424 2. Current situation (Medium)

"First, then, tax revenues from the underlying countryside -"

That's right. Forward, then Claude Laker starts the class.

On the recommendation of Alsace, who was a prince at the time, a few years after his assignment. Because I feel rewarded, or because I look younger every year.

At the same time, its spicy arm swing has gained momentum, and its work is not usually delayed even in Yut's absence. In addition, the presence of a grim claude whose kinsman relatives will not originally employ even their own sons and grandchildren as official officials plays a major role in the Solemnity of Discipline.

There was also a reason to trust and honor not only Yut, but Valtrude as well.

nature and also stretches Valtrude's spine. I held a pen in my thin, beautiful hand that I didn't think I was holding a sword and went into a listening attitude.

"This year, wheat growth is going well."

"Right. It's about time you sprouted it."

Valtrude closes his eyes and puts his thoughts to fruition.

Meanwhile, Yut was still uncomfortable with the cycle of sowing in the fall and harvesting in the summer. By this time of spring, I really wonder if it's planting time.

For this reason he was trying to fill that gap while observing the side of Valtrude remembering when he was in the village of Ozlic.

"It seems like you can expect to reap more than usual."

"Right. Tell him to do his best without imposing."

"So, how long is it a prospect?

Candy was left to Valtrude, and Yut chose the role of calmly grasping the situation, although not whipping......

"roughly what would fit between four and five thousand gold coins"

"Something like that."

Yut nodded as expected to Dal-Lukash's words, to which he replied indulgently. Last year, that's the same amount. Even though you can expect abundant crops, tax revenues don't suddenly double.

"Lord of Dal-Lukash. If you're short, can you still revise your tax rates in time?

"... yuut"

"No, you don't have to. I mean, I don't care if you look like that."

Yut waves flirtatiously and lightly denies it. Leaking an inclusive laugh at Valtrude, who is letting his expression come and go according to his emotions.

Old Claude, upright next to the Dimensional Dragon, also overruled the decision.

However, not entirely.

"In addition, few magic drugs (potions) have been distributed, and there seems to be little damage from beasts, goblins, etc."

"Isn't that a good thing"

Claude shifted his gaze from Valtrude, who nodded satisfactorily, to Yut.

In the past, I have complained several times. It's good to be nice to the people. But isn't it past the point? Bad way to put it, but you should be able to squeeze it out more.

Yut smiled back bitterly at Claude, who asked with a gaze yes.

"So far, if you're going to spend some time or manpower collecting taxes over there, you think it's better to focus your resources somewhere else."

"Sure, I agree with Dal-Lukash that it's more efficient"

"Really... Then why don't you just make it tax free, like the first year?

"I didn't think about that either..."

Tax revenues from villages as a percentage of the total are insignificant. If you say you can do it without it, you're totally right.

But Yut shook his head that it wasn't for each other.

"My hometown - on Earth, well, the country's different, but there's someone who's done some experiments."

"What kind of experiment?

"Well, to explain it very carefully, it's an experiment called, 'Do people, when they reward twice as much, achieve twice as much?'"

"That would be natural. You're getting paid for that."

"But it didn't"

Some people are satisfied with some remuneration, while others consider leisure time to be more important.

Humans, it's not that simple.

"So if we make it tax free, we might only make it for what we eat. When that happens, the people of Falve, Hardenturm and Mainz will starve"

"Chronica, if you buy from the Divine Kingdom... no, you can't do that"

The danger of relying on foreign countries for staple foods was also understood by Valtrude.

"In the end, it's in the best shape right now......?

"The best depends on the time and the circumstances. If I were to change it...... I guess I'll be more motivated to increase my share accordingly when I get rich."

Working doesn't pay more, it leads to laziness. Conversely, I lose sight of the point of doing my job even if I give too much reward.

It's hard to add or subtract a teaspoon... but I guess it's the trader's job to set it up well there.

And so far, so good.

"Plus, if you get rich, you'll be ready for when you have to."

"In fact, wheat collected as a tax is also turned over to stockpiles."

"However, for what you are giving magic drugs, you are oppressed in the sense of profit"

"For the moment, that's fine if it's not a deficit. If Ren's making money, it means there's gold on the market for that matter."

The Wizard is always short of money.

Indeed, if you create and sell magic drugs and magic equipment (magic items), you can instantly get a pile of gold coins like no ordinary person has ever seen.

But it's also for a moment that it disappears.

Catalyst of spells in precious books. On a large amount of parchment paper in the raw materials of magic drugs and magic fixtures, the gold coins disappear at some point. I can't even see wings growing and flying. As a result, even if there are assets, there is only a small amount of cash held.

As an exchanger, no consumer is happier.

"Isn't that a fluke to someone you know?

"Hmm? Oh, profit inducement? You knew me well."


Valtrude with a good chest stretch.

"Well, if I can do anything else at the magic pharmacy, shall I open it once in a competition? My sister-in-law never loses."

