289 6. Unslain Sword Demon Ginny O Igle (After)

"That's just great. Oh, that's great, Valtrude Istas."

It is too pure to say evil, and to describe it as admiration sounds a voice with madness.

Shortly after I skipped the neck of the rhino demon Souguziamus. I don't see him, and only my voice echoes the temple of Helenonia, which has fallen to the naught.

"Who is it!?"

Alana, who came late, raises her voice towards the void, even though she is a little bit of a falling, lying rhino demon.

I don't know if I can respond to that, but one shadow appeared at the entrance to the temple.

Wolf-cut redhead, fierce swordsman. Covering the lower half of her face with a hard mask, she is so out of balance in her hands and feet that she can tell at a glance.

That looks deceptively picturesque and even makes me have physiological disgust.

Valtrude frowns at a trait common to the Evil Empress who ascended to heaven.

But in general, it would be around her, not herself, that would attract the most attention.

Longsword (Longsword), Two Handed Sword (Great Sword), Knife, Battle Axe (Battleax), Short Spear (Shortspear), Longspear (Longspear), Spear (Hulbert).

By any force, a cluster of twofold and upright weapons surrounded her.

Still a few meters away, but I can tell enough to say I don't like its heterogeneity.

"Are you the martial artist I met in Hardenturm? Besides, the weapon... No, is it possible if it's the devil"

"Well, you know what? I couldn't get on the invitation, so I invited you to Tomahaw Castle, the Red Tears of the Saints. No matter, I can't help it. Naturally, I'm not going to get any recognition!

"Is it the red tears of the saints? No way -"

"Yes. I'm Jinni O. Igle, the swordless demon. Those who wish to slay the Holy Virgin of Helenonia."

"... Helenonia, you mean return of interest instead of God"

Even Valtrude knows the cause of the demons (Demon Road) and the “ever-winning” Hellenonians known as the Unslain Swordsman.

I'm not more surprised by its appearance than I knew this place was Naruto.

"I don't know if I'm going to replace the great one, but then you can target me alone. Go back to the Falve with the others."

"Well, that's boring - I guess! You, they say you're a non-funny person!

Don't make up your mind.

"They're saying it in the back! Don't tell me to the end!

At the same time as that unfounded slander came to an end, change came.

Based on the Unslain Sword Demon, the walls, the floor, and the ceiling gradually turn black.

"Kehaha! It's the beginning of the game. Remember the rules, Valtrude Istas. Otherwise, I don't know."

"Alana, please"

"Is it a round throw!?"

No. When the right material is in place, just say it in your heart and wait for words.

"This fucking abominable Hellenonian temple, if it stays like this, will stain Naruto and you won't be able to return. It's easy to understand, if the building stains black, it's game over!

"Sounds like a demon. It's a one-sided, unsolicited story. So, what do I do?

"Easy. Kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me. That'll stop the erosion."

"It doesn't seem to have been resolved."

"Have you noticed? Kehaha!"

What's so much fun?

The face covered with a mask is distorted to joy, and Ginny O. Igle spins the words of joy.

"Well, I'd notice that. This is easy again. If you destroy this one, it's clear. It's easy, isn't it? I don't even need to remember."

"Then you can still hit it with one hit"

The Cathedral Knight (Paladin) looks at the demons with treasure-like eyes as he holds the Horseman of Heaven (White Knight) in the sheath of Bold Iron (Crystal Iron).

I'm far from the Yuts, but that's why I'm not willing to lose.

"So... kara! So you're saying it's boring, right? Anyway, me and the one who got killed by my men will soon be the devil. Enjoy a little bite."

He pushes his hobby unilaterally, and when he comes, the Unslain Swordsman laughs. In line with that movement, the surrounding sword forests also moved up and down.

"You can't let them get away with it."

"I'm glad to be enthusiastically loved, but I'm the type to keep the fun out of it!

