900. Short Term Alba10 < 900 Coins Event >

He decided to defeat some of his accomplishments first.

It was about prioritizing on vacation schedules.

‘No matter how much I think about it, it's a waste of time to go to an English school to ride a black horse. I have a lot of other plans, but I have to be tied up in school when I drop out of school. I'd rather take my chances on a Cyclone trip. And if you're lucky, you'll be able to catch up on the work of the ethnic crucible at the same time. ’

There are two types of achievements related to foreign nationals today.

Black Horse Achievements targeting Black Sisters, Russian and Latino women. When I went to Saipan, an American national and tourist attraction, I was more likely to meet the above woman.

‘Good. Then these two foreign outsiders will deal with · · ·. So, what's left is a friend of a friend who loved his friend. ’

I loved a friend of a friend. A mission to raid his girlfriend. It is easy to say that you are having an affair, but the premise is that the target should be a woman you know.

"Hmm. Rossi, isn't this design possible? ’

What do you mean, reverse engineering?]

‘So it's a great achievement to be your girlfriend. ’


‘Then how about attacking her and becoming her boyfriend's acquaintance later? ’

Does that make any sense?]

You're not in violation of the terms, are you? ’

[Of course, but · · ·. But how?]

‘I met Harin today. ’

[Ahh! Miss Harin's boyfriend!]

"If you pretend to have met her by chance, you can become acquaintances. Haryn's already been targeted, so when you get to know her boyfriend, you get there. ’

[Ha, that's a brilliant idea! So you said reverse engineering.]

‘I was going to meet with them to find out about the PK Clan. Okay, so that's how this is gonna go down. Is it a special occupation you can only look at right now? ’

[Yes, there are currently female doctors and cheerleaders in five occupations.]

‘Cheerleaders · · ·. Should we at least go to the ballpark? It's not easy to find a contact now.A woman doctor would be the best. ’

[Do you intend to use the nurse Dr. Jiayyang you mentioned earlier?]

What's "best friend"? You should try it sometime. ’

When he finished his thought, he immediately called Abe. It was late, but luckily, Jie answered the phone.

Hello? Hello?

“It's me, Dean. ”

He pauses, startled, and then asks.

You call me if you need to forget. I don't know what kind of wind caused the call.

‘That's kind of harsh. I thought that was the last make-believe make-believe. ’

[Even sex can be bad if you don't stay in a relationship.]

That's weird.

What do you mean?]

‘Maestro's Ruler Skill. Don't you love it when you have it? ’

[Not falling, but slowing it down. She's not going to school with us, she's barely contacted us, so she has no choice but to lose her appeal.]

‘Aha. I think I put it in a hammock and took it out when I cleaned it up. ’

The lesson of understanding the situation stayed close.

Anyway, there was no need to provoke her unnecessarily when she needed her help.

“Hey, what's wrong, Sis? It's been a while since I've seen you. ”

What are you talking about all of a sudden? Forget it. I'm busy right now. Just tell me what you need.

“Are you on duty? ”

Uh, Knight.

“The night or the club? ”

What are you talking about? I'm working all night.

“Oh, I see. You transferred to rehab last time, right? ”

Yeah, I'm fine.

“I have a bad ankle so I'm thinking of going to the hospital · · ·. ”

Don't come.


Don't come, my hospital.

“Are you refusing the patient? The angel of white?”

You're making excuses to see me anyway. Aren't you?

“I'm a concubine. I'll see your face in a minute. ”

I'm on my period. So you came all this way for nothing. It just exploded yesterday.

“I don't care about Tteokbokki. ”

Man, there's nothing I can't say.

“Anyway, I'm sorry I can't be with you, but it really hurts. ”

Are you really hurt?

“I've been hurt before. I was just holding back, and I was thinking about going to the hospital. Didn't you say there was a famous doctor there last time? ”

Oh, no, Doc?

“Will you shut up? ”

It's Doctor Ahn So-young. Call me Andak. That's what we call each other. Well, that's a good look. Intelligence from the United States.

