456 11. Small Incidents (After)

"Akane, Yona. I had a great day."

"Yeah. I guess I feel better too"

I stumbled across former classmates Hotaru Yoshizawa and Kanna Sabe.

After the curry festival venue, which began to grow considerably more people, with them.

Jonah, reluctant to leave considerably - I don't know which curry or commemorative ship is pulling her back hair - persuaded Yut not to make it to the promised time, and got nothing.

"We're going to the station, but what are you two going to do?

"I'm going on a date with Kazuna. Are you jealous?"

Akane and Yona head to the station, but Fumio Yoshizawa and Kazuna Sabe continue their sightseeing tours along the sea.

"Right. But I'm sorry I'm gonna cheat on you."

That said, Acorn shows an engagement ring worn on his left hand pharmacopoeia.

A magic device (magic item) ring with three large series of diamonds. This is an important ring that Yuto has prepared for the acorn, protecting the wearer from disaster.

"Wow. I've been thinking about it for a while now, but an awesome ring. Diamond? Real?

"I don't care if it's fake. Because love is real."

"Wow. Wow, it feels like a man is fooling me. It tickles me."

A reluctant exchange between Yoshizawa Hotaru and Akane.

Yona was not particularly concerned about the taste of curry, but Kazuna Saab is smiling without interrupting her friends' conversation.

But for some reason, there was loneliness in that smile that made me want to describe it as light-hearted.

"What's wrong?

"Yeah. I don't know, it's been so long since I've had this much fun. I thought"

Acorn, who realizes how it is, asks along with a reflection on whether it has been too weird, but Kazuna's lonely smile just adds up. When Kazuna shook her head, her dark hair, which she tied in two together, also swayed.

"Hey, there's a lot going on at home."

"That's why I took Kazuna out. I didn't think you and Jonah would be friends."

Fluorescent sends an autumn wave to Yona as she hugs Kazuna.

I'm not your friend.

But the Albino girl just slashed and threw it away under one sword.

"Light it up. She's cute."

I should have slashed it away, but I can't turn on the fluorescence.

No, do you dare behave brightly?

After seeing such fluorescence, Acorn decided to take a step forward.

"Saab, what's the family situation? Is something wrong?

"Yeah. Your father cheated on me."

"Oh yeah..."

I asked him if he could help if it was a matter of money, health, etc., but this is just how difficult it is.

Acorn bows his head to what he said lightly earlier, such as cheating.

"You don't have to worry about that at all"

Kazuna herself said lightly that she wasn't even so shocked, but that on the contrary makes her feel the root of the problem.

"And... I don't know what else to do about your father, or what's good about it, but then the problem is"

"Yes, yes. Kazuna's aunt..."

They cheated on me.

Because that person is in shock, Wakana may be calming down the other way around.

Such acorn speculation was betrayed lightly.

"I've decided to get a divorce, but after that, your mother will bind me..."

"I don't know how you feel because you're my only daughter, but it's unusual not to let you go shopping as well as school."


Sure, that's crazy.

Degrees are past.

"Well, ever since then..."

"Yeah. Exactly, I was emotionally unstable at first, but not so far."

Around the dental college, where he also went, Kazuna Saab shook his head once again.

"Something amulet. 'Cause I wonder if it's since I bought some gold rings. Since then, wear it without letting go of your skin...... Of course, I think it's just a coincidence that the time has come..."

"You heard that and thought, didn't you? If you think it's important enough to bind, you should give it to Kazuna first."

"I don't know, accessories..."

"It's a matter of feelings, of feelings"

Coincidence. That's common sense.

But that's no longer the common sense of acorns.

Acorn gently touches the engagement ring given to him by Yut. Rings made in different worlds. Rings with special powers. An important, thoughtful gift.

Contrary to that, isn't it strange that something like an item of curse exists that adversely affects people?

If you're worried... it's not a good idea, but you should be counseling and deal with it in general.

"Yona, what do you think?

"You'd better go home"

In response to an inquiry from Acorn, the same faceless expression, but the Albino girl answered instantly.

Is it due to your experience as an adventurer, or is it due to your psychic instincts? Either way, nothing relies more on this occasion than Jonah's judgment.

"Wait a minute, I'll call the brave man"

"Suddenly, what have you done?

Suddenly he stops and asks Yoshizawa Hotaru suspiciously to Akane, who takes out his smartphone in a more serious way than serious, but there was no answer.

Acorn didn't ignore it.

Things have changed so rapidly that we can't afford to respond.

"Oh, man. Something wrong with that old lady?

Signs of fright come from the people who go down the road. If you noticed, the flow of people heading this way was also interrupted.

But if you look at the sight in front of you, you'll be convinced that's not impossible either.

There, there was one woman.

His neck is so inclined that he can't possibly fall, almost directly beside him.

My eyes are empty, I don't see anything, and I'm not likely to react to anything I see.

My mouth was half-opened and something was always leaking with a grudgingly ridden twinkle.

The hair is tangled to cover the upper body with long blushes, and the clothes are no less blurry than they are. Shoes, etc., have gone somewhere on one side.

In contrast to such an unusual and miserable figure, the gold and innocent ring on his left hand was oddly impressive.


Kazuna Saab stops flashly and snaps small.

Really small. Even acorns that were nearby are likely to miss hearing about it.

But the woman, who should still have been 10 meters away, reacted frighteningly.

When I repositioned my neck in a robotic, crisp motion, my eyes focused as quickly as possible. As it were, he rushed over here suddenly.

