Year 518, Pantolacken, outskirts of the city.

Waves of warmth came from within the pitch-black cave, and a low and deep sound echoed out. Every sign showed that this cave was inhabited by a terrifying giant beast.

The young knight and his follower entered the cave without fear.

The outline of the master and the servant appeared in the dim light of the lantern.

The knight was dressed in finely carved armor, or perhaps it could even be said to be overdone. No matter what the Defensive Power was wearing, it was clearly too cumbersome, preventing the Knights from advancing. Even though the knights were moving at an extremely slow pace, their armor was still rubbing against each other, giving off a slight but fatal creak, enough to alert enemies dozens of feet away to the existence of the knights.

However, the Knight still did not notice this point. He even felt that there was no need to deliberately hide his whereabouts. He felt good about himself. He thought he could easily defeat any powerful enemy in the world — if he had this set of high-level equipment.

The Snow Flower Medallion on the Knight's chest showed that he was only a Bronze Knight (Internship Knight). He didn't deserve this luxurious set of equipment.

But the illustrious family of knights allowed this outfit to be tacitly accepted by its peers. No matter what, the son of the current Heavenly Stage Knight did not have any proper protection to fight, and died in battle because of that, which was enough to become a heavy responsibility that caused his superiors to move their heads.

On the other hand, the Knight's attire was pathetic. Not only was there no protection, even the clothes were made of coarse linen. His short, lean, muscle-less body carried the heavy supplies with difficulty as he advanced with the same heavy steps.

After all, in this era, the death of a knight follower without any status in battle was an extremely common thing. It was just a waste of money to equip them with any equipment.

The knight suddenly stopped and gestured for his followers to stop as well.

Silence descended. The snoring sounds gradually covered it up.

Not far from the cave was a sleeping monster. A dragon, a red fire dragon with scales that glowed with flames, and a Epic Tier Level Photon Creature.

This was the best time. Taking advantage of the time when the dragon was sleeping to give it a fatal blow, and then carrying the dragon head back to prove its bravery, that was the dream of many Knights. Such a feat was sufficient to allow a young Knight to advance, and could even be successfully promoted to Darksteel Knight, or even Silver Knight.

The knight was eager to prove himself. He was carried away by his reputation, reckless and impulsive in his actions. His follower looked disdainful in the dark, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

The knight raised his sword and approached the dragon's head. He raised his sword of light.

The sword stabbed down.


The colossal dragon stretched out its claws and blocked the blow. The naturally condensed photons of the dragon's claw were much purer than the photonic streams of the light sword.

When the two Photon Weapon collided, the one with the lowest photon concentration would definitely be affected by the stronger reaction force. The light sword was bounced back with a heavy force.

"Woo!" The knight stepped back, his heavy armor almost knocking him off his feet.

I was still wondering why they'd been arguing ever since. Sure enough, rats ran in. The dragon rose to its feet, the light from its nostrils lighting up the cave.

the knight shouted, his voice stiff and bored, as if reciting from a textbook: "Comprehension, dragon!" I've come today to take your head away! "

"For what?" For fame, for wealth, for power? Humans like you come to your deaths one by one just for these boring things, how laughable! The dragon sneered disapprovingly. His voice carried the unique hiss of a lizard as it echoed throughout the cave, low and deadly.

"Stop talking!" The knight rushed forward recklessly with his sword. He brandished his light sword and clumsily chopped at the dragon's belly. The armor made his swing slow and comical.

Unable to bear the slow movements of his opponent, the colossal dragon sent out a tail sweep. Seeing that he could not dodge in time, the Knight used the Vambrace to block with his arm. Fortunately, his armor was highly effective, not only did it block the sweeping attack of the dragon's tail, but it also bounced back, causing the dragon to lose its balance.

"What?!" His heavy body fell to the ground.

"Die!" The knight took the opportunity to stab the exposed dragon in the chest, aiming for his heart.


The tip of the Light Sword stopped a few inches away from the colossal dragon's chest. It was blocked by the colossal dragon's hand.

The colossal dragon had deliberately made a mistake so that the riders would fall for it.

Ha ha-ha ha-ha ha-ha! — Of all the adventurers I've ever seen, you're the stupidest! With a sinister smile, the dragon flung off the weapon in the knight's hand and knocked him down with a palm strike. "The knight flew ten yards away!

Bang! The knight's armor hit the stone wall and made a deep sound. However, thanks to the excellent armor, the knight was not particularly hurt — he merely spat out a mouthful of blood.

"This …." This is! Blood! Blood! The knight's face changed as he saw the blood he spat. He seemed to have never suffered so much damage as he did in his pampered life.

"You!" Give me the medicine! the knight called to one of his attendants.

The servant took out a bottle of healing medicine and was about to hand it to the Knight. A fireball shattered the bottle of medicine, causing the medicine to spill onto the floor.

"Do you think I'm going to stand still and wait for you to reply?" The dragon sneered.

The Knight hesitated. "Come here, stand in front of me with your shield." "

"Yes, my lord." said the follower, holding up his shield in alarm.

"Remember, keep an eye on the dragon's mouth and don't blink no matter what." the knight said again.

"Not a wink, anyway." "Yes," the attendant replied.

"Then …"

Just as he finished speaking, the Knight pushed down his follower and took advantage of this opportunity to escape.

The follower, who was almost squashed flat by the heavy backpack, stood up awkwardly. Just as he got up, the colossal dragon was already right in front of him.

"What's your name, boy?" In the gloom, the dragon's eyes shone with terrifying golden light.

"Arthur." The young follower's face remained impassive. He was used to this kind of scene.

"Then, Arthur." "Greedy saliva dripped from the corner of the dragon's mouth, and with a sweep of its tail, the rock at the mouth of the cave caved in, sealing off its escape route.

"It seems you have been abandoned by your master." Any last words? "

"That —" Arthur's face flashed a cold smile. Seeing that the person who was in his way had left, he no longer had any qualms.

He made a provocative gesture. "If you can beat me, I'll tell you!" "