974. Falling Stars34

“Ha, the army. ”

“Where are you going? ”


In the story of the military, the girls revealed their own interests.

Seeing that it was the forbidden woman's realm, I was curious about what I couldn't do.

“I volunteered for the Marines. By the end of summer break. ”

First, two answers at the same time.

Again, the question was tailed.

“What's a volunteer army? ”

“So you're taking a break? ”

“Well, the Marines can only go to the person who applied. The recess is about to end this camp. ”


“So if you go to the army, you'll be our successor? ”

The girls' questions continued relentlessly. For starters, I didn't hate the way pretty female followers chatter like sparrows, but I blabbered because of the pressure to show them well.

“No, I mean, the Army can go, but the Marines can take the test. He'll be a year ahead of you when he gets back, right? If I don't get back to Carl, will I get a second semester? ”

The girls suddenly looked at Lesson, a soldier, as they tilted their heads without understanding.

“That's right, you were in the army, right? ”

“You can explain it for me. I have no idea.”

Unlike the first, he explained his questions calmly.

“So first of all, say · · · ·. ”

The military has a sickness that requires its own resources. Although it varies slightly from illness to illness, most fortresses finish their military service within two years, so they are about a year behind. It was an explanation, etc.

“Wow, that's a different soldier. ”

“Where have you been, then, Marine? ”

Girls' attention has now come first to the lesson.

He pondered whether to talk about the original owner's military life or his military life 20 years ago.

“Well, at birth · · · · ”

At the beginning of the lesson, Kyung-hee and Hyo-min burst.

“Kahaha, you're funny. ”

“You're not that different from us. ”

The female subordinates only knew that he was a 3-year-old brother.

But he was actually 20 years older than them, so of course generations lived different lives.

‘Well, if I tell you the truth, I understand as a drip. ’

[I can't help it. You look like you're in your early 20s.]

‘The essence is just fine. ’

[Maybe that's the point of the laugh.]

He unravels his past military life with a slight exaggeration. Girls were intrigued by the story of the beginner, and soon to become Private First Class (Jyn), they also listened with sweat in their hands.

The only person who was not happy here was Tae Young.

As he watched the girls' attention go from first to natural lessons, he became convinced that he was good at romance.

‘But you're not just handsome, are you? ’

He was handsome, of course. But it wasn't just that.

The so-called mouth was well spoken, and athletic skills were also found.

Even the singing was good and frequent.

Suddenly, Taeyoung, who compared himself with Taun, fell into a deep depression.

‘Yes, it is. Come to think of it, I was with a total fraud. That's why it was so hard for me to get a girl! ’

Taeyoung suddenly went into sage mode and began to analyze the situation.

‘If you think about it, this is a natural outcome. Who would turn their eyes to a commoner like me? ’

Pretty women, ordinary women, and ugly women look at pretty women. But what if that beautiful woman is even good at her character, she's good at her studies, she's good at her skills?

Of course, I have to be the lover of all.

Gym students and girls share their shares because they are full of personality and beautiful women, but in the case of lessons, they dominate male pies.

"Yes, and if you think about it, so was the great-grandmother's twin. From their point of view, you and I are sitting next to each other. If you choose either of them, you must be more fond of him, right? ’

Taeyoung quickly began to rotate his brain as if he had suddenly realized something.

"Yes! It didn't work out!" I don't have any advantage in this kind of competition! If he's with you, my existence will just be erased! ’

Taeyoung stood up like a philosopher who had learned the truth.

“Huh? What are you doing? ”

“Hey, I need to use the bathroom. ”

Taeyoung left Joe and started to look at the whole department.

I was sitting around Samoa, a pair of rapidly matched vests named Slaving, drinking in a loving manner.

Taeyoung quickly scans people, turning his head like a radar watchman. What he noticed was who sealed it in the meeting. Find out which person is the nucleus of the meeting, and who is the center of the meeting.

‘The conclusion is nuclear. ’

Taeyoung resolutely concluded.

In the end, only the most attractive people in the crowd were noticed. The world revolved around them.

But he went one step further and saw another scene.

‘But everything is a relative advantage. ’

As he observed, there was also a sequence in the nuclear seal.

In other words, the relatively low attention group was treated as ordinary men and ordinary women. Objectively, even superior seals and seals decreased in value when the order was pushed within the group.

That's it! Where there's a powerful predator, anyone has to put their tail down. Because you have to be pushed out of the enclosed sequence. But in a tiger-free den, a fox can rule. ’

Taeyoung exclaimed as if he had discovered a great truth. So far, I thought that you had to be good at romance. I mistook myself for more considerate, more willing, and more genuine.

However, no matter how ugly a man is, in a world where he is the only man, it was hard for a woman to recognize him in many respectable places.

Tae Young finally began to look at the world calmly.

‘Oh my god. Then it's a huge loss for me to be stuck with you, isn't it? ’

There is a saying between us. Green means to interact with similar types of people.

However, no matter how much I thought about it, I had different levels of discipline and myself.

The crotch can't be torn while the pheasant is chasing the fowl. It's also a whole semester of ignorance next to the lesson. I thought maybe the Congolese would fall off.

No, it wasn't! I was just a maid of honor to make my brother shine! ’

The doctrine, of course, shines alone.

But you're so dark.

In addition to making the doctrine more apparent, his presence disappears completely.

"Oh, my God, I finally realized why I didn't have a relationship! ’

At last, Taeyoung, who was finally enlightened, clenched two fists.

Love is not something you can only do with your own efforts.

The situation around me could have been supportive.

