294 Level 99 First Territorial Management 2 Volume Launch Short Jonah's Runaway by Adventurers

"Liar...... eh"

I don't really remember what happened after that crush.

If you notice, the desert was spreading before Jonah.

Albino girl stares with emotional eyes at the land of sand that continues beyond the horizon.

But I'm just saying that's in sight.

"Earth - When I Return Home, I Can't Go Back This Way"

Consciousness was imprisoned by that word told by Yut.

Minor button mishanging.

Everyone, except Jonah, had grasped this - although I had avoided making any explicit statements. Only I misunderstood.

Only a few moments until Yut returns to Earth. Jonah's heart was disturbed by the fact that she was told to be remembered at such a time.

So I was doing everything I could to activate Flight's psychic powers and come to a place like this.

Anyway, I wanted to get away from Falve, from under Yut. Nothing, this place is not thoughtful or purposeful.

But there is no way that desert creatures could have considered such a circumstance.

Suddenly, at Yona's feet - even though 10 meters from the ground was floating away - a cavity can be made.

From there emerged an eyeless worm - a giant dessert worm. A flesh-eating blemish that is not sure of the ecology but can be up to about 20 meters long.

If Yut had been here, he would have said, "You're not a blemish at the point of carnivore," but as a dessert worm, it wouldn't have been what you found out.

I don't know how I sensed being, a monster living in a barren desert preys on a poor child...

"Elemental Missiles"

- I couldn't do anything like that.

Its body is pierced by a psychic arrow unleashed untouched, falling and lying on the desert.

Some time later, other animals flocked to the corpse meat.

Going all the way down to the ground and staring at the sight. Jonah was remembering the moment she became a 'human'. The reason is, yes. Even then, because I was waving my powers like this.

Jonah's namesake is Alcia.

And there is no such thing as a parent in the general sense to this Albino girl.

Plan for the descent of the Helix of Despair by the Book of Nothingness (Caios Evil). It unfolded simultaneously by a number of means, one of which was the creation of brave men (champions) - those who were strongly protected by a particular God - at the hands of men.

On earth, he was going to try to engage like a magnet by receiving the power of a helix of despair and placing something.

The artificial life born in the process was Yona.

The plan itself was crushed by the yuts, but there is no place to go to the Albino girl who slept in the incubator.

Strangely enough, they took it away because they nostalgic for Alcia, but initially it was an inorganic girl who could barely see what was called emotion.

Such a change in her was when she accompanied the adventure - at first she tried to leave it behind, but resisted without expression - releasing her psychic powers as she does now.

Yut stroked Jonah's head with excitement as he mercilessly annihilated a herd of monsters.

"Wow, you're powerful. I can prepare anything but an attack spell. Tactics will widen."

The girl who was empty is imprinted with the joy of being praised, affirmed.

In other words, it is good to say that the basis of her personality was decided at this moment. Once Yut found out, she would want to preach to herself in the past, but she wasn't dissatisfied with herself at all.

There will be no such yut.

I won't be able to see you.

Without the skill of dealing with the explosion of emotions, the Albino girl escaped.

But maybe he knew.


That Yut, Alcia, Valtrude will pick you up.

"There's going to be a lot of things, but let's go home once"

"That's right. Don't be selfish."

I guess I used the Mirror of Furfroom in Magic Gear (Magic Item) to explore where I was and rushed on Moment Move (Teleport).

The three suddenly appear in the desert, all with a harsh look on their faces, staring at this one.

Step closer as Valtrude reaches out.

"Jonah. I have some thoughts too, but I can't help this -"

"Yut, Kira"

Words that came out reflexively.

The look on his face at that moment, like he was hurt.

Jonah, who saw it and no longer knew how to do it, fled the sky again.

I know it's something I shouldn't do. But there's nothing else I can do.

"Val! Please!

Valtrude follows such an albino girl who activated Boots of Wings, the military boot of flight.


"Don't come!

"I wouldn't mind, not Yut, would I?


"What do you do with water and food in the middle of a desert like this? You didn't bring anything, did you? I am, of course, ready for an infinite storage bag."


True. Always, Valtrude is right.

Before reality, Jonah compromised.

"Okay. Only Val forgives."

"Thanks...... So, is it good?

I don't know, I twitch, but still, I smile like I'm relieved. A smile that would have made Yut beat faster if he had seen it would not have given Jonah the emotion she deserved.

"Well, look for a place to camp first"

"That's a water field. Hmm. Long time no see, not bad."

This is how I started surviving in the desert for a few days.

After defeating the giant scorpion monster that came by, the Cathedral Knight (Paladin) mouths several suggestions.

"Yona, it's time to go home?

"... ya"

Until yesterday, it was an immediate rejection. Compared to that, there is progress this time around.

But I can't even let you be selfish anymore.

