Three hours later, Arthur and the rest were brought to the Queen's palace.

The mermaid palace was a magnificent crystal tower, built from beautiful azure crystals. It was tough and tough, standing in the biting cold of the Northern Kingdom for thousands of years.

The edges of each giant crystal were made of gold, and the magic was placed directly on the surface of the crystal. They were ingeniously integrated with the crystal, intertwining and intertwining with each other, extending into the sky along with the crystal, emitting a faint magic light.

If the traveler stopped to admire it, he could see the patterns of gold. This gold was not just for decoration, their strange patterns were a type of Incantation Stripe s that could defend against the enemy's fire and also block the wind and snow, so that the crystal tower would never get infected by a snowflake.

Mermaid's elegance and exquisite, can be so seamlessly combined art and use sex, this kind of supernatural construction, it is really amazing.

The only thing that Arthur was unhappy about was the cold air here: Mermen and fishes liked low temperatures, and this kind of crystal cold texture showed off their liking. However, to humans like Arthur and the others, this building was unable to withstand the cold. Although it could block the snowstorm, it still absorbed the biting cold from the cold wind, causing everyone who entered the building to be terrified.

"Arthur!" The Orc Teenager shivered as he looked at his master uneasily.

"Don't worry, I will think of a way for you to escape safely." Arthur lowered his voice and said.

"To see Her Majesty, you must first bathe and dress in formal ceremonial attire." "You are tired today, too. Take a rest for the night and wait until tomorrow, when everything is ready." "

"Thank you." Arthur answered absent-mindedly.

"This way, then." This was originally a room prepared for the Clan Elders of Viking to enjoy the view. Today, we will make an exception and let your group live inside. "

The three of them followed the guard into a large room. The luxury of this room was indeed worthy of the name of the palace. The walls of the Crystal Wall were originally decorated with beast skins for humans to adapt to, which was very similar to the architecture of Viking. However, for the sake of being elegant, the Merfolk had used the white fur of Snow Deer, making the room look as though it was wrapped in snow. It was very cold, but it was much warmer than the crystal palace outside.

"Wow, what a soft bed!" Kaye rolled around in the luxurious bed as soon as she got up. The bed made of snow deer fur was also pure white like snow.

"Are you a child?" Arthur said as he peeked through the crack in the door.

"What a tight guard. It seems like he doesn't want us to escape." "

"What?" Do you think you can escape? We are lucky that we are not being escorted to the torture chamber as prisoners. Kay said optimistically.

"Indeed." Arthur pondered, "Everything that Merman Race has done was really unexpected." "Is such gentleness intentional, or is it —?"

"Arthur, I don't know …" Do they have toilets here? "Bedivere said embarrassedly," We are all mermaids, we can't all be … There was only a female restroom? "

"Idiot, I've already said that this is a room for the Viking. The men's room should be here, right?" At this point, Kai's face suddenly turned pale. "Wait a minute, don't tell me all the elders who come from Viking are limited to women?!" "

"No, no!" "The guard, the toilet, the toilet —! "

"Are you both idiots?" Arthur looked at Kai coldly.

"Get it over with." the guard said, and stood guard outside the door.

"Phew." When Orc Teenager saw that there was actually a male restroom, he felt relieved and walked in.

"Well, it feels so easy to be saved."

"Huh?" "

Seemingly felt, who's gaze was there?

Werewolf Boy turned his head and saw a child.

"Wow!" "What, what are you looking at?!" "

"I'm sorry, ha," the strange boy said with a smile. "It's a bit odd to see someone else use this place for the first time." "

"What?" Bedivere was confused.

"I've lived in the palace for so long that it's almost never been used by anyone else." "So, uh, welcome to my bathroom?" "

"What a strange fellow you are." Bedivere was puzzled.

"You're a strange one, too." Are you really human? Why did he have a tail at the back of his butt? the strange boy asked.

"This …." Bedivere finally understood that after the accident at the sea and the series of events, the mimicry at his collar had started to fail. The wolf's tail was exposed.

"Oh, no." "Yes, I am an orc." "

"Oh, that's amazing." This was the first time he saw an orc! "Why are you in a place like this?" I see. Is it the new servant? "

"No." The Werewolf Boy frowned angrily. "Who's the servant?" "

"Isn't it?" Un, what a pity. The strange boy was suddenly disappointed. "Well, do you want to play?" "

"Play?" "

"Here," said the strange boy, switching on a hidden switch on the wall, and revealing a secret passage, "this is the secret passage I discovered before, from which I could slip out of the palace." Want to go out and play? "

"No, it's so late, and-" Bedivere was about to refuse, but as he thought about it, he suddenly thought that this secret passage was probably a chance for them to escape! Okay, just for a while. He nodded.

