962. Falling Stars22

“Wow · · ·. ”

The boys who were watching democracy change did not keep their mouths shut.

The democratic figure in bikinis was never as adorable as the freshmen. Rather, with a unique maturity, the 20-year-olds emitted a fierce charm that could not even be imitated.

“Wipe your teeth, man. ”

“That's what an assistant teacher was like. ”

Even the girls were totally distracted. Time seemed to have stalled for a while. Now, democracy was the best thin stiller on the coast.

‘Oh my God · · ·. The design is as understated as it can be. How could you choose a swimsuit that fits like that? ’

“She's beautiful.”

“How does she fit in? ”

Democracy's bikinis were not excessive. But sexy enough. It was Choice who felt controversial and made some girls feel humiliated by the exposure. The democracy seemed to know that sexiness was never a costume, but an atmosphere.

“Here, I'm ready too! Shall we get started? ”

As if back in college, democracy shouted in a lively voice. That was the beginning of the game.



“Waiver of dishes! ”

Thanks to democracy, a group of college students rushed into the waters of Udda.

* Splash, splash *

Among them, there was a male student who fell on his feet in a hurry, and there was a female student who screamed with a full body wave. No matter how long they stood in the sun, everyone was happy just by jumping into the water.

Students who were divided into winning and learning teams met with reasonable distance. Cao Cao Dohun asked for a team member.

“Who decided to take the leader? ”

“It's me, take good care of it. ”

The democracy smiles with a raised hand.

He nods as if he knew it would be.

“You can do it, right? Is there anything you can tell me about this place? ”

“Of course!”

In response to the democratic response, he knelt on the ground and bowed his head.

“Get in. The rest of the students get in. ”


A democrat in a bikini approaches behind his back. Then carefully place your feet on your shoulders and weigh them.

“Sorry, it might be a little heavy. ”

“Don't worry, I won a wrestling match. ”

“Oh, you must be strong, then. ”

As the democracy settled into a stable position, two boys who were waiting on either side crossed their wrists and made footrests. It looks like the kind of people who put a knight on a horse.

“I'll get up. Hold on tight! ”

Taun, who burned democracy, jumped to his feet. Fortified with Spartan belts, he managed to extinguish a democracy of less than 50 kilograms.


As he leaned forward on his feet, democracy fell forward and grabbed him by the forehead. Thanks to this, the heart of democracy is crushed on the top of his head. I was slightly irritated by the gentle feeling.

‘Hmmm, looks like you're backing out. ’

“· · Joe, be careful. ”


While the democracy was returning to its position, the other riders got on one or two horses. The referee goes around the team, handing out hats for the riders.

“The moment you lose your hat, you're out. After he's dead, he's out of the game. Young fellas, behave like gentlemen? ”

The holy water draws its scepter towards Lesson.

He said toward the lesson of burning democracy to the ground.

“Hey Lee Dou Hoon, if you drop your assistant teacher, be ready to assemble under you tonight, you know what I mean? ”

“Oh, holy water. ”

He replied vigorously because he knew that Seong-soo was willing to lift up his assistant teacher.

“Yep, Vice President! ”

Seong-su smiled as he smiled to see if he liked the answer and said to democracy.

“Assistant teacher. He may look like this, but he's pretty strong. Take a ride. ”

“Yes, thank you. ”

“Then I'll go deliver the opposing team hats. ”

When Seong-soo left, his elder, Daohun, called to the horses.

“Come on, everybody, look this way. ”


“Oh, this is... ”

Unlike the answer, I was slow and anxious because I was underwater. Even the girls on horseback seemed to be stumbling.

“You're not moving as well as you think, are you? ”

“Yes, it's hard to balance. ”

“It's sinking into the floor. ”

“So our team, as I said before, is going to be as defensive in the beginning as possible. Never confront an opponent until he approaches. ”


“And when they get to where our team is, don't give them any time to rest, and go straight for the enemy leader. ”

“You mean the tune? ”

First, I pointed to the feeling of riding on Seungyun on the other side. As expected, the opposing team's leader is still in tune.

