523. Student Practices67

Jina said with a shivering expression.

“I never thought you'd say that. ”

“Why? Is that weird? ”

“I just thought you were so nice and naive. ”

“What are you talking about? All men are wolves. ”

“So you're a wolf, too? ”


“All men are wolves just now. ”

“I'm not a wolf. More than that. ”

“Oh, brother! You're joking, right? ”


He stepped back, raising his tension for a long time.

‘If you push too hard, you can get scared, so fold it up here once. ’

“What the hell! You really scared me.”

“But you really didn't know? ”


“6974. ”

Jina's face turned red as she spoke dirty again. I was not very good at tightening people.

“Yes, of course. How would I know that? ”

“You know all the kids these days. ”

“I'm not that kind of girl. ”

Jina flinches. As a virgin in maternal solo, it was unfair of her to be treated like a raging woman.

“No, it's not because he's like that. I could pick it up anywhere. ”


‘How could you be so extraordinary? · · ’

Today's lesson was completely different from what it looked like at school. He acted like a man who had treated a lot of women. His tone was provocative, and he listened to himself. The skill of raising the pill was unusual.

‘I didn't know anything about you. ’

At that time, Nazik said the lesson of going through the tollgate high pass.

· · · Honestly, I'm not interested in Hye-jin. ”

“Yes, yes? ”

He declared the bomb.

“You just heard. Actually, Hye-jin isn't interested. ”

“Well, then why did you lie to me? ”

Jina's breasts start to beat. It was definitely a pattern I had seen a lot somewhere. In romance novels or dramas.

“You should be jealous. ”

“What does that mean? ”

“I thought you'd be jealous if I showed interest in Hye-jin. ”

“W-why me? ”

“Aren't you interested in me? ”

“ · · ·! ”

Direct cut.

Jina was speechless in the direct doctrine of doctrine. In a sudden confession, she missed the time to answer. He asked as if he was in a hurry.

“Am I right? ”

“· · · Oh, think what you want! ”

“Or say no. Maybe I was mistaken. ”

Jina's heart trembles like crazy. The unexpected reaction was the lesson of confessing in the car.

I liked him, but I couldn't be honest with him because I didn't want to hurt my pride. I didn't want Hye-jin to be seen as a unilateral partner.

‘Don't tell me you don't know me? ’

Jina fixes her posture and seriously asks.

“Oh, did you mean that? ”

As if he was waiting for him.

“No? I'm kidding. ”

Jina, who was puffed up with expectations, shouted.

“What a fucking joke! ”

“What if you're serious? ”

“Ugh, what's wrong with me, seriously! ”

“What am I? ”

“Don't make fun of people! Are you okay with me? ”

Jina finally explodes with her entertaining attitude. You have to deceive people. It was too much to play with emotions.

“It's not worth it. ”

“But what's the matter with you? ”


“· · · Yes? ”

“Your reaction is cute. ”

“Oh, shit! ”

Compliments without context again.

Jina's mood suddenly turned to cold sugar and hot tub.

It was hard to tell whether he liked himself or was bored.

Then he said.

“Do you want to go over there? ”

Jina looks at where he is pointing through the assistant director. A typical love hotel sign was seen in the suburbs.

“W-what are you talking about? ”

“I'm a little tired from the running. ”

“Oh, no, we're still going to go to that place in broad daylight? ”

“Can't we go in broad daylight? ”

“I don't know how he saw me · · ·. ”

“No, I'm going to a coffee shop. Do you have time or day? ”

“Coffee shop?”

“Uh, that garden over there. What did you think I was talking about? ”

Jina again saw the scenic coffee shop next to the motel. Jina realizes her mistake, thinking only about the motel in plain sight, and now her face turns red underneath her ears. Of course, it was the intention of the doctrine that induced the illusion.

“Oh, no, I mean · · · · ·. ”

“Ahn, did you think something was wrong? ”

The teasing teases Jina and boils her insides.