"Alcia contacted me with a spell. Larsia and Exile are back."


"We're going back."

"... you can do whatever you want"

"Have you finally been honest? But if Jonah doesn't use her powers, she can't go home."

"... you can do whatever you want"

"I can tell Arsia."

"Ugh. Teleportation"

Thus Jonah and Valtrude made their first return to Falve in five days.

What they saw were the returning Larsia and Exile and the bickering Yuuts.


In the shadow of the office door, it would also be natural for Jonah to grudge and accuse her.


But that alone that the Albino girl is here makes Yut shudder and can only crush his name.

"I forgot to tell you, because in the Message roll, we are announcing the return of Larsia and Egg."

"That's definitely intentional."

"Come on......"

Upon hearing Arcia's explanation, Yut realizes he didn't know Jonah and Valtrude were coming back.

But Yut, who came running over faster than he apologized, holds me up and loses my timing.

"You idiot!

"Idiots are that way!

And you can't be honest if you suddenly yell at me.

"Besides, I just came to see Larsia and Egg"

"Damn, how worried do you think I am"

"I don't."

Pugh, Jonah pointing her lips as she turned away from Yut.

And it spits out the words that were deep in my heart.

"I don't care about the people who go away"


Exposed to muffled emotions, Yut pushes silence.

Jonah's anxiety sprouts in her mind at that unusual appearance.

(Hated...... maybe?

That can't be right.

I think so, but once sprouted anxiety never withers. I'm going to cry.

"Even I..."

Yut also reacts excessively to the exasperated Jonah herself's inner confusion - on the brink of it, reluctantly, but a beautiful voice struck him in the ear.

"Ah. Me too, I'd like you to let me in..."

"Val child......"

An unanswered clash.

It was Valtrude with a slightly troubled grin that made him avoid the likes of just hurting each other.

"Well, I'll take care of this."

"Larsia. After a while, did you get annoyed?

"I'm not!? Because I'm a clean adult male!?"

Larsia, who put a scratch into her difficult greeting whether or not she was joking about Yona, freed Yona from Yut and left the office.

Keep taking Jonah down the hall.

I should have visited you for the first time today, but I am not lost in its footsteps.

I didn't fully grasp the facility though, so I stopped at the corner of the hallway a little further away to continue the conversation, not in some room.

"It was a little dangerous, but I think that was pretty good right now, huh?

"... Larsia, have you gone crazy in another world?

"Suddenly you're dry!

While I don't think this kind of nori has been bad in a long time, for now, we have to keep protesting.

"I'm fine. Well, you see, there's something about Yut deciding instead of neglecting his emotions. Val and Arcia know each other well. There's nothing you can do about it. You're giving up the problem. So I think it's really good to hit straight like Jonah."

"But they hated me... maybe"

"Give me Jonah? No. That's not true."

The meadow race (Magner) laughs off the worry of the Albino girl.

"Yut is bad, and I don't really hate or take what Jonah says."

"So Larsia won't be banished from the party?

"Yes, yes. That's... because it's different, right?

I tried to laugh this off again, but I guess I suddenly got anxious. Horrible, ask to confirm.

"No, right?

"Come on? But I know what I need to do"

The look on Jonah's face, so affirmed, was full of confidence and nowhere, such as the shadow of a frightened girl earlier.

Run through the hallway and return to Yut's office again.


"I'm sorry."

And I bowed my head first.

"Ooh. I hope you understand."

I guess it was totally unexpected.

Yut can only eat face-to-face and receive an apology.

"Well said, Jonah. Come on, you got one more thing to say, don't you?


Larsia, who was behind him, praised Jonah and slapped him on the back as if to brave him. The usual pranky smile disappears and also looks like Jonah's brother.

"But. Yut, promise me"


"Yes. I have no choice but to go home. But I'm gonna do everything I can to find a way to get back here."


This is what Jonah needs to do.

It was Yut's decision to return. I have no choice, but I have no choice.

But then we'll do what we have to do. In other words, we carve in our presence so that we don't forget.

First, in the form of promises.

"There's no magic in my hometown. So when I go home, I don't know if I can use magic. No, I don't think I can use it."

Yut takes the word seriously and spins it to squeeze it out.

Jonah also listened to the words.

"But you do. So you're wrong to give up from the start."

He put out his pinky finger softly.

"This is how I promise in my hometown."

That's what I tell Jonah to do.

"You drink a thousand needles?

"I'll do my best over there so you don't have to drink"

Yut smiled and Jonah laughed too.

At the end of the day, when it comes to Yut's return, it will be shelved on another issue......

It would have been remarkable to have been a long way ahead of Valtrude and Alcia with regard to the fact that they had made a clear declaration of intent not to want you to go home.

Maybe a psychic (Scion) girl moves into another world after a yuut who hasn't quite returned from Earth.

Because such a future might have come.