565. Writer's Ban25

“What are you doing? ”

As she lays her voice and sends a warning, the crystal shrugs and takes off her hands.

“You're being rude. ”

“We agreed to watch out for each other at school. ”

Luckily, no one saw it. I never thought I'd sit on a bench in broad daylight, by the way. You must be starving.

“I'm just kidding. ”

“I'm joking. ”

“I can't help it because of the stress of the test. ”

The crystal sighs deeply. She is a student studying in the library for a year. The pressure will be unbearable. I thought it was too immersive, so I comforted myself with a soft voice.

“Having a hard time? ”

“Talk to me? You'll feel it later in fourth grade. By then, the guys who went first will look great! ”

“That's a lot of work. ”

“That's why I'm complaining. ”


Suddenly, I was curious about how strong women's desires were.

It was a word that was also associated with the psychological state of snow resin.

“Is that it? ”

“Of course. Sometimes real · · · ·. You want someone to just attack you? Oh, come on. I think I'm crazy. ”

“Huh. You can't live without a man. ”

“Who's to blame for this? He attacked me when I was studying. ”

“Who told you to eat noodles? ”

“Even Yi Dou Hoon, who eats everything he gives, is not responsible. ”

“Well, I'm sorry about that. ”

The crystal looks tired. As my physical strength dropped with repeated trials and hot weather, I felt emotional pressure. As always, long probation requires strong mental strength.

“I've been having nightmares. ”


“I just want to be unemployed like this. Competition rate goes up every year, but I wonder if there's room for me to come in. He's always on edge. ”

“Is that why you're complaining? You don't have a place to unwind? ”

“Yes. I'm very busy with the disciple who frees me. ”


Unlike men, women don't seem to lack lust. It's the same person, but how different it must be.

“I'm having a hard time starting class. Or in the evening. ”

“Hey, I'm just kidding. Don't worry about it. I'm embarrassed.”

“No, really. ”

“And not this week anyway. ”


“I'm on my period. ”

“Your period?”

“Come if you want to be Tteokbokki. Heehee.”

Tteokbokki, please.

“Well, what about next time? ”

“How was your practice, by the way? ”

“Fair enough. Nothing too difficult, being a bystander. ”

“The woman. ”

“What about women? I practiced on the other side. ”

“What did he say? What does the student care? I'm talking about the students. ”


“Uh, didn't anyone like your wife? ”

I didn't lose it.

Two teachers and two teachers.

Did he go to practice, or did he go after the girl?

That's a lot of work.

Of course, I didn't intend to tell Crystal the truth. It's a consensual sex relationship with Crystal, but no matter how cool she is, she won't like me seeing other girls.

Sometimes it's medicine you don't know.

“If it were, you'd be flirting. ”

“Yes. There's no way a man as easy as you can stay here for this week. ”

“He's not an easy guy. It's just not that hard. ”

“Foot. That and that. ”

The crystal seemed to recuperate as we spoke. My eyes are lively and I have more words. Since he was originally this active, how much does his probation feel like a prison?

“Then you must be a little crowded, too. ”


“Well, aren't you harder to bear than I am? I heard men need to be cut off periodically. ”

‘That's a tricky way to talk. I think you're really in a bad mood. ’

[It seems so.]

‘There are women like that sometimes. Rather exploding lust in the middle of Mance. The crystal looks a little like that. ’

As I hesitated, the crystal whispered quietly.

“· · I can take it out for you. ”

“Excuse me?”

“I just can't do it, not without water. ”

“I'm original. ”

The sneaky nudge finally lifted both hands to the need for a crystal.

I felt sorry for him. I think I need to volunteer today because I know how to help each other in times of need.

We made our way to a rare place. Since college classes are not fixed every hour like high school, finding an empty classroom was not that difficult.

After looking at the timetable on the door and checking the void, I snuck into the classroom with a crystal. The long classroom-shaped classrooms were dimmed. Only a faint ray of sunlight entered through the falling blinds.

I said, stealing the sweat from my forehead.

“I'm sweating just because I moved this. Summer is summer.”