“Great, how do I make a reservation? ”

I'm in front of the computer, so I'll check the outpatient schedules.

Soon I heard the sound of a keyboard clapping, and he spoke.

I can't make a reservation for you personally, but I'll be back around noon. I don't have it.

“No sister? ”

I'm a knight now. Tomorrow, of course.

“I want to go when I'm with you · · ·. ”

High. All right? How come you never called me?

“I've been busy. I took the final exam, and, by the way, I wanted to see your face while I was on vacation. ”

Tomorrow only?. Hey, I have to check my chart now, so call me next time. Hang up.


What's with the half-talk? All right, bye.


Jie hung up on Huddak to see if he was really busy.

[This should be easier than I thought.]


[You won't be able to do tricks to a woman doctor easily with a pet.]

‘Course you are. Anyway, I took care of the woman. But isn't this enough achievement to make it to the 2nd Degree? ’

[Yes, you need to achieve 7 achievements by Stage 2, but even if you achieve 4 incomplete achievements, you will not have enough.]

‘Do you have any achievements worth challenging? ’

[May I remind you of the accomplishments you have seen?]

Uh, bring it up. ’

[on display.]

Achievements not yet achieved

* Defending Champion

You must complete at least 200 relationships with one woman.

(10% improvement in erectile dysfunction)

* My hidden · · ·

Achieved in a homogeneous relationship

(Lord of Immunity)

* Football

Achieved in relation to a basket older than 70 years of age.


* Butchering a girl

Achieved 6 relationships per night (24 hours) with women with high obesity

(1500 points)

* Sister, if you do this, Sister · · ·

Achieve when attacking the opponent's sister in marital relationship

(Dual-casting ring, middle name acquired for forsaken)

* Fruit of Withdrawal

Achieved during incest

(Manlap Fruit)

* I wonder about you.

Achieve by increasing the likelihood of women with Onslaught class blindness to 100

(Mind reading)

* Players don't do that.

Achieve when attacking a rational player

(Player Detected)

What appeared on the screen was an achievement that was properly discussed once or challenged but failed. He carefully examined the contents one by one.

"Ha, 200 times with one person"? This is for real. ’

[One day you will. But time consumption is too large.]

"Don't bring up my hidden · · · · thing. ’

[I'm sorry, but what about your landscaping achievement?]

"Well, let's think about it before we die. Didn't that girl go to Tokyo once? ’

[I didn't do it six times.]

"Ugh. Number six is really hard. ’

[If you do this with the fruit of the forbidden fruit and brother-in-law, you will not be able to achieve your achievements at this time.]

‘The fruit of the forbidden fruit was originally possible with Hye-Eun. ’

[It wasn't really a clan.]

"Do you want to know? What's that for? ’

[Did you forget? It must have been mentioned when you received your offer to volunteer at the beginning of the semester.]

"Ah, the volunteer organization? Hmm · · ·. ’

[Player Achievement, you know, when you thought the virgin nurture was Playon.]

I looked at the achievements that have been discussed, but there was a reason why I did not achieve them. Most of these were achievements that he was afraid to give up, or could not achieve at this time.

Given the reason for erasing them one by one, I'm curious about your accomplishments as we speak. It was only enough.

‘Oh, but how did you suddenly get volunteer activities again? The girl I met at the beginning of the semester forgot her contact information. ’

[Didn't you say that the twin sisters recently volunteered?]

‘Cha Jung-hee? But Jeonghee's already cut the ties with the red thread. ’

[I see. It's a shame again. If there was a connection, there would have been a connection.]

As he ponders about his accomplishments, a notification is triggered indicating the arrival of the mail.

“Oh, here's a picture. ”

As I entered my mailbox, I received an email from the studio. The photo was a compressed file format, making it uncomfortable to see it on my phone.

“Oh, what the hell. I don't have a computer, okay? But what does it say? ”

The email was not an attachment, but a message from the photographer, Cha Myung Woo.

