Chapter 50 - I’m just a little sad, that’s all.


1 Apparently in ancient times people used to break willow branches and give them to others as farewell gifts, which is where the name of the song comes from. Listen to the song here. Top.

2 This metaphor is from the poem “High Balcony ” by Wu Wenying. It is also a poem about separation. The original line is 修竹凝妝 lit. repairing bamboo condensing makeup (or cultivate/cut bamboo makeup). From what I found it is comparing the bamboo to a lady wearing makeup, hence my translation, but classical chinese poetry is hard so idk. Translation of the poem collection (scroll to ‘(226) High balcony 265’). Top.

3 卧龍 lit. crouching dragon. The nickname given to Zhuge Liang, the most recognised military strategist of the Three Kingdom’s period. Top.

4 Little white face, 小白臉, derogatory term for an attractive young man (think ‘pretty boy’ but condescending). Rabbit lord, 兔兒爺, slang for male prostitute. Top.

5 上知天文下知地理 lit. top know astronomy bottom know geography. Meaning to have a broad range of knowledge. Top.

6 Another slang for male prostitute. Top.

7 Heroic liver righteous gallbladder, 俠肝義膽, someone who is brave and acts to help the weak and fight injustices. Iron bones tender feelings, 鐵骨柔情, someone who is physically strong but gentle on the inside. Top.

8 The last two lines are from the poem “Washing Creek Sands” by Manchu poet Nalan Xingde. He writes about the loneliness of heartbreak, and most of his poems are sorrowful. Top.