“You can wipe your sweat off. Do you know how awkward it is to wear a sanitary pad in this weather? Imagine wearing a tunic around here. ”

As soon as I entered the empty classroom, the crystal crashed into my pants.

She quickly unzips her panties and rubs them frequently.

“Hey, how did you get in here so fast? ”

“Then don't get sick of it. ”

“How come you can't touch it like that? ”

The crystal pulls the object out and scrubs it with its bare hands. Then I pushed myself against the wall and hit my lips.

“I missed you so much, you idiot. ”

‘What the hell. ’

At this point, it was unclear whether he was fucking or coming to be fucked. At first, I must have seduced him, but now he's turned around. The crystal swirls its elongated kiss and sweeps away the object with its bare hands.

“I miss this, too. ”

“You're just a wannabe. ”

“Just untie me and tell me. ”

The crystal shrunk naturally and began sucking at the object.

[How dare you. This seems to be very toxic today.]

‘Fair enough. You haven't tasted a man in over a month. ’

I asked for a crystal that was sucking something delicious.

“Is there really no one else but me? ”


“Don't you have other sexes? ”

The crystal takes off for a moment and narrows its eyes.

He looked a little irritated.

“Do you want me to go to another man? ”

“Nah, if it's that hard to bear. · · · ”

“Well, we're not together, so you don't need our permission, do you? ”

She was still cool. Frequently sucked once with my mouth was slippery. The crystal shakes its shiny object with its bare hands.

“I can't afford a man. ”


“What kind of relationship is that with a pregnancy? I can't take care of her, and I don't have time for a date anymore. ”

“And you want to have sex? ”

“Well, anyway, we have to let the herd go. This is better for you, isn't it? ”

“I have nothing to lose. ”

“You want to go out with another woman. ”

“Are you sure it's okay? ”

“It doesn't matter. Instead. ”

The crystal licks the frog with its mouth as it grabs the pillar of the object. I felt a terrible thirst as I licked my tongue all over the place.

“Sometimes all you have to do is comfort me like this. Don't just take your girlfriend too seriously. 'Cause that would really piss me off. ”

“You're asking me to cheat on you, that's it. ”

“Why? No? ”

The crystal persistently made fun of the object. I was very aggressive as if I was going to unwrap it with my mouth when I was having my period. But drinkin 'the water of the sea can't be seaweed. I'm just getting thirsty.

“Suit yourself. I'm an easy guy, by the way. ”

“You said it wasn't hard. ”

“That or that.”


When the preheating is over, the bulk becomes firm.

I held the head of the crystal in both hands.

“I want to pee in my mouth. ”

“ · · ·? ”

“Hold still. ”

You grab the crystal's head and pull it into its groin. I frowned as the large object dug into my throat to see if the crystal was stuffy.


“Hang in there. ”

The crystal shook its elongated head and drooled into its mouth. The sadness inside me shivered when I saw her face broken with her eyes open.

‘I want to make a mess of it. ’

“Do you want to be stuck? ”

With the object in your mouth, the crystal shakes your head.

“Tell me the truth. You want to.”

When I let go of the hand that grabbed my head, the crystal pulled out the object and said.

“Hehe! Hehe! I can barely breathe! ”

“I'm sorry. I don't know. ”

“If you do it now, you'll get fried. ”

“It doesn't matter, just say what you want. ”

“Oh dear · · · ·. ”

The crystals seemed to conflict. What we do with our mouths is, of course, lacking. She mutters to herself.

“It's not the first day, so there's very little volume. ”

“I wanted to. Get up.”

The crystal raises the body. I turned her over to the classroom desk and pulled the churning trousers down. Chewing trousers in cotton rushed down and caught my ankle. Her panties were swelling because of her period.

“Oh · · · I'm not trying to do this. ”

“I'm fine. Do you have any wipes? ”

“Yes, in the echo bag. ”

“and clean it up. ”

As I pulled down my panties, I saw a bloody sanitary pad on the lining. The stench of bitter blood diminished my lust, but I couldn't bear to look at the wet hole. It seemed like he was already anxious to put it in a place where he was already happy.

‘Era, I don't know. Let's have a Tteokbokki.

