988. Falling Stars 48

“What do you mean you're annoying me? ”

“Do I have to explain myself to you? ”

Ah-young chisels at you, then starts going back the way she came. Taeyoung realized something was wrong and hurriedly chased after her.

“Now, wait a minute. Are you really going to see him?”


Taeyoung was scared. It bothered me that I had learned to talk behind my back. I felt like I had done something I shouldn't have done. But regrets were always too late.

“It's none of our business. Isn't that right?"

Taeyoung cowardly surrounded me. It is unbeatable logic that men and women should not be involved because their work is private.

“· · Us? ”

However, Ah-young was more reluctant to plant another word.

“What are we suddenly? Why are you and I tied up? ”

There were a lot of thorns in his jabbering voice. The annoyance that I had endured was exploding all at once.

“Oh, no, we're just the same motivator. Hehe.”

Taeyoung tries to slap her with a smile, but her expressionless face is still stiff.

“What's that? Are you close with me? ”

“Oh, wasn't it? ”

“· · · Damn. ”

Taeyoung was greatly shocked by what she said in contempt.

What, what? Did I just hear that wrong? ’

“Hey, Jung Tae-young. Don't pretend to be close to me anymore. I don't want to talk to you. ”

“Oh, baby · · · ·. ”

Taeyoung hung up on me, and she finally broke down.

“Hey, don't you even fucking know? I've been patient with you for a long time. ”

At the end of Ah-young's sentence, Tae-young completely panicked.

Such a clean face and bitterness did not match at all. Taeyoung felt like she was having a horrible nightmare. Everything felt unreal.

“Come on, come on, all of a sudden. ”

“That's what's lame. I don't care about being born that way. But when you look at people's back pain, you don't look so good. ”

“Behind your back?”

“Betraying a man who trusts you and spills his secrets, you idiot. Get lost. I don't want to see you. ”

After a lot of work, I went back the way she came.

Taeyoung dropped a bag of beer cans that seemed to be eating a big shock. The beer can rolled out of the plastic bag. It was taken separately to share with Aryoung.

Summer night. The beach. Beauty.

And then there's the coincidental thumb.

Everything Taeyoung planned went back to Blister.

Like foam breaking in the sea at night, it suddenly became a bubble.

“Ahh · · ·. ”

Taeyoung sat down in the sand.

He lacks a lot of sharp edges, and he turns out to be a jerk who betrayed his close brother. I don't see how I can fix this.

The price for forgetting the rules between men was terrible.

Where did I go wrong? ’

First, I didn't realize that she was interested in him. The second time, I didn't know that she showed some fault to someone who gave her heart.

He chose to exaggerate and raise his stock price in front of young children, but as a result, only the stigma of a traitor will be stamped.

“Oh, fuck, why can't I be the only one? ”

Taeyoung was left alone on the beach.

The whiny roar is buried in the sound of the waves.

He was frustrated and decided to sit alone on the bench and drink the rest of the beer cans. At this moment, the only thing that comforted him was alcohol. When the cloud covered the moon, the night sea was all black. It was like his future.

* * *

You were a virgin the last time Hyo-min was a threesome, weren't you? ’


"Then why lie to me like you have experience? ’

Are you trying to lead me on purpose because you seem so naive?]


[Or maybe the red thread scissors mixed up his memory.]

What are you talking about? ’

[Hyo-min Yang has blown away the memory of her first experience because of the red thread scissors. But that doesn't mean we didn't have sex. It's weird.]

‘Course I did. I must have broken Adah. So, physically, it's a hybrid of virgins and mental virgins? ’

[It may seem that your memory is distorted and you mistook it for your high school boyfriend. because they're going to try and fit in a mess.]

"I didn't do it and you think I did it"? How is that even possible? ’

[Maybe it was just before the insertion. I'm with my boyfriend, which means I can confuse myself with having sex with him. After all, the virgin veil is gone, and the memory of the implant will remain intense in the body.]

I thought of a lesson in Rosie's explanation.

"Wait, red thread scissors. Isn't this too dangerous?" Memory distortion? "

[It's a kind of side effect. What happened was not completely forgotten, but the pieces of memory were scattered and crushed.]

