985. Falling Stars 45

* * *

“Hey, can you look at me for a second? ”

It's Seo-hyun Park.

She barges in like cold water in a nice atmosphere. Anyone who comes up to a man and talks like that with a girl growling can be misunderstood.

I looked at HyeMin and Ah-young with a curious look on their faces, and only Tae-young, who became distracted, gladly looked at Seo-hyun and greeted her.

“Oh! My head fruit, frowned! A long time ago. ”

“You're out. ”

Seohyun cut it off before Tae-young finished speaking.

Taeyoung seems to be treating it like a local book. I stood up to avoid any misunderstandings.

“Really? I'll talk to Seo-hyun for a minute. ”

I begged my subordinates to understand and went out. When there were only two of Seohyun left, I shot him.

“Are you out of your mind? ”

“Can you keep your voice down? ”

The crazy bitch has no choice but to subdue the ranch.

Seo-hyun is crazier, so we have to break her spirit before she goes crazy. Standing at the door of the inn, I dragged Seohyun's wrist to a gritty place. I was afraid that I might see someone coming out of there.

“What is it?”

“Let's talk. Let's go somewhere quiet." ”

“Let go, let go. ”

“Why? Are you suddenly scared? ”

“It hurts · · · ·. ”

Then I realized I was too strong and let go of Seohyun's hand. It was also a side effect of the Spartan Belt, but it seemed to be exerting more grip without any thought.

Seohyun frowned and touched his wrist since the wrist was too big. I asked her.

“What, you want to talk about it? ”

“Did you think I wouldn't notice? ”

“What else? ”

“What my brother was doing tonight. ”

It was as if I knew what you were doing last summer night.

I wonder if that hideous stalker trait just sprung up?

Rossi, have I been followed? ’

[No way. Even if you were to follow me outside my surveillance, the fishery management app would have already triggered a collision alarm.]

What are the chances that Seo Hyun has left the fishery? You've done it before. ’

Previously, Nayerim was an Instagrammar case. I learned at that time that if it bounces off the fishery, it will not raise a collision alarm.

[I don't know. I don't like my master, but can he go on like that?]

Jealousy, after all, is an exclusive bath.

At the base of the exclusive bath, there is ultimately a desire for ownership.

I want Seohyun to have me. So there's no way out of the fishery. A clear conclusion.

“What are you talking about? ”

“The girls in the girls' room. It was you, wasn't it? ”

Seohyun's eyes flashed sharply beyond the glasses.

What the fuck, Conan? How did you know?

Seohyun clearly has a bright head. He must have caught a clue and reached a conclusion through reasoning. Which means there's no direct evidence. My answer is Durbal.

“Explain it to me. You know this isn't a real case, right? ”

“Ha. You keep going. Can I explain? ”

I folded my arms and listened to her in a stiff posture.

“The first time you disappeared with Juju, right? And then he went into the room and collapsed. ”


“Then Kyung-hee and Kyung-hee disappeared again, and Kyung-hee · · ·. ”

“Kyung-hee what? ”

“I met him in the middle of the road, and he couldn't even walk. It's like being raped or something. ”


“Anyway, the last one was Yumi's sister. Yumi even went into the room first. ”

“What's wrong with that? ”

“Everyone knows that you are a shareholder. I've never seen Yumi sleep through a drink before, from Satter to the General Assembly and MT. Then why do you think that is? ”

“So you're saying that I accidentally disappeared around the same time as the three of them, and then the women went to bed first, and then something happened to me? ”

“Am I right? ”

“What nonsense are you talking about? ”

I made my fortune.

There was no direct evidence, as expected.

That meant that the symptoms were branchy, but there was no evidence.

