517. Student Practices 61

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After the sex, Hansol hid in a blanket for a while. After pulling the blanket up to the bottom of my chin, I felt cute, not to my age.

“Stirring · · · ·. ”

Hansol barely woke up and asked.

“It wasn't just weird, was it? ”

Taun, who was wiping the virgin's blood on the bed seeds with a wet towel, tilted his head.


“No · · ·, this is the first time. I wonder if I made a mistake. ”

“No, you were great for the first time. ”

“Really? ”


“Ahh · · ·. I thought I was wrong again. ”

“And where are you? It was good for each other. I loved it, sir. ”

“Aww · · ·, It's weird to call me teacher. ”

“What do you call her, then? ”

“I still feel · · · too old to be different. ”

“Well, should I call you Sis? ”

“Ugh, yeah. That would be nice.”

Hidden in a blanket, Hansol carefully observed the naked doctrine. I thoroughly searched the man's naked body as if it had been branded on his head for the first time.

“That's down the road, huh? ”

“You just wrapped it up. ”

“You're not going to stop again, are you? ”

“Why? I fixed it, but I thought it was broken? ”

“Oh, no more than that · · ·. But it's amazing. How did it get so big in there? ”

‘Women come out of that hole with babies. ’

While refuting, he kept his mouth shut in case he felt embarrassed.

Then I asked him, running around frequently, as I approached him on my knees.

“If you're curious, would you stop again? ”

Hansol comes out of the blanket like he was waiting.

It was the beginning of the Second World War.

The two of them rolled around on the bed for a long time, extending the motel room time. Taste of sex once (?), Hansol kept coming back as if he was going to compensate for the carelessly wasted years, and every time he did, he knocked her down.

That was the end of the long meeting, except for a total of four times more water.

Hansol's legs were completely free, so he couldn't even drive, so he finally brought Hansol home. Hansol on the jewelry apologized nervously.

“Sorry. I should have taken you home. ”

“That's okay, but now it turns out it's the opposite direction to our house. ”

Hansol shakes his head.

“Well, that's a lie to be with you. ”

“You're also a little shy, aren't you? ”

“Oh, no. I never meant for this to happen. ”

Hansol steps forward.

“And it's not necessarily my fault. Because you just irritated me. ”

“Never mind. What's so important about getting started? ”


Hansol hangs on his arm with joy.

“Oh, it's dangerous. ”

“Oh, sorry. ”

After pushing Hansol, he stretches out his arms and rubs her bountiful chest. Hansol was embarrassed at first, but soon he remained silent, enjoying his lesson. Compared to when we first rode together, it was a huge change.

“I like that your breasts are so soft. ”

“Ahh, Dorhoon · · ·. If you do this again... ”

“Why? I sucked and sucked, but can't I touch it? ”

“Oh, no, that's not it. ”

He rubs his chest for a long time, but Hansol asks.

“But what happens to us now? ”


“Hmm · · · ·. So even though you and I have our age difference, · · · it's been like this · · anyway ·. ”

He felt something subtle in Hansol's tone.

Wait, Rossi, is this a bad ankle scenario? ’

[That may be so, because the lady who has kept her virginity for over 30 years has finally given her permission.]

‘What the heck. I didn't pick one or two Adas. ’

Wouldn't that be different for everyone? If Miss Hansol's values were premarital purity, she would have thought about it until the moment after she gave her virginity to her master · ·.]

Suddenly, I thought I wanted to do it.

It was also because I had never met a woman as chaotic as Hansol. For some reason, it seemed like there was another purpose behind allowing me to piss all the time.

‘Ah! Shit. You can't snore up a mission. ’

He remembered the red thread scissors of fate for a moment, but he could not stop associating with Hansol, the research director, in a situation where there was still a lot of classroom practice.

It's so exhausting.

[Ah! There must be a way.]

What's the best way? ’

Don't you have a date with Miss Oh Jina tomorrow?]


[A ‘Common Sense' skill given as Miss Ozina's targeted achievement reward may turn her around.]

"Common sense?"

