748. Qualifications of Heavy Water 77

The discipline who escorted Jeong Yin home immediately contacted Jeong Ma'am. But somehow the call was disconnected.

I thought I was supposed to come out today? ’

Taun thought he might have mistaken the date.

"I thought you said you didn't have enough players for Friday and Saturday. ’

[That's how I remember it.]

‘What a strange man. When people are in a hurry to go on vacation and ask Albardo to come on the weekend, when · ·. ’

As he tries to speak again, a phone call comes in from Jeongdam.

Did you call? I'm missing something.

You sound tired.

The end of your voice is severely split.

“Mr. Jung. I'm Lee Jung Wook.”

Who's Lee Jung Woo?

“Why was Park Mi-young's introduction last used car · · ·. ”

He was slightly annoyed by Jeongmadam's forgotten name, but he understood that it could be because there are so many athletes who manage her.

The temple can only be remembered by one boss, but the boss needs to know all the employees.

Who, Mi-young? Ah! That time. I'm sorry, I've been a little distracted lately. I remember Lee Jungwoo, the paralysis on his face.

“Yes, you remember. You asked me to come out today, so I contacted you. ”

Sorry, I forgot. Cough!

You hear a loud cough coming from behind the handset.

There was an unusual sound coming from deep in the lungs.

Looks like some kind of pulmonary patient.

“Are you sick? ”

Cough, cough! Oh, my God. I can't get over the flu. When I came to the hospital yesterday, you said you had pneumonia · · Cough! He's been in the hospital for two days.

“Oops · · ·. ”

I can't believe I caught a cold in New World. Why am I telling you this?

She seemed distracted by a severe fever and cough. She barely stopped coughing, and said to him again.

Anyway, good call. You can start today. I'll call the store.

“Ahh · · ·. So you're not here? ”

I think I need to take some time off to get to work. I'm asking you to eat, but you can't work with a broken body. I've entrusted the shop to a sister I know, so follow her carefully. Just in case, Cough! Ask Sangmu Kim, it's faster.

“Sangmu Kim · · · ·. ”

Don't you remember? You were the handsome ruler at the store last time. “

“Ah, yes, I remember. ”

Anyway, I'll be in touch. Well done.

“Yes, take a rest. ”


After finishing the call, I got out of the car.

"So, the Madame who hired me has been out of the store for a while, now?" ’

[That's what I sound like.]

He frowns and lights a cigarette.

It felt twisted from the beginning.

‘And the shop's taken over for a while. No, there must be a real boss named Sangmu Kim, for now. ’


‘This is going to get complicated. ’

[What's the matter?]

"Think about it, why did I start this hobo business? ’

[Because you were introduced to Team Leader Park Mi-young?]

‘No, that's a trigger. You can grind your face. It's because of the mission. ’


‘More precisely, to win the auction for the mission. ’


‘The problem is that Jeongmadam is aware that I have facial paralysis and my face is distorted. Park Mi-young is guaranteed by her team leader, so she knows that it's not the same. ’


‘But the new madam wouldn't have taken over from me. ’


‘In short, I might have to start an inexperienced hobo Alba with no support at all about me. Grinding your face. ’

[That's right, but this Kim Sung-mu person knows a little bit about you, doesn't he?]

‘You must have seen his face. But do you want to remember? There are a lot of people who work in the shop.People who've only been interviewed for a while. ’

[Now that I think about it, So you're giving up the mission?]

He continued to think while smoking cigarettes.

A twisted situation from the start.

If I had a reliable patron named Jeong Ma'am, I would have been forced to accept missions under great bad conditions at this time.

"No Psychic Manipulation Skills and Items"? ’

[Yes, the mission itself is very difficult. Actually, I wonder what you can do with a grinded face.]

‘Ha. Really. Looks like we're gonna have to start off completely unarmed on a lousy mission. ’

He flicks his finger at the ashes and pulls them out.

[Then give up.]]

‘No! Nonetheless. ’


‘You can't give up without trying. Anyway, we need the right to win the auction. ’

After accessing virtual reality the other day, he saw a lot of items in the auction house with his own eyes. I wanted to somehow get the mission reward for winning the item I wanted.

‘I'll challenge you.'


‘Let's change clothes first. ’

He got back in his car and headed for his own room.

Yesterday, when I changed from a department store to a clean suit and stood in front of the mirror, there was a swarm of swallows.

“Yuck, what a handsome face! ”

It was now his face, but I liked it at first sight.

The natural face of Owner Lee Do-hoon, along with the polished color and charm, has now turned into an attractive man.

However, I could not carry out the mission in this state. The premise of a mission to be able to grind a face from the start was to grind it.

“Should I break this handsome face on purpose? · · · ”

[Cheer up. Changing your face doesn't mean you're not the master.]

‘Yes, thank you for coming up. Then get me that massage pack. ’


He took out the face-off massage pack and placed it on his face.

‘Turn me into that twisted face then. ’

[Yep. It's on record.]

As time went by and I took off the pack, it soon became an ugly lesson. Obviously, it was a lesson to pry it out, but it looked like a completely different person with a subtle twist in the costume.

“Ugh. This is definitely my face. ”

When I went to take a promotional poster in the morning, I was handsome enough to receive a model offer, but now I don't want to see it twice.

He felt self-conscious of the serious fallout.

‘I guess you're right. ’

What kind of words?]

‘Plastic surgeons say the difference between handsome and handsome is three percent. ’


‘Yes. Only 3% change in face will make a handsome man, and a handsome man will become a handsome man. There's a big difference. If you think about it, the difference between a twine and a cornfield is one. That changes the look. ’

[Aha. Cheer up, master. I grinded my face, but I think I can do it. The owner has a powerful fist.]

