"It's not a one-time battle, is it?

"... do you want to do it about five times?

"Huh. Three's enough."

It's a favorable condition for itself, but I can't even drink it as it is. I suggested WWV here, knowing the subtle psychology of such evil gods.

Larsia laughs in hiding when she realizes it.

But you may not have had to bother. Anyway, the conscientious Valtrude, Arcia and Seneca II came close to being relieved yesterday after Yut mentioned something outrageous.

In the end, the yut-manipulating blue Samurai also defeated the invincible fleet and the red devil, with a complete victory over the evil god Daxtum.

(Though the game is emotional)

Win three times in a row against the world's mighty opponents and make them wonder how much feat this would be if it were real. At the very least, a week should be a holiday and a big banquet. No, you should.

A valve of defeat from the evil gods jumped into Yuut's ear thinking about such a reality escape feeling.

"... losing is losing, man"

Disclaimer. But Daxtum admits defeat without fleeing.

If they were gods, they might have tried, but Yut was just a human being, albeit a great magician.

It's easy to rebel that stranger game battles and such are invalid, but that gets in the way of God's pride.

"Let's make one wish come true"


Even if he loses, Daxtum tells him from above, as he entertains the mobile console that Yut lent him for practice and matches.

Such an evil god, his beloved wife looked at him with an emotional look. Instead of being impressed, with a look that you can show in your bedroom.

"Right. So..."

To Beatrice the figure deliberately disappears from sight and consciousness, not against the blonde evil god, but Yut also does not hesitate to convey hope.

"After Verga regains her power, don't interfere with her -"


"- You won't be able to, so I want one thing, to be fulfilled conditionally"

I dared to mention something like stepping on a tiger's tail, not the same negotiating technique as earlier...... but the real deal. If Hellenonian "education" is completed, goodness should be an impossible but mediocre attribute.

Hopefully, I wanted to avoid evil intervention there.

Nevertheless, the immediate threat is more than the difficult question of the future.

"Say it."

At the same time, Daxtum rings his fingers. Seems to have built a special juncture, drawing Yut's will not to be heard by his peers.

Suddenly the sound blocked and suddenly controlled the amazing Valtrudes with gestures, and Yut faced the evil gods.

"That bothers me"

Bad loving wife Beatrice also awaits the words of her son-in-law with intrigue.

"Conditional, I don't know if it's possible -"

That's what I told you in advance was something neither evil gods nor evil loving wives would expect. Following Fermina, the sun god, he was a yuut who accomplished the feat of stunning God, but the inner parts are slightly different.

The surprise I gave to Fermina God was something close to inspiration.

But the shock that the wicked couple remembered...

"Knock. Ha ha ha. Humane. No, because you're human."

- Not impressed, get up. That's extra-large bullshit, too, and even Daxtum has to laugh.

What Yut said was so absurd.

"But not impossible"

"... are you serious"

"Who are you telling?

Daxtum God looking down as he sat in his chair.

I'm not in the mood, but, sure, it's not a good idea to suggest it here and doubt it.

"I'm sorry"

"That's how you make it a special victory."

The Evil God honestly received an apology from the Great Mage.

Evil beloved wife stared silently and smiled at such interaction between the two. Bring the color of your passion to your eyes.

"But the Sacramento is pointless if the conditions are right, too, right?

Like trying. Or, as if provoking, the evil god Daxtum raised the corner of his mouth.

But that doesn't have to be said to know. Yut assures me, showing no anxiety, no worries, no yawning, making the white robe gleam.

"Of course. I asked because I could fulfill that condition."

"Come on."

Again, Daxtum smiles.

The contract was concluded.

The moment Yut was so sure.

Just as when I was invited to the palace of evil gods, my consciousness was cut off.

If you noticed, you were at the cliff.

It's not surrounded by darkness, just a canyon area with barren earth spread out. The rays of the sun do not reach and are a dim area, but if you think of it as the realm of the evil god, it is rather as dear as it is.

"Oh, hey..."

Even if you fall, you can recover as much as you want with a spell. Nevertheless, Yut was glaring at himself reflexively. The stone follows gravity - the gravity here seems normal - falling to the bottom of a deep deep valley.

Looking around, Seneca II had the same reaction.

Only Seneca II has had the same reaction.



The two of them, eyes to eye, have a dry laugh. Embarrassing.


Valtrude coughs deliberately to reset the air in the field.

Naturally. There was as much to do.

"So, Yut. Where am I?

"Murgush, you must be where God is."

Step by step and retreat, Yut answers a question from Valtrude. It was a sudden transition, but they are all exactly in place, and perhaps this cliff - the palace of "emptiness” beneath the cliff.

