about something important …" Arthur muttered.

"…." Give me your hand! It was time to change the bandages! Guinevere shouted angrily.

There was no saving him. Little Red Dragon looked at Arthur and sighed.

"?" "Arthur felt that it was strange and wonderful, and could only extend his left hand," Actually, I can do such a small thing myself … "

The girl took off the bandage and splint on Knight Arthur's hand angrily. "Luckily, the wound wasn't festering." At this rate, it will heal in a week. His recovery rate was truly astonishing. Was this really the hand that he had broken just a few days ago? "

"Does it have anything to do with the medicine the mermaids use?" Arthur asked tentatively.

"No." "We have almost the same medical skills as the Iceisland people. I know how to use all the medicine they can." That doesn't explain your super reflexes. "

Arthur's face sank. "Does this have anything to do with the blood of the Charm Demon that I drank before? "

Guinevere did not say anything, and deliberately avoided Arthur's gaze, "I haven't found out about this yet. But … A small amount of innate photons have been detected in your body, which is very similar to the innate photonic structures in Charm Demon. "

"That explains everything." "One of the unique features of Charm Demon is that it has a super healing ability." Furthermore, humans could not absorb the inherent photons of the Epic Tier Level Photon Creature, unless … "

"Unless they are of the same species." "Kid, maybe you really do have the blood of the Charm Demon in your body. "

Arthur looked at the two dragons. He knew that they were not joking, but he had no choice but to treat that as a joke. My parents are both human. "

"Who knows?" Maybe some guy of Charm Demon bloodline, who turned into a human and snuck into human society, gave birth to a freak like you? The Little White Dragon sneered.

"Enough, stop talking about topics that make Arthur uneasy," Guinevere said as she placed the white dragon on the table. "Arthur, you don't need to worry about anything. Without sufficient rest, this arm injury will leave a sequela. "

"Got it." "Thank you, you can leave now." "

The Therapist girl looked at the Knight angrily. "Alright, I'll be going then. Stay here and chat with your pet lizards, you fool! "Idiot!"

The girl slammed the door and left.

"Why are you angry?" Weird guy. Arthur was puzzled.

"It's really hopeless." "Little White Dragon also looked at Arthur, shaking his head in pity.