460. Student Practice4

Shortly after, the second grade students gathered in one by one in the teacher's lounge. There were eleven of them, and among them was Yoohyun-mi from the same gym.

All seven women except for the microscope.

He nodded satisfactorily to the ideal gender ratio of 4: 8, including himself.

‘Well, most of the time, except for us, due to the nature of the outlaws. ’

[It looks like there are two women for one man.]

What are you talking about? ’

[No, it's a sex rain.]

‘A man should say eight for a woman. Huhu.’

[You greedy bastard!]

He looked after the women without regard for the men.

‘She's too fat. He's so ugly. Is she a longevity student? Why is he so old? ’

There were about three women with a decent look to kick women out of the palate.

‘Khh. There are more good kids out there in gym than I thought. I think it's fresher because I've never seen it before. ’

He was thinking dirty, but the manager said.

“Oh, it's a cramped rest room with more than ten people. Let's take a seat next door in the art room. ”


When all 12 students sat down, the manager greeted them in front of the church as a representative.

“Nice to meet you. Preliminary company, my name is Najongdeok, second year director of Daegwang Middle School. ”

“Nice to meet you.”

The manager looks around the tense side of the trainees and nods.

“In second grade, it's everyone's first practice, right? ”


“I heard this practice is spectator-oriented, right? ”

“Yes, but one lesson at a time · · ·. ”

“Ah, yes, of course. Our school is also receiving its first trainee this year. I'd like to introduce you to a couple of undergraduate teachers who are going to be there for two weeks. ”

When he finished speaking, the teachers who were plotting later greeted each other one by one.

“Nice to meet you. This is Lee Chae-gyeong, my second-grade class teacher. Subjects are moral.”

He checked his face as he listened to the introduction of teachers from class 1 to class 6. The most impressive person was Jung Hyun-ah, whom I met first in the break room.

“Wow! College students are so handsome and pretty these days. In our case, it's only for temporary use · · ·. ”

“Teacher Jeong Hyun-ah. Just introduce yourself."

“It's been a long time since I've seen my subordinates. Nice to meet you. I'm out of nationals, too. You're all my subordinates, right? ”

“Come on, Sam! ”


Whenever the baby started to fuss, the director stopped him.

"Somehow they both seem to have fallen asleep. ’

[But Jung Hyun-ah is definitely a prodigal person. Everyone else seems to have a point.]

I like it because it's lively. Teachers are no fun when they're too frivolous. ’

After introducing the teacher, the manager stood back in the middle and cleared the traffic.

“Well, today is the first day, so let's just assign an observer class and get it over with. You know, class management in the morning, and a field trip in the afternoon? ”

“Who is the gym department? ”

Learned and Hyun-mi raised their hands to the black man's question.

“Since afternoon classes are mainly on the playground, apply plenty of sunscreen tomorrow. Or you'll look like me. ”

“Mr. Kim. In honor of the teachers. ”

“Oh, yes, yes. I've never had a teacher before. ”

The manager paid attention again.

“Be careful, everyone. It's hard for students to respect their teachers when they feel comfortable saying that they are the successors in front of them. You can only treat your brother in private, but you should always treat him as the same teacher in front of your students. ”

“Yes, I understand. ”

‘Well, he's a real old-fashioned guy. ’

[But isn't that what all teachers do?]

‘I think I'll be very tired if I get half the manager · ·. ’

“The classes were assigned in alphabetical order. Teacher Energy Chan and Teacher Kim Young-mi are in first class · ·. ”

After disconnecting in name, he received a four-and-a-half share. Jeong Hyun-a, the third half, looked very sad when he was disconnected right in front of him.

“Ahh · · ·. You need to discuss this and make a decision, sir. ”



“And Lee Do-hoon is in fourth grade with Mr. Woo Hyun-mi. ”

‘Ugh, shit! Why did you come to the school with Hyun-mi? ’

The discipline was also soaked in waste, but the gym teacher objected earlier.