You mean this? ’

He grabs the boulder above the trousers.

The heavy object still showed great kindness.

No matter how much his face changed, the object didn't disappear. With this, the world was strong enough to conquer.

‘I hope my partner doesn't have to look at me like this. ’

He then finished the rest of the styling. I made my hair pretty with magic drying and refined my skin with frit cream. Better, but still less pumpkin quality.

[There doesn't seem to be any big difference.]

‘No, but it's important that this is minor. It's not your fault the plates are ugly, but hairstyles and skin are completely different. ’

[Is it?]

‘In short, it's about instilling the perception of a man who knows how to decorate. He's a little ugly, but he can make a clean impression. That's what matters.'


‘Anyway, we should probably get going. Should I leave my car? ’

You're done at dawn, aren't you?]

‘You're going to have to listen to it anyway. He's a hog.’

[Ahh · · ·. I see.]

‘And I've arranged for a deputy to bring him in at dawn. ’

[You mean the Democratic Sea.]


[Well, in 10 hours, it won't matter. And in the meantime, please be nice to Miss Democratic. Half of what you did to Yang Jung would be very impressive.]

‘That's what's good for democracy. ’


"Think about why democracy likes me. You're a student. You're a teacher and an assistant. ’


‘But if I suddenly become a good student who listens like a chatterbox, does democracy really like it? I'd rather lose my charm. Everyone has their own clothes to fit them. In the case of democracy, that's the king's twisted ideological hoon. ’

[Well, the answer is liquidated oil.]

‘What should I do if I have to wash my horse in the ground? ’

After finishing preparing, he took a taxi to Hopa Shop and went to work. It was a little after 8 pm.

* * *

I was scolded early in the evening by Sangmu Kim.

“Can't these clean up straight? Can't you see the butt? ”

Kim Sang-mu, who was checking the room daily, found a butt stuck in the gap of the couch and wiped out the waiters.

“I'm sorry."

“Are you going to do this just because Ms. Grant isn't here? Huh?"

“I'll clean it up again. ”

“These things, they really do come out! It's only a matter of time before you wake up. ”

“I'll make it right.”

“I'm going to go back to the room before it starts. If you stay like this, I'll smash your skillet. ”


Kim Sangmu came out with a disgust, and Choi Dam, who was wearing a shirt with a clear chest outside the entrance, grabbed his shoulder.

“It's been a while since the opening of the store, Kim Sangmoo. ”

“Oh, you're here, boss. ”

Kim took a step back and greeted him with a grip. Choi madam frowned at Kim Sang-mu.

‘He wants to keep his distance from me. ’

“Hoho, what kind of boss am I? I'm taking over my sister's shop temporarily. And when you two were together, you said you could call me by my name. ”

“No, they're all listening. ”

Choi Ma'am, Choi Hee was Jeong Ma'am 's younger brother. She and Jeong Ma entered the company's life, and a year ago, she was asking for a beautiful sponge, and she was paying for it for a while.

Jung Myung Mi, who was lying on her back, thought it would be difficult to run the shop by herself, and she called her sister who was busy with this life and temporarily entrusted the shop to her.

However, there was a difference between Choi and Madame who seemed to listen to her sister pleasantly. That's Jung Madame's minion, Sangmoo Kim.

Kim Sang-mu, loyal to his handsome face, thought that this could be a way to get close to him.

In fact, her sponsor bought her a house and a car and gave her plenty of allowance, but she had to miss the skin of a young man when she was almost 60 years old.

However, Choi Hee, who had been living in the current world for more than a decade, did not want to find a man in the current world. It was natural that the deeper we got to know each other and despise each other.

"I want to fuck him so bad. ’

The ghost swallowed his saliva while looking at Kim Sang-mu's sharp nose.

Kim Sang-mu was a different person in the first place, even though he was in the cargo system. I would have made a lot of money if I had just played with that face, but I supported Madame Jung's loyalty by being an honest shopkeeper.

Once, Kim Sang-mu's coveted ghost asked Jeong Dam.

That's your sister's columns, right?

No, it's not.

Then why are you stalking me? What's so great about an old lady?

Botox gave me all the wrinkles. No, no, no, no, no. I took her in, and she was loyal. I think he was in a bad mood.

You said she went to hell.

Uh, yeah.

What's the charge?

He didn't say that. Hey, don't stare at her and you. You know what happens when a spawn cheats on you?

If I don't get caught.

“Still, I trust you today. ”

“Yes, boss. ”

The ghost held up both hands and feet as he treated himself sharply to the end.

‘That's so cute. Next time I get a chance, I'm gonna get high and fuck her. Can you avoid me, too? ’

A waiter approached Kim Sang-mu, who had left the store while avoiding the virtuous spirit.

“Hey, sir. ”


“You have a visitor. ”

“At this hour? The athletes haven't even been to work yet. ”

“No, I'm a personal visitor to see Sangmu Kim. ”


“Yes, you came here to work. ”

“Tell them that the recruiter is discharged from the boss and send him away. I never let a player in without interviewing the boss. ”

Kim Sang-mu ignored it and tried to pass it by, but the waiter said again with an embarrassing face.

“Well, that's · · · ·. I heard you already had an interview. ”


Madame Jung fell three days ago.

No one has come to the interview in his memory lately.

“Who the hell is this? ”

“I'm waiting over here. ”

Sangmu Kim followed the waiter.

Whoever he was, he was going to beat the crap out of him if he lied.


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