112 6. Perpetual looting of dense forests (former)

"Now, let's have one cooperation because the concubine empire does not do evil. So let's not borrow from each other."

A new archbishop (Patriarch) rushed in as the Empress tried to continue.

"Yut, are you okay?

"So what should I say, what should I say, what should I say, not be worried about Val, who's supposed to be here first?

"Is that it? Val wasn't the only one who came first, was he? Hasn't my presence been omitted?

I welcome Arcia, who has rushed into a basement like a pack of negative history, with an act that just says Yut, who has regained his spare time, has been hurt.

Of course, it was on purpose to pull out Larsia.

I can have that conversation because Valtrude is alerting me to Verga.

And the rest of us came in together, skinning Alcia.

"Right. Did Val make it?"

"Good for you... Really, the brave man is safe."

"But in the worst case, I had some comforting hands over here..."

"That's a joke you can tell because you saved me, right? Am I right?

"... of course?

"There's Mr. Alcia and Val, and I'm curious why Jonah turned out like this"

Larsia distracts her gaze.

I mean, that's what happened.

"Oh, my God. It's pathetic. After all, they did what they wanted."

Besides, I know you're treating me with a divine spell, but I'm not injured as one of you. Meanwhile, I could not feel any sign that the soldiers of the Verga Empire would show up.

"Ugh, my son-in-law. Perhaps we can have a concubine now?

"I'm not an assassin, I'm a diplomatic envoy. I wouldn't do that if I wanted to talk to you."

After I say it, I see the beauty of Valtrude, who is bound to make me look at it again and again and at any time (whenever).

She also nodded that it was good.

But that smile hardens in the next word that Verga utters.

"That's too bad. I thought it might be possible to write a script about being defeated and taking a weak concubine away as a sex slave."

"Sex slaves..."

"Acorn, I understand. You don't have to take this woman's wild tales seriously."

"That's good, but you haven't given up at all..."

Yut felt that, rather than a worldly myth, he was not quite serious, but wisely kept silent.

Instead, ask for an explanation.

"If you don't need to change places, I'd like to talk to you soon. What do you want us to do?"

"It's not bad to be asked."

He smiled slutty in the back of his throat as he crept, opening his red lips.

"Further north of this imperial capital, the land known as the Perpetual Robbery Forest is spreading"

"Forever in the dense forest?

Asking back instantly is evidence that you haven't thought about anything.

But the mountains should have just spread north of the Verga Empire. That's how Yut looks at his buddies, but nobody seemed to have any idea.

"I guess so. Anyway, it's a state secret."

"It may make sense to hide the existence of a plain capable of producing crops..."

That is uncomfortable from the way the Verga Empire is.

It is the economic activity of the Verga Empire that invades, expropriates and deprives rich lands. There is no way to do this before you can't do it, such as open it.

"And what can you hide?

"The question is best. But if you think about it like this, there's no contradiction. The Everlasting Mountains recently turned into the Everlasting Forest."

"Heavenly mutations like mountains blowing up? I don't even think I can hide it outside."

Arcia's natural point.

Yut agrees, sending a gaze for explanation to the sloppy Empress.

"Dimensional Dragon"

The response to that is a word.

"Dimensional dragon?

Valtrude and Exile. And the shallow acorn who comes to the Brewers tilts his neck if he has never even heard of it.

The remaining four, on the other hand, felt unspeakable anxiety in the name of the top species dragon, which is told only in legend.

"Dimensional dragon Dal-Lukash emerged from nowhere in the Perpetual Mountains about fifty years ago. without any foretaste, abruptly."

"But if that's all, don't rule, just destroy it"

Dimensional dragons are superior to golden dragons (gold dragons) and red dragons (red dragons), known as superior species dragons, because of their rarity and speciality.

They say they can stop time for a short time, spread it, and cross dimensions as well.

Also, a long-lived dragon has a unique name. In other words, it is also evidence that a dimensional dragon named Dal-Lukash is a powerful individual.

But that doesn't guarantee a high level of combat capability.

"Even if that was a mythological dragon, I don't think I can handle it if Verga was with the bloodsucking Marquis Zieg Alto Crewing or the Dead Giant (Tanatos) Bourne Novor."

"That's too much to buy. Notice the weakness of the concubine."