But if the evil god Daxtum doesn't break his promise,

"Looks like there's a one-eyed king (Oculus Rex) all over this valley. It's also of the Fallen Divine Species"

Looks like a bandit (Rogue), subtly observing his surroundings, the meadow race (Magner) points out.

Expansive valley as far as you can see. Yut's eyes were wide and deep, and he didn't see anything, but if you say there was Larsia.

"Now you're sure."

"Do it?"

"Yona, I'm still staying. Hopefully, I don't want to be distracted"

If that's not possible, a full screen would be ideal, but the problem is that way.

While seizing Jonah, Yut turns his mind around.

"Anyway, as Yut said, Murgoosh, it would have saved you the trouble of letting me transfer in front of God."


"Murgush, it would be tough if a one-eyed king came in during the battle with God."

Alcia tries to make the simple difference between Valtrude and Exile. At the point of the premise of being able to cross spears with God, it is not at the level of being able to speak of common sense.

But Seneca II no longer even tried to point that out.

With the words of such companions as BGM, Yut ponders the tactics of a single-eyed king treading secretly through the gleaming valley...... but soon the thought stops.

No small worker can exceed the magical deterrent power of a single-eyed king.

"Shouldn't we think that you could have carried this far with one of those magic items?"

"Hmm? Magic equipment?

I wonder what it is, Yuut looking up and seeing Seneca II, the speaker, from the front.

The gaze moved to her pointed right hand.

A mobile console that I left gripping.

I was borrowing it from Jonah against the evil gods. I take that seriously.

"Ugh, could he have been borrowed?

"Calipak? What kind of monster is that?

Nor does Yut return the answer to Valtrude's question with his head in his arms. No, I can't give it back.

No way, it was out of my imagination, such as the fact that beings who would also be God would not return the console while they borrowed it. From afar, I felt like I could hear Daxtum God laughing at me for doing it.



A girl from Albino approaches such a great mage.

And what is it? I then pulled out the console I had left on loan from Yut, who was wary of the shoulder car in this situation.


"Save Data, Totemo, Dige"

"Why Catacotto..."

I know what it's like to be vigilant, but the response was shocking.

"Fair enough, Yuut. I'll go out with Rank Up or something."

"No, something, I'm already willing..."

You're not allowed to do that.

"Yes, sir."

Under such a yurt, the Rock Giant (Jarloot) also opens the Gathering Mouth. The expression was hard to understand, but it seemed clear.

"So, what do we do? Do you want to crush the whole thing?

"Oh...... You're talking about a one-eyed king..."

Yut finally returns to the real issue. Though he turned away from Valtrude's gaze and the flashing look of Arcia.


"Do it?"

"Do it. Destroy it."

In a resolute tone, Yut declares to stroke and cut.

"That's good, though. They're all over the valley, aren't they?

"Right. No matter how big Jonah is, it's this size."

I didn't burn it.

Of course, it's not even an eight hit.

"I need Val and my old man to help me."

That being said, Yut removed the barrel from the bag of infinite storage.

When visiting the Kingdom of the Chronica God, I bought a barrel full of crude oil.

"This guy, well, he's got a lot of uses, but when he ignites, he explodes."

"... are you okay?

"For a one-eyed king, it's not okay."

In reply to Seneca II, Yut explains the operation.

"Do it!"

Listen to that, Yona, and show your Russian motivation. Perhaps I thought of it as a reward for my hard work as an educator for the Divine King.

In fact, she was the point of the operation.



From the cliff, or from the air, Valtrude and Exile throw a large barrel of crude oil to the valley bottom, and along the way the barrel breaks and black muddy crude oil swings around.

At the same time, the Albino girl unleashed her mental powers.

"Flare Burst - Enhancer!

A giant fireball far beyond her height.

It gradually becomes huge and it just covers its sight.


Not that it imitated Valtrude...... but at the same time as the voice of temper, its fireball was sucked into the valley bottom.

When for a few seconds.

An ear-busting roar.

Scorching heat covers the area and black smoke fills the valley.

A hellish sight appeared in heaven.

Vision is blocked or not visible because it is far away, but in it, numerous single-eyed kings were desperate.


Flare Burst, which ignited crude oil, caused several times more destruction than usual. The Albino girl who caused it cheered for a sight worthy of the dominant realm of evil.

Only the Albino girl.

"This is... Hey, let's think."

Hearing the sound of the cliff collapsing, the Great Mage holds his head that the image of crude oil has gone bad.

No way, would an excuse be made that I didn't think it would be this far...

"I want to do it again"

"'Cause that's not the kind of game you're playing, is it?

But I'm sure it was fruitful.

There were survivors, but Larsia shot them down at the behest of Arsia and perished as predicted.

Having secured their breath and sight with spells, and having found a hidden entrance at the bottom of the valley, the Yuts arrived at the residence of the Murgush God.