"I haven't heard, and I'm the only one I've ever loved"

Valtrude runs through the ground with a dialogue that is likely to hold his heart if Yut is there.

Stride stepping far beyond expectations.

He zeroed my distance in an instant, and his sword flashed in the world where evil dwelled.

"I'm not interested in cursing."

The opposing Ginny O. Igle doesn't move off the spot. I don't even try to set up a weapon. However, he kicked up the wreckage of Souguziamus, the rhino demon rolling at his feet, and turned it into a shield.

The heavenly mounted sword slashes and rips a corpse without a neck, and Valtrude takes his steps further. But there's no such thing as an Unslain Swordsman already there.

I guess I didn't target the Exhaustion of the Cathedral Knight. He just wants to indulge in the way she suffers fighting before she matches the blades.

For a moment, Allena and the others are driven by the urge to put aside and chase Ginny O. Igle.

But with the approaching tremor, it had to be thrown away.

The Unslain Sword Demon Ginni O. Igle rules < Unlimited Field >.

Countless demons fill that horizon where the Temple of Helenonia was fallen.

The tremors were the ground sounds of that large group traveling.

"That's the real deal."

"Not quite!?"

"Calm down. First, gather the people in the temple and go to the deepest warehouse. And let's stand there."

"Then it will be the same as dawning this temple."

"Better than dying."

Speaking in advance, Valtrude ran Allena. She herself waits for the demons without moving from the spot.

Besides not counting, it's a bunch of people who don't even want to count.

While we buy time, we just have to rendezvous.

Passive for her, but for a reason.

It is difficult for God's will to reach it, either because it was too far from the earth and from heaven. The use of divine spells will not work as usual.

In addition, by any effect, the magic of magical silver (Mithral) armor and shields appears to be attenuated. There's a phenomenon going on that wasn't even Earth.

The Heavenly Mounted Sword is fine, but it's hard to protect Alana and the others on her own. Truss-Sink God's Wedding Dress will have to give up.

I have no choice.

Though I think so, my heart drops.

But I never had time to lose myself to that emotion forever. The demons who push the vision of Valtrude through Yunxia occupy it.

"Now, flatter the Exile"

No feelings, no despair.

The Holy Virgin of Helenonia laughed lightly and said so, as she demonized her sword in her sheath again.

"The Coffin of Reason"

Yut detaches eight pages from the spell document and surrounds the place where the Temple of Hellenonia was located. The pages of the spell documents, at the same time stationary, each bound with light, became the culmination of the cube.

The theoretical spells classified in this eighth staircase surround the subject with cages made of pure magic and restrict movement.

It cannot be destroyed by physical means and does not even send spells, except in part.

Therefore, it is synonymous with trapping the demons overflowing from Nara.

"Kehaha! How many minutes does that guy have, Mage? (Wizard)! 10 minutes? 20 minutes?

"Well, that's about it"

Pointing out the facts, Yut admitted to being a bulwark. No matter how powerful the spell on the eighth staircase is, I am aware that it is only symptomatic.

At the same time, that's enough.

"Sniper's Feast"

Dozens of meters, five arrows fly in from the shadow of a remote object, scratching the sword grove and poking it from behind into the Unslain Swordsman.

Cervical spine, heart, ankle. Its skill in precisely striking through the steeple of the human body is precisely divine.

"Thank you for waiting. By the way, I like demons because they have guts."

"Some don't."

"I hate them"

Larsia, who arrives late in the Exile, shares her thoughts without benefit from where she has taken her distance. If there were a third party, you'd be stunned by the content and the lack of tension.

"I mean, it's too late."

"Well, forgive me if I bring reinforcements."

"In spite of this condition, don't be relieved as usual"

Your son comes down to the battlefield with a treasure sword and a smile.

Now that there is no Valtrude, as a human being, the best sword user - King Alsace - has set up a traitor to confront Ginny O. Igle.

As a court minister, it would be unacceptable, such as putting the king on a dangerous spot. But in this situation, it's a comforting reinforcement.