‘I get it now. I was competing next to a ridiculous opponent. ’

Taeyoung, who was enlightened, was greatly aroused.

Now he has a clear job to do.

'We need to get him as far away from his brother as possible. That's a priority, and we're looking for relatively less competitive girls. If it's a girl we all want, it's worth a shot, right? Then I'll hit the niche market. ’

Taeyoung glanced at me.

I searched for the target, looking at the gym and girls one by one, just like the hyena who was looking for food.

‘It's a pity, but the eighth woman is measured out. My odds are relatively low because of the competition. It's a shame about Democratic Springs, but this camp is on hold. Honestly, a pretty girl like that wouldn't be interested in me, would she? Somehow, we need to find a woman who can battle in two nights and three days. ’

After wearing the eight sunbae, I noticed the girls who didn't even know if they were there before. They were ordinary, mildly housebound, or had little interaction with others due to personality issues.

However, after lowering his eyes, Taeyoung suddenly felt sad.

‘Damn · · · ·. But this isn't it. Don't you have to be emotional to do the dash or not? ’

Taeyoung shakes his head as if he was trying to deny the reality.

However, based on the beauty of the women he had ever been in love with, he had too high eyes.

‘Ha. I don't have an answer. Where's a pretty face that no one cares about, huh? ’

Taeyoung suddenly found someone.

She was known as one of the eight virgins.

She was very pretty, and she was also slender and attractive.

But surprisingly, there was no one around her.

It was strangely detached, with no one there.

‘Yes, she is beautiful enough to be considered an eighth woman, but no one else cares! ’

She was Park Ah-young.

Call it voluntary. After Satyr, he hardly participated in academic events, but he applied to the swimming camp to find out what he was up to.

Young was a comrade, but I didn't know Taeyoung, who was a yardsman.

Where she lives, who her friends are, or what her parents do.

‘Yes, there was her. Park Ah-young, you're naughty first. ’

Taeyoung imagined something wild.

In her imagination, chic young whispers to herself:

Park Joo-young, hurry up!

"Ha, ha! Yeah, it's her. Young is the most likely person in this camp! ’

Of course, Tae Young knew very well why there were no men or women around her. She was too quiet.

When I talked, I looked at him expressionlessly, and I only disconnected from the conversation with a single answer. At first, a number of good social motivators were sticking together, but all of them fell into Ah-young's cold demeanor.

The so-called "you" or "no one to talk to" was kind of lame. However, Tae Young saw hope here.

He was tougher than anyone. He was a tough guy who confessed eight times after seven. I was sure that if I kept beating her tightly closed heart, I could finally open her up.

Taeyoung carefully approached Ah-young.

Aryoung, who was sitting alone in the corner, stares at him.

"Oh, you look even prettier up close! ’

She looks like a doll. Her skin is white and her nose is dense and cute as a doll. However, my expression changed so much that I didn't feel alive.

“What are you doing here? ”

Taeyoung went to the side to sit together. Of course, Ah-young doesn't look back as if she doesn't care.

“ · · · · · ·. ”

"Wow, what a cold reaction. Half the fucked-up guys are gonna get out of here. ’

However, Taeyoung understood that this was a test.

In other words, half of the difficulties have been solved.

“I'm Taeyoung. Taeyoung Jung. Grade 1 exaggeration. ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

He looked at her with a look of what to do.

Taeyoung persistently talks.

“You're Ah-young, right? It's been a while since I've been to an event with you. ”

“· · · Uh. ”

She finally opens her mouth.

Taeyoung was happy to run. Surprisingly, my voice was too tired to say a word, so the dishonorable snow seemed to wash away at the same time.

‘Oh, man. You have a great voice.'

“Then why are you sitting alone? Where's that group you were with? ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

Ah-young turns to Tae-young's question and turns to one side only.

There were two Nayeon and three boys playing a drinking game.

“Ahh · · ·. Na-yeon tightened, didn't you play with her? ”

Taeyoung's persistence and Ah-young's answer gradually grew longer.

“I don't like games. ”

“Ahh · · ·. You don't like games. ”

Taeyoung heard something somewhere.

The opponent's last words were a theory that they could form a rapo by equally revival.

“Yeah. You? ”


“Where are you? ”

“Oh, I'm Kyung-hee · · · ·. ”

“Kang Kyung-hee who plays tennis? ”

“Uh, uh. You know?”

“No, just the face. ”

Taeyoung pointed to his group.

There were Kyung-hee and Hyo-min, and priorities and lessons.

Ah-young's eyes confirmed her doctrine and immediately opened their eyes.

Of course, Taeyoung didn't see that moment.

“I just came out to get some air because I was frustrated. ”

“Why? You're not having fun, either? ”

“No, he's not interested in talking about the army all of a sudden. ”

“· · · Military talk? ”

“Well, I don't have a lot of fun, but girls just get messed up just talking about soccer in the army. It's ridiculous. ”


Aryoung looked back at the group to which he belonged.

The face of the doctrine reflected in the light catches my attention as if I had received a spotlight.

‘· · · Lee Do-hoon. ’

“Wanna get a drink? ”

Taeyoung picked up the beer can in front of him and gave it to Ah-young.

It was a curious comment because it could be rejected, but surprisingly, she said yes easily.

“Yes. Pick me. ”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk? ”

“Well, I'm a little weak on the fingers. ”

Taeyoung's beautiful voice thumped her heart.

‘Park Ah-young asked me to pick it up, didn't you? ’

Suddenly, Taeyoung, who had increased his confidence, vigorously opened a can of beer.


Angry Fire Column