The passage was very dark and narrow, with a musty smell. The wall gradually turned from a Crystal Wall to a basalt wall. With the strange teenager walking in front, Bedivere could only touch the wall and barely keep up.

"Oh yeah, I'm Tristan. What's your name?" the strange boy asked.

"Bedivere." The Werewolf Boy replied.

"So, Betty, why are you in the palace?" Tristan asked.

"It's a long story." "Bedivere said as he began to narrate his story. He told the whole story, from the moment he met Arthur, to he was trapped in the Iceisland Palace.

"Wow, what a pain!" "The outside world is truly wonderful!" Your master, Arthur, is so fierce! And that what, Sir Kay? Why did he become a giant? He really killed a Great Siren with his bare hands!? It was really too powerful! "

Bedivere regained his senses, he realized that he had actually told this stranger so much information. What was going on!?

"Ah, here we are!" "This place is very narrow. Be careful when you come out." "

Bedivere did not hear it, he was wondering why his leg suddenly missed his after saying so much things that should not be said. Coming out from the secret passage was a cliff, so Werewolf Boy who had stepped on it lost his balance and fell down the cliff.

"Oh, here you are!" In that moment of life and death, Tristan grabbed Bedivere with one hand and pulled him back to the edge of the cliff.

"T-he's saved!" Bedivere was drenched in cold sweat.

"I told you to be careful, you idiot." Tristan scolded.

"I'm sorry." The Orc Teenager apologized.

A few more steps, and we were almost there. Tristan said.

The youths stuck close to the cliff, walking on the edge of the cliff. After a short walk, the cliff path suddenly opened up. What Bedivere saw was a mountain cliff facing the sea, and on this mountain cliff, there was a large patch of snow-white fur growing all over it!

Borrowing the moonlight, Bedivere finally had the time to observe this mysterious youth called Tristan.

He looks like a human." He had golden hair, dark blue eyes, a tall nose, and a oval face that was almost golden in color. This was a standard beauty. However, after careful observation, Bedivere saw that Tristan's skin was covered with tiny scales. These almost completely transparent scales only vaguely reflected the moonlight, emitting a golden light.

Humans? Mermaid?

The mysterious youth's white breath in the cold night told Bedivere that he was at least not a ghost.

"Hahahaha!" Tristan laughed innocently and jumped into the snowflake, rolling around as he did so. "You come too, this furry flower field is very comfortable, more comfortable than the highest class of mattress!" "

Bedivere hesitated for a moment, but it was as if some kind of magical power was luring him. He couldn't help but pounce towards that piece of snowy velvet and lie down in the soft flower field.

"You're a strange fellow." "Bedivere lied beside Tristan and said," To lie in this place in the middle of the night. Who the hell are you? "

"Tristan is Tristan," the child said. "Although the servants always ask me to be some kind of mermaid, it has nothing to do with me." "

"Murlocs?" Bedivere looked at the boy's legs. He did not see the boy's fish tail, but he saw that this youth's legs had grown slightly larger scales. There were even webbing between his toes.

"You are Merman Race?" But your feet … Bedivere asked curiously.

"Right, isn't it weird?" "My mother and everyone else had tails, but I was the only one who had these feet, just like humans, and there was a strange thing …"

Tristan smiled mischievously.

In short, sometimes even I wonder if I am using Merman Race. Maybe I'm actually human, but the mermaids took me in and magically turned me into what I am now? "

Bedivere had lived in the Francis for a long time, so he thought that he had a deep understanding of humans, but he couldn't deny it right away. I've never seen a human with fish scales, I don't know. "

"You don't know?" Tristan seemed to be very disappointed. "Forget it, let's play?" Do you want to wrestle? Or is it like you Knights like to play and compete in sword arts? "

"Swordsmanship?" "There is no such thing as --"

Without waiting for Bedivere to finish speaking, Tristan took out two swords that looked like ice cubes.

"This is ice magic." Don't worry, he intentionally did it in a blunt manner and broke it easily. He wouldn't be injured by this competition. The teenager, Tristan, said.

"If you insist." "Bedivere took the ice sword. The ice cold aura of the thing spread on Werewolf Boy's claws, but it was not ice cold at all." I'll say this first, I am very strong. Do you want me to give you three chances to attack? "

"Heh heh, I don't need to thank you." "Don't look at me like that. I've learned swordsmanship from the guards." "

"Very well, you say." Don't blame me if I cry. Bedivere wished that he could teach this arrogant brat a lesson.

At the same time, in the Ambassador Lounge.

"Why is Bedivere gone for so long? Arthur said worriedly, "Did something happen in the washroom?" "

"How is that possible?" Were the humans and fishes in the palace really that hungry? Even a child? Kaye jumped out of bed. "Sister Mermaid!" I want to go to the toilet too! "

"A hopeless pervert." Arthur said in disdain.