‘You must be playing with me. Oh, that pisses me off. ’

“It's not like that. ”

“Or not. What are you so excited about? ”

He smiled and parked in the parking lot of the coffee shop.

A suburban coffee shop with grass in front of it, with a colorful tree view. Unlike the brand's downtown coffee shop, the decor was adorable.

“Hey, officer, nice. ”

Jina grips her fist and shudders, looking at the head of the doctrine of walking softly ahead.

You've been playing with me, haven't you? ’

Jina was a very proud woman. Everywhere I looked, I was treated like a protagonist. I've never seen a man treat himself so carelessly, and most men are stunned in front of her. And as a narcissist, she thought it was natural.

However, his attitude was completely different.

From the first moment I saw her, I acted like she didn't care. I thought Hye-jin had only become close to him as an excuse, but he still exceeded his expectations and acted accordingly.

Unsafe to spray.

A man you can't control at all.

The lesson was unpredictable and uncontrollable.

Jina was filled with a desire to capture that lesson.

I wanted to make him cool and suspended.

And I wanted to return what I received.

Jina decided.

‘You're making fun of people because you can't accept them. I'm not mocking you for being young. I'll make you regret what you provoked me to do. ’

Jina stepped into the coffee shop tightly.

[Don't you think Taunt is in danger?]

"You think so? ’

[Jina Yang's expression is unusual.]

‘I provoked him on purpose. Kids with self-esteem stabbing the sky like Jina are too strong for self-defense mechanisms. ’

[But if you mock like that, won't you buy dislike before liking it? If the goal is in the target, lower the level of speech a little more · ·.]

‘No. It's more important to keep it sticky even if you get disliked now. He won't budge on any rhetoric unless he goes to the motel. Jina, he's a frog. If you compliment me, you'll think you're a hotshot and you'll brag, and you'll never get what I want. ’

[Are you confident?]

‘Cause I came to a coffee shop right next to the motel. It's a real battle from here. ’

“What do you want to drink? ”

“I'll buy the coffee. ”


“You've paid for everything. ”

“Fine, then. ”

Jina took the card out of her purse and calculated two cups of coffee and a cake for dessert.

[Oh, what a concept.]

‘More than that, I don't want to lose. ’

What do you mean, "owe you"?

‘If I keep getting it from men, I'm going to lose my right to talk. You get dragged around all the time. Jina wants to be my equal. ’

[Is that how it's interpreted again?]

‘From now on, it's a declaration of war against us. ’

[Let me trust your narrative.]

The two of them took their places outside the window. I felt better just looking at it because it was a particularly good landscape. However, Jina's attitude was strangely cold.

Jina folds her arms.

“You're meaner than you look. ”


“Yes, you're joking. ”

“You did?”

“Secretly dirty. ”

"Oh, that's a little strong. ’

Even Jina's outright criticism didn't give me a wink.

“Not necessarily. ”

“I'm telling you the truth. ”

“Not in secret, but in public. ”

Jina frowned again on the rhythm of beaten doctrine.

"Ugh, you can't back off. I keep losing like this, so I get pushed around. ’

“I'm a bad person, too. ”

“Looks that way. ”

"No, really, this brother! ’

“You don't want to lose a word to me, do you? ”

“So are you. ”

“What kind of man. ”

Jina, who was sticky again, clammed her mouth as soon as the coffee I ordered came out. Unlike a franchise coffee shop, the owner brought his own coffee and dessert to the table.

The owner who saw the doctrine and Jina thanked me.

“Oh my, your girlfriend is so beautiful. ”

“Thank you."

“And he's so handsome. You're a rare couple of Sunbae girls. ”

“You're welcome.”

“Well, have fun. ”


When the owner left the coffee and disappeared, Jina picked it up and listened.

