562. Gujarati Ban22

As I sat on the edge of the bathtub, my heart sank between my legs.

The expanded object, which seemed to explode, was exhibiting a huge presence that could be pushed out even if held side by side with two hands. The tone of the voice shook my tongue with an embarrassed expression. There's a cute corner to everything you do with your innocent face. I licked it with my tongue underneath the crowbar, and it gave me a tingling sensation from my toes.

"Ugh, why are you so sensitive? ’

Cooper's proficient hand was gently soothed and thoroughly touched. The tongue-tipped tone said to me.

“Brother, water's coming out. ”

“Ugh, yeah. Sure."

Jung yin now turns her head to the side, licking the boulder sideways like she's blowing a harmonica. I groaned as she played.

“Huff. Huff. Large.”

“What's the matter? ”

“You're too good. I can't stand it.”

“Blood. Lies. ”

The tune felt as if it believed in my energies, tapping the elongated object while simultaneously shriveling the balls. After entering and coming out of the hot tub, the egg that was limping underneath was harassed at her hands.

‘Ugh! I can't take it anymore. ’

I couldn't carry on with my patience.

“Jeongyeong, would you like to get up? ”

As I stood up, I turned my back and pressed down on my waist. The noticeable tune immediately extended out the buttocks and grabbed the end of the bathtub to complete the inversion position.

I had to look at the tone from behind.

A plump butt was split in two, like a tasty apple, and the middle shell dripped with water to make it look good.

“I'll put it in now. ”


I grabbed her pelvis and pushed the object straight out like a cannon.


The entrance was not difficult because it was wet enough. But it was still a great place to meet. A fierce tightening started from the entrance, as if it were going to squeeze out a big object.

‘Ugh! That's so tight. ’

I feel it every time, but it's a really great name.

The vagina sticks together like an octopus's adsorption plate, but it was a mysterious movement that was born only to tighten the tone of constantly contracting and relaxing, as if it were alive.

A lot of money.

As I forcefully shook off the object, I heard a different humid sound.

“Haha, ah! ”

I felt embarrassed by the groaning, and the mood bowed my head and apologized.

“Oh, I think the water's in there. ”

“Yeah, that sounds amazing. ”

A lot.

The quick piston movement resisted the high vaginal pressure of the pressure defense of the total-biker. Movement creates space, and the space it creates opens the breath and smoothes the round trip.

“Ah, ah, ah, oh, brother! ”

The tinnitus twitches its buttocks to see if it feels from the beginning. I asked her mockingly.

“Can you tighten it any tighter than now? ”



Suddenly, I wondered what her maximum was.

My voice slowly nodded in response to my request.

“I'll give it a shot. ”

The heartbeat of the legs together gives strength to the vagina as if determined. At that moment, there was tremendous pressure on the object.

"Heheh heh heh heh heh heh. This is full power? ’

Suddenly, the pace slowed down rapidly as I was calm and empowered.

I heard that a camel going to heaven is harder than a needle hole, but the hole in the tune felt worse than that.

"Come on, you can't be serious. I can't even pull this off. ’

The object that has lost thrust is noticeably heavier.

Her hole was simply a swamp.

An enchanted swamp.

“How about this? ”

I asked as if I was curious.



“Have you practiced? ”

“Just · · · ·. Sometimes only Kegel workouts · · ·. ”

[Physical genius!]

"Admit it. It's only natural. ’

Sometimes there are people like that.

People who make the same effort but outperform others.

We call them geniuses.

I don't know if I'm good at anything with my body, but I think I'm as talented as I am at sex.

I was overwhelmed by the overwhelming talent difference.

If my physical was in the top 1%, she also looked more than 0.01%.

‘This place is a national treasure. ’


"So, like the precious treasure of the country. ’

[I'm not wrong about that.]


[Usually, when the country is in front of us, it means "the people."]

‘National Assistance · · · ·. ’

[Definitely, right?]

Then how about Sae Chong Bo? ’

[Seocho Bo?]

‘The strongest reinforcement ever. ’

[Master, come on!]

In any case, Jung Yin's place is at the highest level.

Ando Miki, who had been in a tough fight in Japan, was also a remarkable but unrivaled event. Even Song Mina's feasts often feel faded in front of her natural talent.

“Do you want to go out now? I'm a little choked up. ”


We moved the place and moved the battlefield to bed.

It was still wet, but it didn't matter if I rolled around and dried anyway.

I got ready again as I started World War II.

You said it doesn't matter if it's national treasure or private property.

I have the object that pierces everything.

* * *

When he and Jeongyeon spent time alone in the motel.

Taeyoung was insanely impressed with the luck that came to her tonight.

"Amazing! I can't believe you're exchanging messages with a sex star SSG! ’

Occasionally, when I browse the internet, I get reviews from people who said they won an off-site meeting or an invitation event. Taeyoung raised her expectations that she might be the star of the review this time. He was as happy as he had won the lottery.

‘By the way, SSG is going to Alba at this hour. What the hell is he doing? ’

Taeyoung concealed that SSG was an exposed woman and imagined working in plain clothes.

Convenience store or PC room? Maybe it's like a franchise coffee shop. Hide your body in your uniform and make a fake smile. ’

A sex star who does part-time work while hiding his real identity.

But when you get home, you're exposed to all kinds of nasty poses.

"Ugh, great! ’

It was definitely not like a wildlife actor.

Sex stars are everywhere.

We can even meet in person.

They may not be as skillful as they are, but there is freshness they cannot have. It became even more stimulating to be an ordinary person around us.