“First of all, I don't know about Juju. I was outside on the phone. Why is it my fault that the timing happened to overlap? ”

“On the phone? With who? ”

“What are you going to do with it? ”

“Tsk. What about Kyung-hee? Kyung-hee went out with her brother. ”

“I went out with Kyung-hee. But then I met Yumi. Don't you know that when you ask Kyung-hee? ”

“I went straight after him. Are you going to keep lying? ”

“Why are you asking me that? I went out for a smoke and Kyung-hee said she had something to say. So I was talking for a second, and Yumi wanted to practice volleyball, and she went to the beach with me. I don't know where Kyung-hee went after that. ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

I am very good at lying. In particular, he is a fraudster who is born to distort the truth by mixing it with the truth at an appropriate ratio.

The moment I saw Seohyun's eyes shake, I kept pushing.

“Why do I have to take this suspicion from you after playing volleyball at night? ”

“Then why did Yumi. ”

“He said he was shaken up and exercised suddenly, so his stomach fluttered. I told him to go in and rest because he wasn't feeling well. ”

“But Kyung-hee · · · ·. ”

“Kyung-hee broke up immediately? What did he say that he was accusing me of? ”

“Well, I just rolled. ”


“ · · · · · ·. ”

“Ha. I really don't know what this is about. ”

I pulled a cigarette out of my pocket and pinched it. Then he lit a cigarette and said, smoking in Seohyun's interview.

“Seo Hyun, what's wrong with you? What do you see me as? Why are you treating me like an asshole? ”

[Isn't that right?]

Do you want to get hit? ’

[You've got a lot of nerve.]

‘We need to get rid of that stalker first. ’

“No, I'm just · · · · ·. ”

“I honestly thought I talked to you for the first semester. But if you keep being annoying like this, it's really hard. ”

“· · · Oh, brother. ”

“What's your problem? Tell me, what did I do to you so badly? ”

Smoking tobacco created an atmosphere of violence on purpose. A big man shouted in a ghastly place, so Seohyun would have to be scared. Soon she burst into tears.

“Huh, ugh. ”

“What are you crying about? I'm the one who suspected it. ”

“I'm sorry. I just... ”

“You look like crap that I would do something like that. Aren't you?”

“No, I'm just... ”

“What? Why are you calling me separately to talk about this? ”

“I · · · ·. ”

Seohyun took off his glasses and wiped his tears.

I felt weak again because the girl cried.

“Why are you crying again? ”

Seohyun said pitifully as he wiped her tears with his fingers.

“· · · Why not me? ”


“Why can't it just be me when everyone else is working?" ”

“What are you talking about? Tell me what you understand.”

“Did I not do that? Are you ashamed to just carry her around? ”

“When did I do that? ”

“Then why are you meeting all the other kids and treating me like I'm the only one with rice! Do you hate me that much? ”

Seohyun wrote a groin. The fist was clenched all the time, shouting as if it were overwhelming.

“I like you, too! I think about you all the time! I knew your secret, and I never bothered you. ”

I sighed a long time.

‘This is why it's burdensome · ·. ’

[Hyunyang Seo · · · · ·. He's got a good head. Why is he so bad at relationships?]

‘You know what? It's a problem for nerds like that to think they're studying romance. ’

[What are you talking about?]

‘Studying can be as hard as you try. Whether it's sexual, progressive, or later employment. It's a structure that rewards sweat. ’


‘But people's minds are different. I can't do this alone. You have to admit that there are some things that you shouldn't be caring about, matching, and accepting. You tried.’

[I'm sorry to see you go. It's like seeing Tae Young-goon.]

‘Yes, essentially the same. Thinking you're good enough. Even Seohyun has an obsessive temper that makes a man very bored. No matter how pretty a girl like that is, she'll drop out of school at 19. ’

[Phew. That's the answer.]

‘If you don't look good, you can fix it like a pearl. No, it's better that way. But what is this? ’


‘Anyway, there's a mission at stake, so I can't do it right now. Think of it as a sore finger and hold it for now. ’

“Whew. Seo Hyun. Do you like me that much? ”




“If you're right, I'm just trash. You're a pervert who fucks all the women who shut up. Is that okay?”

“It doesn't matter. I can fix it. ”


‘This is crazy. I can't do Seo Hyun either. ’

“Well, whatever. Let's say that. But the misunderstanding is solved, isn't it? ”

“The misunderstanding was solved · · ·. ”

Seohyun hesitated.

