"Take it and stand"

Valtrude, who has rebuilt the Devine Subjugator, takes his grand challenge.

"But is it enough for just four?

Not provocative or proud, Valtrude just asked as a fact.

In the wake of that word, Yut quickly calculates.

On the number, that's six to five. There's one more here, but Jonah wants to keep warm thinking about the worst. In that case, on the number, they become one another.

On the number.

"Are you going to win already?

"I am the Cathedral Knight of Helenonia."

Valtroude storms for the beasthead man.

The werewolf (Warwolf), who reacted quickly to it, became diseased on all fours and intercepted Valtrude.

Beauty and the beast intersect.

A man with a veterinary disease (LycanSloppy) jumps up Valtrude's overhead high and waves his nails - he doesn't do anything like that.

Leaving a low position like crawling through the earth, he stretches his fangs with the right foot of the Cathedral Knight (Paladin), the enemy of the Uncluttered Heaven.

Eat up on your feet, chop off your Achilles tendon, and slowly snap after you've pulled it down.

I can't handle it first at first glance, wild moves.

In contrast, Valtrude unleashed a kick showing the back of his leg in reverse.


Boots of Flying, the military boot of flight, plunges into the back of the werewolf's throat, and the werewolf, who should have been a predator, screams like a livestock.

Valtrude is not just a cathedral knight. For her, who was born in the village of Ozlick, she is used to wolf opponents and so on. It's as easy as it gets when it's not a herd.


Flash the Demon Sword.

Stitch your head to the ground, piercing your brain, mouth and jaw from your ears growing on the top of the head of a suffering veterinary disease man.

"I'm going to ask you once now, is that enough people?

"Of course."

On behalf of the Lord, I answered a sorcerer (wizard) woman with a human skin spell document. Noticing that highly exposed outfit, Valtrude frowns.

But the spare time was also until I heard the name of the completed spell.

"Magic Bombing, Pyronic Gyro."

Magic Instructor of the Fifth Staircase (Warlock) Class Spell.

Avoid reflexively falling back to avoid pages detached from the spell document attempting to surround Valtrude.

In the sense of erasing the effects of the spell, it is similar to Magic Dismantling (Isolation), but the most important characteristic is that the effects change depending on the target.

The number of magic items or powers that you have around you. In addition, it explodes depending on the strength of the spell being granted.

The battle-ready Valtrudes will also be the most effective subjects in this Brewers. Larsia looks blatantly unpleasant and even Exile shows a rush.

It was one yut who was calm.

"Counter Dispel Against the Curse Demon"

A page of spells tracked by Valtrude can disappear under white magic light.

The cathedral knight who had escaped the difficulties accidentally exhaled a breath of relief. It's bad for the heart.

"The enemy has a magician. There's no way you're not on guard."

"Huh. Isn't that something we can tell each other?

"I don't care if they say it in an eye-catching outfit."

Yes, Yut is blurry. An answer that lacks seriousness.

"Oh, that's a lovely reaction."

But the vampire demon mentor, a family member of Ziguarto, does not seem to be full. Waving a compelling smile, he stares at Yut to seduce him.

"But I don't like it"

"If you charm me, it won't matter."

"Well, suppose it's each other that the spell is broken. Plus, you gave up a hundred steps and you were with me."

If I can't be involved any more, I forcefully turn back.

"How did you know my people and your elephant invisibility were equal?

And poked at a reality that was too cruel.


For the Dark Knight, Exile waves down Spike Flail.

As if I were going to smash it on the wall or something.

Over and over again.

But it's a two-handed sword like a metal mass, or take it with thick metal armor.

Nor can a servant Rock Giant (Jarloot) continue to attack forever. A dark knight struck by a six-long strike takes a step like a machine to defeat the Exile.

"Right there!

Spike Flail was about to be pulled back into his grip, not serving to smash his enemies.

Exile used his full body power to wield it like a fishing rod forcefully. A striking part equal to the anchor strikes the dark knight's foot hard to obstruct progress.

That's not all.

Even more at an unbalanced time, he swings down to slap Spike Flail, who was dancing in space, with both hands, and puts the dark knight's back on the ground.

