868. Caring for a Virgin 10

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He packed up early in the morning. The journey from Seoul to Mount geography was longer than I expected, but I was fortunate to have a car. When he arrived in front of General Kim's house, he called.

“We're here. You can come out now. ”

Yeah, I'll be right out.

The general was already prepared because he called as soon as he woke up. The lesson I was waiting for in the car was a little surprised to see the look on the general's face coming out of the house.

"Oh, don't you look lovely in your regular clothes? ’

When he saw the general, he was always upset. Instead of just the appearance of wearing a skirt on the hook so that it doesn't fit at a young age, I looked different as any 20-something girl. I feel like I'm just wearing white shorts, jeans, and white sneakers, and I feel refreshed.


She was surrounded by a huge backpack for hiking, and the bag was so big that it went overhead. He opens the trunk and walks out of the car.

“What's with all the luggage? ”

“Just in case. We got gear to pack. ”


He takes the backpack instead and asks, tidying up in the trunk.

“I thought I'd have to sacrifice it later. We need to appease the unjustly dead. ”

“Ahh · · ·. ”

When he tried to close the trunk, the general stopped him.

“Oh, wait a minute. Except for the snacks. ”


“You haven't had breakfast, have you? I have prepared something to eat in advance in case you go out. ”

The general opens the top of the bag and pulls out something from Juju Island. It was a plastic container that looked like a lunch box.

“I guess you woke up early. ”

“I can't sleep at dawn. ”

“Anyway, let's get going. ”

While he was sitting in the driver's seat, he turned on the navy, and the general in the jewelry put on his seat belt. The belt strap crosses the ribcage and creates a deep valley, making sure it is not constricted as usual.

The lesson of entering a destination in navigation swallowed the gaze sideways.

‘Oh, great F cup. I guess I didn't bandage it because I was afraid it would come out of my half arm. ’

As he continued to gaze, the conscious general asked carefully.

“Should I sit in the back? · · I was taught to sit in the jewellery · ·. ”

“No, it's a long drive, so please talk to me in the jewelry. ”

“Talk to me? ”

“If you run on the highway, you might fall asleep. ”

“Ahh · · ·. Yep!”

“Then I'll be on my way. I took it with a lot of hard work. I'll swing by the rest stop if I need to. Let me know if you need a break. ”

He deliberately talks about the inconvenience and slowly floats his luck.

It was a kind of prophylactic effect, which from the beginning was to instill the perception that he was someone who told this kind of story without hesitation.

As expected, the general nodded with a embarrassed look. I was also embarrassed to go a long way with the man on the ground, but now I was embarrassed to even say that I wanted to stop by the rest stop.

I couldn't tell if I was a little nervous, even though I had been driving for a long time, until I got out of the toll gate. Rather, as I entered the highway, I felt a little relaxed.

“I think you drive really well. ”


“Yes, considering my age. Aren't you a college student?”

His appearance was hard for anyone to see as a worker. Queek to a college student.

“Oh, you're a student. But I'm used to driving early. ”

“I see.”

“I would have driven a better car if I hadn't blown it with Bitcoin. · · ”

Taun is disguised as Jung Myung Hun, not himself.

Jeong Myung-hoon, who played him, risked his life with the help of a nobleman while trying to blow his fortune and kill himself on the geological mountain because of investment failures.) I was empowered.

“Well, Bitcoin. You know, I've had a lot of those sessions for months. ”


“Yes. What will happen to the coins you invest? · · ”

“Can you see that? ”

“No. What I see is a fortune I can accumulate in a lifetime. Everyone has a natural born follower. But I don't know how much money he's making investing in any sport. ”

“How do I look? ”


“Ordinarily. Do you have any luck? ”

The general carefully looks at his side when he asks if he's joking.

“I didn't get a good look at that yesterday. You want me to take a look? ”

“It's good to see you for free. ”

“But you have to look at your face from the front. ”

“Like this?"

