569. Gujarati Band29

At first, I thought I saw a Chucky doll.

Believe it or not, Juju appeared with a denim poppet that looked slightly over-fit on a single shirt that crossed white and red.

"Ugh, snow gangs! ’

It wasn't just that.

Whatever his confidence, Juju was wearing a braided pair of beetles. I was terribly upset about the unacceptable fashion.

“What are you dressed for? ”

“How's that? Fashionable, isn't it? ”

Yeah, it is.

I think that's the kind of fashion you want to kill someone wearing.

She didn't know my heart, so I had a drink more.

“Cute girls are popular these days, DeHet. ”

Juju, who smiled with a freckled face, was beyond adorable and terrifying. I never would have gotten out of that school.

Suddenly, I was ashamed of myself for talking to her in front of a school dropout bench. If I had known Chucky like that, I'd look like a weirdo for no reason.

“Oh, Hee-joo, you look beautiful today. ”

“Thank you.”

Someone who knew the owner passed by and handed her a virtue.

Women are so strange.

If you look closely, I compliment that you're only pretty for those who aren't. A friend who is prettier than you is a chance similar to the rule that never brings you on a date.

“Aren't you on your way to class? ”

“No, it's over. ”

Heeju sat next to me without noticing.

As her seating motion is triggered, I sprinkle up like a spring.

“Come to think of it, I have class. ”

“You're done for the day. ”


“We all know there's no Tuesday afternoon class. Why are you doing this? ”

Ghostly bitch.

No, Chucky bitch.

You've been keeping track of my timetable all day.

“I'm actually going to the library to study. ”

I surrounded him with a shrugged expression.

“Hang on, you're going to see a girl. ”

“· · · What? ”

“Am I the only one you've got? You're not tired. ”

The students sat on a trapeze bench and heard a loud commotion. What if someone hears us?

I straightened my face and said,

“Hey, watch your mouth. ”

“So just sit here for a second. I have something to ask you. ”

Jiju pats the bench side with his palm. It felt like I was under pressure to do as I was told if I didn't want my secret to get out.

However, the actions of the host were not unusual because he was in a nervous state while looking for the one behind the sugarcane.

‘Yes, you forgot your amphibian. I didn't care because she was such a whiny bitch, but she knows my every move. ’

I tend to project what my opponent wants.

A whip for a woman of mathematical taste.

Soft and handsome for a woman who wants her church brother's style.

And for a woman who likes to suck it up, she's like a chatty dwarf.

I also treated her cool because she was an original footstool style. I even had a boyfriend, and I used to sing him to karaoke. Heeju will also know what kind of person I am. He should check it out, too.

Rossi, can you hear yourself? ’

[You used it on Tae Young-goon earlier, so you still need cooldown time.]

‘Hmmm. Where's the info window? ’

[Again, less than an hour remains.]

‘I'm in trouble. ’

[You can also buy disposable items.]

‘That's it. You don't have to use your points to find out in an hour. ’

I stooped down beside her without a doubt.

To read inside Yanhee, we had to be together for at least an hour.

‘Clearing out suspicious people one by one is the most obvious. ’

“What do you want to ask? ”

His expression was not very good because he was threatened.

“Oh, I'm just kidding. Are you upset? ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

“Who listens to others in these places, my ass. ”

“I don't have time, so just ask. ”

“Oh, it's just that the professor gave me a survey assignment. ”


“I'm going to take a topic and investigate it like an anchor. It's a performance culture class, and you're giving me this? ”

“What did you decide? ”

“The masturbation of men. ”

“Hey! ”

He shouted because he was ridiculous, but he smiled and said with a face full of freckles.

“Please help me just once. I don't know who to ask. ”

“You have a boyfriend. ”

“I asked him a long time ago. But you have to do it for a lot of people. It's a census.”