“Yes. No matter how hard you roar, you won't be able to handle it. I'll go back and get my hat. No, not me, the assistant teacher. ”

“I understand.”

“Do you understand? ”

He said to Green, Seohyun and Ayung, who were riding the horse. The two responded vigorously, envious of the democracy that was riding on the doctrine.

“Yes, brother. ”

“Well, let's go for a fight and get started. ”

“Bro, we don't have hands. ”

“No, not you guys, the riders. ”


The women on horseback barely extend their arms and overlap their hands and shout. In the meantime, the Holy Man in the middle of both teams asked Whistle if the distribution of hats was over.

“Here we go, if you're ready! ”

Beep, beep!

* * *

The team rushes crazily from the beginning. Four teams rush through the waves toward the mounted horse on which democracy rides. It was very unsettling.

“Oh, brother. What do I do?”

“Shouldn't we stick together? ”

However, the lesson of reading the judgment correctly shook his head firmly.

“Not yet. Wait. ”

Even though he saw horses rushing towards him, he exerted patience.

‘Just a little more · · ·. Clearly there is a gap. ’

Time is of the essence.

The opposing Pokémon jump from a distance, so the distance between the mounted horses is increasingly limited. That is, those who run like an awl will eventually line up in a row.

The discipline team, on the other hand, was a brotherhood that surrounded the incoming opponent widely. It was as if the prey had rolled into my feet towards the jaws of a snake.

‘Just a little more · · · a little more. ’

He waited long enough for the condition to fully increase.

And the timing was perfect.


The horse riding Seohyun and the green horse ran away from the left and right sides of the disciple. And Ah-young's steed, which was slightly slouched behind him, went ahead and achieved a three-to-one flanking.

When the democracy on the horse saw him, he was amazed.

“Wow, 3: 1 in a snap? ”

His strategy was called individualization.

4: 4 was completed with a three-way siege using the time difference as progress increased.

“Sir, we're going in the rear. Hold on tight!”

The lesson that was retreating considerably bypasses the target and decides to hit the target's rear. It was a tactic commonly called hammer and anvil. The lesson was to sublimate water play, which could end in chaos, into strategic tactics.

The holy water that was watching it from afar struck my forehead.

“Hey, that guy. ”

He was looking at the referee, so the whole thing was viewed from a high position.

“Wow, it's not like we're playing football. You came up with a strategy like that? I mean, I'm the guy, right? ”

Sung-su is now interested in watching the opposing team respond. If there is a strategist lesson here, the opposing team has a tone called a hundred.

“Ugh, what is this? ”

Seong-soo admired me without even knowing it. Even in the thirteenth circumstance of 3 VS 1, the leading tone was to defend and show crazy movements.

“I thought you said he was a runner! ”

The movement of the tune was a hardship of art. I try to counterattack you as I go through the cooking process, trying to take my hat from everywhere. Seohyun, who went into the attack too hard, lost his balance and drove off on his horse.


“Well, one of the disciplinary teams is out! ”

The Holy Water quickly came to a decision.

Now there was a 2 VS 1 situation. It was not enough for the three teams to overcome it. The green tide on the rider felt a sense of anxiety.

Why didn't you come? This is the limit! ’

It was originally a hammer that he hit from behind while the three were dealing with one. However, the hammer is blocked by the opposing Pokémon's defense.

“Huff, huff. Kyung-hee, can you do it? ”

“Teacher, you know there's nothing up and down in the game? ”

Taun, who was aiming for the rear through the bypass, was completely blocked by Kang Kyung-hee, the crewman. At this point, he had no choice but to admit to the failure of his strategy.

"Coming into the snake's jaw was not a prey, it was a spear piercing its intestines! ’

What he had overlooked was the astonishing stature of the tune.

I thought 3 VS 1 would last long enough, but now I see that the preliminary vote was like taking the bait.