Now, Yut strained his chest.

"... as always, that's sweet for Ren"

"Huh. It's not just about Len."

"It was..."

"Continuing the explanation, Dal-Lukash declares"

Another important matter was the laying of carriage railways.

The rails are ready and work finally begins. Tertione's memorial will come true. Altogether, the primary school attached to the Vainamarinen School of Magic also seems to accommodate additional recruitment of faculty, etc.

"Also, more spending"

"Right. Again, for defeating the Dragon, we have more assets…"

"In the meantime, it's not healthy as it is now, because I understand very well"

If both Dal-Lukash and Claude blame me me, Yut can't go underneath either.

In short, I would like to say that tax revenues from the primary industry and an increase in percentages are future challenges.

"So far, the food situation in the territory is stable, so if we can export to Folio-Farina, for example, we can increase our share of income."

"... say, is something you can do about it?

"I know that won't be possible, but if the sacred soil I left to the baron of gastronomy is handled well..."

A miraculous soil that itself can be called a magic fixture, created by a mixture of floods unleashed by God and the insects themselves, in fertile soil dug back by giant mites used by insecticians (Insectians).

It worked too well - for whatever it is, enough to live eating it itself - to use it the other way around, but if the methodology were to be established, there would be a revolution.

"I understand. That treatment should be left to the Lord of Dal-Lukash"

"Right. As far as common sense is concerned."

"... I don't know what to say to the baron of gastronomy"

Yut's remarks were the best. But the perimeter gaze is harsh.

Words are not what you said. Yut thought it was stingy that it was important who said it.

"Next, is it Hardenturm?


Prepare the following materials as Old Claude answers with a hard voice:

Meanwhile, Yut opens his mouth with a little topic offering.

"Speaking of which, the werewolves attacked me, but I don't think there's any after-effects."

"Then I thought it was okay because there were no reports, but more importantly. This is what Alana and the others are doing."

"And you're more resistant to monsters than I thought."

I guess the presence of monsters is familiar, for better or worse. The sacrifice was sedated with minimal but also quick pieces. That point is also corroborated by a report from Regina, who became the Council's liaison officer.

I was talking to Regina and I noticed that that incident seems to be a degree of recognition that the bear has descended into people, in Earth terms. Sure, it's a big case, but if you “exterminate” me firmly, I guess it means I won't last, even if there's panic.

"Thank you for waiting"

In one word of Claude, Regina's face, which I had in mind, was misty.

She and I will also face each other in the matter of entering the King's Capital of Vermilio. Right now, we should focus on this one.

"Trades in building materials used in Falve and ores required in Mainz are steadily evolving"

"At first, I was going to cover the material in our territory alone, but lately it hasn't either. Hold on, I didn't know you'd cover it, that's a free city thriving in trade..."

"I don't think Hardenturm can be called a free city anymore"

Dimensional dragons calmly point out, but Yut doesn't go through with it.

"If you thought it would be better for us to be in our asylum than to defend ourselves, you should be happy."

"Dal-Lukash thinks that what comes with interest leaves with interest"

"Then you just have to keep giving them the benefit. If you drink alcohol, it's delicious and delicious, you won't be able to let go at all."

Kokuri, Dal-Lukash nodded. Yut's words seem to match Dimensional Dragon's taste.

"It's not just about trade, it's about… what was it"


"Ha, excuse me. Vermilio is doing pretty well, and it seems to be hiring more women as needles. Also the handling of raw materials"

"Hmm...... Thanks to Acorn."

"And Val and Arcia, as advertising towers..."

"Don't say that."

The acorn-produced fashion worn for the first time by Valtrude is in a blouse full of checked skirts and feminine laces, in the girly style of a beret.

Yut can still remember when he encountered him on a carriage railroad passenger car. Alcia's tight knitted piece as well.

If you practice in that outfit, it naturally sells. Rather, it is so strange that the residents' clothes have not all been replaced.

"In this way, the situation is still positive. Probably around 30,000 gold coins."

"30,000 gold coins!?"

"Well, I know that's the place, but that's a bit much..."

Valtrude, purely on its forehead. Yut changes his expression to the amount of profit retained by the Chamber of Commerce from which he is led.

It does make a lot of money if you look at tax revenues alone, but a deficit given the amount of various investments.

So where is Yut's worry?

The levy on Hardenturm is set at 30% of the profits of merchants who join the Council - that is, almost all of Hardenturm.

More than twice as much gold as tax revenues will be sleeping as surpluses.

"Right. Maybe we could hang together to help expand the port and invest in Rotonia."

It's a human being wanting to keep it in case, but I can't even say that as a yut. Whatever you earn, I'll have trouble if you don't use it well.

"I guess that's a good idea. There are many ships around Hardentrum that will stop without pirates."

"That's what I heard good"

"The Lord of Dal-Lukash looks good"

"Dimensional Dragon, there's something going on."

That being said, I didn't hate the look on Valtrude's face like that.