Hello, Lee Do-hoon.

The photos were so good, I could barely touch them. Please confirm and let me know if you dislike or if there's anything else I can do to fix it.

By the way, if you're interested in my offer of a job, could you give me a call? I gave you my business card the other day, and I'll leave you my contact information, just in case. It's okay anytime.


PSPay is a little bit over 49957;


[I think the photographer saw you very well. to arrange a job.]

‘You don't look cheap, but you can see people. ’

[Would you like to contact us? Pays is counting.]

‘What a nuisance. It's like a model proposal anyway. The first film was a favor to me anyway. I don't want to make any money with it. ’

[But don't you know? If you're good, you might be able to relate to new achievements. My Lord, isn't this an urgent accomplishment?]

"Connecting you to your accomplishments? ’

[Like missions, new achievements are opened when the environment changes. which means that we have to continue to be supportive of our current environment.]

‘Hmm. A new opportunity · · ·. ’

He hesitated and called Cha Myung Woo.

It was a little late, but I thought it wouldn't matter because Cha Myung Woo had a saying to call me anytime.

I got a call. It's cool.

“This is Lee Dou Hoon from this morning. Mail received successfully. ”

Oh, Lee Do-hoon. Have you seen it all?

“No, I haven't checked the photos from my phone yet. ”

You don't even have to check. Thanks for getting the raw material flush.

“Thank you. Thank you very much. By the way, I contacted her by asking her to call me on her email. ”

Are you kidding me? I think it would be better if I asked Mr. Yerim for his contact information.

“Yeah, but what's the big deal? ”

When I was changing, I happened to notice that he was feeling quite well.

“Yes? What? · · · · · ”

Suddenly, he gains weight.

It couldn't feel good to be praised by men.

‘What? No way, Albara.' ’

[My hidden · · · ·.]

‘Shut up.'

“I don't know what that is. ”

Ah, I made a mistake. I should have said this first. I take a lot of commercial photos, because I'm a professional photographer. We recently received a request for an underwear ad from a brand new company.

“Men · · · Underwear? ”

Simply put, it's panty chic.

“Ahh · · ·. ”

I think it's a lot of exposure, so I look at the body first. I thought you might be a good fit.

At that moment, he was speechless.

You want me to shoot an underwear ad? Joint · · ·. What to do · · · ·. ’

“Look, I'm not a professional model, but I tend not to sell my face. ”

Oh, you're a college student, right? You don't have to worry about that. because there's no face on the magazine.

“Can't you see my face? ”

Yeah, if you look at the underwear ad, it's just a close-up shot from your abdomen to your thighs. That's all I'm going to do. As I said, Pays is pretty good.

“I see.”

While he was thinking about it, Cha Myung Woo kept saying.

The company's practice team originally provided a foreign model. because, you know, underwear models use a lot of foreigners. But the male model was arrested for possession violation during immigration.

“Ma, drugs? ”

That's why they're rushing into the Korean model because of the sudden puncture. I'm a photographer, and he asked me to look into it, and I suddenly thought of him.

“Ahh · · ·. So that's how it happened? And what about the female model? ”

I'm going to go to a foreigner in the circle. I saw the profile, but she was a Russian beauty.

Did you just say Russia? ’

[Yes, I heard that too.]

‘If you do this well · · ·. ’

The lesson reminded me of a Slavic woman who was caught up in the work of the ethnic crusade. A Russian beauty, of course, was likely a Slavic.


The doctrine that hit the calculation in an instant no longer measured and gladly agreed.

“I'll do it.”

Oh, you are?

“Yes. I have nothing to do with vacation. I've never seen a underwear model before, but I heard it doesn't even show its face. ”

Yes, thank you very much. Just in case.

“When is the shoot?” It's tomorrow evening. Foreign model said it would be easier to film the evening because of the jet lag. You're okay, right?


I'll see you at the studio tomorrow at 6: 00.

“I understand.”


Angry Fire Column