In the cave on the coast.

Werewolf Boy opened his eyes and saw that the necklace on his chest was glowing with a milky white light. He felt a splitting headache until the glimmer of light on the chain had completely faded. He then remembered that this was the protective talisman that Great Magister Merlin had bestowed to him.

"Arthur?" He called out softly, but the Knight Arthur was no longer in the cave.

The north wind blew gently, and the sounds of fighting could be heard from outside the cave.

"Kay, wake up, wake up." The Werewolf Boy hastily shook the red-haired young knight.

"Another bowl, huh —" Kay could not shake herself out of her stupor. She was probably having a good time in her dreams. The covetous knight would not wake up easily until he had finished his meal.

"Strange …" Bedivere thought about what Jack had said about mermaids and immediately understood that this was the effect of some kind of hypnotism.

He did not know how to break this hypnosis spell. However, his own hypnosis had already been released. There must be a reason.

His eyes fell on the amulet. The locket, which had once glowed a milky white, was no longer glowing, and the square stone on the locket had now become docile.

Bedivere quickly took off the necklace and placed it on Kai's forehead.

The necklace once again emitted a milky white glow. This magical light was not reflected on the surface of the object. It slowly fused with the knight's forehead, as if it could reflect his inner self.

Before long, Sir Kay slowly opened his eyes.

Red Haired Knight held his head, the dizziness that felt like he had a hangover didn't go away for a long time. "Head, I have a headache …" What have you done to me, boy? Give me back my steak! "

"This is not the time!" Bedivere said, "Arthur is gone." "

"Ha, ha." The Knight Boy was breathing heavily, dodging the incoming waves. These waves were obviously covered in magic, and the corners of the knights' clothes were instantly pierced by the waves.

"What's wrong, aren't you Knight Pantolakun experts good at dodging?!" Why didn't he try to dodge this monstrous wave? Hahaha! The mermaid said as she controlled the Great Siren to set off huge waves. At the same time, she shot countless cold Ice Arrow with tracking properties towards Arthur.

Arthur could only scurry to the left and right, facing the overwhelming attacks, he had no time to retaliate.

"It's so hard to deal with two at once." Arthur gasped for breath as he ran.

"If you think you can't handle it, you can surrender. If you surrender, I'll leave you with a corpse." The mermaid laughed loudly.

"I don't want to die yet, thank you." Arthur said as he waved his sword to cut the Ice Arrow in half. The Ice Arrow shattered into countless pieces under the Chop of the light sword and bounced onto the knight's arm, slicing out a few small wounds. Although the damage was not great, the physical effects of the freezing and the stimulation of the pain caused the knight's arm to gradually become numb.

"Then die!" Seeing that the rider was exhausted, the Mermaid knew that the time had come. She patted the Great Siren's head, and it formed an unprecedented wave that engulfed Arthur.

"Hmph!" The knight leapt up and brought down his sword of light. Like a bolt of lightning in the night, he cut the wave in half!

"If you can't dodge, then just cut it open." Arthur said as he climbed up from the beach.

"No, you have." the mermaid sneered.

"What?!" It was only then that the Knight noticed that his feet were frozen in ice. The ice adhered to the soles of his shoes, spreading from the soles of his feet all the way up. No matter how he struggled, the Knight could only watch as his lower body was firmly sealed in ice.

"Inundate the beach with water and then freeze it with ice?" "Arthur said," Very good, he is indeed a master of ice magic. "

"So you won't be able to escape from the beginning." No one could win Merman Race on the beach. "You had a chance of winning by diving into the sea." "

"I haven't lost yet, miss." Arthur said as he raised his sword. "My hand can still move. I can still wield it. Even if I can't get away, I won't necessarily lose." "

"What else can you do?" You can't run anymore, can you use a light sword to defend against all the attacks?! "

"How can we know without trying?" Arthur said. As he concentrated, a large number of photons began to gather on the light sword.

— — Third Miracle, [Photon Creation], activate!

The merman looked at the extraordinary photons gathering together. "Why, there can't be so many photons in this space!" Creating something from nothing!? This was [Miracle Commerce]! — — This man was truly dangerous! I'm sorry, Queen Lily, but it seems that this man can no longer remain in this world! "

"Great Siren, kill him with all your strength!" The Great Siren howled, took a deep breath, and shot out a red, high-pressure water column with magic power from its mouth. The mermaid, on the other hand, used all her strength and shot out hundreds of Frigid Ice Arrow s, which mixed with the water cannon and turned into an even more powerful ice cannon, shooting straight at Arthur.

Even a giant dragon would die in these crimson waves! Shatter, Knight! "

"Ha!" "Arthur also struck with his killing blow. An enormous light sword formed into a pillar of light shot out, colliding with the enemy's dark red energy wave.

Rumble, rumble, rumble!

Two enormous forces collided and burst out, emitting a magnificent rosy halo in the darkness of the night! The Excess Light floated out like a meteor, and the huge shockwave blew away the snowstorm.

After everything was over, the night sky was bright and quiet. The only sound that could be heard on the windless shore was the faint panting of the young knight.

"Huu, huu, is it done?" "Arthur kneeled on the ground and muttered.

"That was a close call. I thought I was going to die." The merman fish emerged from the water on a Great Siren. Both of them were badly damaged and in a sorry state, but they could still fight.

"Dammit, how could he be so resistant!" Arthur replied in despair.

"Knight, you really are a formidable opponent!" "It's a pity your luck isn't good enough. We're in the sea on our side, and the Great Siren can regenerate endlessly as long as it absorbs the photons in the sea!" "

"The ability to cheat." "His eyelids grew heavy." "Oh, why, I feel so sleepy."

The ice gradually spread to Arthur's upper body and began to freeze the entire Knight Boy.

"Go to sleep, knight, and sleep will not hurt." "You're my best collection. You're the one to boast to future generations hundreds of years from now." "

"But …." Evil... "Arthur grew more and more sleepy. His eyelids were as heavy as lead, ready to fall at any moment and close the young man's soul window forever.

Cold and darkness enveloped him.