"Are you talking about when you trespassed on the territory of my Earl of Istas?

Verga agrees with Valtrude's inquiry.

"I don't know. A concubine cannot leave the concubine's empire for long, and going elsewhere would be significantly restrictive, like the price my mother Bearchilliche was allowed to ascend to heaven. Well, that's not why I can't exercise my influence in the world."

In the first place, if this empress of the demigods had been free to act, this Brewers would already have been stained in one color.

"You're not the answer. No way, the ruler of that perennially robbed forest has become a Dimensional Dragon..."


Likewise, naturally, Verga admitted it softly. I admitted it.

"... you still have something to hide?

Still, I don't think we can destroy the Dimensional Dragon if we name the total force.

Besides, I still don't try to talk about the connection between the Eternal Mountains and the Eternal Stolen Forest.

There must be a factor that fills that missing link.

"I was about to talk to you. There must be something hidden between the couple?

"Who and who are the couple. Before you do that, let's keep going."

Looks grumpy. No, actually grumpy Valtrude.

As she stroked her head like that and gave up, Yut told Verga.

"Something's out there that makes it harder to get a hold of, isn't it?

"I don't know. My concubines are grabbing this too... In the Everlasting Mountains..."

Innocent as a naughty little girl.

"Obelisk that existed in Falv -"

But with a slutty smile.

"-There are things of the same kind."

I told him the fact that he deserved amazement.


In Yut's head, pieces fit in one after another. The finished painting depicts the landscape of the plot planned by Verga.

"The Dimensional Dragon that ate its magic was unbearably crazy. Dimensional boundaries along the Perpetual Mountains were blurred and rewritten into dense forests, with giant reptiles trekking, which still continues to expand. The concubines call it alienation."

"If we defeat the Dimensional Dragon, will that alienation go back to normal?

"No, bye. My father says it will only stop expanding."


It's too reliable information.

For the sake of organisation, Yut organises the situation so that his colleagues can understand.

"I give you the right to use that obelisk. Instead, destroy the Dimensional Dragon Dal-Lukash"

"The erosion of the land is stopped, and we get dense forests instead, right?

"And the truth is, whichever wins won't hurt the Verga Empire."

"It is ideal for a concubine to leave one son-in-law and destroy both sides..."

I can no longer even sigh at my desire to be too honest.

"" Delivery (Sports) "

Huge heads came down before such yuts.

I found out it was the head, because Verga made it appear in secret (Sacramento), and there were eyes, mouth, nose, and thought areas.

Except it's a completely different head than that of a human.

"What, this? A dragon?"

"Brave man, if my eyes and brain weren't crazy..."

"Oh. I'm probably seeing the same thing as Zhuyin, too"

The Valtrudes. The local group just thinks it's a monster.

But the two visitors found out what it was.

Naturally, I've never actually seen it. But anyone knows.

"Dinosaurs...... right?


Unusually thick and long fangs.

Jaw that scuffs everything.

Eyes as if intimidating the surroundings and waving hatred.

Just the head, Yona. On the contrary, it's bigger than Yut.

Just the head. You can't be alive.

I know that by reason, but the underlying fear strikes the acorn.

"Brave man..."


Hold that hand tightly and stop the tremor.

Verga with an untouched view of it.

"Did you also go to the world of your son-in-law? Maybe it came from a dimensional distortion."

"No, you were there or you were extinct"

This means that Tyrannosaurus and other dinosaurs have to jump across dense forests and relate to Dimensional Dragons.

"I don't know what that means, but these creatures sprang from the thick woods, and apparently, even after defeating the Dimensional Dragon, they will continue to exist."

"What kind of magic..."

"In other words, food will continue to be supplied forever. That would solve the problem just by keeping the goblins going into the perennial forest, and we wouldn't bother to get our hands on the Rotosilt."

"Ideal place... don't be too bloody"

If we get rich, there will be no war.

To do this, we must defeat the Dimensional Dragon.

And they say there's that obelisk.

With the magic of Obelisk, we would also be able to activate the theoretical spells of unscrupulous structures. I mean, your wish comes true.

It was completely entangled and the escape seemed nowhere.

"Do you like it?

That was an evil, slutty, inescapable voice like a girl spider.