"Alsace Rothschild, King of Rothschild"

"The Unslain Sword Demon Ginny O. Igle"

"With the demons, there is no shortage. No, that's a great opportunity. As a diocesan knight of the Hellenonian God, let's ask for them."

"Kehaha! I don't say. I like it!

The demons responded to the challenge as they seemed pleasantly pleasantly comfortable pulling out the arrows that pierced their entire bodies unconstitutionally.

"Throw away your meadow races and your bows and arrows."

"No way. Bows are stronger."

Dialogue without body or lid, rejection without bite. For Larsia, combat is just a means to an end. It had nothing to do with the spirit of enjoying itself.


"- Okay."

In the meantime, Exile and Yut pass through their will with only a short word and gaze.



King Alsace, who can only be seen as a beautiful boy, sits on his back and swings through a treasure traitor.

The Unslain Sword Demon takes a thick two-handed sword from the Sword Forest in his hand.

Timed, Larsia releases an arrow.

Exile, on the other hand, does not move while waiting.

"Dimension Portal, Dimension Door"

The spell Yut took out of the winding (scroll case) to allow short distance instantaneous travel.

As if waiting for it - in fact, waiting for it - the rock giant (Jarloot) jumped into the gate without hesitation.

In the Coffin of Reason. To the heart of the Devil's Herd.


At the same time, Spike Flail's storm blew. Exile, which has become a storm of destruction, is fortunate to strike out the demons.

"Kehaha! That's a lot of fun."

"Can you afford to be looking around?

King Alsace pulled a traitor.

At the same time, he steps in sharply and releases a punch in a row.

"Ha, isn't it a burning blade?"

It was an unexpected attack, but the two-handed sword is not used to poke. The Unslain Swordsman is not easy and on the contrary emits a sharp slash.

A blow that should normally be inevitable. That was the moment I was waiting for.

The deadly blow of Ginny O. Igle was automatically taken by the secret magic of Traiter.


"Still this?

Slip the blade of the traitor who took the blow of the Unslain Sword Demon and swing the sword out as it flows. The trajectory became a white line, slashing and tearing the atmosphere at dawn.

"Oh. That's funny."

The demons laugh out of the back of the mask, still, while the torso is cut to half with a blade.

Fighting without chipping death and dignity is boring and such. It's the same, even if it's your own life.

"Let me have more fun!

"Too bad. I'm not going to prolong it."

Larsia, who steps out of the shadows to secure the ray, says as she releases an arrow.

"Ha. I'm gonna do that."

"You said you brought reinforcements, right? You can't call yourself an army by yourself."

But that wasn't aimed at the Unslain Swordsman. On the contrary, that arrow has no killing power.

He drew parabola, not a straight line, and nodded up and pierced the ground.

"Stay Away -" Fort of Glory "Photon Fortress" "

Voices heard from the air.

Along with that, King Alsace retreats greatly.

At the same time, a wall of light connecting the arrows that stabbed the ground surrounds the Unslain Sword Demon Ginny O. Igle. A temporarily retreating Eighth Staircase divine spell that also casts the tentacles of the spiral of despair (Reliouria).

It becomes a cage that seals evil at the same time as a strong wall that protects itself.

"Flare Burst - Enhancer!

But this time, it wasn't for any purpose. If you say so, it's a breakwater to keep the damage from spreading.

Reinforcements alongside Alusia using Fort of Glory - Yona worked her mental strength to its limits and unleashed her infused psychic powers. It's as if the sun itself has fallen.


Down from the head, force and heat. I mean, a chunk of energy. A small sun that burns down only the interior in the Fort of Glory.

As he embraced it, the devils spread their hands to welcome him in.


In the dawn falve, a second eye sun emerges.

A circular dance of light and heat (Rondo), played in a wild, runny way.

The Unslain Sword Demon Jinni O 'igle - a pillar of the demon gods melted away in it.