443 Tabernacle Part 2 Justice and Justice (Previous)

The voyage of the Expeditionary Corps of the Southern Continent, led by Captain Even - perhaps we should call him Admiral because we are tying the fleet - was so smooth that it clapped out.

To Prince Cress, the King's grandson of the Kingdom of Tydrack, Allena, the "ever-victorious” substantive head of the Temple of Falve in Hellenonia. Petra the Adventurer by making her the daughter of Folio-Farina's hereditary senator.

And for him and their companions, this is the first long voyage that has lasted months.

If you think of Adventure Tan you heard in rumors and stories - be exaggerated - you were prepared to have considerable difficulty.

For example, a sudden storm.

Alternatively, a dangerous rocky reef zone.

The raids of the desolates of the sea will also accompany them.

Dangerous encounters with sea demons (Kraken) and water dragons (Water Dragons).

However, Captain Ibn was a specialist who had made many successful voyages to the South, and under the circumstances in which the food situation had not improved thanks to Yut, there was no need to impose.

In addition, they are accompanied by many users of science and divine spells. The more I try to be Captain Even, the more I feel relieved and upset the other way around.

For this reason, it was a voyage with a full safety margin and some difficulty with seasickness. Others were a truly peaceful voyage.

Rather, Lela's training was harder, the Cress say.

Even when it comes to man-made dangers, like pirates and monsters, yes.

Several raids from pirates also had the activity of Lela, who ran over the sea and boarded an enemy ship, only to the extent of combat training. In the first place, there can be no pirates or anything else who can counter the fighting power of the Tubasa, which was given to them by the Hellenonian God.

Even if you were, there's an Imperial Turtle Archeron behind you. Whatever happened, you couldn't have lost.

And when it came to sea monsters, they didn't themselves get attacked.

Instead, the approaching monsters had become, almost without exception, a snack for Archeron parents and children.

Thus, without missing anyone, we arrived at the Southern continent, our destination - Cres was in a third crisis on this voyage.

"Ka... La... Yes... Yes..."

We landed in a port called Carthyria and rolled it out to a sailor's liquor store - until it was good. Cress, too, has burned her skin and grown more vigorous over several months of offshore life, fully adapting to her unfettered voyage.

He was also looking forward to a long time earthly meal like that. I was originally an adventurer challenging the Hundred Layers Labyrinth, and I can't resist the cuisine of a tavern like this.

But the moment I grabbed the pickle I casually held, an unexpected pinch came.

It was hard. It was more painful than that.

A different sweat erupted from the heat of this country, and if Satya or Lela had not been nearby, she would have screamed without herself or the world.

In a hurry, fill the contents of the cup of wood that was nearby, but this time, the high volume of alcohol burns his throat. As if it were a hot breeze from the hinterland, which was blowing until I entered this tavern.

"Heh. Kaha..."

The sailors at another table - who were completely unraveling on this voyage - are watching such a cress and clapping their hands and laughing. Cress is in tears as well, but the meaning was completely different.

"This alcohol is pretty tough and good. By licking and drinking this salt, they'll protect your throat."

Lella drank the same liquor as Cress had drank while expressing her luxurious sentiments like the Divine Divine Divine Body of Power (Avatar).

That, to put it on Earth, is distilled liquor similar to tequila.

However, neither Yut nor Acorn have any drinking experience on Earth, so there is no one in the Brewers who can point that out.

"Cress, are you okay?

"Oh...... But this pickle better not be eaten...... It's no longer a weapon."

Satya sitting next to her - a sorcerer (wizard) partying with Cress - strokes her back worryingly and hands her a cup with water.

"That's right. This seems to be vinegar pickled with specialty chillies around here."

"And it's outrageous... Or how do you know..."

Allena doesn't just smile and talk, but drinks up the red-colored soup looking delicious. Cress, too, gave up pursuit. Honestly, not quite.

I felt a danger to my life on this voyage when, during my training with Lela, I was about to fall off the fringe with a lavish kick. Then, I got a strong kick in the head, and if I realized it, since I was knee-pillow on that Lela.

With regard to the latter, I felt a danger, precisely to the gaze directed at me by Satya......

Not only is the Holy Virgin of Helenonia a wife to the beloved daughter of the Goddess of Death and Sorcery, but the Great Sorcerer (Arch Mage), who comes from a flat otherworld, is out of the standard, Kress looks back with a smudge.

Perhaps a reality escape to escape the irritation and pain that plagues the inside of this body.

"Even this kind of thing seemed like a treat after a long voyage. This voyage was too blessed to be appreciated. Well, all the newcomers are gonna take care of this guy."

Following Satya, Lella, and Alaina, the last person to sit at the same table - Captain Even - mouths a spicy pickle without changing a single complexion, pouring in distilled liquor.

Still, the voyage has just ended one way. It's literally halfway down the road, but that's just how it fits and relaxes right after landing.


Apparently, "fitted," Cress notices late.