The general turns his head to his side as he grabs the wheel and shouts in panic.

“Look straight ahead! Front!”

“It's okay. There's no cars around. ”

“Now that you've seen it, focus on driving! ”

The general was furious when he laid the steering wheel and looked at himself. It doesn't look like anything is happening for a short while on a blown highway, but it seems to be a cautious nature.

“What do you think? What about my sacrifice? ”

“It's hard to assess. ”


“A little coronal · · · ·. ”

“What's wrong with my cortex? ”

“Can I be honest with you? ”

“Yes, you can say it without surprise. You having a hard time? ”

“That's not it. In fact, Myeong Hoon is lucky for the first year. Maybe it has a hand and influence, but I can't read the end of the year's luck because the string is broken. ”

“· · Right. ”

He was amazed at the general's stamina.

In fact, Lee Do-hoon, who saw it as she said, was fortunate to be in her 20s. So it was right to have a short lifeline, and it was normal not to be able to read the return of the last year as well.

“Well, guess what? How do you think I survived? ”

“You've been very fortunate. You must have lived a life without it. ”

His real father is a famous domestic novelist.

Currently, sister Lee Hye Hye is living in the United States for her parents' sake. I could infer that I would have lived more than the middle class of Yidouhoon.

“Ahh · · ·. I shouldn't have gotten into the ripple. ”


“No, I don't want to invest. ”

“Anyway, I can't read Myung-hoon's coronation very well. ”

“Can you call me a lesson, not a lesson? ”

“Yes? Isn't that you, Myung-hoon? ”

“No, actually, it's a pre-renamed name. I used to write it, but now it's a lesson. ”

“Did you change your name? ”

“Yes. Early. ”

“What's so special about it? ”

“You lived to die. Park Myung-hoon is the name of Park. So I was renamed to be reborn. With lessons.”


“By the way, what's your name? I haven't asked you your name yet. ”

“Just call me whatever you feel comfortable with. You don't have to put up with. ”

“Oh, but we're supposed to be accompanying each other like this. Shouldn't we give each other a full name? I released both my full name and my real name. ”

When he spoke in a disappointing struggle, the general shifted his ear over the back of his head and was embarrassed.

“Oh, I don't mean that · · ·. Actually, the name's not very pretty. ”

“Name? What is it? Don't be silly. Don't be silly. Don't be silly. ”

“No, that's not it. ”

“No, why? Aren't we more adorable than the cloudy stars of Park? Or is it the Golden Eagle of Gim, or is it Sam, the hottest guy in the world? ”

“W-what is that? ”

“It's the longest name in my country. ”

“That's your real name? ”

“Yes, but I also noticed when I renamed it that it changed to no more than five characters since '93. Oh, right, you don't even know your age, not before' 93, do you? ”

“No, after that. ”

“By the way, what's your name? Not even a long name like that. ”

“General Kim.”


“Well, he's a general. ”

“You must be the General.”

“If you can get rid of the person. ”

“But the name is a little. ”

“My parents thought I was a man. ”

“Ahh · · ·. ”

“I'm just trying to live up to my end of the bargain. And twenty-four this year. ”

“Huh? Really? I thought you were younger than me. ”

“Myung Hun, how old are you? ”

“Twenty-three. Then I should call you Sis from now on. ”

“Ahh · · ·. No, it's okay. One year apart. ”

“But you're my sister. The general's sister.”

When he spoke with a teasing tone, the general folded his arms and looked out the window without answering whether he was slightly scolded. It was written on the sign.

“If you're wrong, how long have you been here? ”

“We have a long way to go. And make yourself comfortable. ”

“I'm comfortable with this. ”

“Then you have to keep respecting me. ”

“Then make him comfortable. ”

“Should I?”

The general shakes his head, shaking his head, watching the lesson of placing his horse as if he was waiting.

