583 Outside Part 11 High School Dungeons&Dreaming Episode XII

"Well, take your time"

Coffee, tea, green tea, mineral water, carbonated beverages. Kagra, who handled the bulk order beautifully without a single disgusting face, lowered his head deeply and left the living room.

The Dragon Man (Draconut) witch... not the Japanese-made's exit, Yut looks around at the guests gathered in her home living room.

Valtrude, student chairman, dressed in a uniform.

Verga, chairman of the Wind Discipline Commission, dressed entirely in sailor clothing.

Seneca II, who is deliberately dressed in jersey, binds the coalition of ministry activities.

And a moody coordinated acorn when it comes to room clothing, also matching a tank top with a stunning cardigan and wearing room pants.


The neutral area, independent of the three forces, means the house of Yut and Akane, chosen as a venue for the talks.

Extraordinarily important figures, both in the world of dreams and in the original world, gather at the dining table.

The number of beauties does not change when Kagra is gone. Unusual sights simmer unnoticeable feelings for Larsia inside Yut.

But you can't be trapped in it forever.

Look around that face.

"How did this happen..."

- Yut stuck to the dining table as it was. I don't know why. It can't be that easy, switching.

"Brave man, you can't frustrate me from the start!

She stood in the ring and something blew out. The acorn revived her childhood friend.

It was while cutting the seal on the treat I bought at the convenience store, but never one hassle. It should be.

"Even for me, I don't agree."

Valtrude nodded and turned a sharp gaze at the culprit - the red-haired wind discipline chairman.

I don't know what else to do.

"In the first place, Seneca thinks it's because you said it was a doggie takeover."

"That, too, is something we can't help. I can't imagine my concubine's heart being treated under her sleeve."

It's not the usual, dirty grin that ate people.

The beauty of the evil demigod had a genuine perplexity. From Verga's consciousness, a little something. I guess that was about the potato chips Acorn had a party.


Dogging is fascinating indeed. If you have a roof because you can use it even on rainy days, you can use some of it.

... etc. The true meaning was carefully hidden, and Yut sipped a sip of coffee.

With that in mind, I mouth Coke, who also requested Seneca II, who was reluctant.

"As a schwack, sounds like champagne"

"Damn, if it's a sticky place, the lady's about to wake up to junk food."

The acorn that had opened the plant inspired chocolate confectionery became familiar.

Leave the acorn, which seems a little unfortunate, for now, and Yut mouths his thoughts on the earlier battle.

"I thought even if Jonah noticed, I'd ignore it and go on."

What are you talking about?

Even so, it was Valtrude who reacted.

"Sister Jonah... not against what the teacher says"

"You're right."


"... why is that just common sense in places like that? Especially, Verga"

"Isn't it because you can't pack?

The extremes of urbanism, but the very situation of this dream is insane. I don't want to accept that anymore.

The five of us will also be exploring the Undermaids.

In the first place, strength alone can be called the finest. Chances like it came down and gushed, but an undermaze offense.

And given your return to the original world, you can't miss it.

"In the meantime, shall we decide from the leader"

Thinking of a disputed future, Yut mumbled Coro's belly with his toes. The Pomeranian feels comfortable but stays.

Yes. Besides the Yuts, there was also a heavenly grass family dog on this occasion. Refusing to leave, he's falling asleep under Yut's feet.

Out of the way, but there's no way Yut can get in the way when this happens. Only Verga had a look that seemed complicated, but the other members admitted to being seated lightly.

"Leader? Shall we decide that already?

"It's tough to agree, but, well, yeah,"

"If you decide, I thought it was from the name of the registered party"


Neither Verga, who mouths tea satisfactorily, Valtrude, who eats majestic munchkin treats, nor Seneca II, who can't stop whispering his eyebrows in the salt and oil of potato chips.

As one, I never named myself a leader.

Even if, each should represent a force.

Nevertheless, what is it that we do not contest the right of initiative? No way...... and if you look at the horrible acorn.

"The only one who didn't mean it was a brave man."

"It's me... Hopefully, Val... I wanted the chairman to do it."

Speaking of party leaders, Valtrude.

As a yuut so rubbed into my soul, I deserve hope.

Upon hearing it, Valtrude gave a temporal look at the work of art titled Worry.

"Then I don't mind..."

"Then the concubine will have to run."

"Seneca wants a smooth exploration"

"... right"

There is no one else than Yut is fit. Outside Yut, aerial decomposition was visible. If you push hard, you may be able to make Valtrude your leader, but the disadvantages are greater.

"Then let me do the leader. I don't want you to be unscrupulous, but I want you to follow my instructions."

It is not Yut's fashion, such as wielding power and making him obey, nor is it a member who can do that. Voluntary cooperation was mandatory.

"So, Verga. If you have an opinion or a request, I want to be the first to hear it."

"Really? In the Undermaids, leaving the others behind, the concubine and his son-in-law -"

"Hey, here, Verga"

"- Should I say something like that?

"Stop the silent execution."

"Kuku. Oh, my son-in-law is still fine."

When Yut stabbed the nail, he laughed like a girl about what was funny, but so slutty that she couldn't possibly be a child.

"Right. What you want from a concubine is not to make a mistake. That's about it."

An empress in sailor clothes, yut to restrain. And turn your gaze to Valtrude and Acorn.

The bare Seneca II seemed to pity him for a moment, but didn't say anything.

