630. Idol vs Return23

“Whatever. You got your license, right? ”


The original owner had obtained a license before going to the military and had never held a steering wheel before. Of course, I had 20 years of experience driving, but I completely forgot where I had my license.

“Ah · · ·, I think it's been left at home. ”

“Well, that's too bad. ”

“Can't we just come around one more time? But I think I'll have to ride it once to make a purchase. ”

Park Mi-young's elbow twitched in her chin and was troubled.

I think it would be burdensome for the country to leave the car keys to a man in his early 20s. Isn't that why insurance is the most expensive when you're under 24? In fact, the incidence rate is high.

“Are you okay to drive? ”

“Yes, I was a chauffeur in the army. ”

“Oh, did you get discharged already? I looked younger. ”

“Oh, thank you. ”

“It's not normally regulated, but here's the deal. I'll go with you. I'll just go around for a bit. ”

“Thank you."

Mi-young smiled and sat on the jewelry.

I picked up the car keys and started the car.


I hear a good sound.

It was good to hear that the engine sounded less tall compared to the age.

‘It's a well-managed car. ’

“Buckle up. ”

“Oh, yes. ”

Mi-young looks at Mi-young with her belt fastened. As the belt line cuts through the bustline, her volumes are evenly revealed. The belt across the chest valley looks particularly tight.

"Oh, that's nice. What size do you think it is? ’

[Check with a three-size scooter.]

‘Oh, there it was. Get ready.'

“I'm going to use my glasses. ”

“Do you wear glasses? ”

“Yes, only when I'm driving. ”

I wore scouts that were naturally transferred to my bag. He had a frowny face, so he wore glasses and looked like a model student. As expected of you, Pawan.

“You look good in glasses, too. ”

“Thank you."

Looking at Mi-young with a smile, her figure was measured and three numbers appeared on the display.

Bast West Hip from the left.

‘Well, the red trunk and the butt are breathtaking, but the waist is a little thick. ’

[Sir, I think you need to pick a language.]

‘Quite an understander, isn't it? ’

Definitely a great bend.

In his mid-30s, he would have been quite popular with men when he was young. He is more skilled at sneaking things out than anything else because of his good character. I just tightened my belt to show off my big boobs. It's polite to watch.

I met my expectations, staring at my chest openly.

When I stared too hard, Mi-young shrugged her waist.

“Student, where are you looking? ”

“Oh, the jewelry sidemirrors don't fit. ”

The angle of the side mirror was adjusted by pressing the button while rotating the horse naturally. Mi-young was embarrassed. "Hm.” I coughed.

“If you get it right, we'll get going. ”


Mi-young said to me when I left the store.

“Usually when you drive, take a big right turn. ”

“How long will it take? ”

“Well, 10 minutes on a straight line? ”

“That should be enough. ”

A countdown has begun that can seduce her.

Just 10 minutes.

Without any manipulation, we have to seduce this windy woman. I'm picking mulberries for the price of tea. Is it two birds?

I asked while driving the car smoothly.

“Are you married? ”



“Of course I did. I have a child.”

“Wow, really? I thought you were a real girl. ”

“Oh, I can hear all the stars. Haha!”

You have to give praise for being young to an old woman.

The Stone in the Stone. It is a woman's instinct to raise her mouth's tail even though she thinks she's a plain lady.

“Do I really look that young? How old do you think he is? ”

Mi-young walked right by you.

The answer is already set.

But don't make it look easy. I frowned and pretended to think.

“Hmm · · · ·. Late 30s? ”


“Haha, I'm kidding. I'm in my late 20s. ”

“I have kids. I keep telling myself that. ”

“I thought you had a baby early. ”

“Thirty sniffs. ”

“You don't look like that. ”

“A young student can talk. I'll use my toebox to do the lighting again. ”

Mi-young immediately came into sales.

“How much did you say the car cost? ”

“Not including registration fees and taxes, exactly. 10 million won in this condition is an absolute bargain. ”

If you leave the front lighting, it will cost between 20 and 30.

However, that is within the capability range of the ghost man.

