At the bottom of the North Atlantic Ocean, two hundred feet deep, a small submarine was quietly sailing in the dark. The orange glow of its headlamps illuminated the wondrous undersea world within thirty feet.

The small fish and shrimps at the bottom of the sea curiously came over to see what was going on. After inspecting it, they swam away in fear, as if they were frightened by the sound of the iron fish's engine. About a hundred feet below, the seabed was covered with coral seaweed, and the lights of the submarines reflected its colorful glow.

"Wow!" Bedivere looked out of the window at the seabed, surprised. He seemed like a child to begin with. So fierce! "

"He really is a little kid." Kay pretended to be calm, but he himself was too preoccupied to see it. The fat fish looks delicious...

"Why don't you come and help with the submarine?" Arthur had to check all kinds of instruments and operate submarines. He was extremely busy, and could only grumble continuously.

"Why, how could I understand the complicated machine of a submarine?" And I have an even more important mission: to keep an eye on the surroundings in case something happens! Kai's crooked words made Arthur want to use his light sword to cut him down.

"Ah, the Temple!" The Werewolf Boy pointed at the seabed. The vague outline of the building lay still in the gloom. The submarine's light could only illuminate one corner of it.

"Ah, indeed, it can be seen." The ancient and mysterious shrine seemed to be filled with an unknown enticement that made the Red Haired Knight yearn for it. "That is the shrine ruins left behind by the ancient Kelton, one of the entrances to the Sacred Palace. "

Bedivere had never heard of this thing before, so he couldn't help but be curious. "Warrior's Tomb? "

"The greatest place in the history of the Pantolacken, the place where Wang Chang Zai was laid, was a maze that all the brave knights dreamed of reaching. "In the deepest part of [Warrior's Tomb], legend has it that there is an extremely powerful ancient divine weapon, a golden sword that only a true king can wield, [Caliburn]. "

"Excalibur?" It was another thing that piqued Bedivere's curiosity.

It was said that a simple wave of the sword could split the world apart, bringing together the greatest masterpieces of all science and technology from the ancient civilizations. "After the death of their king, no one could touch it, so they sealed it." After sleeping within the Warrior's Tomb for several thousand years, that treasured sword had been waiting for the arrival of his true master. One day, I will enter that maze and challenge the layers of trials within it, taking that Sacred Weapon for myself! "

"Right, right. Keep dreaming, young man." "Do you still remember when a little idiot almost died at the entrance to the maze?" His leg was pierced by a needle. He couldn't even escape. Who saved him in the end, remember? "

"We were small then, weren't we?" "It's different this time." I will plan the strategy for Warrior's Tomb in detail and will definitely succeed. "

"Kay, listen to me: cherish life, stay away from that labyrinth." "Although both you and your father are hateful bastards, but if you die …" Lancelot would be sad. "

"Er —" Kai gave a strange smile, "Why is it not [you will be sad], but [Lancelot will be sad]!?" Oh, is this shyness? "

"Idiot." Arthur replied coldly.

"Arthur," Werewolf Boy Bedivere could not stand it any longer and took the opportunity to interrupt him, "That black stream of water had two red dots in it, is this a normal phenomenon? "

"Where?" "Oh, no!" Arthur looked at the scene through the periscope. When he saw the red dot, his whole body shivered as if he had been electrocuted. That was not normal at all! "

"Hold on tight! Prepare to withstand the impact!" The submersible vehicle turned ninety degrees under Arthur's control and avoided the attack at full speed.

Two beams of red light shot toward the submarine, brushing against its tail.

Rumble! — The silence of the submarine was broken by the sound of twisting metal.

Waa!" "The violent tremors caused Orc Teenager to feel dizzy.

Arthur shouted into the walkie-talkie: "Leader, leader, can you hear me?!" Our submarine is being shelled by the enemy! We have enemy artillery in the direction of three o'clock! Notice the red glow in the black current! "

"KNOWN — DOWN! — — OFF — — ALL Team — — OFF!" Precision – prepare for attack! There was a vague reply from the other end of the intercom, which seemed to have been severely disrupted by the signal.

"Arthur, it's 5 o'clock again!" Bedivere shouted.

"Damn it!" "This thing is too slow!" "

"No, I can't dodge it!" "Hold on!" "

— — BOOM!

A red beam hit the submarine in the belly, leaving a large hole in the hull.

"Are you all okay?!" "Get up!" "

"No, the operating system is out of order!" Arthur said as he tried to open the hatch. However, the hatch was firmly pressed down by the water pressure and could not be opened! The ship is going to break up! "

Kaye looked at the water pouring through the hole in the hull and shouted, "Damn it! — You two, hold me tight!" "

Arthur shouted in panic, "What do you want!? Die with her?! "

"I'm going to open the hatch manually — and swim out!" Silver Knight took out his weapon. His fire spear quickly returned to its original shape, and the tip of the spear emitted a scarlet light, illuminating the entire cabin.

"No!" Do you want to be crushed into meat paste?! "

"It won't be a problem. Turn the power of the protective shield on the armor to its maximum. At the very least, it can withstand a few seconds of water pressure!" Enough for me to reach a safe depth! "

Arthur was skeptical, but it was indeed the only way.

Kaye steadied herself, taking the brunt of the blow. "Hold me tight!" If you get washed away by the water, I won't have the time to save you! "

"Got it!" Arthur and Bedivere immediately hugged Kai's waist. Two landlubbers, afraid of drowning, clung to the human lifebuoy.

"Now!" Kaye raised her photon lance and thrust it toward the hatch.

The heat from the tip of the spear melted the hatch and the water rushed into the submarine. Kaye took a deep breath and rushed out of the cabin against the rushing tide. Using his powerful muscle strength, he swam desperately towards the surface of the sea.