Taeyoung locked her in for a visit, enjoying the Instagram album photos of SSG one by one, and eagerly waited for her contact. From the exposure photos in the photo tray, it was definitely a pretty face as well as the body.

Sometimes imagination is more dramatic than reality.

Yeouidding (SSG1004): What are you doing?

Didn't the whole universe grant you a wish if you so desperately want it?

When I heard from the SSG who was waiting, Taeyoung seemed happy to fly.

"Ugh! I'm really back! ’

Taeyoung quickly replied.

MajorPE: I was thinking about you.

Jeoding (SSG1004): But why are you calling me sister? Do you know how old I am?

MajorPE: Oh, I'm a freshman.

Woman: I could be a freshman, too.

MajorPE: So, are you in the same class?

Susie tilted her head back home after finishing her study.

“I told her I was dating a sophomore · ·. Is that not him? ”

But I still couldn't believe it.

Instagram that can be authenticated by mail alone can create as many multi-accounts as they want. Susie continues to dig into the body while keeping a watchful eye on the opposing Pokémon for some reason. Like she's using clues she knows to make 20 heads.

Female student (SSG1004): How tall are you?

Taeyoung, who received the note, stopped.

"Would it be disappointing if I told you the truth? ’

MajorPE: over 180.

He said it was slightly larger than the average kidney, but it was more than 180 women preferred the most. in order to increase the likelihood of being off in case you didn't know.

Susie continued to ask questions to find out who Taeyoung was.

Yeouidding (SSG1004): Big? Is it the gym department?

MajorPE: Well, not exactly. Most exercises are good.

Woman: Yeah? Do you grow up often?

Resin was hesitant to say what she would never say in her day to day. Taeyoung hesitated to answer Susie's successive questions again.

‘Dammit, I met him with a big dick, but it's a shame to turn him off.' Even though the key can be tricked by insoles. ’

Height insoles could stretch up to 8cm.

Adding insoles to his height wasn't that hard to see over 180.

But it was obvious the moment I took it out.

Taeyoung sighed for a long time, looking at his stuff that he was touching.

‘Ha shit. It's unfair to be ugly, but not even a dick. ’

At the same time, I remembered something from my senior in second grade.

The overwhelming size I happened to see in the bathtub.

It was an unexploded size, but I had no choice but to admit it was a root member.

‘It would be nice if he had a handsome face and a big dick. If I were your face, I'd be fucking a girl right now. · · ’

Suddenly, Tae-young's cock felt inferior. The misery of a man who lost his confidence was unspeakable.

I couldn't reply and hesitated, but another note came flying in.

Ye Daeding (SSG1004): I like a big guy.

Taeyoung bites his teeth tightly. Suddenly, the comer came. It was so unfair for someone to be so handsome and so handsome, and for someone so ugly and so small.

‘Yeah, what's so important about getting your pants down anyway? It'll be over the minute we get to the motel, right? ’

Taeyoung began to turn the happiness circuit.

If you get to know one SSG and go all the way to the off, the key can be deceived as much as possible. Moreover, checking the item was after entering the motel, so it was worth trying if only for a moment.

‘Yes, why should I be honest with you? It's not like we're gonna meet and tape measure it, is it? Let's argue that it's a big deal. ’

MajorPE: So I'm just the guy. I'm kind of a big deal.

Yeouiding (SSG1004): Really?

MajorPE: Would you believe it if your nickname was Best in High School?

Yeouidding (SSG1004): Bucheon Choi?

MajorPE: Bucheon's strongest cock.

Jedhading (SSG1004): Hmm. Can you authenticate?


Taeyoung, who was bluffing, was overwhelmed.

It was because I didn't expect it to be verified with a photograph. Taeyoung became embarrassed.

MajorPE: Want to see it, why not meet it in person?

Yeouidding (SSG1004): Why do you need to meet small people?

Susie on the bus laughed.

Susie in the seat replied again.

Woman (SSG1004): You kidding me?

MajorPE: What am I?

Yeouidding (SSG1004): I asked you to authenticate, and suddenly you don't answer.

MajorPE: I did something else for a while.

Girls' Education (SSG1004): Are you sure you go to gym education? I think he cheated on me too.

MajorPE: No. Just in case I get mugged.

Yidding (SSG1004): Why is your identity being robbed? I don't even have a name on my dick.

Taeyoung became more and more embarrassed.

In the position of SSG, who was posting pictures with her face covered, there was no choice but to complain.

‘Dammit. If you send this, · · · ’

Taeyoung glances down at his belongings, unraveling.

Admirable size in one hand.

Every once in a while, Taeyoung, who was hot when the Megals mocked Sochu in Hanam, decided that he couldn't show his stuff.

Then, Taeyoung came up with a brilliant idea.

The SSG is right! It doesn't even have a name on it, does it? So it doesn't matter if it's not mine? ’

Taeyoung quickly searched the search box and replied.

MajorPE: I can show you that. I'm not done yet.

Yeouiding (SSG1004): Hehe. Do you want me to drive you crazy?

Susie on the bus looked around.

People who look at their phones or fall asleep in the car window.

No one noticed her.

I pulled up the skirt that resin was wearing carefully.

Although it was a long skirt to the knee because of the conservative father, it rolled up tightly and turned into a mini-skirt, revealing a smooth leg.

‘Oh, I'm nervous. ’

Exposure in public places has always been tense.

Fear of what might happen when someone sees their own bizarre behavior excites her.

The panties got wet.

Susie turned her panties to her side and spread her legs and put a camera on her phone. His gaze was still facing forward. There's no one behind him, so just be on your guard and you won't get caught.


Susie, who took the photo, sent Taeyoung a personal message.


Angry Fire Column