I need something more substantial than everyday service.

“Ten million won · · · ·. Ah · · ·. ”

Mi-young asked, noticing how much money she was slowing down.

“Why? Insufficient funds? ”

“Yes, a little bit. ”

“Call your parents. It's not easy to get this car at this price · · ·. ”

The slice begins to unravel.

“It's going to be like a brand-new car if you do it again. You can see that the sheets and the interior are very luxurious. I bought a grass option. ”

“Yes, but I'm not in the position to open up to my parents. This is what I do for a living. ”

I'm not lying.

I'm actually buying AV fuel and my next contract.

After talking about the difficult situation, Mi-young's expression softened.

If you are handsome and pretty, you will be pitied even if you are poor.

“Oops · · ·. The student must have suffered, but why do you need a car? ”

Mi-young spoke naturally.

“I got a surgery on a good, · · condition, and the student is in third grade, so it ends at dawn. It's too much for a taxi to take at the end of the subway. ”

“Oh, I see. ”

“I'm only going to buy it two years early when I graduate anyway. ”

“I see.”

Mi-young nods and offers again.

“Or maybe there's a cheaper car than this one. How about that? If it's for transportation anyway, shouldn't it be cheaper? ”

“I was going to do the same thing, but they say if you buy something that's too cheap, you have to get rid of it. I'm trying to think of it as something that lasts a long time in my life. ”

“Well, it's all second-hand. ”

Mi-young glanced at me.

“Okay, let's talk about it. How much do you need?”

I hit the math.

If you discount 10%, you get 1000 points.

30% must be hit before resin is left on the mission.

“Hmm · · · About 300? ”

“Four, three hundred? ”

Mi-young shakes her head as if it were not possible.

If it were 300, it would be more damaging than the purchase price.

“That's a little... ”

“How could I not? ”

“Do you have a card? ”


“Yeah. I think I just need to borrow enough. ”

“But I don't have a job. ”

“I can't do that. Me neither. Honestly, if I did that, I'd suck my fingers with nothing left. ”

“· · Yes. I'm sorry."

I kept driving the car with a frown on my face.

The car that suddenly folded onto the highway was refreshing.

I looked at Mi-young's depressed face and carefully asked.

“Are you having a hard time? ”

“What · · · ·. I'm used to it now, because I've been earning money on my own since I started school. I'm still working on my tuition and living expenses. ”

“I see. But a young student is working hard. It looks good.”

“Thank you."

“If you need necklace · · ·. Oh, no. What did I tell you? ”

“Yes? Why? ”

Mi-young's expression was strange.

I think he was going to offer you something.

"Arabic show? Things are weird." ’


“What? You weren't going to say anything? ”

“No, I said something to an innocent student. Never mind.”

“I'm not naive at all. Tell me."

Boom! Boom!

“Tsk. There's nothing I can't say. ”

Mi-young slapped my forearm on the jewelry.

Soon, I remembered her face.

“Wow, you're really tough, huh? ”

“Yeah, I've been working out. ”

“Hmmm, good body, good face · ·. There's a really good job for you. ”


Mi-young turned around to look in the car and said in her voice.

“Where are you going with this? ”

“What is it?”

“Answer me that first. Or I can't tell you. ”

Mi-young's expression was more serious than I thought.

‘What are you trying to say? ’

Shall we prepare for the sound of our hearts?] ‘No. I'll tell you what. Listen to me. ’

“Okay, I'm not going anywhere to tell you. ”


Mi-young pulled out a business card from her handbag.

“Take it first. ”

“What is this? ”

The black business card had a mobile number with the name 'Jeong Da Hee’.

“Here's the number of the sister I'm close to. I met her while selling a car · · · I'm not talking about that. Do you know if you're a host? ”

“Hobby or boy entertainment? ”

“Tsk, entertainment. That's a little harsh. It's just the booze and the jabbering. ”

“Then why are you telling me? · · · · ”

Mi-young grins.

“How much do you earn in a month as a tutor? It's a nice house. ”

I thought a little.