[Yes. It is a mental modification skill that completely restores an existing idea by injecting a specific idea or idea into the opponent.]

"Oh, so you can alter Hansol's marital purity or the idea of having to be with someone in a relationship?" ’

[Yes, then Miss Han-sol will be much cooler with less pressure on you.]

‘Okay. Whatever happens, I'll leave Jina alone tomorrow. ’

When the decision was made, Hansol's question was appropriately ignored.

“Well, I like you, too. We went to the motel together because it was good. ”

“Ugh, yeah. ”

“But today too much has happened suddenly and it's a little confusing. Can we talk about this another time? ”

When he stepped back, Hansol asked with a slightly grim expression.

“Why? Don't you have time tomorrow? ”

“I spoke to the professor earlier and he said there's a practice game in the province tomorrow. It moves from dawn. I'm on the school volleyball team, and I get nominated sometimes.

“Oh, I see. ”

Hansol was disappointed, but he made up his mind.

Above all, setting up a relationship immediately felt a little early. We had to keep watching anyway, so I thought it would be a natural arrangement if we talked slowly. Above all, she became completely fascinated with him after sex and became convinced of whatever he said.

“Yes. Let's talk about that later. ”

“Yes, sir, this is the apartment, right? ”

“Yes. Here we are. Thanks. How's it going at home? ”

“You can take a taxi. ”

“Why don't you take my car? There's nothing to do over the weekend. ”

“No, you can't borrow a car. What if there's an accident? ”

Hansol seemed to already consider his lessons as a lover. I felt empowered to give anything generously.

“You can get daily insurance. I'll take a cab and pick it up at school on Monday when I get home. ”

“It's really good. ”

“No, I'd just like to ask you to stay at my house, if that's okay with you, but I have an early game tomorrow. ”

Hansol seemed to have taken the lesson westward already. The lessons were embarrassing, but the more ‘common sense' skills I needed.

‘Come to think of it, having a car on a date tomorrow would be a lot easier to target. It's easy to fall into the suburbs. That's great.'

“Oh · · You can take a taxi · · ·. ”

“It's okay. I'm sorry I couldn't take you. ”

“Thank you, sir. I'll bring it to school first thing Monday. ”


Hansol was plotting in his own way.

‘When someone sees you at work on Monday, of course they'll suspect us, right? It shouldn't be so bad to be seen in front of others now that you've become friends with him. Lee Dou Hoon, you're mine now. ’

“See you Monday, then. ”

“Go in safely. ”

The disciple who brought Hansol turned the car around.

[I can't believe you let me borrow your car without thinking about it. The owner must have liked it.]

‘Tis a move, that. ’

[What move?]

‘The school teachers couldn't have known Hansol's car. They've been working together for years. ’

[That's right.]

‘But imagine if I suddenly took Hansol's car and put it in the school parking lot this morning. Of course, if anyone sees it, they won't suspect it. I'm sure a lot of people will see you when you're on time. ’

[That, too. Is Miss Han-sol planning on engaging you?]

‘You want to make sure you don't skip it or hit it. And I got four shits today. What if she gets pregnant? ’

[I didn't even know the owner had the azoospermia option turned on. · ·]

‘Well, it doesn't mean Hansol is bad. With that kind of beauty and that kind of talent, she's quite charming. And a face that looks much younger than its age. Maybe I'm more than 40 years old and the silver cord fits. However.'


Don't you think it's too late to get an ankle? ’

[Hehe. Are you also a wanderer who doesn't know how to settle down?]

What was the mission reward, by the way? ’

[Yes, it was sponsored by Lady Palm Fatale with 3,000 points. You have received a total of 5 sponsorships and earned 4500 points for this mission.]

"Ooh! 4500 points per punch. That's a good shot. ’

[Oh, and one more thing. The god of Gnome Sanctuary has gained an extra 2000 points as a blessing of more targets for his assistant.]


[Yes. The Governor of Gnome Care has promised 2,000 points of sponsorship for each additional target you increase.]

