Kagra, are you all right?

The man who welcomed Kagra at the entrance inside was a man dressed in white and light shallows like the god himself.

Tall height is not so different from yuut, but thick flesh forged. Total hair, a harsh look reminiscent of a grim rocky mountain.

The man had no horns like kagra, just scales growing around his neck and in his hands, like white dragons.

"No, brother. I came back to congratulate myself."

Man who labors his sister that you had a hard time.

Yut watched the scene in silence.

It was shocking information that there was a victim before we met, but we can't water this atmosphere.

For this reason, the figure of the men who were chasing Kagra and the word "half dragon man" (Demi Draco). And it makes me think about what this sibling looks like.

(The closer you look to the dragon, the greater, or such a value? So maybe they live in such a hidden place with only some dragon features)

From the feeling of Yut, the word rural here is also vivid.

If you want to express yourself in a moderate way, hideout. Quite frankly, it's a secret.

"They were sent by me as Kagra's escort. Beautiful, you did your part. Proud of him."

"... Yes"

I guess I didn't convince you.

Still, she accepted her brother's words.

"It's Kagra. I don't know if you're hands-free over there, Jen."

"Ah, that one helped me, the curser of the journey..."

"Right. He's Kagra's brother, and his name is Jinga. My stupid sister took care of me."

"It's Yut. Well, it's just a success."

Yut tells Jinga with a good posture and a low head that she will have trouble even if she is so thankful.

Jinga, with her head up, glanced inexorably at such a mage. Sounds like you're being trampled on, and Yut doesn't even raise a particular protest. To such a gaze, I became accustomed to the disturbances before and after Valtrude's episcopal.

"More stories inside"

But such Yut's intentions are beautifully ignored, and Jinga tries to invite him into the interior unwrought.

"Is that okay? I don't even know if I can trust someone suspicious."

"A truly suspicious man would not say such a thing"

"Please come in, Master Yut"

"If that's the case, well"

Whatever it is, you better calm down and talk. Besides, it's odd that they say so far and shy away.

The inner perimeter is separated by a fence to the extent of apologies, and there are no gates. Yut followed the two of them and stepped inside like that.

Not unlike the impression from the outside, Inside could not be said to be flourishing in flattery.

The houses standing side by side are made of wood, and many things are leaning rather than metaphors, and it's finally time to outrun the rain dew. It's going to collapse with a little wind.

Overall, it seems to have coaled up and I can't feel the vibrancy.

It may be early, but I didn't even think I could afford to feed my horse. Speaking of which, Yut remembers that the horse remained connected to the entrance.

"Oh, it's the fields"

But Yut cheered unexpectedly at the sight he saw ahead.

Isn't it planting time yet? The water is not stretched and the dry soil is exposed, but one of the drawings, separated by a ", was definitely in the paddy fields.

It's narrow, but how much effort did it take to create this many paddies in this mountain?

Given that, there's plenty of room to blow away the gloom inside.

"Then there's a river flowing somewhere too?

"Does Master Yut know how to make rice?"

"Oh...... Right."

Basically, it's only made in Li Kutua in the Brewers. And the inhabitants of the land are mostly dragon dwellers (Draconut). Human beings and other sub-races also exist, but minorities.

Yut's name would be somewhat Li Kutua style, but his very existence is unnatural.

"Explain it will be longer, so I'll be around later"

"Yes, sir."

With a serious look, Kagra bowed her head.

Such a girlfriend and the inhabitants inside who found Jinga are giving way uniformly and bowing their heads.

(It looks like a clergy, and is it respected? Or is it a higher position?

I feel somewhat like the latter, but I will refrain from further speculation as to whether I will know anyway if I listen to you.

However, among the different inhabitants, there were still no such people as half dragons, and all of them only had the characteristics of dragons in part, such as horns, scales, claws, etc.

"This is my home. It's a dirty place, go ahead."

Keep walking long enough and finally reach your destination.

In the back, there is the only company in this area where the tiles have been repaired, and even Yut, who cannot be said to be faithful alongside the forest he refrains from behind, feels harsh.

However, the two houses that would have hit the guided office were only to a lesser extent than others for being strawed.

"Sounds like an old farmer."

"Was there something inconvenient?

"No, I'm talking to myself"

Stopped by on a family vacation, reminiscent of a facility like the one in the fallen of a bungalow. I wiped my feet between the soil and then took off my shoes and moved to the back end of the furnace.

More and more, it's an old farmer.

I know it's rude, but it naturally tenses me up. Long time ago, was it due to the experience of taking off my shoes and going home?

But that didn't last long either.

"First of all, thank you again. Master Yut is a benefactor of life."

Kagra pokes her tripod and bows her head deeply to Yuut, who enjoyed the feeling of her long time ago.

Reflectively, I even sat on the front seat to Yut.

"Keep your head up, please. Really, it's not a big deal."

"I just wanted to say thank you, but I think you should refrain from doing this any more."

"Be sure to do so"

Hearing Yut's fearful voice, Kagra finally rocks her cut black hair at her shoulder tip and raises her head.

At the same time, Yut broke his leg and cut the story off.

"First, I'll tell you about me. In the meantime, make a decision about what you should tell them."

Being a visitor from other worlds.

That there is also an area in that world with a culture similar to that of Li Kutua, from which it comes.

That I am now in this country west of the Brewers and that I am involved in politics.

And that he who has excelled in witchcraft - is the Great Mage (Arch Mage).

Don't cover it up, tell everything.

"My hometown's staple food is rice, not bread. So, I came to buy a little, but I stumbled upon Mr. Kagra and baked him a treat."