“Assistant Director. But I thought they were both in gym class. ”


“If you put the same majors in the same class, class will overlap later. ”

“Oh, right. I just hung up on him by name. Hold still. ”

The manager searches the list and controls half of it.

“Teacher Dojong Wu of the 3rd class and Teacher Lee Do-hoon of the 3rd class can switch classes. ”


Exposedly, he went towards his favorite Jung Hyuna and kicked his tongue again. That's how we're all halfway done.

“First thing tomorrow, I'll go to each class and start watching the morning activities. And you know you have to stick to your outfit, right? Middle school kids can look like brothers and sisters when they're young. It's nice to be friendly with students, but you have to be a teacher. Suit up, even if it's a little hot. ”


“Then I'll pick a principal to say hello to tomorrow at the school inquiry and dismiss today. And second-graders, I want you to gather in the break room for a moment and come up with a plan for the practice. ”

After all the second-graders left, the nervous students sighed for relief.

“Whoa. I haven't even seen the students yet, but the atmosphere is a joke. ”

“It's so strange that it's clearly a practice. ”

“Nice to meet you. We don't know each other that well. Can we introduce ourselves?" ”

There were twelve people, and the students were awkward because they studied each other. As he looked at it quietly, an older man led the atmosphere.

“Social and Executive Young. I'm sure you're all busy, so why don't we just pick a principal and go home? ”

“My brother does it. You're a geezer. ”

“Aigoo, why are you doing this by age? By the way, you know the principal gets extra practice scores, right? This goes into credit, so if you want to do it, you can do it. ”

As they scored, the cadets noticed each other.

Although it was a 1-credit practice subject, everyone seemed greedy because they were especially hung up on the credit.

"Well, do I have to challenge you to get good grades? ’

[Don't you feel tired? I'm not just going to give you a pep talk. But do you have scores in the observatory?]

"Yes, after all, the homeroom teacher evaluates it. Oh, right. My class was that woman, Jeong Hyun-ah, right? ’

Taun reminded himself of a newborn who was particularly interested in him. I thought maybe I could eat this practice for days.

"Heh heh. You're a bystander anyway, and if you evaluate your class, you're a sixth-grader." It'd be quicker to cook her. ’

At that time, one of the hesitant trainees raised her hand.

“Let me try. ”

He was the owner of a voice that was as loud as a sensible attitude.

“I'm a math major in 16th grade. ”

The lesson quickly sweeps through Jina's body.

"Oh, big tits. You don't think it's mulberry? ’

[Why don't you check?]

You had a three-size scooter, right? ’

He searches his pockets and pulls out ordinary horn-rimmed glasses.

Then, wearing glasses, I watched Jina's body.

‘Luckily not mulberries. Mathematics and such talent · · ·. ’

Then Hyun-mi, who was sitting next to me, asked with a curious face.

“Hey, did you always wear glasses? ”


Thinking about it, he quickly replied, realizing that he had never shown his glasses when taking gym classes and major classes.

“I usually use it when I read books, but suddenly my eyes are numb. ”

“Ahh · · ·. I didn't know.”

“I couldn't say hello because I was busy earlier, by the way. ”


Whether it was because the relationship was initialized with the red thread scissors of fate, Hyun-mi was a grave expression even after seeing the lessons.

Two more students raised their hands behind Jin's back, but most likely because of the courage of the First Penguin, she agreed to represent the student body.

Jina, who was elected to be the teacher's representative, said.

“Write down the department's name and phone number on the paper and go. I'll invite you to Dante's. If you have any communication, I'll replace it in the future. ”

Jina quickly worked out if the meeting leader was familiar with it. As I was getting settled, a woman suddenly asked me for lessons.

“Hey, you're the teacher assigned to class three, right? ”


“Oh, I'm in the same class. ”

She was a cute girl with long hair tied behind her back.

“Oh, good to see you. Physical education and Lee Do-hoon. Age 23. ”

“Oh, it's you. ”

“You are · · · · · ·. ”

“I'm Park Hye-jin from Education Department. Twenty-one.”

“Just in education? ”

“· · Yes. ”

Hye-jin blushed his face in embarrassment.

