It was because Lu Xiao said that he wouldn't let Lu Dashan live, but he wouldn't really treat him well. Now that the Lu family was under his care, and his brother was raised crooked, it was mostly because Lu Dashan only treated him like a pig.

If Lu Liang did not die, he would naturally harm Lu Xiao. In this kind of situation, Lu Xiao hated Lu Dashan very much because of his relationship with him, and he would not complain about Lu Dashan because of this. Lu Liang died in the end, and Lu Xiao was filled with warmth because of Lu Liang's carelessness, and all the bad things were gone with the wind, so Lu Xiao was naturally even less fond of Lu Dashan.

Due to her martial arts training in this life, Tao Yushu was actually able to live for a hundred and twenty years, while Minister Qi was actually able to live longer than her. She died when she was over 120 years old, and she had gathered a lot of seeds, soil, ginseng, and other things in this world that she did not have, but she had also collected a lot of things that could not be bought in the modern world.

When she left, she really did leave a message for him, meaning that if he didn't want to do this, he could just say it out loud and she would deal with it.

When she went back, she told the assistant that she had matters to attend to these two days, so she was not in a hurry to complete the mission.

Every time she came back, she would lie in bed for another hour as a buffer, and even if she had to go out today, she would do it according to this habit. Furthermore, she didn't have to rush the script every day like she wanted to, even though she had a copy of it in the past, and she also had a solar charger.

The first thing he did when he came back was to put the book on it. He also put the book he had compiled the last time on it. He made a promotional campaign and left it there.

Looking at the time, it was only 6: 30 in the morning. It was still early, but the time on the train ticket was 7: 30. Even if they were less than 20 minutes away from the train station, they still couldn't afford to be late.

On the other side, Yu Su's family went to the provincial capital to settle the matters of joining the union of toys and playing games. On the other hand, Yu Su's family went to the provincial capital to settle the matters of joining the alliance of toys and playing games. On the other side, Yu Su's family went to the provincial city to settle the matter of joining of toys and playing games.

"If you want to open it, open it." Father Yu was surprised when his daughter passed him another 500,000 yuan in the morning. However, he didn't ask too much. His daughter seemed to want to open a flower shop, which was something he felt could be supported with.

"Can I?" She didn't expect that Yu Su's father would say something like this. They had just bought a market and a large parking lot, so the total amount of money they had now was less than 3 million, which was really too much. If Yu Su were to do it again, it would probably be a bit too much and most people wouldn't agree, but Yu's father actually made her do it even if she wanted to.

"Sure, you're right. Didn't you say that since you signed a movie and television, you could earn some money? With the money we have now, buying another store would be fine." What Father Yu said wasn't true. They already owed at least 30 million yuan. If the house hadn't been repaired, they wouldn't dare to do such a thing. Luckily, they could save some money by paying now.

"Mm. Alright." Thinking about how fast she could earn money, Yu Su decided to finish everything in one go. Actually, it was a very good thing. Thinking about it, she didn't say anything else and went straight to sign the contract with the garden supplier.

It was agreed that they would provide the goods in the flower beds of the local city, and when this was done it was already Sunday morning. Yu Su thought about it for a while, then said that everyone should go and play together, and the two old people would naturally listen to the children, who then thought about the old people and ended up going to an ecological farm.

It was six in the evening by the time he got home. The family was too tired to move.

"I'll do it." She was so tired that her mother didn't want to move, and had to get up to cook. This made her heart hurt, she refused to let her mother go, or she could go by herself, though she didn't know if it was her fault or not, but she was better now than she was before, always taking care of Asia's health, she had never been better, whenever there was any change in the weather, she would get sick.

More importantly, there was a lot of meat in her space that she had brought over from the ancient times. She did not say that she would eat it all, but she would also take it all out. This kind of pure and natural meat would taste even better when eaten.

"Mom, it smells so good." HangQi rested for a while, then immediately came over to help Yusu. He was young, and didn't feel particularly tired like adults. Even though he was tired, he came back very quickly after such a long journey.

"It's almost ready. It's easier to make today. Rest after you've finished eating." She knew that her son had the talent to do so, so she decided to do it for him so that he could have some peace and quiet.

In the beginning, she had brought HangQi out with her, but she was truly very confused. A person who never came out to work, and had her immediately take on the responsibility of supporting her family after the divorce, was something that even most people couldn't do, and although Yu Su didn't say anything about it, she was still very anxious inside. It was precisely because of this that she was able to care for her son a lot less, and now that she had the confidence to think about him, she couldn't help but smile wryly; she really wasn't a good mother, and she never thought that her son was actually more uneasy than she was.

Although everyone was very tired at night, they still felt very happy to be able to eat food made by Yu Su. They felt that the food was very delicious, and it was obvious that Yu Su was much more confident than her initial return. As if she could do it, the whole family was relieved.

He thought he could control himself from going into those strange worlds, but who would have thought that not only did he not succeed, but the person inside even told him not to cooperate with him anymore.

Thinking of his own woman being married to another man, Zuo Yi felt like his brain was about to explode. As for the matter of having his mother help him find a date two days ago, he had already forgotten about it and returned to that voice in his head saying that he was willing, even giving her the time he had set for the next week. He didn't expect that these two days would be completely silent.

"You really don't need to rest?" When he returned from the break, he felt that the captain in his hands had become even more irritable. It couldn't be that he still hadn't recovered, right? Do you want to drag him into the hospital and have a look?

"No need." Zuo Yi rejected her straightforwardly. He actually wanted to rest for a bit, but thinking about the woman not replying him made him want to run and grab her. But the problem was, he didn't even know where she was, and it was obvious that she had space. Who in real life had that kind of thing, so he didn't even know if she was someone from this world.

When he thought about the possibility that the woman was already married, he became even more irritable, so he felt that it would be better to find something to do now, or else he would do something irrational.

"Alright, the mission this time is extremely small." Yuan Qing felt that as the elder brother who had grown up in the same courtyard as Zuo Yi, his heart had already been shattered into pieces. He was clearly only three years older than his opponent, yet this person had done something wrong.

The Zuo family had been on the phone for a long time. They wanted Zuo Yi to go back and solve their personal problems. They were still saying that his son could do whatever he wanted. Why hadn't Zuo Yi's girlfriend appeared? Was it because he didn't want Zuo Yi to find him?

He had already asked his family to help him find the gun N times. That brat was so good that he never went to see anyone, and he even directly said that he had no feelings, what a joke, you never even saw anyone, and the feeling from there should have been similar to that gun of yours right? Alright, even if that was the case, he still couldn't say anything, because the other party was still his elder, and in private, he still had to call him 'Uncle Cousin'.

They were just a grade lower than each other because their uncle was injured last time. He received a quest and was one level ahead of the other party, and now the Zuo family is saying, "Look at how high your level is, why can't you find a girlfriend for our child?"

He wanted to, but he didn't want to. Plus, it didn't matter whether he had a girlfriend or not.

"Uncle, when are you going to find a cousin?" Yuan Qing felt that it wasn't good to ask every time, but he didn't care about the person at the top, and he couldn't not come, so he even asked, and also this time, it was obvious that he didn't return home during the holidays. He really suffered too much, and was also somehow asked why he didn't come back.

"Soon." Zuo Yi's eyes narrowed as he thought about the woman who was his third wife. He couldn't help but to let out a slight smile. He also knew how difficult things were for this guy. Who told him to be so smart?