‘· · · He's a strange person. His abilities are a little perverted. I don't know if I should have followed you. ’

“You don't want to go to the rec room? ”

“Oh, it's okay. Not yet. ”

“Then I'll go on without stopping. ”

At that time, there was a groan in his stomach. It was because the man lived alone and had to eat while getting ready early in the morning.

“Are you hungry?”

“A little?”

“Would you like some kimbap? ”

“Why Kim Bop? ”

“I packed some just in case. ”

The general opened the plastic canister he took out of his backpack earlier.

Then, whether it was greased or not, the smell of shiny kimbap came up.

“Would you like some?”

“As you can see, I'm driving. Can you put that in your mouth? ”

He opened his mouth without hesitation.

The general picked up Kim Bop himself and put it in his mouth because he was afraid of placing the steering wheel like before.

“I don't know if it'll be good. It's been a long time since I packed.”

“Well, that's nice. One more thing.”


He ate the rice that he hand-delivered. In a way, the general began to acclimatize to the age of four, which he could say was presumptuous.

‘I guess he's always been like this. But he had a handsome face. ’

While putting Kim Bop in his mouth, he looked carefully at the side of the doctrine and suddenly realized that he was very handsome.

She had a habit of reading ornaments professionally, so she was always trying to interpret people's faces, so she began to see the face of instruction rationally.

‘You have a very handsome nose. How could someone like this have so badly tried to throw his life away? ’

“What's on my face? Why are you looking at me like that? ”

The lesson of the general's gaze was disgusting.

The general drops Kim Bop, who is holding him in a frenzy.

“Oh my!”

“Oh, Gimbap. ”

Kim Bob fell, unfortunately bouncing off his thigh and plunged into his crotch. He said, embarrassed.

“No, you can't just spill it. ”

“I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. My hand slipped. ”

“Oh, let go. It's rolling in. I think I'm gonna lose my pants if I squeeze it in my butt. ”

“Well, maybe a rest stop nearby. ”

“No. That was the last time I was out of line. We have 30 more minutes. ”

“Ahh · · ·. Uh, what do we do? ”

“I can't put the steering wheel down. This is embarrassing. Can you get it out? ”


“Then shall I do it? ”

“Oh, no. ”

The general was afraid that it would be dangerous for no reason. However, it was a problem that Kim Bop fell deep between his legs.

She hesitates because she doesn't know what to do, but he insists.

“What are you doing? I'm gonna burst my balls and stick to my pants. Oh, that's gross. ”

“Wait a minute.”

The general stretched out his arms indefinitely. However, it was difficult to extend the arm with the seat belt on.

“Ahhh, the belt. ”

She loosens her jewelry belt and stutters between her thighs. As I leaned forward at the waist, my short arm flexed down and shined clearly through my ribs.

"Oh, look at the seagull's wings. ’

[What's with the seagull?]

"No, the brassiere line. Doesn't it feel like the seagull is upside down? ’

[As expected, you are irredeemable. And all you see is that. You need to focus on driving.]

"I don't have a car this morning. And I'm trying to relax on the outside lane. Slowly as possible. ’


‘That way, I won't be able to come back and tie you up in the mountains for one night. Aim for it.’

[You're so thorough. But is there a place to stay in the mountains?]

"If I remember correctly, there are several cabins in Geosan National Park. Usually people who go to sunrise sleep around midnight and then come up at dawn. ’


“Is this it?”

The faced general stutters between his thighs and asks embarrassingly. For a virgin, pushing her hand near a man's sheep was also very courageous.

He shakes his head.

“No. Inside. ”


“I went all the way down there. All right, just let me do it. ”

“Oh, no. Focus on driving. It's because of me. ”

The general is getting redder and redder below the ears.

However, he dropped it by his own mistake, so he pushed his hand deep into his thigh to the end with the feeling that he had to cut it off.


At that moment, I felt something clumsy in the general's hands.

What is this? ’

As a virgin general, it was the first feeling I had in my life.


Angry Fire Column