I thought it would look strange to say less because I needed Merritt enough to buy a car for the tutor.

“Well, one million won. ”

“One million won?”

Was it too loud?


“If you call this sister and run around, you can earn KRW 1 million a night. ”

“Ha, overnight? ”

You think Hobba makes that much money?

Well, the struggling kids make good money. Famous.

The other day there was an Opiegirl who certified over 10 million won in cash for a month's income on the Internet.

“Yes. I'm asking you because you look miserable. I think you'll get enough of your looks. ”

Oh, man.

I pretended I wasn't going to discount my car for the mission, so I got all the offers. Do you know that I have 15 million won in cash in my bag?

After Mi-young brought up the story about Hobba, I suddenly remembered the tent I met at Night Defragmentation. Pretty damn good, actually.

That was the last time Jasmine or Jasmine said that.

There are a lot more people on this floor than we are. No matter how hard you try, you can't tell her.

I looked back at the name of the business card.

‘Jeong Da Hee’

From what it says about you, should I call you Madame Jung?

You don't think this is the woman she told you about?

Master, what are you going to do?]


[You're not going on a mission? The test drive is already finishing.]

‘Oops, 10 minutes. How many minutes has it been? ’

[Two minutes before the store arrives. We're going to fail this mission.]

‘Damn, all of a sudden I get a scout offer. · · ’

This is not the time.

First, let's focus on one goal.

You can't buy a car cheaply or blow up a chance to earn points.

“Turn left here and go again. This isn't the way. Where are you going now? ”

Mi-young was confused, and I looked at her and replied.

“I think I still have more to talk to you about. ”

* * *

Time when he visited the store to buy a used car.

A smile woke up from the trainee's quarters and rushed to the bathroom.

But the bathroom on the first floor was occupied by someone.

Knock, knock.

“Who's in there? ”

“· · It's me. ”

Jehee replied with a dying voice.

“Jehee's sister? When did you get in?”

“Oh, don't talk to me for a second. Now · · ·. Hmph!”


I was silent for a while with a disdainful sound.

The puckered smile shrugs and pulls back.

“I'm going to use the bathroom upstairs. ”

“Well, yeah. Sorry."

“No, but did you eat something wrong? Are you sick? ”

“Oh, no, it's · · · It's hard to say right now. ”

“Oh, yeah. Sorry."

He thought as he headed to the second floor of the house.

What's wrong with a guy who poops so well? ’

In fact, Jehee was dying last night due to the aftermath of her ass. The twisted rectum stimulated bowel function, causing the intestine to protrude out.

“What have you been doing with your boyfriend all night anyway? Why did he come in the morning? · · ”

The smile opened the bathroom door on the second floor as he spoke to himself, and he was surprised to see Linda in the shower.

“Who's there?”

“Hey, sis! ”

“Are you not cautious? What if the door opens suddenly? ”

Linda's smile quickly closes the door and retreats.

“I'm sorry, I didn't know you were here. ”


Suddenly, the smile that stood behind the door began to question me.

I heard you went to Incheon's house yesterday. ’

“Sister? Then why are you here so early? ”

“What? I can't hear you! ”

“Why did you come home so early? ”

“What's he saying? Wash up and talk. ”


A smile dropped from the bathroom gave me a hesitant look.

‘Something's fishy. Last night two unemployed fellows broke into the house side by side this morning? Those idiots?'

Linda pretending to be there and Jehee the naughty didn't get along so well. I don't tease because I belong to one group, but it was hard to be friends unless I met them for another purpose.

Did he accidentally come in about the same time? ’

Last vacation before the official debut. Half of the members headed home

The rest of the guests are mostly from distant places like Jehee's, bad families like Linda's, or foreigners like Ring's.

They had no reason to leave, except for a smile that he promised to see his cousin Jonghyun for the last time before the military.

Suddenly, the two of them went out for no reason, and they returned to their homes in the morning as if they had promised.

The smile suddenly reminded me of a lesson that disappeared without a word, and I thought doubtfully.

"Oh, my God, that bitch? ’


Angry Fire Column