After that, it's a one-sided ravage.

Exile himself is likely to make excuses for saying, "Every time I attack, I get damaged because I have recoil..." But of course, no one will ever get along with it.

"Magic Blast."

"Against the Curse Demon."

The opponent isn't just watching, either, but the werewolf is still recovering and the theoretical spell is enclosed in Yut.

The woman, wrapped around her whole body in thorny chains, does not move by serving the side of Ziguarto, only observes that its blood-sucking marquis is interesting.

"I have to work, too!

Three Bullets of Reason (Force Missiles) were released from somewhere against Ziguarto, intertwined with each other.

"Death is nothing but an abomination. O merciful, who promises peace after death. Save your wandering soul and pay."

At the same time, Arsia reads out the Holy Word.

- Evacuate.

Purifying immortal monsters, holy waves.

But it's not the same size as the corpse survivors (zombies), the Tsukamas (wight), and the Corpse Eaters (ghouls) who came out by the time they got here.

You can't make it disappear, just stop moving and do the best you can.

That's how much Alcia knew. To that extent, it is sufficient.

Not past target, an attack from Larsia strikes Ziguarto directly - on the brink of it, one shadow broke in.

A female vampire wrapped around her with a thorny chain takes the attack of a science spell upon her on behalf of the Lord.

No matter how many vampires, I can't be intact with three proper arrows of pure magic.

The amount blown away by the impact did not appear to have been minor damage, as it cleverly rotated in the air and landed off the foot, but the whole body is burned and the directly hit area is tragically snagged.

Still, he moved creepy like a ghost and returned to the Lord's side again.


Hiding with long waved dark hair, I don't know the expression.

Even the laughter, it just sounds like it, it could just be a groan.

But I get it. I get it.

This woman vampire is delighted.

"She's a little different."

Zieg Alto Crewing explained his family for the first time.

"Pain is directly linked to pleasure. Well, it's easy to tell when you think that the more blood you bleed, the happier you bleed."

"It's not even Roku..."

Arcia holds down her crimson eyelids and shakes her head. Too bad for Yona's education.

Valtrude, who seems to be the most ethically repugnant, is silent because he simply did not understand.

"Mazo vampires or something, the world is too wide..."

Meanwhile, Yut was back on track.

In the first place, it hurts us because of the thorny chains. You should have noticed when you came out. I don't want to notice.

"And the more blood you shed, the stronger you become"

Zig Alto squeaks his fingers.

Taking that as a signal, the battered female vampire, freed from the Lord, flew behind it ignoring Valtrude and Exile.

Valtrude made an impossible move to escape the Magic Blast, so Exile can't react to it because it's right after defeating the Dark Knight.


Green light runs and burns the feet of battered female vampires.

The pain - pleasantly, out of balance in the air, fell between the avant-garde and the rear guard.

"In the meantime, I shot you because you're sick"

"Yeah. That's about it, acceptable......?

Yut, who instructed him to keep warm, also saw a female vampire crawling around the ground like a cicada with an approaching life expectancy, which can only be made an exception.

But battered female vampires don't stop worrying about that kind of gaze.

Anyway, Disintegrator is a psychic power that destroys the existence itself. For her, it's the first time she's ever had pain that can't be regenerated. For my first pleasure, I enjoy all the covetousness.

"Well, if it was a normal opponent, it could have been a victory."

Enemy half-broken in no time.

Looking at it, Yut pokes at reality.

"Didn't the outlook seem too sweet, Marquis?

"This is tough"

When I had a hole, I said I wanted to go in, but I turned my back and laughed.

"Even for the sake of leisure time, it seemed too boring to say goodbye. Let's apologize."

Sieg Alto Crewing who actually bows his head as well as words.

"The Hammer of the Devil."

Flipping his cape and putting his hand over his head, a certain darkness appeared over the head of the female vampire.

A sphere of darkness plummeting as it was crushes the entire body of a female vampire who has lost her leg.

"Shall I clean the ugly ones?"

Until the end.

Even during that death, the female vampire - passed away - accepted the pain with real joy.