“What is it? Why is it called a couple? ”

“I'm not sure I'm comfortable praising you. ”

“But that doesn't mean we're together. ”

“Then why didn't you argue? Keep your mouth shut on the map. ”

“Oh no · · · · ·. ”

“They just seem like a friendly couple to each other. ”

“You said Hye-jin likes you. ”

“I said no. ”

“I thought you were joking.”

He grabbed his coffee without saying anything, and suddenly asked.

“I told you about my taste the other day. ”

“Your taste? What? ”

When he stared at his chest, Jina lifted the cushion beside him and hugged him.

“Don't look. Pervert.”

“I'm sorry, I'm a jerk. ”

“Phew, really. ”

“It's true that I was interested in Hyejin. ”


“But you did. It's her mulberry bra.”

“Ahh · · ·. ”

“It was fine at first, but then I went home and I thought about it and something got mad. I guess I was fooled. ”

“What kind of person goes around so much? Does breast size matter that much? ”



“You're not, are you? ”



“Oh, no, it's not. ”

“The mulberries are so advanced these days, I can't believe it. ”

“Are you kidding? I showed you that. ”

“It was too soon. Can you show me again?"

Jina knew that he was taunting her, but she didn't want to lose this time. She lowers her hug cushion, revealing a deep V-cut dress.

“Look closely. ”


Jina raises her torso and a tightened waistline dress rumbles with her chest. It was a great breastplate.But he asked as if he wasn't impressed.

“That's weird."


“You can't prove it's not mulberry. Seeing you these days, everyone looks bigger when you gather the flesh of your flank to your soul. I saw it on YouTube.”

“Woo! It's not like mulberry! ”

“You didn't even touch it. How can you believe it? ”

“Oh, there's really nothing this brother can't say? ”

“I told you. I'm a jerk.”

“Where are you touching a virgin's breasts anyway? ”

“Then you can touch it fairly. ”

“No, thanks. I'm not interested in a man's body. ”


“Of course.”

“Am I mistaken? ”


“Last time I saw you, you were making fun of me. ”

“W-what are you talking about? When did I?”

“Or not. ”

“Hmph! That's ridiculous. ”

“Anyway, I can't believe it. ”

As he crosses his arms and shakes his head, Jina's medicine rises. The Natural C Cup was one of her pride. Whenever I looked in the mirror, I was the most satisfied part of my body because it was also very white and beautiful in shape.

When I was denied it, my pride was overwhelming.

“What if it's real? ”

“Real noodles · · · ·. Hmm."

Jina raises her spirits as soon as the lesson stops. Jina, who didn't like the way things kept swinging, wanted to turn the tide even though she threw a swarm.

“If it's true, will you take responsibility for me? ”


“Of course I'm responsible for touching a virgin's breasts. ”

“Maybe she's a virgin. ”

“Wow, you're amazing! I'm a real virgin. ”

“That's just your argument. ”


He scratches her insides gently.

“Honestly. How many virgins are there these days? It's a world that comes out before high school graduation. ”

“What, take what off? ”

“According to the Internet articles, the percentage of sexual experiences increased dramatically before the age of 20. Half?”

“Well, I'm really not. ”

“Yeah, I guess so. Bravo, virgin. ”

Jina was furious with the twisted reaction of the doctrine.

“Oh, my God, you're so bad! ”

“I admit that. ”

“You just want to touch my breasts, don't you? ”


“Not what? You've been talking about dirty ever since. ”

“I've been meaning to bite you. ”


Jina was furious and turned back and forth. Fortunately, there were not many cafe guests in the outskirts.

“Oh, how could you say that without hesitation? ”


“What a pervert you are. ”

“I'm just being more honest than everyone else. ”

“I had no idea you were such a person. ”

“Now you know. ”

“What would that be? ”

“I just don't want to hide anything from you. ”

“What are you hiding? ”

“Lying to Hyejin that she cares. ”

Suddenly, the lesson became radical.

“Hmm · · ·. ”

“And you're the one I really wanted to see on the weekends. ”

Angry Fire Column