I put the crystal on the table and plunged the object into the ground. The crystal grips the edge of the desk, groaning as it digs into the hot hole.

“Hac! Sa, be gentle! ”

“You're already wet. What? ”

Fortunately, there wasn't much blood on it, as the crystal said.

I grabbed her bony ass and quickly started pistoning.

“Haha, ha. What a lesson.”


“Why are you so good? ”

“Are you doing well, Sylar? ”

“I can't be satisfied alone because of you. ”

“Did you masturbate? ”

“I couldn't stand the stress. ”

Suddenly, the word "complaint" came to mind.

“You can't stand girls either? ”

“Of course. Women are people. I'm particularly prosperous because of someone. ”

“You're not going to do that all year, are you? ”

“I'm usually right before my period or when I have my period. ”

‘Hmm. That's normal. What is Seouli resin? Have you been menstruating all year? ’

[No way, you'll bleed to death.]

‘I'm just saying. ’

“Is that why you're so crowded? ”

“Haha, Hak, right. I couldn't stand you any longer. ”

“Spread your legs. ”

The crystal moves its feet and throws a chain of clothes at your ankles.


I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her off the desk.

“Yikes, yikes, what are you doing? ”

“I'm going to change my position. Get on the ground.”

In the inverted position, the loose crystal barely folds over and lands on the floor. The angle of insertion changed and became more sticky.

“What are you talking about? ”

“What a pose. Punishment. ”

Lifting her upper back, her whole body is pulled up.


“This is deeper, isn't it? ”

“Oh, I'm bleeding into my head. ”

The crystal was stuck to me with my body completely folded up like a folder. As I lowered her posture, she also knelt down on the ground like a dog.

“I like this pose best. ”

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

My knee swoops down to try to flip it off the ground. However, rather than a brief pain, I doubled the excitement of a different place called an empty classroom and the tension that someone might find it.

[You're just leaving, too.]

‘It's always been me. ’

[It's not going well, it's just going out.]

“Huang, Huang, me, you bastard. He never called. ”

“How do I get in touch with you to study? ”

“I'll study. Do you? ”

“You'll want to see me again when you get in touch. ”

“Still, do it. ”

“Got it.”

‘We must succeed in any way we can. I didn't expect everyone to call like this. ’

[Of course. I'm the owner. I meet women all the time, but the only women you meet are you.]

‘Yeah. Suddenly I'm sorry. ’

I couldn't stall, so I raised the pitch quickly. The crystal gasps as if to breathe.

“Ow, ow, you, I love. ”

“You like it that much? ”

“This is why I can't forget you. Haak.”

“Then don't forget. I'll pick on you every once in a while if I have a girlfriend. ”

“Tsk. Greedy bastard. ”

“Can I pee inside? If you're having your period.”

“Pack it. Lots of it. ”

I put up the last spud to drive the crystal. Normally, I would have dragged time away by changing my posture before the orgasm arrived, but I couldn't hold it long because it was a place.




The body that lost its warmth trembles as the semen flows out. The crystal lies flat on the ground, exhaling its harsh breath.

“Ugh, ugh. What a beast. ”

“Whatever. You liked the map. ”


The crystal that raised the body took the wipes out of the echo bag and cleaned up the back. I also wiped the sticky object with a wipe. When I wiped off the semen and menstrual blood that were covered with white wipes, I turned brown. It smells a little ironic.

I finished up and came back out again, but the class was almost over. Crystal said.

“I shouldn't have overdone it. ”

“No, I wanted to. Is your knee okay?"

“You gonna be okay? I told you to rub it on the bottom. ”

The crystal frowns and frowns.

“Next time, don't be afraid to do it right. ”

“Got it.”

The crystal turned to the library and told me again.

“By the way, I take back what you just said. ”

“What do you mean? ”

“You're seeing someone else. I'm getting a little pissed off when I think about doing it with another girl. ”

“Oh, come on, there's no such thing. ”

“Where is it? It's my heart. ”

The crystal flies out its tongue and runs to the library.

However, the woman's heart cannot be held captive.


Angry Fire Column