"Right. I, too, consider an unbiased party desirable"

In unexpected ways, Yut and Akane solidified.

That is in response to either Valtrude's endorsement of Verga's words or his use of a difficult four-word vernacular. Neither did they understand.

"... Did I say something strange?

"Uh. Yeah, but that's it. Whatever happens to me as a beginner, I'd like to take care of it."

"That would be reasonable."

In my dreams, I'm not like my actual girlfriend. Even if you know it, can you do it without treating Valtrude special?

Honestly, I wasn't sure.

In that context, it is a shame that Seneca II has acknowledged his consideration of acorns.

"Okay. Thank you for acknowledging the response according to your strengths"

"No. The gist is to attack the Undermaids. We will spare no effort to do so."

Turning his almond-shaped eyes to Yut, Seneca II said sincerely.

The expression had not changed, but it conveyed a calm and satisfying atmosphere.

Within Yut, his fondness for Seneca II rises. Instead, he became less fond of Larsia. They still had room to fall.

"Zhu Yin, do you have any other requests?

"It's okay. I'll leave it to the brave."

Next, Yut sees Valtrude.

The Holy Virgin of Helenonia was alternating between potato chips and chocolate.

"Me? Right..."

I am unable to get out of Mebius' circle, but her beauty has not been compromised in any way.

"I want you to put me on the front line. Then, I want to concentrate on the fight because I will do the instructions. That's about it."

"Well, Val... would that be more efficient if the chairman's arm"

"Ugh, um. I don't know, Sister Alcia used to ask me to weigh myself, so that doesn't mean I want to do it freely, does it?

That seems to be the case.

Looking like Mr. Arcia, Yut and Akane looked at each other and fisted each other under the dining table.

"For some reason, I feel the spirituality (aur) that my sister likes too much from you two..."

"It's your fault. So, what about Seneca?

"Right. Achievements shall be divided equally. And the desire for obelisk is to teach each other beforehand"

"The former is good, but the latter is not a nod"

First, Verga rebelled.

Considering what you used to say, that would be natural, too.

"This one, I haven't made any particular decision yet... is there a problem?

"Uh, I was wondering if I'd like to avoid that, too, if I could."

"Wishes will be each. There, Seneca also understands. But you can't lend a hand to an evil wish"

"If so, will it be dissolved in front of the lowest level? Teachers tell you to stay close till the end?

Seneca II's concerns were reasonable, but therefore would not be accepted by Verga.

You may think it's okay to be known, but at the same time, you look down on it as unsatisfactory.

Bad air filled the living room.

- At that time.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!

A heavenly grass family dog who came out from under Yut's feet barked under the dining table.

With that voice, everyone - even Verga - calmed down. No, to the degree of werewolf, redhead wind discipline committee chairman might have been the best.

"Uh, calm down, Colo"

"You worried I was in a fight."

The acorn strokes the head of the colo held up by Yut. So the calm colo licked the hand of the pepper and acorn instead.

"Witches of the Fermina, may they hate you again because of you"

"… So, around the middle tier on this matter, would you like to discuss it again?

"No objection"

"There's a way."

"Shit. Colo's more useful than a brave man."

"You bet."

It's Colo's fine play. Yut swears to his heart to talk to Kagra and make dinner a little extravagant for you.

"Now, how about the name of the party you want to register"

"Do you need it, it"

"It's not an obligation, but based on the history of this establishment, you should notify the school side."

Valtrude and Verga don't deny it, either, although they don't seem to mind. In the meantime, it sounds like something you should have.

"... ah"

Something seems to have come to mind. Acorn took his hand off the colo and pounded it into a meeting.

"How about" Midori Midori "or something?

"Oh, now, the greatest ever increase in my willingness to kill Larsia"

"That's not good. Hey. Killing love chooses people."

"I think there's something wrong with the conversion."

Not much acorn suggestion when it comes to much.

Seeing it, Seneca II raised his hand softly.

They had a stomach proposal.

"In Saint Clover, how about that?

When I say clover, I associate a four-leaf clover. And with the exception of Yut here, there are four beautiful women and girls.

All because of the beauty and beauty of God's favor or God himself.

"Isn't that nice?

"Saint... or..."

I didn't think Yut was bad, but the student chairman is throwing a sharp glance at the chairman of the Wind Discipline Committee.

Indeed, holiness may have a slight discourse.

"Then Seneca proposes one more thing. What about in Divine, not Saint?

"Divine clover..."

"DC for short. Well, I have a lot to relate to, but it's nothing, okay? It's got more dusty Midori and clover."

"I don't need you, honey."

Shake the forelimbs of the colo to the left and right to deny Yut more dullness.

"Under the circumstances, I'm not willing to choose anything other than Zhuyin."

"I'm glad you said that, even if it's a situation only."

The lightly flushed acorn buried his face on its back by snatching the colo from Yut.

"... for some reason, don't get your chest upset"

"I agree, but you're just overeating."

"Uhm. Uhm...?

Confusing Valtrude.

You don't seem to be putting your books in, but it's only natural that the two people you live with whisper love to each other. So, there's no reason to be uncomfortable.

There shouldn't be...

"Finally, we're going to be able to discuss roles and tactics under maize."

"Oh, yeah. Finally, that's the point."

Anything I'm not sure about, I don't think I did.

Sent ahead that we should talk to Alcia when we got back, and Valtrude decided to focus on the heartbreaking issues in front of her.