“Anyway, this place is too public. It would be embarrassing for anyone to be asked such sensitive questions in the middle of a public debate. ”

“I thought you didn't care. ”

“Hey, I have an image, too. ”

“Ahh · · ·. You act naive on the outside. Okay, I'll get you a cup of coffee. ”

Heeju said as if using a toebox.

I wanted to run away because I was annoyed, but I had to follow her because I needed time to confirm her innocence.

A $2,000 cheap cup of coffee was taken out of the bag and a piece of paper was placed in the corner. It was a questionnaire with questionnaires. She pulls out a sign, sets it on the table, and sets it in position.

“It'll all be over soon. ”

“Don't say it out loud. ”


“You don't know? ”

That's what I'm talking about.

People are gonna be so embarrassed to be with you because of your beeping head!

I've felt it before, but Juju seems to be the type with a lot of confidence, even in his ugly face. Perhaps it's because of the terrifying figure hidden in that handcuff.

Even now, the breasts that protruded from the side of the hook were showing considerable volume. If you just keep it down your neck, it must be a fraudulent character.

Well, I'm a little tired of grinding.

“· · The content of the questionnaire is a bit like that. ”

“Hehe. You're surprisingly naive. ”


“That's not true when you're alone with a woman. ”

“Don't be ridiculous. Just ask me a quick question. ”

“Hmph, you're being rude. Okay, first things first. A name.”

“You know that. ”

“Will you take my questionnaire seriously? I even bought him his own coffee. ”

“Jeez · · · ·. Lee Do-hoon.”

He picked up a ballpoint pen and wrote down his name.

“How old are you?”


“Oh, were you twenty-three? ”


“Did I ever think there'd be two of you? ”

“When I was twenty years old, I went to the military after freshman year, and I sent twenty-one, twenty-two troops to go back to school this year. So three.”

“Glkuna, I thought I was in the army for a year. ”


You don't have enough ground. You don't have enough common sense.

How did he get to our department?

Oh, right. You had a little bit of white chili, too, didn't you? He is said to be a criminal, but he is one of the least proficient in gym. Probably 100% confident in the play, but it must be the type of beating with the body like a heartbeat. I think I can exercise well just by looking at my body. The breasts and buttocks are breathtaking and the waist looks surprisingly slim.

“Well, anyway, let's take a poll. Have you ever masturbated? ”

“Can you ask me a small question? ”

“Why? I've deliberately settled into a place where people can't see me. ”

Heeju and I sat on the edge of the coffee shop as well. Seats with no other tables attached, thanks to the space marked [STAFF ONLY] in front.

“Anyway, don't call it masturbation. Be gentle with it. I'm embarrassed to hear it.”

“Then let's settle down. Have you ever adjusted? ”

I think it's even more sexy.

“You know what?”

“Heh. Men, indeed. ”

“Why is there another man? ”

“My boyfriend told me. I heard all men respond. ”

“Some people don't. ”

“Unless, of course, you want to. ”

“No priests, no priests. ”

“Anyways, no one's ever done it, no one's ever done it. How often do you do it? ”

“Not really.”

“Well, to be honest, ”

“I really don't. ”


“Because you don't have to. ”

It's true.

I'm amazed that your semen doesn't dry while you're taking care of the women you have. Why would you take it out alone?

However, she clutches her chin with a hesitant expression.

When I saw him holding his chin in a floral backrest position on the table, I almost spilled coffee without even knowing it. Oww, I'll just grab that beep head and leave it behind.

“Huh, that's good. So when was the last time you responded? ”

“I don't remember. ”

This was also the truth. I didn't have to masturbate after I was reborn as Lee, too. I don't even remember what life he lived before.

“Including what the woman did for me. ”


“The goddaughter. ”

“No, really, you! ”

Husband smiles as he shouts in disdain.

That reminds me.

This crazy bitch is a big-ass bitch who snuck up to her tits on a bus.

[As expected, Miss Hee is quite charming.]

"She can't even get her feet wet. She's skinned. I can't believe this kid came to the death squad to be a teacher. ’

[Are you saying the dog with the poop is buried?]

