"Are you hurt?

"You're okay... but..."

I don't know what happened. To be precise, I don't know why there was such an explosion.

I've never heard anything like that happen before, not to mention that I made such a mistake.

"Let's hide a little"

"Oh, yeah"

The hidden ring Invisibility Ring remains equipped, but overconfidence is forbidden.

Travel from the interior to the shadow of the temple. We've been lurking our breaths for a while, but there's no sign of people getting together.

It should have been pretty loud, but it didn't seem like a single shot made any noise. Summer may have made me think that the young people were haunted.

I don't want them to be together, but I'm sure they bothered me. If it's not noticeable, it's better.

"In the meantime, activation doesn't look like a problem"

While returning to the country, Yut snaps like a solitaire.

That was my first time earlier so I was confused, but if I concentrate my mind tight, I don't seem to have a problem with it for activating what would be a spell on the upper staircase.

In relation to the surrounding magic powers, the power will be slightly reduced......

"The problem is it sounds like that fireworks, right? I have no idea why it sounded like that."

"If Yut doesn't get it, it's good for me."

"Right. Something about reflux or something like that..."

Remarkable, but not much harm if it's just sound.

The question is, will the same phenomenon always occur? Or do changes occur, for example, depending on the staircase?

Totally unknown. All I can say is that I'm glad I didn't have to experiment at home without thinking about it.

"Experimenting in the back of the mountain or somewhere more like a deserted island? No, there's a way to get around..."

The biggest problem is the return sequence of Interstella Walker, the One Who Shoots the Stars.

About 50 hours to its activation.

When it starts, what impact does it have or does it not? With one of Yut's will, we can break the endurance.

"I want time to think. I just got here, but once, let's go back."

"I'll take care of it...... no. Wait, Yut."

The first thing I noticed was Valtrude.

Compared to the Brewers, the moon is a small, less starry night sky.

There, a black moon was born.

I'm so illusioned, the breaking of a true circle.

Doors opened just a few meters above, not empty.

From there, red green yellow clear black. Something gel-shaped spills like mud.


It's a viscous monster, also known as slime or ooze.

"No way, I called!?"

"There are monsters in Yut's world, too."

"Will you stay!

Why, how did such a monster show up?

What does that have to do with the spell just now?

If a monster appears to be about "Magic Sense," it is likely that a greater calamity will occur when the world moves, but it cannot be completely denied.

"But you're a troublesome opponent"

The Rinji Cathedral Knight (Paladin), who pulled out the Devil's Sword, smiled slightly.

Mucus chemicals just take up and dissolve organic matter - mainly meat - and divide and increase it as a nutrient. An organism that in a way is true to the existential significance of life, but primitive. The figure reminds Yut of the cells of plants that were in science textbooks.

Also, just primitive, it's difficult to get rid of.

The body of mucus that absorbs physical shock dissolves the half-breed weapon, rather than passing through the blade.

Besides, it's a nasty enemy that you have to crush the nucleus of a sphere that will change your place to regenerate. Larsia would have had a pathetic look on her face without her guts.

Unlike the deformed and mascotted slime, etc., ugliness makes you nauseous.

When about a dozen such opponents were released, the breakdown of the true circle turned into just a cavity.

"Is this stopping you?

"You've got enough."

Actually, it's not enough.

Because the magician's (wizard) hands and feet, which should dominate the fight against mucus, are tied up.

"You can't just let it go wild. I'll take care of Yut's behavior."


In response with a smile, Valtrude slashed into the midst of his enemies.

Even if you can't see the mucus, feel the signs of prey - that is, meat - and let's go. There's no heat, but it's like a lava flow.

If you deal with a monster like that, she won't flinch.


The sword of God flashed and tore the flesh of the viscosity with the atmosphere.

Hidden rings are not omnipotent either, and the moment of attack exposes the beautiful work to the sky.

Did you take it off?

But it doesn't get to the point of destroying the nukes with one blow. Mucus compounds fuse with other individuals as if to compensate for lost viscosity, and crawl to meat again.

"Val, be careful! I'm not wearing armor right now!

"I know!

Wearing magical silver (Mithral) armor would have bounced all the way back to the extent of the mucus compound attack. Now, if you're going to be relative, it's a straight line to tragedy.

The mucus compounds stretch out their tentacles and flesh to Valtrude.

Now it's their usual means of grasping and dragging them in.

The Cathedral Knight falls a long way back and takes a distance as he slashes countless tentacles looming from the front. To prevent them from being surrounded by all sides, but this makes it difficult to go on offense.