‘Hm. So Hyo-min is distorting herself because she had sex with me and her boyfriend in high school? And in doing so, you think you're a kid who's had sex since high school? ’

[Yes, the self-awareness itself seems to have slightly distorted.]

‘Huh. This is a big problem. So I made an innocent kid like that? ’

[Hyo-min Yang was virgin, but not naive.]

‘Come on, you can't masturbate more than an innocent kid having sex with another guy. ’

Hyomin asked if he didn't know that he was staring anxiously while washing the object with his clumsy skills.

“What do you think? Do you think it'll come out? ”

“Oh, no · · · But Hyo-min must be dirty. ”

“It's okay. It tastes a little salty. ”

Even after sharing a jealous relationship with Mayumi in the women's bathroom, I had to wash it roughly, but I still smelled until I didn't shower. Hyomin sucked the object hard again as if he didn't care about it.


He was drawn to the vicinity of the prostate with blood on his hands.

‘Ugh, it hurts so much where old Yumi tied the rubber cord. ’

[You're overreacting, my lord. You need to rest.]

‘Okay. We just need to pack it up, so let's get it over with. ’

“Hyo, Hyo, Hyo Min feel weird. ”

“How are you? Are you feeling okay? ”

“Oh, no, that's · · ·. ”

Hyo-min shook her hand instead of washing the object to see where she saw it. After finishing three lessons, whenever the big water waved back and forth, there was bitter pain.

‘Ugh, that really hurts. I'm not saying peeling during sex. ’

[Out of pain. Even Yummi was tortured with a rubber band.]

‘I can't. Hyo-min has to clean it up and get it done. ’

As the goddaughter got worse, he trembled and became indifferent. Hyo-min, who had been fooled by his smoke, smiled and asked.

“How are you feeling? Are you feeling better? ”

“Oh, no, I think I'm getting stronger. ”

Hyo-min said as if there was nothing she could do.

“Phew. There's only one way, brother. ”

“What's that? ”

“Umm · · ·, but you shouldn't do this · · ·. My brother's just having a hard time. ”

When Hyo-min deliberately dragged me, he urged me to ask.

“Tell me what it is. I think I'm going to explode. ”

“Hey · · · Want to stake me? ”

“Huh, huh?! ”

I was surprised by him.

No, I acted surprised.

‘Phew, what is this? ’

[Hyo-min must have been in a hurry. What kind of blatant language is that?]

‘Some are drunk, some are distorted. · · Anyway, I'm a little sorry. I didn't feel like it was because of me. ’

[Sex is one of the most powerful acts of communication a man and a woman can share. No wonder things have changed since you and the threesome.]

‘Yeah, but in the meantime, I blew up my memory and turned into a pervert. ’

Hyo-min woke up and persuaded him.

“I'm afraid it's going to be too hard on you if you do this. Just let me do it for you. ”

“Hyo, Hyo Min, but we · · ·. ”

“I know. It's nothing. He's even a virgin. Is this your first time with me? Because I'm not a virgin? ”

‘What are you talking about? I knew you. ’

[Hyo Min Yang will not know.]

“Oh, no. But I don't think this is right. ”

Once he bounced back, Hyo-min hung on him with a flirtation.

“Brother · · · ·. Actually, I want to. With my brother.”

At the same time, it was a brother country who tried very hard to prevent his erection from lightly squeezing his balls.

He pretended to be a novice.

“Well, still · · ·. Don't you need a nose condom? ”

“Come and buy it now. It's okay to just do it. ”

“But when you get pregnant. ”

“You have to pull it out at the end. ”

“Ahh · · ·. ”

While he was hesitant, Hyo-min looked around and pointed to the wood beach bads installed around the beach. Unlike plastic, it seemed to be heavily weighed and firmly planted on the floor at all times.

“Brother, this way. ”

Hyo-min grabbed my hand and dragged me away, making fun of me more often. Hyo-min said that Hyo-min didn't even walk properly with his pants across his knees, and that he looked ridiculous.

“Pants up. ”

“Uh, uh. Yes.”