‘Hm. What else could it be?'

Rossi didn't have anything to say when he stabbed her.

Even Juju is free to drink, but compared to my female strength, it will only be the blood of a new foot.

“You got that? ”

“But how do you play it sleep · · · · adapt? ”

“Why? If you don't put it in, it's your daughter. ”

“Oh, my God. ”

“When was the most recent time? ”

I stuffed my memory.

But I still can't remember.

It was because I was too energetic to go with my goddaughter or mouth.

“I remember well · · ·. Huh?”

I suddenly touched my shin underneath the table.

Looking down, Juju was climbing up my leg barefoot with his canvas sneakers off.

“What are you doing?”

“No, I was wondering if that's it. ”



“Hey, hey, hey, hey!! ”

Her feet boldly dug into my groin. As I twitched my toes and provoked the object, I suddenly heard a loud noise.

“Whoa, I can hear you ♥"

She trickily used me to be cautious in front of others. Even in the corner, I realized that I couldn't resist in a crowded coffee shop.

"You grinding bitch! ’

[Hehe. Miss Hee-joo, I really can't stop her.]

“Well, I'm sure they don't stand very well. ”

“Do you think you can stand without even trying? ”

“Was it not stimulating enough? ”

She pushes one leg between her thighs and suddenly releases both sides of her arm. Then the striped pattern revealed her breastplate, which was poisonous. Her shirt, clearly dressed in one dimension, provoked her tits to the C-cup.

‘Phew! The real body. ’

“How are you? Are you getting irritated? ”

“Why are you doing this to me? ”

“Because my brother is unfaithful to my questionnaire. ”

“Don't you feel sorry for your boyfriend? ”

“Hmph. When do you fuck a girl with a boyfriend? ”

“No it · · · · ·. ”

“Never mind. ”


“He was a different kid then. ”

“Gosh, did it change that soon? ”

“The bird? It's been a month. Crabs were too bad. ”

“So you changed it? ”

Huiju said, wiggling his toes without rest.

“But the problem is, even my new boyfriend is still not cool. ”

“Phew. ”

“The youngsters have no malt. My brother was perfect. Uh, bigger. ”

“Wouldn't you? ”

“Hehe. Then I won't. ”

“Are you kidding me?"

“Maybe you should try it. ”

She lowers her feet and suddenly opens her legs. Even in secluded seats, I can't believe I'm showing up in public.

[It's a whirlwind, after all.]]

"Cut the crap with the catchphrases, he's an idiot. ’

[It's fascinating to loosen a little screw.]

“Come in, come on. ”

“You don't think I can do it? ”

I also took off my shoes and stretched my legs straight forward.

This time, my legs dug through the heels of Juju's trousers.

“Hmmm, it's a nice vibe. I'll keep going. Anyway, you haven't masturbated lately, right? ”


I deliberately pushed my toes together and stabbed them in the middle, but she continued the questionnaire as if she was fine. It seemed like Denim's thick material made the stimulus dull.

“Then another question. How many times in a row have you masturbated in the past? ”

“What kind of questionnaire is that? ”

“Answer me. For the record, my current boyfriend has succeeded five times in a row. Idiot, I work so hard when I punch you. ”

Heeju quietly taunted me with another man's record.

I continued to answer, stimulating her fracture with my toes.

“I don't remember masturbating very well, but I've had sex at most seven times. Maybe that's how you masturbate. ”

“Ey, seven times? ”


Around that time, my posture began to falter to see if he was starting to feel it too. I rubbed my toes there without rest. Until then, I was tolerant.


“You don't believe me? ”

“This is what men do. They brag about it. No way. I tried to believe it when I masturbated, but I had sex seven times. ”

“It's not just the same people in the world. ”

“Prove it. ”

He said with two balls reminded. Seeing you drooling, it looks like the bot has burst.

“How what? ”

“I can give it to you. ”


Angry Fire Column