Education is a criminal university department that deals with “education" itself without a major. Most students later studied with multiple specialties for appointment.

So it's usually just "Education.”

Acknowledging that it was a slight understatement, he quickly added a hint to Hyejin's embarrassed reaction.

“I like education, too. I'm enjoying the introduction to education. ”

“Really? What professor are you? ”

“Is your name Professor Jung Young-chul? ”

“Yes! I take that class, too. ”

“Was it? I don't think I've ever seen it. ”

“There are so many students. Shouldn't we say hello to our homeroom teacher? ”

He was still wearing glasses, so Hye-jin's body was firmly floating on the lens.

‘Hmph. He's a pretty cute guy, but he's too cliff. ’

You have a pretty face. It's not about evaluating people in their bodies.]

‘Cause I like to climb. If you go up there, you're gonna crash. ’

[But you're too interested in ashes. You don't want to do this at school, do you?]

‘Hmm, so far, so far. The location has changed, so it's time for the mission to emerge. ’

[You're so brave!]

'And then I thought to myself, aren't the students who were assigned to the engineering department after all these years? ’

[Yes, because God obeys the current laws. Any action that is contrary to subordination may be subject to disciplinary action.]

‘So students are meaningless anyway. Rather, it's better to go after school teachers or other medical students. ’

Taun reminded me of what Taeyoung said at the cafe yesterday.

Dude, don't do this to yourself.

‘Khh. You've been right for a long time, Taeyoung. ’

* * *

“Hyundai, be careful in front of the students. ”

In the break room, there were all the second-grade teachers from the public school.

The manager gave Yaji to the teachers in front of them.

“What am I? ”

“No, no matter how relaxed the subordinates are, what would they learn from it? Teachers have to use the chosen language. ”

“Nui Nui.”

“Haha! Again."

Hyunah's mouth fluttered as she listened publicly.

"Tsk. He always talks about me. You're not a very clean person. ’

Hyunah watched men sneak into Karaoke after the reunion. It was a scrap yard that said,

Hyunah, who accidentally left the scene, has not been well aware of the men in the same grade since then.

‘In front of me, I talk like a moral leader all the time, but all I do is play with karaoke helpers. Heave, heave. ’

After that, Hyunah became interested in the male teachers in the same faculty. That's why her husband and teacher had never found a man to marry.

‘But · · ·. Wouldn't it be okay to raise them and eat them? ’

Hyunah recalled a lesson from being a trainee.

Brilliant body. Bright appearance. I couldn't help but get a bad impression.

Although not all the students accepted the appointment, I was also confident that I would look after them until I received the lesson.

‘Yes. Better a college student who hasn't been asked yet. If you hold it tight in the beginning, you won't be able to sell it anywhere else. ’

Hyun-ah asked me once again to think about it.

“Oh, and you heard about the school next door the other day? I had an affair with a female teacher and a married man, and I flipped school. No one would do that here, but you have to be smart not to say anything behind my back. The principal is very nervous because he has only applied for a subpoena. ”


However, Hyunah listened to the commander's words with one ear and spilled them with one ear.

I'm not even married. We could meet as adults. What time is it? ’

She decides how to seduce him.

* * *

“I guess you're not done yet. We have to keep waiting, right?”

“Well, let's take a look at the school. I also know the location of the building. ”

After waiting became free, I decided to explore the school with Hyejin. Students noticed only empty classrooms whether they had already gone to school.

“Yes, of course. ”

“Let's go to the gym. I have to study there mainly · · ·. ”


Following the directions, you enter the gym, and your coat is hollow. I asked Hye-jin, who was standing somewhere else.

“I'd like to take a look at the tool thread · · ·. ”

“Yes, go ahead. Sure."

Hye-jin followed me as he said.

I made them do it without self-argument, whether they were very passive in nature.

‘Hmm, you're a good listener. ’

When I opened the door of the appliance room, it was neatly organized, such as the Met and Average Band Wrap Frame. At that moment, I heard a message.

[Master, the mission is on!]


Angry Fire Column