‘· · · Ah, I took the bait. ’

[Master, you will lose for sure. Make up your mind!]

The democracy on top of the doctrine was doing its best.

The words' Ace 'and' Physical Education 'during the current period were such sharp and intimidating movements that they were not colorless. However, the opposing team had a Kyunghee called No. 2. He was worse than Jung Yin, but Kyung-hee was also a bad opponent.

"Damn, I'm getting punched and drunk by a freshman girl! ’

It was a moment when he was disappointed.

Gyeonghee, a male student on horseback, wiped his legs and sat down in the water. When the pillar collapsed, the male students who were offering by both sides fell without hesitation.


Kyunghee struggles to survive, but an experienced democracy does not miss the gap.


The democracy who took Kyung-hee's hat, which was falling down with a flimsy grip, quickly told him.

“I got it! Let's go help the kids! ”


He raises his maneuver. Behind him, Kyunghee, who self-immolated, was striking the water with resentment.

“Oh my God! ”

[You're lucky.]

‘It's not luck. ’


‘Gyeonghee is heavier than the others, so the horses won't last long. It must have been hard for you to rub that fat ass without a rest up there. ’

[Aha. Your weight was variable.]

‘Another one down, by the way. ’

While he defeated Kyung-hee and ran toward the heartbeat, Ah-young, who had been taken away, fell away. There was only one person left.

“Green, wait a minute! ”

A thirsty democrat yells at the whale. He ran as fast as he could.

‘It's a meeting with Jung-hoon. ’

What are you talking about all of a sudden?]

"It's a replica of the follicular land. If I'm a follicular lifer, I'm a democratic horse. ’

[Don't follicular horses usually burn poorly?]

‘Isn't it more common for the red soil to catch a follicle? Honeycomb and horseback riding. ’

[Oh, no. What a sudden sound.]]

‘I'm kidding, man. Anyway, no matter how much I cared about it, I am now in contact with the enemy. ’

The discipline's movements were absolutely overwhelming. Despite the slightest democracy, it would be close to 50 kilograms, but it rushed out of the water as if it didn't even know people were up there.

“Almost there, almost there! ”

But when he arrived, even the last of the smallpox he endured was taken away. He was unable to endure the swift tune of movement.

‘Dammit, the conscience was so easy to think of variables. ’

[Can the Democratic Ocean really win?]

‘We have to assume the riders are pushed. But horses are better off on our side. ’

He looked at the stamina of the victory.

Tired of fighting three horses at the same time, the horses were roasting in tune. Particularly, the grimaced monk was holding on to the pain that seemed to be going down his throat. It was because it was not easy to cope with violent tone movements.

“Hello, assistant teacher. ”

“Good to see you, Jung Ying. You're a blacksmith now? ”

Some were deeply conscious, and the discipline's maneuverability was fast, so a 1: 1 situation was created. Even though Hyojoo and HyoMin who survived the Jung Yin team from a long distance were running, they were still relaxed.

"A frontal battle is dangerous. Horses will tire you out faster than ever. ’

When he sees the state of victory, he revises the strategy. You swirl around him, aiming behind him like a tail.

“Hey, are you going crazy? ”

“If you're tired, take a break. We're gonna win this thing anyway. ”

“Not at all. As long as you have a conscience! ”

It was a diary of democracy and conscience, but it was also a battle between swimming instructors. In particular, Seungwoon, who was in charge of the male ministry instructor, was a little jealous of him.

I'm a better swimmer. Why is everyone looking for lessons? No matter how long you fly, I'm better underwater! ’

The monk, who was looking for an opportunity, seizes the last of his strength and moves like a thunderbolt. The lesson that was circling around the spinning circle was moving too fast, but it only exposed its back.

“Jeong Yin, aim for the back! ”

The tuner reaches out to the back of democracy. However, the democracy struggles to avoid an attack, and her fingertips pull on the democratic bikini bra strap.


Angry Fire Column