Oh, and by the way, wasn't there a sweaty god? ’

[Regrettably, the sponsorship of Tearful is only available for 5 achievements.]

This is a mission, isn't it? Chet. '

[But I've already increased my patronage to three. That's a remarkable improvement.]

‘It's nice to feel like sitting around making money. · · ’

[The more gods you sponsor, the easier it will be to earn points. Sooner or later, you have to be prepared for PK, so the more points you have, the better.]

‘Hagi · · · ·. Not enough alarms. All right, well, I'm gonna need you to push harder tomorrow. ’


* * *

Sunday morning.

He has been grooming his style since morning, caring about costumes.

“Hmm, this won't get me anywhere. ”

Looking in the mirror, the self-satisfying lesson drove out of Hansol last night. This is a small and medium-sized Korean generation, and it looked quite luxurious for a college student to be driven by a normal 30-year-old worker.

When he arrived at the meeting place, Jina, who was beautifully decorated, was waiting around waiting. He slowly drove his car and looked out the window at Jina's figure.

‘Wow, you look so beautiful today. ’

[You seem very concerned about Miss Jin-ah as well.]

Jina is wearing a thin cardigan over a skimpy dress. Under the V-shaped neck line, a peculiarly rich sternum flares out.

‘Gas, you must have a deep hedgebone to see the valley. ’

Taun, who parked his car on the side of the road, lowered his jewelry window.

“Jina, here. ”

“Oh, you're still here? ”

Jina opened her eyes wide, surprised that she didn't know if he was going to drive the car.

“What's with the car? ”

“Yes, I rented my uncle's car. ”

“Oh, really? ”

Jina got into the car with a excited look on her face. I made another genealogy without discipline.

“My uncle's been traveling to Japan for a month. He sometimes asks me not to discharge. ”


Jina wanders around the room, wondering. Hansol kept clean, so the cognitive interior was spotless.

“Nice car. ”


The car borrowed from Hansol made Jina feel sorry for him a little bit.

‘Anyway, we have to get Jina out of the way today. You're gonna get in trouble. ’

“Where shall we go? ”

“Well, you didn't eat breakfast, did you? Shall we eat first?”

“What do you like? ”

“There's a lovely brunch cafe nearby. ”

“Yes. Let's go there. ”

When they arrived at the cafe, they finished the order and talked.

“It feels different to be out here. ”


“You only see them in suits all the time at school. You look great in a suit, but you look great in a casual setting. ”

“Really? Will Hye-jin like you when you go to school dressed like this? ”

He deliberately mentioned Hyejin and provoked Jina. Jina straightaway frowns and shakes her head.

“Well, it's still a practice period, so · · · clothing. ”

“Maybe, right? What do you want to coach me on? ”

Jina turns to you as soon as the food you ordered comes out.

“What's your hurry? Let's eat and talk. ”

“Should I?”

The brunch menu was a rye bread sandwich, two slices of bacon, and a strong coffee. The lesson of seeing Jina ordering food mutters to herself.

“Korean people need to eat rice in a miso soup. ”

“You're no good. These days, this is the trend. ”

‘What to do about Asande · · ·. ’


“When deciding on the menu, make sure you match it to the woman. Hye-jin would have liked this better too. ”

“Is that so?"

“By the way, he · · · ·. I'm gonna have to teach you everything again. ”

During the meal, the conversation took place on a daily topic. Jina was in such a position to refrain from mentioning Hyejin, and the doctrine gave Hyejin the name of pretending not to know.

Rossi, who is worse, advised him.

[I think you're overreacting. This is how you can achieve your goal · · ·.]

‘Jina is a jealous incarnate. You have to be gentle with the medicine before you can poison it. ’

[You may not want to overdo it.]

‘That too · · Oh, but I've eaten bread since morning and I'm feeling fat · ·. ’

Suddenly, the lesson that made the lower ship uncomfortable told Jina.

“I need to use the bathroom. ”


The lesson I learned after seeing the big deal met a familiar person at the entrance.

“Hey, what about you? ”

Angry Fire Column