Yut closed the story like that.

"Was it left..."

Jinga strokes her face-length face and chews Yut's words.

"As you can see, there are two ways for dragon men. He who leaves the character of the dragon in colour, and who stays in part like us."

That's what I said, I showed you the scales on the back of my hand.

"To put it bluntly, they - we call them True Dragon Men (True Draco) - are rulers. Let us be oppressed."

"Is that for faithful reasons? Or are they simply stronger?

"On both sides, I guess"

Zenga and Kagra's brothers and sisters are priests (Priests) serving the dragon god Bahamut, but in this Li Kutua, more than that, there is a strong faith in the dragon emperor - the legendary hero who turned into a dragon while living.

That became the basement, and the ruler and the ruler were hierarchically divided. He also had the power to obey the majority Hanryu (Demi Draco).

"I only know the circumstances of Kaiyang Island, so on the other six islands, it may not be the same."

It was generally just Yut's guess.

"But no matter how weak your position is. No, isn't that why they should protect you guys?

No matter how much you look down, the strong won't make it again without the weak. You can't be in a one-sided relationship.


"So you think it's worth being targeted forcefully, in this?

"There are hundreds of people in here, but that paddy field alone is very hard to bribe. Fortunately, however, there are water-rich rivers running near the inside. So, they're making paper, and they're scrubbing the paste."

"Oh, paper."

If the school is on track, the paper you're going to need.

Unexpected encounters increase Yut's tension.

"The secret, I can't tell you much..."

"Maybe a city hiuki named Gojo was forced by a dragon man to reveal his secret?

"I don't know. It's just that it's the Lord of Hiuki who commanded it, whether it's Toga Dange"

Toga Dange is the luxury that dominates this area, Zinga added.

"I see..."

The muscles are through, but not out of the blue.

Yut, with that sentiment, turns his gaze to Kagra, who has remained silent for a long time.


Her lips trembled, clenching her fists all the time, as if to endure something.

Now there's more behind it than we've been told.

That would be for sure.

But do you think talking to Yut won't help, or are you trying not to involve the benefactor of my sister's life? I don't know which one, but everything hasn't been told.

"I understand the circumstances. It's a boarded ship, if there's anything you can do, don't hesitate to tell me. And since I'm acting differently with my people, I'd like you to lend me an inn to rendezvous."

"Master Left? I can't entertain you, but you can stay at our house tonight. - Kagra."

"Yes, we will prepare your room"

Kagra, who replied slightly with a bright voice, flips a scarlet and moves from the back end of the enclosure.

"Since I work, please excuse me for this. Relax and relax."

Jinga, who dropped off her sister like that with a warm bitter smile, also bows her head and resigns.

Later, only Yuuto, seated at the back end of the furnace in a robe and uniform, and a burning fire dull behind that furnace were left behind.

There are no tatami in the guided rooms, but they are plated, and they are just laid. Still, in the nostalgic Japanese-style room, that was all I was satisfied with as a yut.

Lie down in the white magician's robe.

All I can say is country house, ceiling.

I felt a flair for it, too.

"I thought it had nothing to do with homesickness..."

I didn't go back to Japan.

I'm just in a similar environment.

Yet it was surprising to me that it moved my mind so far.

"I was wondering if I could even make a Japanese house in Falve. No, but only me and Zhuyin are happy. Then make it a ninja mansion style attraction and run it to Larsia... that doesn't make sense."

Hi, I can't get my thoughts together.

"Well, I don't know what to do with that..."

Yut closes his eyes and thinks about what's to come.

I pulled myself away from hiding things because I expect information from Larsia. Worst of all, if we also take into account the development that there is justice for dragon men named Hiuki and Toga Dange, we will be able to cope with the situation more or less.

The Yuts, coming from outside, have no prejudice against them.

At the same time, there was a degree of inferiority that if you put your shoulders in the weaker one, you might be able to divide the rice seedlings and teach you how to make miso, paper, etc. …

I accidentally laugh at myself thinking about it that way.

"With Val, it would have been easy to talk about..."

With her, she would have sided with the weak without any stray, and the Yuts should have followed it. I have a problem, but as a leader, I have difficult qualities.

Unconsciously wandering around the bag of infinite storage, he floats the radiant look of his fiancée - which is supposed to be - in his brain.

Valtrude, in his imagination, was angry as a blaze.

When we meet again, Yut hopes he's softening it up. And you've never seen me face to face with her for so long, okay?

"Dual homesickness, what am I supposed to do?"

I smile bitterly and Yut wakes up.

That made me smell nostalgic from somewhere.

"This is..."

"Master Yut, the evening is ready."

"I'm going now"

The robe takes off and moves in footsteps to the back end of the furnace.

The furnace was covered with an iron pan, and for Yut, it was simmered together to create a fragrant smell.

"It's just a dish, though."

While I was somewhat surprised at the appearance of the impatient yut, Kagra handed it to his benefactor by serving a rice dish - a small amount of rice, vegetables and mushrooms simmered in miso - in a wooden jar.

"I'll have it."

Like a traveler who found an oasis in the desert, Yut stirred in the rice cooking.

Little rice, not much touch because it is simmered.

Nor can vegetables and mushrooms be said to be of good quality for flattery.

The taste of miso was also too soggy due to Yuto's taste.


Still, it was a great treat for Yut. I temporarily forgot that I hadn't joined Larsia yet, or that Zinga wasn't present.

In the word delicious, unspeakable emotion.

If anyone had foreseen everything in this world, he might have said:

The future in which this dragon man will be saved is now confirmed at this moment -.