
However, there could not have been a phone number written on the wallet.

There was nothing with a government official in a transparent wallet. In case I opened it inside the sun, I could see that there was a 10,000 won, three thousand won, and one free coupon for every 10 times I used it somewhere in the restaurant.

“Oh, I see. Come to think of it, there's no way he has a contact in his wallet. ”

Taun is troubled.

At first, I just thought I'd return my wallet, so I put it in the mailbox and it was over. It is because there is an ID inside, so if the post office can take it to the district itself, it will be over.

‘Oh, maybe? ’

He rolls his head.

Police work generally only within the jurisdiction.

Some detectives aren't tied to the Bureau of Investigation, but they usually don't leave the area.

He then searched the motel on the mobile map app. Searching for the Earth closest to the radius, only one appears.

‘That's right. You must be from here. ’

He immediately called 112.

However, I immediately stopped the call before I heard a tone.

You idiot, 112 is national! ’

Thinking about it, there are not many ways to connect directly to the district. If you call 112, it will be difficult to wait for a personal errand to find the Royal Police.

If you can find the direct line number for the district, what do you say when you get a call?

I have the wallet of the Royal Patrol. You want me to meet him?

You will be exposed to malicious intent before you even begin.

‘Damn. You're in a hurry. This is not the way. ’

[What are you doing?]

‘No, I wanted to get the King's personal number, but there's nothing I can do. ’

[Oh dear. You must eat the Intelligence Fruit as soon as possible.]


[You can't even use it to have skills.]

‘What skills? Do I even have the skills to get a cell phone number? ’

[No, a psycho metry skill.]

Oh, right! ’

After not using it for a while, he couldn't even remember his skill. He replied, hesitating.

"Dude, people make mistakes. ’

[Tsk, tsk. Check it out. There's got to be a clue.]

Okay, psycho metry engaged! ’

[· · You don't have to shout like that.]

As he touched his wallet and used his skills, the memories of the Royal Patrol tied to his wallet suddenly came to mind like a panorama.

* * *

“Congratulations, my daughter! It's rewarding to study hard! ”

“It took three years for everyone else to get hit. ”

“But you're a government official for life. Here's a present. ”

“What is it?”

“It's a purse. I wanted to buy it for you with pretty gloves, but I bought it for a small one in case it's uncomfortable to carry. ”

“What is this? · · · · Thanks, Mom. ”

The Royal Patrol placed his police ID in a transparent inner wallet.

The smile was very beautiful.

‘This is too early to remember. · · ’

[Fast forward through time.]


He skipped the footage while skipping unnecessary scenes.

Touching the clips in the air made me think of a scene in the SF Minority Report.

Skipping the video, he was overcome and stopped for a moment in front of the lecture.

‘Wait, slow playback here. ’


“Here we go, people. When things get tough, don't hesitate to call the 117 School Violence Consulting Center right away or find that royal or police officer! ”

“Can I talk to him? ”

A chunky middle school boy asked with a sparkling look in his eyes.

His gaze rests on the big, radiant chest that protrudes like a conquest. The radiant person who was asked answered the question.

“· · · Well, if the content is important · · ·. ”

“If you bother the deputy, you'll get in trouble! ”

One of the teachers who was watching next to me saved the sunshine in trouble. The teacher said again when he tried to leave with a shiny greeting after the talk.

“Oh, you must be in a hurry. You should take your bag.”

“Ah! Thank you. I'm a little rusty. ”

I opened my purse and checked it first.

The video stopped there.

"Wow, this is it. ’

I don't know what you mean.]

Don't you see? When I was a policeman in a shiny school, right? ’

What's that?]

"Each school is designated a police officer to prevent school violence, usually by first-timers. ’

[That's amazing, but what does that have to do with finding a glowing amount of contacts?]

Oh, my God, you don't get it? Look closely. '

He turned the video back to the glowing scene in which he was speaking. A huge PPT lay next to her on the screen.

Do you see that? A policeman who specializes in royal middle schools glows. Contact below. ’

[Oh, how dare you!]

Have you seen my observation? Sounds like an intelligent fruit. ’

[Aren't you just lucky?]

"Ahem. Luck is good. Anyway, now that we have the contact information, we just need to meet. ’

He turns off his psychometric skills and dials into a glowing cell phone.

“Yes, this is Officer Wanglight of the Royal Gospel Zone. ”


“Yes, go ahead. ”

“Hey, I found a wallet · · ·. ”

“Wallet? It'll be easier to find your owner if you take them to a nearby Earth than to report them missing. ”

“No, no, no, no, no, no. It's got your name on it. It's got your name on it. ”


I asked again with a surprised voice.

“You mean you found my wallet? ”


“Where did you find it? ”

“It · · · · ·. ”

He excused himself.

“I was separated from the motel. ”

“A motel? It's time to go. ”

She doesn't even know where she lost her wallet.

“By the way, this belongs to you, right? ”

“Yes, it is. Wait, but how did you get my number? ”

He surrounded me because he had nothing to say.

“It had business cards in it. I'm a school police officer.”

“Ah! Thank goodness. Thank you. Do you have all the cards? ”

He raises his wallet.

“Yeah. Well, I didn't pick it up and touch it. There's still thirteen thousand in cash. ”

“Ah! Thank goodness. I didn't even report it missing, just in case. Thank you.If you're nearby, please · · to Earth · ·. ”

“Oh, I'm not with you. ”

“Then where are you? ”

“Well, that's the national anthem range. ”

“National University? ”


It was more than 20 stations by subway to the glowing Earth and National Guard.

