588. Gujarati Band48

"That's right, you finally got the rhythm. ’

Sex is a sort of assistive movement.

It takes considerable effort to match the excitement curves of both men and women who are prone to preheating.

A man who does not get wet but only wants to stab hard by himself, or a woman who runs up late and wrinkles things after losing a stone, is unattractive.

A somewhat experienced man realizes that compassion is just as important as insertion, and a moderately ripe woman learns to keep men excited even when she squeezes.

But it is still the realm of art that synchronizes.

Conditions of the day.

Emotional fixation.

Hormone cycle.

It is very difficult to control and coordinate each variable and reach orgasm at the same time.

It is not easy to climb to the top together, even though you know each other intimately through frequent sex, but you need a significant perspective to get to orgasm in the first place.

But it was easy for him.

‘You're so sweet. Now let's speed it up. ’

With a myriad of experiences, he was able to instinctively calculate the speed at which a woman would be driven in intensity. The upper-class master looked at the world through his eyes, and it was similar to measuring its history.

He held Seohyun's waist tightly.

The so-called 'Quick Fire Pistol’ pose.

Your knees are a little bent on the firm tile floor, but you don't have the posture to rush off the top so quickly.

“Here we go.”

Tuda da da da da da da!

He bombarded Seohyun with a rhythmic bounce on his back. It was Gatling Po that shot 3,000 rounds a minute.

His massive body strikes the vaginal hole at a tremendous rate and destroys Seohyun.


It was shocking.

Seohyun trembled with a huge chew that was hard to experience in my life.

Oh, my God! ’

The lesson of shaking yourself as you please.

His identity, which he thought was just a good-looking cheater, was actually a sex god.

That's what happened! That's why I couldn't break up with my brother, without school motivation or you! ’

Seohyun earnestly understood what it meant to be underneath.

The lesson now was the perfect trainer.

Female proficiency was a playful piston master.

“Ahh, oh, brother! ”

By the time Seohyun's mind had become cloudy, he had changed his position.

Changing position during the process was of two meanings: one to change the point of irritation that can become dull with the same movement, and the other to slow down breathing to its peak while preserving vitality.

He lifts his thin legs and covers his shoulders. Seohyun, who slightly lifted his back in the daytime difference, felt like he was floating in the air.

‘Ey, what is this? ’

The lesson of holding your thighs steady begins to strike a heavy blow, unlike before the rapid firing.


“Haaa!! ”

Boom boom boom!


Thump, thump!


A peculiar rhythm that looks like an application of the length of a tool.

It was a different stimulus for Seohyun. If the previous rapid-fire pistols are fast approaching and the skill to target the vaginal entrance, the second position was a deep tap through depth and rhythm.

[Oh, what is this?]



"Goodbye, not a street. Earl of our ancestors is a living, traditional finger. ’

[Do you mean you applied the headgear to sex?]

There's a rhythm to every human movement. That's what we call a constant rhythm. ’

[Oh, I see.]

Bang, bang, bang!

“Ah-ah, ah-ah! ”

Seohyun's body was full of chicken flesh.

It feels completely different from the rush.

It was like having sex alternately with two people.

‘No, it's amazing. How many times have you had sex with this technique? ’

Seo Hyun felt ashamed. I closed my eyes when I thought how ridiculous the bluffing that started at the beginning would look. Then he asked.

“You like it?"

“· · Yes. ”

“Don't tell me you're sick later because of me. Tell me if you're having a hard time. I'm always happy to help. ”

“It's okay. The doctor said it's almost healed. ”

Even a bottle like this would be better.

Seohyun felt uneasy how happy it was to be born a woman while holding him in his arms.

‘Ha. How can I let you go like this? You never give up. ’

Seohyun wrapped his arms around his neck and hugged him.

“I'm not letting you go. ”

“What does that mean? ”

“I know you don't like me very much. But I can't give up now. I don't need your pride or anything, so don't throw me away. ”

“Why did I abandon you? ”

The answer was yes, but he felt embarrassed.

‘I don't know anyone else, but Seo Hyun has to organize · ·. ’

He was overwhelmed by Seohyun's obsession. Even if I understood her actions in my head, I had no intention of putting up with them. There were plenty of women anyway.

‘Well, that's a problem even if you're too good. ’

[Confidence pierces the sky.]

‘You're right. When women taste mine, they never break up. ’

[Having experienced the devastation of the octopus expansion?]

‘You said it was a bit of a problem, but you're so sweet, I can't help it. ’

[If so, hang a solid gold standard as a common sense amendment. Ms. Seo Hyun is dangerous. I'm tired of hugging you right now, but I'm sure you're a ticking time bomb that can go off at any time.]

‘I agree with that. Anyway, I have no choice but to hold him just because he's hung like that. ’

“I thought you were pushing me away. ”

“As I said before, I don't want to be subordinated to anyone. I was a little overwhelmed by your actions. ”

“I'm done hanging around. ”

“Can you trust that promise? ”

“How do you expect me to believe that? ”

“Just hold on tight. ”


“I'll stand up. Hold my neck tight. ”

“Ah, ah. Yes.”

He raises himself upright, raising his waist.

The two of them are now sitting, hugging each other. He sat on both legs, and Seohyun was the older brother who sat on his legs, wrapped them around his waist.

“Ha. It's coming in deep. ”

“This feels good, too, right? ”

“Yes · · ·. I like everything you do. ”

“Lift your butt a little. ”


When Seohyun lifted his butt, he put his hands underneath him.


“Huff, huff! ”

“Sit down. How does it feel?"

“Hmmm, you, I love. ”

“If you want to continue this relationship with me, there are a few things you need to protect. ”

“What is it?”

Seohyun stared directly at his face.