He acted like Adah no matter who saw him. Hyomin was excited about it.

‘Oh my God. I'm finally with Hyung. · · You'd be surprised what we and the girls find out, right? I gave it to you for being a bachelor. ’

Hyo-min firmly mistakenly placed the doctrine on the bat.

“My brother is lying down. ”


“Yes, you said it was your first time. I'll lead.”

“Oh, but still · · · ·. ”

“Come on, before someone else comes. ”

I lay on a beach bed reluctantly. It was made to be comfortable for people to lie down. When he lay down, he lowered his drawers again. The great dragon rises.

“You're really alive! ”

Suddenly, when the lines of the parent movie were overlapped, he smiled shyly.


“Yes, one time, then. ”

Hyo-min threw her panties off and stood close to the edge of the beach bed with her big toe. She thought it would be easy to get in because she was already wet with excitement.

"Hmmm, I was bluffing with you, but you can do it, right? ’

Hyomin also was very nervous because he had never been a leader before. Horseback riding on a high beach bed, not particularly on the bed, came with great burden.

"It's okay, don't look weak. This is the best chance I have of having a brother. ’

Hyo-min bent down, lifting her skirt to her stomach.

I grabbed the boulder with my bare hands, and it was like a hot pack.

‘Ugh, big. It's really big. Can we get this in? ’

Hyo-min had completely forgotten the fact that she had already put it once before. She aims her hand at the wet hole and fits the fence tightly.

“Hyo, Hyo, Hyo Min! It's slipping.”

“Ahhh, wait a minute. ”

Hyomin tightened his eyes and sat down.


Hyo-min, who put the object in her body, fell asleep on her own. No matter how excited I was, I couldn't get the object without any fuss.

‘Ugh, it hurts. ’

Hyomin wept, but pretended to be strong.

“What do you think?”


“Feeling good? ”

“Oh, I don't know yet. Wet.”

“It's my first time, so I just lie still. ”

HyeMin instinctively shoved up his butt.

When the vaginally stuffed object writhed inside, Hyo-min could hardly breathe because of the stinging feeling of electricity in his whole body.

"Ugh, big, big. Why are you so big? ’

A lot of money.

The lesson I watched below was to watch Hyo-min grin with clumsy skill.


[That's mean, my lord. Hiding your powers from novices?]

‘Whatever, it's different and good. ’

“Oh, oh, Hyo-min feels weird. ”

How's my brother? ”

“Oh, well, that's a little... ”

Hyomin teased the lesson by purposely spilling a provocative word.

She shakes her butt vigorously in the mood to fuck Adah, who is completely deceived by Dawn pretending to be naive.

“What do you think, my friend?" Did you just squeeze? ”

“Uh, uh, I think so. Ahhh, I feel it! ”

“You think you're leaving already? ”

“Joe, slow down a little bit. I feel weird.”

Hyo-min was even more excited as he endured the situation.

"Hehe, look at your face. It's so cute. It's my first time. I think I'm too sensitive. ’

But in reality, it was completely the opposite.

"Oh, my God, I can barely keep up with my piston speed. Obviously too much. ’

[Can you do it? Cut for 5 minutes?]

‘I don't know. Let's just focus. It can be cheap. ’

He prepared for the early stages, keeping his senses as open as possible.

It was unlikely at the usual time, but when I let go of the resection completely, I immediately felt a tingling sensation in my head.

‘Oh, good. I have a strong feeling that Hyo-min has a narrow entrance. ’

A lot of money!

HyeMin found a rhythm and gripped her butt harder.

She was also completely out of her mind at the stimulation of the vaginal prick, because she had not had much experience.

“Oh, I love you so much. ”

“Me, me · · · Ah, Hyo-min! ”

“What's the matter? ”

“Cheap, cheap · · · No! ”

Suddenly, he rode a horse and threw Hyo-min who was riding next to him. The instant HyeMin fell on the beach bed and landed in the sand, a white cock launched from the tip of his dick.

“Ahh · · ·! ”

His white solution, embroidered in the night sky, shines like a galaxy.

Tonight, it was the shortest shot.


Angry Fire Column