“Well, what do I do? Hang on, I'm off duty today, so I should be able to find you in about 3-40 minutes. ”

He lied to offer his apology to the radiant.

“I'm working on it now · · ·. ”

“Where's Alba? I'll go and get it. ”

“No. Let's finish early today. ”

“Until you do. ”

“It's okay. It's a good thing. There's an extra room just past the National Guard range. I'll see you there in half an hour. ”

“Yes, thank you. We'll get back to you when we get there. ”


After hanging up the phone, he sighs.

“Phew, I almost got caught. ”

Then I suddenly looked inside my wallet, and I saw a business card.

I took it out and it really was the card of the policeman at Sunshine's school he was talking about.

“Come on? You were there, weren't you? I didn't need to use my skills. ”

[Why don't you take a closer look?]

‘What other wallet? Don't move, but how can you attract a glow in one day? ’

[Is that possible?]

‘I'm going to use my skills to seduce you. It was an achievement anyway. ’

It was the same reason why he targeted Shine.

‘Specialty jobs are better.’ It was because of the achievements that included her.

As far as waxing experts, Idols, and women doctors and cheerleaders, we were able to complete the feat.

Lesson, who had been making plans for a while, said.

‘I'll stop by the library first. ’

[What about the library?]

‘After a long history of her life, I think I know a point to attack. ’

[Attack point?]

After omitting further explanations, he went to the university library to borrow a book.

[Human skeletal structure? Fundamentals of physiology? Why borrow a book like this? This is a good book to borrow from medical students.]

‘That's right. That's right. ’

[You're not going to play med school?]

What's not to like? If you want to seduce me, I'll do it. ’

[Huh! Now it's a scam.]

"Don't make fun of me or make fun of me. It's not who I am, it's what I look like. ’

Lesson, who had borrowed a medical book, went to the cafe and opened the book on his desk. When I opened the notebook with my usual hard work, I made a pretty decent picture.

“Okay, that's the end of the set. ”

[Charming · · · ·. What the hell.]

‘Just watch. You know that fake ID you bought last time? ’


‘Let's use it to forge one medical student ID. ’

[You really mean it.]

He scanned his ID and changed his major to national-school medicine. Because it was so perfect for stealing, I was a medical student no matter who saw my student ID.

‘Looks like it's time to come · ·. Rossi, three scissors, please. Change it to a black horn, if possible. ’

Black Horn?]

‘Somehow it looks smarter. ’

[Um, okay.]

He pretended to turn the book upside down, wearing horn-rimmed glasses. Because the content that I couldn't understand even after reading it angled was the placenta, white was margin and black was the level of identifying only writing.

A phone call came from the glow momentarily.

He received a late call waiting for the signal to go.

“Oh, I'm sorry. I was studying, so I put my phone in silent mode. ”

“Studying? Anyway, I've arrived. Where are you now? ”

“Second floor.”

“Yes, I'll be up in a minute. ”

After hanging up the phone, he pretended to focus again, looking at the book.

I was looking at a picture of a complex bundle of muscle nerves, and suddenly someone approached me and spoke to me.

“Are you the one who picked up the · · · wallet? ”

He lifts his head and looks at the sparkle.

“Oh, Officer Wangshina? ”

“Yes, I am radiant. ”

My heart was excited without knowing it because I was radiant and handsome and clean, facing the teachings.

"Hmm, I see you're a med student? He's even more handsome than I thought. ’

I learned a lesson at the motel once before, but I couldn't tell him apart because of his egotistical appearance with horn-rimmed glasses. At that time, he was in the middle of catching a fugitive from the scene, so there was no obvious appeal to his appearance.

Meanwhile, over his glasses, when he looked at the light carelessly, there was her threesome.

When I saw the lesson of shame, I was excited.

Earl, Godgers! ’


‘That's crazy, Mid. Did you see that? ’

[I think you're crazier.]

‘Man, it's usually hard to fuck a cop when you're sober. ’

He pretended to hand over his wallet and pushed down the coffee cup that had been placed close to the corner of the table.


Luckily, it wasn't broken because it was made of paper, but half the coffee spilled out onto the floor.


“Oh my, how! ”

The glowing rush lowers the pose and raises the fallen cup. However, the coffee that had already been spilled was soaking the floor.

“Oh, I'm sorry. It's because of me. ”

While the light was blazing, Taun was tasting the valley formed deep between the blouse of the eye of the falcon.

‘Hmm, it looks good to be full in the middle. ’

However, when he looked at it again, he replied, frowning.

“Oh, no. I accidentally tripped it. It's okay, let it go. I'll clean it up.”

While he held back for a while, he took a paper towel next to the glow and wiped the floor by himself.

“I think it's me. I'm sorry. I'll buy you a new cup of coffee. ”

“I'm really okay. ”

“But you also found my wallet. · · I'll treat you to something. Otherwise I'm uncomfortable. ”

“Well, if you say so. ”

When he gazed maliciously at the shiny legs coming out of his skirt, he rose up and pretended not to know again.

“Do you have any coffee? Can I get you the same? ”

“Yes, I'm fine in America. ”

“Yes, I'll be right back. ”

I bowed my head and greeted him with a polished, shiny face, and went down to order on the first floor. He smiles satisfactorily, looking at his shiny, plump butt.

I can't believe you hid a hot body like that in a crude police uniform. ’

[Very impressive. Did you just spill your coffee on purpose?]

‘Course, especially when you pretend to give me your wallet, you're sorry you bought me a drink. ’

[What a cunning scheme.]

‘So is this med school cosplay. ’

What's that?]


Angry Fire Column