I was satisfied with my attitude and discipline.

“It's my common sense to call a relationship where men and women don't just have sex for a long time, a sex spartner. So from now on, we're having a sex spartner relationship. ”

“Sex spartner · · · ·. ”

With the use of common sense reform skills, Seohyun's pupils lightly loosened and he/she unknowingly redefined each other's relationship. The commandment, which was triggered by the spell 'in my mind’, was a huge magic that changed the concept of the opponent.

“Yes, sexist. between you and me. What do you think?”

“I think that would be okay, too. ”

Seohyun thought it wouldn't be so bad if he could give and receive this kind of pleasure periodically, because it was a situation where large objects were coming and going. The amazing power of common sense reform was that it eliminated the feeling of disguise so that anything could be accepted as naturally as possible.

“Number two. It's my common sense that sexists should pay attention to each other's grades. ”


“Yes, it would be a shame to ignore your studies while having sex. Isn't it the virtue of the sect to help each other earn credit? ”

It was nonsense, but the power of a common sense reform skill to brainwash one person 3 times was great. Seohyun nodded his head as if it was natural for him to do so.

“Helping the sextant get good credit. · · Of course, right?”

“And it's my common sense. ”

He remembered the last common sense to inject.

‘Seohyun is like a bomb, Rossi, like you said. Especially since you know most of my secrets, opening your mouth is likely to cause tremendous disruption. ’

[That's right, so indecision is probably the most important thing.]

‘Yes, indecisive. ’

“The only thing we have to know is you and me in this world. Can you keep a secret? ”

“Secret · · ·. Of course.”

“If you break it and you're jealous, you'll be too disappointed. ”

“I won't let you down. ”

“You were so jealous earlier. That I had sex with Green. ”

“Ahh · · ·. ”

A slight fury appeared on Seohyun's face, but it disappeared.

“It doesn't matter anymore. Whoever you've met in the past, whoever you are besides me. He won't care. ”


“Yes. It's enough for me to meet you like this. ”

‘Luckily, the metamorphosis seems to be in effect. ’

[That's reassuring, but isn't the second condition a little bit wrong?]

Credit management? ’

[Yes, the owner is studying well · ·. with the goal of this semester and the senior class.]

‘Of course I'm good at it. But wouldn't it be easier to achieve it if Seo Hyun helped? ’


‘Seo-hyun is the head of our department. I know it's a lot to take in, but he's a very clever kid. I think I might have something to help you with. Well, what, do you want me to take over for you when you're busy? ’

[Wow, in the meantime, did you even think about how to use it? You're amazing.]

‘There's no free sex in the world. ’

Taun is satisfied with the proper modification of common sense skills and speeds up pumping. Seohyun quickly breathed and broke his back as he pushed the train away, lifting his butt.

“Hmmm, oh, brother, I'm just weird. ”


“Are you finally coming? ”

“Oh, what's Mr. Oh? ”

“It's about to burst, isn't it overwhelming? ”

“No, you're right. Ha, ha, ha! Oh, it's me. ”

He notices that the peak is approaching. He grabbed his shoulders with both arms under Seohyun's armpits. Then Seohyun's torso was firmly fixed and stuck together like a body with him.

“Come, I'll send you to Hong Kong. ”


“Ah, ah, ah, ah! Oppa, Oppa, I'm just going to pee. ”

“Wrap it up. Just put it all down. ”

“Oh, no. Embarrassed · · ·. ”

“It's okay. Don't be shy. I want to see you pee. ”

“Huff, huff, huff! Oh, brother, stop it! ”

“Get rid of it! Just spill it all! ”

He pushed him as hard as he could to blow up Seohyun somehow. However, it was the first time Seo-hyun had settled down in the last difficulty.

‘I don't think so. It's been a long time since I've worn an Eromanium bracelet. ’

[Miss Seo Hyun will feel a foreign body. Will it be okay?]

‘You're so excited. You have no idea what's going on inside. ’

He activated an eromanium bracelet that was attached to the object. Eromannium bracelets were usually absorbed into the skin and embedded to create a ring like a sunflower, as needed.

‘For Seohyun, who was the only sunflower I saw, today I'm going into sunflower vibration mode! ’

[Indeed, you are a meaningful choice.]

As the sunflower kicks in, his ears bulge. Tissues that emerged in the same shape as the Rosary Ring rubbed against the vaginal wall and gave an unprecedented stimulus.

“Hehe, hehe! Oh, there's something in there! ”

Seo Hyun also opened his eyes to see if he felt strange. You can't see it during piston exercises anyway, so your lessons are boring.

“They're on their way. Open the bottom, Seo Hyun. ”

“Ah, ah, ah, no!! ”

Do a high-speed spin! ’

[Sunflower starts spinning at high speed.]


It was amazing.

The sunflower produced in the vagina returns to high speed like a living creature. Meanwhile, he did not stop punching, and the entire vaginal wall was impaled by stabbing pressure.

Suddenly, Seohyun sighed with his eyes turned upside down.

“Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuahhhhhh! Oh, take it out, take it out! ”

“No. As long as we're here, we'll just pack it up. ”

“Oh brother!!!!!!!!! ”


I felt an explosion in Seohyun's vagina. He was surprised at something that burst out fiercely, lifting Seohyun's body up.

At that time,


When he pulled out the object, Seohyun's vein burst.


“Ooh, ooh. This!”

The lesson of showering with fountains all over my body was a surprise. He was a fountain show using Shiohuki technology, but it was unprecedented when the vein burst during insertion.


Seohyun bowed his head to shame and shame.

In the first sex, it also spilled urine during insertion.

If there was a rat hole, I would want to go inside and hide.


Angry Fire Column