The hidden rings also didn't do much good, as the mucus compounds grasp the location of their prey with tremors transmitted from the ground rather than vision.

Crisis of absolute destiny.

No, to this extent, that's impossible.

"Show no glory in the other world. Helenonia! Empower the faithful servant of God!

Not only a divine sword that disputes demons, but even the whole body of a cathedral knight is surrounded by a clean spirit.

He pointed his sword tip at a right angle and proceeded straight ahead.

Scratch the tentacles with a streamlined foot judgment and stick your cuttings out to the mucus. The moment it touched, the viscous flesh dispersed as if it had exploded from the inside.

A red, giant contact lens-like nucleus drops.

Stepping on it without hesitation with Boots of Flying, the military boot of flight, and waving the sword to the next target were fully integrated.

Armor sleeves touch.

As if it were to be a model, blowing up the viscosity destroys the nucleus.

It didn't take that long to wipe out all the mucus residue.


"Mm-hmm. If you dodge it, there's nothing particularly wrong with it."

"No, because that's usually not possible"

Hydra's neck regenerates?

I don't need a fire. Beat him until he stops playing. Avoid attacks.

This is what I'm talking about.

"Well, it's Val who can do that..."

"Exile and Larsia would be able to do it too"

"Something's wrong with the standard... it wasn't over yet."

I'm not alarmed.

But I was sure I was relieved.

From the breaking of the true circle that floats above - and I'm not just saying earlier that it was just a look - a large amount of mucus chemicals flow down from next to next.

A few times earlier. Sooner or later, it's enough to fill the territory.

"This guy..."

"Hmm. That's a little too many."

Not in the slightest.

Valtrude hasn't changed one complexion, but Yut can't help but think about these monsters heading to the city, to the city where they and Acorn's parents, friends and acorns live.

"Val, I'll use the spell. Step back, please."

"... ok"

Maybe wielding power will bring in a greater calamity.

I understand that.

That is why we cannot leave the present trivial matter unattended. It was also proven when the remnants of the Book of Nothingness (Caios Evil) attacked.

There's no point hiding anymore.

Remove the Hidden Ring and replace it with a Master's Ring (Adept Ring) that increases the power of the Spell.

"I'm not going to take it out. Decide in one shot."

From among the prepared spells, Yut searched for and opened the spell, a theoretical spell that worked extensively, was as powerful as it could be annihilated, and was as discreet as possible.

Make sure Valtroude drops back and tries to rip off eight pages.

"Yut, someone's coming!?"

"What, at a time like this!

A warning flies from the diocesan knight who noticed there as soon as possible, and Yut's hand stops. I regret that it was too late to remove the hidden spell, but it's too late.

"Finally caught up...... but why is the devil showing up like clouds and summers in this place"

The sudden intruder was wearing a uniform that Yut was used to seeing.

Vest with the same pattern as the tartan check skirt. The red ribbon on the chest is a sign that it is one school year younger than Yut or Acorn.

Slightly eye-catching, but neat looking. It holds long dark hair together in a ponytail, which, combined with its luxurious and sleek shape, gives it a kitten-like look.

The girl who came running up the shrine stairs held a large emerald-colored tablet beside her in her hand.

"If you use such a huge spell, it will be outrageous. Sempai, please stop."

I was curious about her name, why she stops, and her qualities, but that's not the yut she hesitates to do.

Ignore it, activate the Seven Light Barriers (Raywall), try to surround and crush the mucus.

"I have no choice. Frost Bolt

When a girl flicks through a tablet, something like a magic formation with intricate texts is projected from it.

From the magic formation shown in the dark night, a cold-air arrow with two strips of water colour is ejected and the mucus is shot at.

"Again, no, no."

Regrettably, a girl spits out words.

To the extent of the attack spell on the first staircase, it does not even bring down the whole of the mucus carbide.

Still, Yut stopped moving. I had to stop it.

"The spell...... is it?

"What do you mean, Yut?

Yut can't answer.

Perhaps the underlying theory is the same as the theoretical spells he learned at the Brewers. Speaking of a different world, the theory of witchcraft seems to be common. The laws of physics were no different. It's a strange story that magic is the only exception. Is it a simple genre difference not to use a spell document?

Discussing that much, Yut shakes his head.

"No, there's something wrong with the spell being on Earth in the first place..."

"Heavenly Grass Brave Sempai. I am Qin Noh's real name, the first magic instructor of the Hyung-chul Conference (Danishmen)."

"Danish...... Mend?

"Yes. With all due respect, I was keeping an eye on you"

Yes, she told in a polite tone.