My old self might have been a mess, but now, I'm not feeling so bad. Regardless, I intend to take revenge. In the meantime, let's wrap it up with Force Align - the game of cards.

"Well, some are usually delicious"

"If you know how it tastes, it's good."

No matter, it's not all spicy food.

If you look at the tabletop, some of the shelled shrimp has been sautéed with tons of garlic.

"I guess that's Cress's preference over that one"

That said, Satya handed me a dish with finely chopped meat or green or red vegetables I had never seen on top of a thin dough made of flour.

Exactly, without questioning his long-time partner, Cress rounds the dough and takes a bite.

"Oh. It's not hard...... not really"

Perhaps the sauce I was wearing had a spicy taste. Given the price of spices in Folio-Farina and the Kingdom of Tidrac, it's a hell of a way to use them.

However, the spicy taste of the sauce is neutralized, harmonious and flavorful with vegetables.

"I see. Is this something exotic, intercultural..."

Common sense is important, but that's not everything, and it's something that changes depending on people and the environment.

King Eldrick took Cress on a long journey to make him feel it.

Most of all.

"It's spicy, but it's delicious!

Watching Allena eat a deliciously bright red chicken stewed dish that conveys so much spiciness, it also seems silly to think about the difficult things.

Cress then reaches for the sausage with the grilled eye.

The texture was crisp, juicy...... though.

"Oh, that's..."

"Oh, oh..."

"The sausage is filled with chili..."

It was hard.

Even the sausage, it was hard.

"That's a great country, this is..."

Not yet, I can't say it's good to be here.

Because we have only just landed, and we have not even witnessed people who are slaves to be freed, not to mention to achieve their purpose.

But my great grandfather also has an experience where he has never been and never did.

If you think about it, will you be able to say it's a good memory after a while? Yes, Cress was feeling it.

Return to the ship from the tavern, evening.

In Captain Even's captain's office, discussions were brought.

Participants were Cres, Alaina and Petra. And only Captain Even. Since representatives of each group (party) were gathered, that was enough.

Lela doesn't get involved in the story, and she's on her way to investigating local martial arts quickly.

"I'll check."

Standing alone, Captain Even looked around at everyone with a tough face that increased his risk and said in a harsh tone.

"Our aim is to free slaves on a farm. It's about bringing back seedlings and seeds from our specialties."

"One more thing, my master told me."

"... returning without the dead."

Don't let the dead out, free the slaves, take the seedlings home. Yut had told me before I left that the priority was in this order.

From Captain Even's point of view, you'll want to say it's sweet, but Petra will try so hard to make you comply. Perhaps the same goes for Cress and Alana.

"But the liberation of slaves manages to win"

"From my master, I keep the money. Money isn't the only thing I keep."

"Oh. I wish I could use that to make it easier..."

But Captain Evan's complexion is not excellent.

I mean, it's the same as buying out a farm in the matter, but if a farmer who is fat and only has a stiff eye responds to it, is it something like a quinquennial? Opaque that officials in this country may acknowledge the deal.

"Originally, slaves want to free everything -"

"Cleric, he can't do that."

"- I know. That's the only way to get new people interested in the country."

backlash from vested interests, accompanied by the liberation of slaves. Social confusion. Confusion of the freed slaves.

It's impossible to rule them all.

"But if you're a master..."

"That is the exception to humanity."

Not a metaphor or anything, but Yut had already put his foot on the floor of God (the blackmail), but no one had an accurate grasp of the fact.

Even if you are not there, it is this assessment. I have no objection.

"But Captain Evan. I want to make sure of one thing. Is that Moreno farm and its environment that bad?

"I've never extended my legs to the Verga Empire, but it's the humans or the monsters that rule. There's only that degree of difference."

Even in a sip with the Southern continent, there are various countries and towns.

The expedition arrived at the port town of Casteo, the gateway to the Kingdom of Estadio.

It is not even familiar with the form of national dominance, but what is important is spices and sugar. that gold is a specialty and that large quantities of slaves are used to grow and mine it;

A man named Moreno, whom Captain Evan had made a deal with, owned a vast farm near Casteo and used hundreds of slaves to build tremendous wealth exactly like cowhorses.

Captain Even wants to free that slave from personal circumstances, not from his martial arts.

Yut wants to get seedlings for a crop that is banned from export because it is a specialty.

The two interests coincided, making this an expedition.

"From over there, we look like bandits! No, because you're here by boat, are you a pirate?

"... sure, you're right"

"But if anyone is suffering, I want to help"

"So as a result, even if a man named Moreno is ruined?

"It's only a reward for what you've done."

To Alana's reopening and Petra's simple and lucid logic, Cress loses the word of objection.

Brewers where evil clearly exists.

Still, man to man is nothing more than a collision between righteousness and another righteousness.

"Well, I don't know what I'm gonna do until I get to the ground."

Captain Evan says, as he will take it.

"In the meantime, an example farm person is a crossing over here. Just make sure you're ready to make sure the worst happens."

Cress nodded to the policy.