Then I barely opened my mouth.

“Can't you give me a hug? ”

“· · · What? ”

“Please, you love sex. I want to be with you. ”

[Are you out of your mind? I can't believe the word "human."]

Close your eyes? ’

[Don't overdo it. Your condition is not normal.]

‘Oh, right. ’

“No. ”


“I was with the kids, and then I came out of nowhere. How can you tell? We have to go back. ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

“Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying you don't like it. But if you think of me, I need you to protect one thing. ”

“What? I'll do anything you say. ”

“Don't doubt it. ”


“Don't doubt me. No man in the world should be attracted to a woman who is suspicious. I trust you understand what I'm saying, because you're smart. ”

“· · Yes. I won't do it again. ”

“Yes. It's not today, so let's look for an opportunity tomorrow. ”


“Yes. Tomorrow. ”

“Tomorrow you'll give me a hug, right? ”

“I told you.”

“What if you avoid it again? ”

“Then you can force me to attack. ”

“Are you sure you promised? ”

“Okay. Let's go inside. ”

I only calmed down Seohyun and went back to my seat.

As soon as I got back to my seat, the children immediately spoke to me.

“What is it?”

“What happened with Seo-hyun? ”

The girls were all curious about Seohyun's relationship with me.

“No, there's been a misunderstanding. ”

“What kind of joke? ”

“It · · · · ·. ”

I surrounded it appropriately because I thought things would get bigger if I didn't do anything wrong.

“Actually, Seo Hyun and I made a bet at the end of the first semester. ”

“A bet?”

“Oh, Seo Hyun is proud of studying. I went first among your comrades. ”


“I'm the best at studying. ”

“So I made a bet on the grades of the syllabus I was listening to, and there was a misunderstanding. ”


“You're good at studying. ”

“Didn't you know? You'll get the battlefield this time, Brother Doon? Yes, brother.”

“Ugh, battlefield. ”

“Are you the head of the department?”

“Hey, don't spread the word, I didn't tell you on purpose. Anyway, I just said I lost, so I decided to buy some rice. That's why I got eaten by my grandson. But Seo Hyun must have found out. ”

“My brother is the head of the department. ”


“Yeah. That's why you came to yell at me earlier. He thought he was deceiving him. ”

“I see.”

“Seo Hyun must be proud to study well. ”

“I still can't get it from my nephew. ”

“Why? You can buy it for me. ”

“That's right, Taeyoung shoots the tickets to the baseball field. ”


I looked at Taeyoung in surprise.

“What's wrong with you? ”

“Dude, I just paid for it. The game is next week after camp. Do you have to be free? ”

“No wait, if you suddenly unschedule · ·. ”

“My brother's not coming. ”

“Don't you have time for the weekend? ”

“Look at the date. ”

Taeyoung turned on her website and showed me the time and seats.

The next Saturday night's slumber game, seats were right in front of the cheerleading squad.

“Hey, isn't this place too expensive? ”

“Well, you have to see it from the front. Isn't that right, baby? ”

Taeyoung grimaced at Ah-young, but she wasn't even moved.

[He's old? Unfortunately, he's in front of a cheerleader. It's good for the master, isn't it?]

‘Yes, because I'm going to break the cheerleader achievement. Tae Young is sensible. But he didn't buy me a meal once, and now he's going to a baseball game with her? You son of a bitch. ’

I chewed myself up and told my subordinates.

“Then I'll buy beer and chicken that day. I can't let Tae-young write it all by herself. ”

“Oh, even you! Yay!”

“· · Thank you. Brother.”

“By the way, since you promised to go to the ballpark, why don't we have a drink together? ”

“Don't you have someone else in mind? ”

“Of course.”

“Here, fill your glasses! ”

The liquor has swallowed.

Those of us who formed a bond of empathy became increasingly close and unafraid. After the atmosphere had settled, I began to worry.

Which one should I leave behind?

I might be the last batsman tonight.


Angry Fire Column