"and Chanel and Chanel and Chanel and Chanel and Chanel and Chanel and Chanel and Chanel"


"Don't go away on your own"

Unexpected - No, it's weirder to anticipate reactions like this, relative to people.

It was the acorn that called Yut's phone from his smartphone's outgoing history, but it stops thinking and working.

My brain refused to understand what was going on.

"Seoul Wip."

In that situation, the first thing that moved was still Yona. Get ahead of the acorns and deal with the situation.

The choice of non-lethal psychic powers also showed that calm had not been lost.

That's going to create another problem, such as an Albino girl growing tentacles and knocking down the anomaly, but rather than having a victim.

"Don't fall?

- That was supposed to happen.

Jonah's "Seoul Wip" - a superpower that also easily defeated the face of the inflexible Rouge Empress - did reach Kazuchana's mother.

Nevertheless, the progression does not slow. On the contrary, he doesn't even realize he was hit with his tentacles, and jumps Yona over here - pushing him under Kazuna.

"Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on."

"Zhuyin! Zhu Yin! What happened?!?"

"Oh, I'm running away!

I heard it from my smartphone, my childhood friend's voice.

Acorn, who instantly regained his sanity, pulled Kazuna's hand and ran away. Hotaru Yoshizawa also follows as he was bounced.

"Akane, where are you going to run?

"I don't know!

It is an escape while pulling Kazuna, who is in shock but remains. Sometimes I don't have a land book, and anyway, I just run for the less crowded.

"Zhuyin! Zhu Yan! Ah... ah!

"Yut's calling."

"Wow. Yona."

Soon caught up with Jonah, pointing out calmly. But while I was running so hard, I couldn't afford that.

"That monster was about to be seized by someone who looked like an escort"

"Then don't worry..."

"But I guess, I lose"

"You can't..."

Hundreds of meters had gone all out of sickness, and the limits had arrived early.

It was in front of a four-story parking lot that stood unrivalled over the station teller near the goal.

Originally, it's not that I'm good at exercising, except for Jonah, but I ran impotently, so I can disturb my breathing all I want. It was also hard to say that the outfit underfoot was also suitable for all walks of disease.

Hiccup, the back of my leg hurts with a fever.

"Yang… man…. Leave me alone... please... Mmm."

He also breathes constantly and finally makes Yut hear his voice.

Probably something you can't show Yut.

"What happened?

"Something attacked me by Yoko's mother..."

"Okay. Tell Jonah to" teleport "to the previous family."

Of course, I didn't understand anything in Acorn's description. But even if I didn't ask for an explanation, I can see that you were asked for help.

At the stage of becoming a silent phone call, it was also Hui Eye that Yut had instructed Jonah to point the car at a place she knew. This will allow for movement in Teleportation.

"Yona. Because the brave man is waiting for us at the steak restaurant."


Take Yut and have him come here again.

That's good, but I'm also anxious to wait on the road.

"We... uh... where there are no people..."

"Akane, what if I went into this parking lot?

Lost, for a moment.

'Cause it's in there.


At the same time Jonah nods, she disappears.

"and Chanel and Chanel and Chanel and Chanel and Chanel and Chanel and Chanel and Chanel"

Shadows and voices approaching, as if waiting for it.

My hair and clothes were worse than they were earlier. In addition, both hands are stained with blood and the gold innocent ring is also blood-coated.

"Oh, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Just you. Come on."

"Mother... how could you..."

Kazuna Saab puts tears in her eyes and gives a sad voice.

If I could even lose my mind, how easy it would be to say I would follow that mother.

"Wakana-san, can't you?"


But my friend won't allow it.

It's annoying. I know that, but - I was glad.

"I don't even have time to escape..."

The same is true of Akane, who is not going to abandon Wakana.

Unexpectedly he smiles bitterly and confronts his former classmate mother, who became the star of the tragedy.

(Laughing, me)

Noticed that, duh, acorn tension loosened.

I didn't realize in person, but I guess my body remembered.

"The parking lot where Zhuyin is..."

"Brave man!"

That my childhood friend and fiancée Yut was with me even when I was in danger in another world.

If it's Yut, whatever the situation is, he said he could do something about it.

"Zhuyin, are you all right?


I answered with a full grin to my childhood friend, who appeared on instant travel with Jonah and her real name. Earlier, I thought I couldn't show you my face.

"Then I'll add a piece in 10 seconds"

"Evil, evil, evil, disturbance, mama, mama, mama."

A ghostly woman shaking her hair and looming barefoot.

Seeing that, Yut slightly frowns - or just hisses - and cleaves nine pages from the spell.

Magic Dismantling

And release the ultimate anti-magic spell that destroys even the magic fixture to Kazuna's mother - no, to the ring on its left hand.

On its serious side, Akane accidentally squeaked.

At the same time, I feel the missing pieces fill up.

Could it be a suspension bridge effect?

Even so, the emotions are real now.

If you notice, the light that was born around the ring converged, and at the same time, Kazuna Saab's mother collapsed on the spot, like a doll with a broken thread.

"Now we're settled."

With a relieved look on his face, Yut turns back to Akane.

I also feel like the spell in the spell-extinguishing system said something like I found out I wouldn't get a causal recoil (backlash), or that it didn't make sense to stun me because that ring was manipulating my body, but Acorn wasn't listening.

Because I was busy jumping into the chest of whoever I wanted.


He jumps into Yut's unexpectedly thick chest plate and pushes it around his forehead.

You were satisfied with that for a while, Acorn looked up at Yut's face.

"Brave man, I get it"

"Hey, what's up?

That's where I am.

The confession was dispelled by the siren of a police car who had just arrived, and only reached Yut.